


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 th [14C]indole was similar to that with [14C]anthranilate.
2  of cis,cis-muconate but could still grow on anthranilate.
3  amide or the intermediate amide with methyl anthranilate.
4 places pyruvate to form either salicylate or anthranilate.
5 Cys112Ala active site mutant in complex with anthranilate.
6 enzoate and chloro and fluoro derivatives of anthranilate.
7 m which PQS is synthesized is the metabolite anthranilate.
8 odinitrotoluenes), as well as salicylate and anthranilate.
9 ing the ability to respond to salicylate and anthranilate.
10                        There is a "burst" of anthranilate (0.7 mol/mol of enzyme) formed in the pre s
11                                The wild-type anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase did not efficiently hydroxy
12                            The two-component anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase of the bacterium Acinetobac
13                      The Rieske dioxygenase, anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase, catalyzes the 1,2-dihydrox
14                                    A variant anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase, previously found to convey
15                                              Anthranilate (2-aminobenzoate) is an important intermedi
16                         This enzyme converts anthranilate (2-aminobenzoate) to catechol with insertio
17 genase, catalyzes the 1,2-dihydroxylation of anthranilate (2-aminobenzoate).
18                   A mutant unable to grow on anthranilate, ACN26, was selected.
19 ain selectivities to identify and confirm an anthranilate-activating module in the fumiquinazoline A
20                We recently identified fungal anthranilate-activating nonribosomal peptide synthetase
21 ergillus fumigatus Af293 as well as a second anthranilate-activating NRPS in N. fischeri.
22                          This establishes an anthranilate adenylation domain code for fungal NRPS and
23 exin during a 1.5-h pulse labeling with [14C]anthranilate also increased with time after fungal inocu
24                        We also found that an anthranilate analog (methyl anthranilate) would inhibit
25 sized in a multistep reaction that condenses anthranilate and a fatty acid.
26 s p-methoxycinnamate, p-methoxycinnamide, or anthranilate and an alpha,beta- or alpha,beta,gamma,delt
27 thesis of secondary metabolites derived from anthranilate and chorismate is what impaired the biofilm
28                 The covalent complex between anthranilate and Cys112 clearly illuminates the orientat
29 l mechanism to ensure the production of both anthranilate and PQS-controlled virulence factors.
30 sing the functional AntDO-3C genes transform anthranilate and salicylate (but not 2-chlorobenzoate) t
31  catalyzed a conjugation reaction, with free anthranilate and UDP-glucose as substrates, that yielded
32 w that water-soluble bifunctional catalysts (anthranilates and phosphanilates) speed the reversal of
33  Benzyl alcohol, benzaldehyde, benzoate, and anthranilate are metabolized via catechol, cis,cis-mucon
34 tobacter sp. strain ADP1 can use benzoate or anthranilate as a sole carbon source.
35 icinity of antABC did not prevent the use of anthranilate as a sole carbon source.
36  conformationally restricted beta-amino acid anthranilate as one of the key building blocks.
37 alyze the formation of anthraniloyl-CoA from anthranilate, ATP, and CoA.
38 hrough the degradation of tryptophan via the anthranilate branch of the kynurenine pathway.
39 assembly line that efficiently activates two anthranilate building blocks and illustrates the remarka
40 derived from the conversion of chorismate to anthranilate by an anthranilate synthase or through the
41 tigate the degradation of tryptophan through anthranilate by Burkholderia cepacia, several plasposon
42  results in less efficient transformation of anthranilate by the oxygenase and ferredoxin.
43 e results indicate that sugar conjugation of anthranilate by UGT74F2 allows its stable accumulation i
44  the cellular accumulation of phosphoribosyl anthranilate can result in nonenzymatic PRA formation su
45             In this study, the first step in anthranilate catabolism was characterized.
46 ests that the ortho-carboxylate group in the anthranilate catalysts serves to aid in intramolecular p
47 ypeptide, and this protein was shown to have anthranilate-CoA ligase activity.
48 cumulate varying amounts of blue fluorescent anthranilate compounds, and only the two least severely
49                                              Anthranilate conversion to catechol was stoichiometrical
50 es of the enzyme, including that of the PqsD-anthranilate covalent intermediate and the inactive Cys1
51 ly, we investigated why mutants defective in anthranilate degradation have an impaired ability to for
52    An antA point mutation in ACN26 prevented anthranilate degradation, and this mutation was independ
53 defect in PQS production is a consequence of anthranilate degradation.
54                PA2511 was shown to encode an anthranilate-dependent activator of the ant genes and wa
55  produces tryptophan and elicitor-inducible, anthranilate-derived alkaloids by means of two different
56 epin-2-ones were synthesized by acylation of anthranilate-derived amino ketones with an aza-glycine e
57  provided the first structural bases for the anthranilate-derived production of the quinolone and acr
58 ever, since the single turnovers resulted in anthranilate dihydroxylation by the wild-type enzyme but
59        Unlike benzoate dioxygenase (BenABC), anthranilate dioxygenase (AntABC) catalyzed catechol for
60 e mutant with the plasposon insertion in the anthranilate dioxygenase (AntDO) genes was chosen for fu
61 n substrate binding and oxygen reactivity in anthranilate dioxygenase.
62 n substrate binding and oxygen reactivity in anthranilate dioxygenase.
63 , a bacterium that normally does not degrade anthranilate, enabled the conversion of anthranilate to
64  A1 and its analog lacking the intercalating anthranilate, esperamicin C.
65                                   Endogenous anthranilate fluorescence renders visible the spatio-tem
66 enine pathway is also the critical source of anthranilate for energy metabolism via the antABC gene p
67  the PqsA protein is responsible for priming anthranilate for entry into the PQS biosynthetic pathway
68 e kynurenine pathway is a critical source of anthranilate for PQS synthesis and that the kynurenine p
69 enine pathway serves as a critical source of anthranilate for PQS synthesis.
70 tABC gene products, as well as the source of anthranilate for synthesis of the P. aeruginosa quinolon
71 scent vinblastine derivative, vinblastine-4'-anthranilate, has been shown to inhibit polymerization o
72 enes encoding enzymes for the degradation of anthranilate (i.e. antABC), a precursor of the Pseudomon
73 tively low levels of radioactivity from [14C]anthranilate incorporated into camalexin in the noninocu
74                                              Anthranilate induced expression of antA, although no ass
75 oove centered about the enediyne-binding and anthranilate intercalation sites.
76                           The methoxyacrylyl-anthranilate intercalator and the minor groove binding A
77         P. aeruginosa converted radiolabeled anthranilate into radioactive PQS, which was bioactive.
78 lic intermediates, 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate and anthranilate, involved in enterobactin and tryptophan bi
79 , we present data that strongly suggest that anthranilate is a precursor for PQS.
80                                              Anthranilate is converted to PQS by the enzymes encoded
81                            In P. aeruginosa, anthranilate is produced via the kynurenine pathway and
82                          The structures show anthranilate-liganded Cys112 is positioned deep in the p
83 lished by coating the metal bead with methyl anthranilate (MeA) and allowing the birds to peck it onc
84 expression, demonstrating that regulation of anthranilate metabolism is intimately woven into the quo
85 edlings are grown on media supplemented with anthranilate metabolites, their roots wave like wild typ
86 the DNA minor groove with its methoxyacrylyl-anthranilate moiety intercalating into the helix at the
87 e of esperamicin A1 lacking an intercalating anthranilate moiety, and calicheamicin, both groove bind
88  nucleosome cores due to intercalation of an anthranilate moiety, did not detect the presence of a nu
89 in O-hydroxycinnamoyltransferase], HCBT [for anthranilate N-hydroxycinnamoyl/benzoyltransferase], and
90                                          The anthranilate of esperamicin A1 is predicted to intercala
91 d M43K variant, however, did not hydroxylate anthranilate or benzoate at either the permissive (23 de
92 ites (e.g., picolinic acid, indoxyl sulfate, anthranilate, (P < 0.01)).
93 D2 proteins show high structural homology to anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase (TrpD) and nucleo
94 RA synthesis was reconstituted in vitro with anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase (TrpD), threonine
95 roduce an internal transcript that increases anthranilate production and greatly elevates the express
96 ent to the first irreversible step, which is anthranilate release, is general base catalyzed, and inv
97 etype inducers, salicylate or salicylate and anthranilate, respectively, and did not restore the high
98 rm-extractable metabolites labeled with [14C]anthranilate revealed a transient increase in the incorp
99 ove, good stacking between the intercalating anthranilate ring and flanking purine bases and intermol
100 , benC substituted for antC during growth on anthranilate, suggesting relatively broad substrate spec
101 vated tryptophan levels and exhibited higher anthranilate synthase (AS) activity that showed increase
102  a naturally occurring, feedback-insensitive anthranilate synthase (AS) alpha-subunit gene, ASA2, has
103                     The crystal structure of anthranilate synthase (AS) from Serratia marcescens, a m
104                                              Anthranilate synthase (AS), 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate sy
105                                              Anthranilate synthase (AS), aminodeoxychorismate synthas
106 NA clone that encodes a feedback-insensitive anthranilate synthase (AS), ASA2, isolated from a 5-meth
107 chanism with isochorismate synthase (IS) and anthranilate synthase (AS), in which nucleophile additio
108                                              Anthranilate synthase (AS), the control enzyme of the tr
109 p of tryptophan biosynthesis is catalyzed by anthranilate synthase (AS), which is normally subject to
110  the gene coding for the TrpD subunit of the anthranilate synthase (AS)-phosphoribosyl transferase (P
111 this family, isochorismate synthase (IS) and anthranilate synthase (AS).
112                                              Anthranilate synthase (AS, EC catalyzes the co
113 nd Acyrthosiphon pisum contain the genes for anthranilate synthase (trpEG) on plasmids made up of one
114  of tryptophan, rather than the demonstrated anthranilate synthase activity of TrpE, mediated the dev
115 e cells of tryptophan, both the AT level and anthranilate synthase activity were observed to increase
116                      A novel mutation in the anthranilate synthase alpha 1 (ASA1) gene, named trp5-2w
117             A feedback-insensitive mutant of anthranilate synthase alpha, trp5-1, is resistant to tox
119 zing enzyme family, e.g. the TrpE subunit of anthranilate synthase and the PabB subunit of 4-amino-4-
120 ANILATE SYNTHASE alpha1 (WEI2/ASA1) and WEI7/ANTHRANILATE SYNTHASE beta1 (ASB1) genes that encode alp
121  4-amino-4-deoxychorismate (ADC) synthase as anthranilate synthase component I (ASI) homologues that
122  pathway or from an alkyl quinolone specific anthranilate synthase encoded by phnAB.
123                                              Anthranilate synthase is the first as well as the rate-l
124          When AT is expressed maximally, the anthranilate synthase level is about 70% of the level ob
125  a corresponding increase is observed in the anthranilate synthase level.
126 gulated enzymes of the shikimate pathway are anthranilate synthase on the branch leading to Trp and c
127 nversion of chorismate to anthranilate by an anthranilate synthase or through the degradation of tryp
128 PabB enzymes from the closely related enzyme anthranilate synthase, which typically contains a PIAGT
129          Genetic analysis has shown that the anthranilate synthase-phosphoribosyltransferase (AS-PRT)
130   The tryptophan biosynthetic enzyme complex anthranilate synthase-phosphoribosyltransferase, compose
131 ing enzymes, such as salicylate synthase and anthranilate synthase.
132  a rate-limiting enzyme of Trp biosynthesis, anthranilate synthase.
133 ologous, oligomeric TrpE subunits of several anthranilate synthases of microbial origin.
134  via the kynurenine pathway and two separate anthranilate synthases, TrpEG and PhnAB, the latter of w
135 hat includes the isochorismate synthases and anthranilate synthases.
136  regulatory site in the TrpE subunits of the anthranilate synthases.
137 ough P. aeruginosa has multiple pathways for anthranilate synthesis, one pathway-the kynurenine pathw
138                                Expression of anthranilate synthetase, the first enzyme in the pathway
139 erstanding of how P. aeruginosa produces the anthranilate that serves as a precursor to PQS and other
140 plays a bound pyruvate as well as a putative anthranilate (the nitrogen group is ambiguous) in the Tr
141  catalyzes the conversion of chorismate into anthranilate, the biosynthetic precursor of both tryptop
142 tion of the fluorescent tryptophan precursor anthranilate, the bulk of which is found in a glucose-co
143          Cyclization of the amidine-tethered anthranilate then affords 2,3-disubstituted-3H-quinazoli
144 e of Neosartorya fischeri NRRL 181 activates anthranilate to anthranilyl-AMP.
145 rade anthranilate, enabled the conversion of anthranilate to catechol.
146                              The addition of anthranilate to the growth medium restored PQS productio
147 ted anthraniloyl-CoA thioester that shuttles anthranilate to the PqsD active site where it is transfe
148 perons encode enzymes for the degradation of anthranilate to tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates.
149 have redundant conjugating activities toward anthranilate, UGT74F2 is the major source of this activi
150                                              Anthranilate was the only effector (of 12 aromatic compo
151 ed from the tryptophan pathway intermediate, anthranilate, which is derived either from the kynurenin
152 nine pathway, tryptophan is broken down into anthranilate, which is further degraded into tricarboxyl
153 so found that an anthranilate analog (methyl anthranilate) would inhibit the production of PQS.
154 tubulin complex at the absorption maximum of anthranilate, yields a covalent adduct confined to beta-

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