


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 agnosed in 204 subjects (average of 17 cases annually).
2 nfluenza-associated respiratory deaths occur annually.
3 systems are estimated to cost US$210 billion annually.
4 allergies affect more than 36 million people annually.
5 and 21 million people suffering major events annually.
6 ing about $11 billion to the Russian economy annually.
7 s malaria in humans with over 450,000 deaths annually.
8 an estimated 1.2 million episodes of illness annually.
9  in humans, resulting in thousands of deaths annually.
10 llion ($95 million to $158 million [+/-25%]) annually.
11 ars) fewer decayed, missing, or filled teeth annually.
12 1, as many as 96000 devices have been placed annually.
13 global production exceeding 3 million tonnes annually.
14 ies, killing hundreds of thousands of people annually.
15 on people and about 1.7 million are infected annually.
16 rope with 15-20 million cases being reported annually.
17 ansplant year, 3% of kidney transplants fail annually.
18 dy period with a mean of 37 942 524 patients annually.
19  infections, and 2 to 6 cases of anaphylaxis annually.
20 ging (sMRI and fMRI), and then were followed annually.
21 ent of tuberculosis, which kills 1.8 million annually.
22 asites that cause up to 20,000-30,000 deaths annually.
23 ectious disease affecting millions of people annually.
24 ty, causing approximately 1.5 million deaths annually.
25 -89%) wrote 10 opioid prescriptions or fewer annually.
26 2.8) fewer decayed, missing, or filled teeth annually.
27 stimated 500,000 infections and 5,000 deaths annually.
28 mately 2% of surgical patients developed SSI annually.
29  incidence approaching 5-10 per 1000 persons annually.
30 tions and between 300,000 and 500,000 deaths annually.
31 responsible for millions of human infections annually.
32 le worldwide and two million new cases occur annually.
33 which have a >3 billion-dollar global market annually.
34 00 tons of biomass) migrate above the region annually.
35 y year, a disease that causes 584,000 deaths annually.
36 tion losses costing approximately $3 billion annually.
37 ior to severe bleaching conditions occurring annually.
38 taff becoming ill, with 15 000 lost bed-days annually.
39 illion people and causes up to 55,000 deaths annually.
40  47000-273000) stillbirths and infant deaths annually.
41  resulting in approximately 1 million deaths annually.
42 countries generating ~50 MT of edible tubers annually.
43 cognized potential deceased donors in Canada annually.
44 ost range, causing million dollars crop loss annually.
45 ion hospital admissions in the United States annually.
46  1600 deceased donor livers are transplanted annually.
47 rs, accounting for over 700,000 cases in USA annually.
48 as concussion, affects millions of Americans annually.
49 more than 10% of deaths in the United States annually.
50  liver disease, causing up to 500,000 deaths annually.
51 TB), a problem affecting 15 million newborns annually.
52 losis, is responsible for 1.5 million deaths annually.
53 position of the influenza vaccine is updated annually.
54 olony, being detected among 34-38% of chicks annually.
55 riasis affect hundreds of millions of people annually.
56 ging (sMRI and fMRI), and then were followed annually.
57  a substantial fraction of the PyC mobilized annually.
58 d woman who appreciates seeing her physician annually.
59 at 16 US hospitals with more than 100 births annually.
60 wide, resulting in nearly one million deaths annually.
61  worldwide, causing more than 700,000 deaths annually.
62  receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) annually.
63  606039 beneficiaries affected by plan exits annually.
64 richia coli (UPEC) affect 150 million people annually.
65 o nearly 850,000 emergency department visits annually.
66 pathogen that kills over 200,000 individuals annually.
67 morbidity and death in >1.5 million patients annually.
68  500000 people generating 320000 Mg of waste annually.
69 2.4) fewer decayed, missing, or filled teeth annually.
70  that causes hundreds of thousands of deaths annually.
71 ard deviation by 29% and save about 65 lives annually.
72 ot-related excess cases in the United States annually.
73 lone would amount to 6.5 million metric tons annually.
74 eased, and mortality rates decreased by 5-7% annually.
75 the Mara River, during which thousands drown annually.
76 aths (4.0-8.8 per 100 000 individuals) occur annually.
77 5% CI, 41 800-50 400) cases of heart failure annually.
78 rs undertook between 200 and 2000 procedures annually.
79 ities to be on the order of $500 million USD annually.
80 r 1200 patients were evaluated in 44 centres annually.
81 han the recommended number of PCI procedures annually.
82 1.5 million unique adults being hospitalized annually, 100000 deaths occurring during hospitalization
83 8-61262) diplopia-related ED visits occurred annually; 12.3% of ambulatory visits were primarily for
84 pitals serving 1 109 530 Medicare discharges annually, 30.1% were highest performers, 44.0% were aver
85 pitals serving 1 109 530 Medicare discharges annually, 30.1% were highest performers, 44.0% were aver
86 early syphilis when tested every 3 months vs annually (53% vs 16%, P = .001), but no difference among
87 causes up to half a million deaths worldwide annually, 90% of which occur in older adults.
88 ally between 2000 and 2009, but only by 0.7% annually (95% CI, -0.2% to 1.6%) from 2010 through 2012.
89 0 diplopia visits occur in the United States annually; 95% were outpatient visits, and diagnoses were
90 gically active compounds exceeds 100000 tons annually, a proportion of which enters aquatic environme
91 re than 7 million acres in the United States annually, according to the US Forest Service.
92  of thousands of elephants are being poached annually across Africa, putting the two species at risk
93 oncentrations declined by an average of 2.6% annually across all eight rivers during the study period
94  in net benefits ranging from $160M to $1.2B annually across the system.
95                               Dental disease annually affects billions of patients, and while regener
96  control behaviors prior to surgery and then annually after surgery for 3 years.
97 ogically studied at 0-6, 9 and 12 months and annually after treatment.
98            It has been suggested before that annually aggregated results of passive air monitoring ma
99                                              Annually, all members completed conflict of interest sta
100  All costs and savings were discounted by 3% annually and adjusted for inflation to 2015 dollars.
101 ntribute to approximately 2.5 million deaths annually and are among the most prevalent and challengin
102 exposure as time-varying when it was updated annually and as cohort participants moved.
103 arately as time-varying where it was updated annually and as cohort participants moved.
104 sing 30-ml BCs would add 34 additional cases annually and increase MR by $843,472.
105 e virus (DENV) causes 400 million infections annually and is one of several viruses that can cause vi
106 den with cases estimated at over 700 million annually and over half a million deaths due to severe in
107 tioning Questionnaire (NEI VFQ-25) performed annually and standard automated perimetry (SAP) at 6-mon
108 a disease that 100 million women suffer from annually and that exhibits widespread antibiotic resista
109              With a removal rate of about 6% annually and the need for revisional surgery for more th
110  uveitis was recorded for 1861 patients (155 annually) and syphilitic uveitis was diagnosed in 204 su
111 needle-syringes distributed via NSP per PWID annually, and 16 (10-24) OST recipients per 100 PWID.
112 million heart failure hospitalizations occur annually, and congestion is the predominant cause.
113 s responsible for millions of new infections annually, and current efforts focus on understanding cel
114 essed in 2014 U.S. dollars, discounted at 3% annually, and estimated out to 3 years using inverse pro
115 n a fishery valued at 7 billion U.S. dollars annually, and help restore sea lamprey populations in Eu
116 s continues to cause morbidity and mortality annually, and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) v
117 on tuberculosis cases estimated to be missed annually, and in view of WHO's end TB strategy endorsed
118  operation since 1988, now spends $1 billion annually, and operates through thousands of staff and mi
119 reus (PSSA) increased by 6.1% (4.2% to 8.1%) annually, and rates of methicillin-susceptible penicilli
120 topoietic stem cell donations are undertaken annually, and the World Marrow Donor Association establi
121  active for 5 years, reviewing the guideline annually, and updating the online version when appropria
122 prescriptions (95% CI, 458-554) were written annually, and, of these, 353 antibiotic prescriptions we
123 ration risk until 25 total mitral operations annually; and improved 1-year survival (adjusted hazard
124 e polar marine boundary layer was quantified annually as 18%, with a peak of 51% during summer months
125                      Chaoborus spp. emerging annually as flies also result in 0.1-6 mol m(-2) yr(-1)
126 mination; only 39.62% reported receiving one annually as recommended.
127 -occurrence of wild pigs and farms increased annually at a rate of 1.2% with as much as 57% of all fa
128  patients with multiple myeloma (MM) treated annually at a treatment facility (volume) and all-cause
129 tatus and plasma HIV RNA level were measured annually at multidisease health campaigns followed by ho
130 transpiration (ET), used here as a proxy for annually available water after hydrologic losses.
131  over the past two decades are inferred from annually averaged deuterium excess (d-excess) measuremen
132 y year, down from more than 2 million deaths annually before the introduction and widespread use of m
133 ve impairment in the later cohorts increased annually between 0.7% and 2.2% and objective physical pe
134 es of daily living had significantly reduced annually between 0.8% and 2.8%.
135  2080s compared with 638 heat-related deaths annually between 2000 and 2006.
136 5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 4.3%-4.7%) annually between 2000 and 2009, but only by 0.7% annuall
137 all will impact plant community structure in annually burned, native tallgrass prairie.
138 l firearm injuries (n = 1,328,109) increased annually by 0.36 (Ptrend < 0.0001).
139                   The overall incidence rose annually by 0.5% (99.8% CI 0.3-0.8).
140 pioid prescriptions per year (134290 written annually by 19638 physicians, on average) with a mean su
141                              Costs increased annually by 6% in IBD versus 2.4% in non-IBD subjects, w
142 estimates report ca. 200,000 seabirds killed annually by bycatch in European waters.
143 nary intervention (PCI) procedures performed annually by each operator.
144  mean number of opioid prescriptions written annually by ophthalmologists; prescriber rates compared
145  polysaccharide (CPS) save millions of lives annually by preventing invasive pneumococcal disease cau
146 more than 30% of deceased donors coordinated annually by the NEOB.
147              Antibiotic-resistant infections annually claim hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide.
148  Because bird migration is primarily cued by annually consistent physiological responses to photoperi
149  than 8,000 SRs are being indexed in MEDLINE annually, corresponding to a 3-fold increase over the la
150 ed that up to 60 cases of POAF and >$200 000 annually could be saved.
151                            The STS programme annually deploys a grid of 60,000-100,000 pheromone-bait
152                                      We used annually-derived crop-specific datasets along with Globa
153 vastating event afflicting 350 000 Americans annually despite the availability of life-saving prevent
154  deaths attributable to Chagas disease occur annually due to chronic Chagas disease cardiomyopathy (C
155 e FEV1 slope in mL/year; spirometry was done annually during follow-up for up to 5 years.
156 is high (24.7%) with a 0.4% absolute decline annually during the study period, with a more pronounced
157 atural gas is flared and vented in the world annually, emitting greenhouse gases and other pollutants
158 hs for 1 year after the last endoscopy, then annually for 2 years, then every 3 years thereafter.
159 tpartum (baseline) and were screened for T2D annually for 2 years.
160  was averaged mean far-wall cIMT, quantified annually for 3 years, analysed in a modified intention-t
161 hysiologic exploration and were re-evaluated annually for 5 years.
162 DSST) was used to assess speed of processing annually for 6 years.
163  longitudinal study of preschoolers assessed annually for behavioral and emotional development, inclu
164 s of tons of isotopic mixtures are processed annually for heavy-water production and tritium decontam
165               Quality measures are evaluated annually for inclusion on the basis of importance, valid
166 ound 12,000 surgical lung biopsies performed annually for interstitial lung disease in the United Sta
167 ery of insulin, the Banting Medal is awarded annually for scientific excellence, recognizing signific
168 us (HIV)-infected persons be tested at least annually for syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.
169 cies descriptions are added has averaged 744 annually for the Americas, and we can expect the total t
170 ution retroillumination photographs obtained annually for the first 5 postoperative years and at year
171 counterparts in the top 20 most cited papers annually for the past two decades.
172  and 21-day outcomes were compared over time annually for trends and were also stratified into two 8-
173         Patients were tested at baseline and annually for up to 5 years.
174 ndent life cycle development of C. glacialis annually from 1980 to 2014.
175 ross primary production have increased by 1% annually from 1995 to 2011.
176 evels and causes of child mortality in China annually from 1996 to 2015 to draw implications for achi
177 njections of anti-VEGF medications increased annually from 2006 to 2015.
178 tor occidentalis in Mendocino County sampled annually from 2011 to 2014.
179 d (VL) testing, and EID and was administered annually from 2012 to 2014 through WHO country offices,
180               Caries assessment was repeated annually from ages 1 to 4, and the number of decayed, mi
181          Between 62 000 and 77 000 women die annually from pre-eclampsia and eclampsia.
182 e rates of type 1 diabetes increased by 1.4% annually (from 19.5 cases per 100,000 youths per year in
183 he number of prescriptions written increased annually (from 24 in 1998 to 218 in 2015), and the perce
184 e rates of type 2 diabetes increased by 7.1% annually (from 9.0 cases per 100,000 youths per year in
185 ffecting >70,000 people in the United States annually, has limited therapies.
186 onal 233 patients could potentially be saved annually if response time was reduced from 10 to 5 minut
187                                 TVS occurred annually if ROCA results were normal or within 2 months
188 5% CI 335,777-681,202) cardiovascular deaths annually in China.
189  There are projected to be >9,200,000 births annually in countries with ongoing ZIKV transmission.
190 nd is estimated to cause over 200,000 deaths annually in developing countries.
191  responsible for approximately 25,000 deaths annually in Europe despite available medicines that main
192 ess with high mortality among children occur annually in Muzaffarpur, the country's largest litchi cu
193 0 patients undergoing temporary interruption annually in North America alone.
194              Coverage increased more rapidly annually in rural (0.93 percent points) than urban (0.52
195 equencing and HPV DNA testing were conducted annually in serial cervicovaginal lavage specimens obtai
196 first strokes could potentially be prevented annually in the UK through optimal prescribing of these
197                                              Annually in the United States alone, this results in app
198 onsible for approximately 150,000 infections annually in the United States alone.
199 ral loculation affects about 30,000 patients annually in the United States and in severe cases can re
200 ts who survive the intensive care unit (ICU) annually in the United States face increased disability,
201                                              Annually in the United States, at least 3.5 million peop
202 veratrol supplement sales exceed $30 million annually in the United States, but few data are availabl
203 nal exposures to blood-borne pathogens occur annually in the United States.
204 ,000 resulting traffic fatalities that occur annually in the United States.
205 e leading cause of economic loss ($2 billion annually in the US only) to the cattle and dairy industr
206 s with PD untreated at baseline and assessed annually, including serial dopamine transporter imaging
207 ion of MSM serologically tested for syphilis annually increased in HIV-negative (48% to 91%; Ptrend <
208 The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) annually invests approximately $22 billion in biomedical
209 more intravitreous injections of bevacizumab annually is associated with a higher risk of glaucoma su
210    A 35% increase in the number of new cases annually is expected compared to 2005.
211  incident MI occurs at a stable rate of 0.8% annually, is related to VLST in one-fifth of cases, and
212  incidence was 2.0 cases per 10 000 children annually; it was highest among children aged <1 year (6.
213                                              Annually, landscape net CO2 uptake is projected to decli
214  estimated 27 million cases of typhoid fever annually, leading to 217,000 deaths, and current vaccine
215  United States is increasing by about 30 000 annually (new infections minus deaths).
216 ding that large near-term savings ($billions annually) occur under TU; savings under AU emerge in the
217 tation, hospital mortality decreased by 6.0% annually (odds ratio [OR], 0.94; 95% confidence interval
218 ited States, an estimated 14.5 million cases annually of cellulitis account for $3.7 billion in ambul
219 are costs remain high at $3.2 trillion spent annually, of which an estimated 30% is related to waste,
220 s per year, which yields about 420 000 cases annually, of whom 230 000 die in hospital.
221 ost elementary feedstock chemicals, produced annually on a million metric ton scale, and are used in
222 e Lancet Countdown ultimately aims to report annually on a series of indicators across these five wor
223 pply exceeding atmospheric water demand; (2) annually or seasonally water-logged soils; and (3) a geo
224 spital mortality continued to decrease by 6% annually (OR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.93-0.95), with no deepenin
225 r the entire country of 1.4-4.9 million tons annually, or 7-26% of the annual boro harvest, due to th
226 I alone, and mammography plus BSGI performed annually over 10-year age intervals from ages 40 to 79 y
227 were enrolled in the study and were assessed annually over a 3-y follow-up period with 127 participan
228      Both cohorts were modeled and evaluated annually over a lifetime.
229 pleted a detailed battery of cognitive tests annually over up to 21 years, died, and underwent detail
230 glycemic indicators measured at baseline and annually over up to 4.6 y.
231 y matter loss and whole brain atrophy occurs annually (P < 0.05).
232 CI 11.9-12.1) and 0.9 admissions to hospital annually per 100 children younger than 5 years (95% CI 0
233 uncertainty interval [UI] 33 to 44) occurred annually per 1000 women aged 15-44 years worldwide in 20
234 ghest volume of opioid prescriptions written annually per ophthalmologist were located in the souther
235 ional AAA-screening program was predicted to annually prevent 90 premature deaths from AAA and to gai
236 provided by China has been increasing by 25% annually, reaching US$7 billion in 2013.
237 E In the United States, 2.1 million children annually require medical attention for RSV infections.
238                           Here we present an annually resolved coralline algal time series from the n
239                           Here we present an annually resolved reconstruction of NINO4 sea-surface te
240 ing a multiproxy approach, we reconstruct an annually resolved record of Labrador Sea productivity re
241                      Here, we present a new, annually resolved record of stable carbon isotope (delta
242                        Here we examine a sub-annually resolved sedimentary record from Lake Sauce in
243 t the largest Southern Hemisphere network of annually resolved tree ring fire histories, consisting o
244                          Here we investigate annually resolved, absolutely dated and spatially explic
245                           Here we present an annually-resolved 450-year reconstruction of western Car
246   Here we present a 1200-year seasonally- to annually-resolved ice core record of snow accumulation f
247                        Here we present a new annually-resolved oxygen isotope record from a 1500-year
248 ve GAS infections occur in the United States annually, resulting in 1136-1607 deaths.
249 quivalent to a best-estimate of 14 000 cases annually roughly (4000 for HSV-1; 10 000 for HSV-2).
250 AT deficit had a 5% reduction in DAT binding annually, similar to early PD.
251 rescriptions written in Oregon has increased annually since legislation enactment.
252  WGS-based diagnosis cost that is 7% cheaper annually than are present diagnostic workflows.
253 yptococcus neoformans, result in more deaths annually than malaria or tuberculosis.
254 when population growth rates were up to 300% annually, the FMDV-like pathogen persisted in <25% of si
255  sales volume of over 180 billion US dollars annually, the prevalence of genetic variation among GPCR
256                                              Annually, the shared service schedule was predicted to i
257                                              Annually, there are over 2 million incidents of traumati
258                           On recruitment and annually thereafter (more frequently if hypertension tre
259 eturn at 6 and 12 months post-initiation and annually thereafter for CD4 and viral load monitoring.
260 t preradiotherapy baseline, at 6 months, and annually thereafter until 5 years on longitudinal follow
261 and noninvasive testing at 3 to 6 months and annually thereafter with discharge if they were clinical
262                              At baseline and annually thereafter, each participant completed a behavi
263 rs 1, 3, and 5 through November 1, 2009, and annually thereafter.
264 led every 6 months for the first 5 years and annually thereafter.
265  scale at baseline, 4 months, 12 months, and annually thereafter.
266  at 6 and 12 months after randomization, and annually thereafter.
267              Height and weight were measured annually to classify children into normal, overweight, a
268 2) , were established, surveyed and replaced annually to measure ice scour frequency.
269  collectively distribute billions of dollars annually to support biomedical research.
270 rations might also explain why Arctic rivers annually transport large amounts of Hg to the Arctic Oce
271 es after fertilizing are temporary and occur annually under agricultural practices that restrict anti
272 go surveillance every 6 months times 2, then annually unless there is reversion to nondysplastic Barr
273 roke Register, with participants followed up annually until death.
274  examinations occurred at 1 and 3 months and annually up to 5 years after DMEK at the Department of O
275 he number of critical care fellows increased annually, up 54.1% from 1,606 in 2004-2005 to 2,475 in 2
276 ion: The American Diabetes Association (ADA) annually updates Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes t
277 ion: The American Diabetes Association (ADA) annually updates the Standards of Medical Care in Diabet
278 rtension Treatment Study (OHTS) participants annually using stereoscopic optic disc photographs.
279 nditions at their breeding grounds depend on annually variable climate, bird arrival and climate-driv
280 undamentally shifted it towards a more intra-annually variable state at approximately 0.8 Ma.
281 urgeons treating more than 50 breast cancers annually were significantly more likely to report this m
282             Denominators (4.9 million youths annually) were obtained from the U.S. Census or health-p
283     INTERPRETATION: Decreasing monitoring to annually when CD4 count is higher than 200 cells per muL
284 lars in damages and claim thousands of lives annually, whereas slow-moving landslides with negligible
285 iseases (NTDs) kill more than 800,000 people annually, while creating long-term disability in million
286 s cause considerable morbidity and mortality annually, while emerging viruses pose potential pandemic
287 ase with > 1,000 scientific papers published annually with "arsenic" in the title, the question becom
288 dentified a linear risk of incident MI (0.8% annually), with ST-segment elevation MI constituting one
289 is from Jan 1, 1968, to Dec 31, 1985, varied annually, with a mean of 13.5 admissions per 100 000 chi
290 s were a net source of CO2 to the atmosphere annually, with especially high rates of respiration duri
291 all incidence of thyroid cancer increased 3% annually, with increases in the incidence rate and thyro
292     Worldwide, millions of ECGs are recorded annually, with the majority automatically analyzed, foll
293                Scour-driven mortality varied annually, with two-thirds of all monitored fauna killed
294 tely 2 million units of platelets transfused annually within the United States, if implemented succes
295 1 million men diagnosed with prostate cancer annually worldwide present with localised or locally adv
296 o more than a million surgical interventions annually worldwide.
297 ion tons poly(carbonate)s (PCs) are produced annually worldwide.
298 children, accounts for around 215,000 deaths annually worldwide.
299 tion causing hundreds of thousands of deaths annually worldwide.
300                2.6 million stillbirths occur annually worldwide.

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