


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the stillbirths, 54.5% were estimated to be antepartum.
2 ance was found to be significantly increased antepartum (1028+/-231 mL/min) versus postpartum (707+/-
3 tient Health Questionnaire depression module antepartum and 3 and 12 months postpartum.
4  dose (200 mg bid or 125 mg bid) at 31 weeks antepartum and 6 weeks postpartum.
5 emiology of perinatal depression (ie, during antepartum and post-partum periods) among women residing
6 tructed labour (76%), malpresentation (71%), antepartum and postpartum haemorrhage (70% each), and pr
7         Didanosine (ddI) pharmacokinetics in antepartum and postpartum human immunodeficiency virus (
8 cute appendicitis were calculated during the antepartum and postpartum periods and were compared with
9  in serum to these bacteria were measured at antepartum and postpartum visits to determine the relati
10 e effect of risk factors on the incidence of antepartum and postpartum VTE in terms of ARs and incide
11 r HIV-1 RNA load at delivery or with type of antepartum antiretroviral therapy.
12 of intrapartum nevirapine in women receiving antepartum antiretroviral therapy.
13  2.03-509.23) and placenta praevia diagnosed antepartum (aOR 65.02, 95%CI 16.58-254.96) had raised od
14 sociated with preeclampsia, were measured on antepartum blood samples.
15  presence of 3 fetal transcripts in maternal antepartum blood.
16  previously identified infants with putative antepartum brain damage in this cohort and have related
17         In this study, we sought to identify antepartum characteristics that predict the de novo deve
18                                  We examined antepartum clinical characteristics along with measures
19 pregnant women who received care at resident antepartum clinics at Magee-Womens Hospital (Pittsburgh,
20                                           No antepartum complications temporally attributable to syst
21 until at least 37 weeks' gestation) or to no antepartum dalteparin (control group).
22 ontrol group), leaving 146 women assigned to antepartum dalteparin and 143 assigned to no antepartum
23 isation because of ineligibility (two in the antepartum dalteparin group and one in the control group
24                           We postulated that antepartum dalteparin would reduce these complications i
25 antepartum dalteparin and 143 assigned to no antepartum dalteparin.
26                                          All antepartum, delivery, and postpartum patients who were h
27 2.6, and 54.0 per 100,000 deliveries for the antepartum, delivery, and postpartum periods, respective
28 7 ICU admissions from 765,598 admissions for antepartum, delivery, or postpartum conditions using app
29              Interpersonal psychotherapy for antepartum depression appears to be an effective alterna
30                           The prevalences of antepartum depression in mothers from Cote d'Ivoire and
31 up receiving interpersonal psychotherapy for antepartum depression to a parenting education control p
32  treatment in the hierarchy of treatment for antepartum depression.
33  the use of morning bright light therapy for antepartum depression.
34 rogram using interpersonal psychotherapy for antepartum depression.
35 pharmacotherapy is specifically approved for antepartum depression; novel treatment approaches may be
36 th further understanding of the in utero and antepartum diagnosis and management of infants with thes
37 riage (OR 1.54, 95% CI 1.02-2.32; I(2)=67%), antepartum haemorrhage (1.49, 1.01-2.20; I(2)=37%), post
38 DINGS: No studies reported the prevalence of antepartum haemorrhage (APH) according to our definition
39 ge at birth, pregnancy-induced hypertension, antepartum hemorrhage, and maternal height did not alter
40 eight gain (OR: 0.78; 95% CI: 0.65 to 0.91), antepartum hemorrhages (OR: 10.0; 95% CI: 2.2 to 46.9),
41 enatal visits, preterm uterine contractions, antepartum hemorrhages, placenta previae, and preterm pr
42 varies modestly by recognized factors during antepartum; however, women with stillbirths, preterm bir
43 ccination of mothers who were not vaccinated antepartum improves upon the current recommendation of u
44 n or equal to 1) 500 ml or 2) 1000 ml in the antepartum, intrapartum or postpartum period.
45                                              Antepartum maternal opiate use also increased from 1.19
46        To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of antepartum maternal vaccination in the United States, we
47                                              Antepartum maternal vaccination incurs costs of $114,000
48 r parent postpartum is strongly dominated by antepartum maternal vaccination.
49                                 Treatment of antepartum mice with the soluble ligand-binding region o
50 r chronic depressive symptomatology (7%); 2) antepartum only (6%); 3) postpartum, which resolves afte
51 ighted discharges for mothers diagnosed with antepartum opiate use, within data sets including 784,19
52 the risk of stillbirth (odds ratio comparing antepartum or intrapartum complications with no complica
53 pectant management group had higher risks of antepartum or intrapartum haemorrhage (RR 0.6, 95% CI 0.
54         Secondary maternal outcomes included antepartum or intrapartum haemorrhage, intrapartum fever
55                         Maternal depression (antepartum or post partum) has been linked to negative h
56 tes risk factors during the index pregnancy (antepartum oral glucose tolerance, highest fasting gluco
57  acute appendicitis was 35% lower during the antepartum period [IRR, 0.65; 95% confidence interval (C
58 for rectovaginal GBS colonization during the antepartum period between weeks 35 and 37 of gestation a
59 n admitted to the intensive care unit in the antepartum period for nonobstetrical indications were in
60 etecting GBS colonization in subjects in the antepartum period from combined vaginal/rectal swab-base
61                 The absolute VTE risk in the antepartum period is not above a threshold where low-mol
62  a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy in the antepartum period.
63 pertension have clinical risk factors and an antepartum plasma angiogenic profile similar to those fo
64                                              Antepartum plasma hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA was quanti
65                                  Independent antepartum predictors of postpartum diabetes were the 30
66                                              Antepartum prophylactic dalteparin does not reduce the o
67  randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio to either antepartum prophylactic dose dalteparin (5000 internatio
68         Moreover, the highest tertile of the antepartum ratio of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 t
69                                          The antepartum ratio of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 t
70 for the detection of group B streptococci in antepartum screening samples enriched in Lim broth was c
71                                          The antepartum seizure rates did not differ significantly be
72  Placental insufficiency is a major cause of antepartum stillbirth and fetal growth restriction (FGR)
73 uent pregnancies, but effects on the rate of antepartum stillbirth are unknown.
74  caesarean delivery, the risk of unexplained antepartum stillbirth at or after 39 weeks' gestation is
75                                  The risk of antepartum stillbirth at term is higher among women 35 y
76            We estimated the relative risk of antepartum stillbirth in second pregnancies using time-t
77 very is associated with an increased risk of antepartum stillbirth.
78 ntified more genetic abnormalities among 443 antepartum stillbirths (8.8% vs. 6.5%, P=0.02) and 67 st
79 sociated with obstetric emergencies, whereas antepartum stillbirths are associated with maternal infe
80 20633 singleton second births, there were 68 antepartum stillbirths in 17754 women previously deliver
81 lities of 41.9% in all stillbirths, 34.5% in antepartum stillbirths, and 53.8% in stillbirths with an
82 n; associations strengthened when limited to antepartum stillbirths.
83                                              Antepartum, the levels of periodontal pathogens tended t
84                          We highly recommend antepartum vaccination for as many US mothers as possibl
85                            Associations with antepartum vaginal bleeding (increased risk) and preecla
86 ion, chorioamnionitis, maternal antibiotics, antepartum vaginal bleeding, and labor lasting less than
87 was used to examine the relationship between antepartum variables and glucose tolerance status postpa
88                                        Three antepartum variables were independent predictors of diab
89                                       During antepartum, varicose veins, inflammatory bowel disease (
90                                  A subset of antepartum women had longitudinal testing, with repeat t
91                             Fifty outpatient antepartum women who met DSM-IV criteria for major depre

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