


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 epitope or by truncation, failed to abrogate anti-GBM Ab production, and 2) the anti-GBM Ab, eluted f
2                   In conclusion, accelerated anti-GBM glomerulonephritis is severely aggravated in eN
3                                  We achieved anti-GBM therapeutic efficacy with no overt toxicities u
4        Serologic evidence of both p-ANCA and anti-GBM antibodies are becoming more frequently recogni
5 led a disassociation between the disease and anti-GBM Ab.
6 Compared with control sera-injected mice and anti-GBM-injected A/J, AKR/J, C3H/HeJ, DBA/2J, MRL/MpJ,
7            The studies in serum sickness and anti-GBM nephritis led to an understanding of autoimmune
8 autoantibodies from patients with autoimmune anti-GBM disease.
9 ion, anti-HB-EGF Ab administered just before anti-GBM Ab blocked the fall in SNGFR and GFR at 90 minu
10              The specificity of kidney-bound anti-GBM alloantibodies from a patient who had autosomal
11 M nephritis was induced in 129x1/svJ mice by anti-GBM serum challenge.
12 e identity of alpha3NC1 epitopes targeted by anti-GBM antibodies is strongly influenced by the molecu
13                                  Circulating anti-GBM antibody levels were not reduced, but there was
14 produced no overall reduction in circulating anti-GBM antibodies, although there was a reduction in I
15 easures, including the levels of circulating anti-GBM antibodies, albuminuria, the deposition of IgG
16 ts with bovine GBM also induced a crescentic anti-GBM GN with an increase of renal cortical ERK activ
17 abbit IgG, induced an accelerated crescentic anti-GBM GN.
18 and renal injury in experimental, crescentic anti-GBM nephritis.
19 ino acids results in all rats' demonstrating anti-GBM antibody and severe EAG.
20 s characterized by circulating and deposited anti-GBM antibodies, accompanied by focal necrotizing gl
21 s characterized by circulating and deposited anti-GBM antibodies, accompanied by focal necrotizing gl
22 arked reduction in circulating and deposited anti-GBM antibodies, albuminuria, deposits of fibrin in
23 s characterized by circulating and deposited anti-GBM antibodies, focal necrotizing glomerulonephriti
24                                   Detectable anti-GBM antibody levels (>/=1 U/ml but <3 U/ml) in a si
25           Only study patients had detectable anti-GBM levels in multiple samples before diagnosis (50
26  human, and recombinant sources, we detected anti-GBM antibodies in all Alport patients in varying ti
27  humoral response, only a select few develop anti-GBM disease.
28  of type IV collagen [alpha3(IV)NC1] develop anti-GBM antibodies and focal necrotizing glomerulonephr
29  Kyoto rats but also triggered a diversified anti-GBM antibody response through "B cell epitope sprea
30 nflux, which causes glomerular damage during anti-GBM glomerulonephritis.
31 ated in the urine and kidneys of mice during anti-GBM disease, as well as in mice with spontaneously
32 s difference was even more pronounced during anti-GBM-GN, explaining why an exogenous VEGFA supply fa
33 2 to provide sustained expression, effective anti-GBM cytotoxicity, and minimal neurotoxicity.
34                                     Elevated anti-GBM levels (>/=3 U/ml) were present in four patient
35  severe glomerulonephritis but also elicited anti-GBM Ab in 76% of the immunized rats after prominent
36 itation further demonstrated that the eluted anti-GBM Ab recognized conformational B cell epitope(s)
37 ytes prevented the induction of experimental anti-GBM nephritis.
38 lar capillaries, abruptly arrested following anti-GBM antibody deposition via neutrophil FcgammaRIIA
39          In contrast, conditioned media from anti-GBM-treated animals at all time points showed signi
40                           Kidney tissue from anti-GBM nephritic mice showed higher levels of integrin
41 erular basement membrane glomerulonephritis (anti-GBM-GN), using two leading mouse strains, 129S2/SvP
42 ies that cross-react with human Goodpasture [anti-GBM/anti-alpha3(IV) NC1] autoantibodies, only a few
43 ritis in mice passively immunized with human anti-GBM Abs.
44 significant reduction in IgG2a but not IgG1, anti-GBM antibody levels, suggesting downregulation of T
45 n the severity of nephritis but no change in anti-GBM antibody production, and 5 mg resulted in a mar
46  chemoattractant produced by renal cortex in anti-GBM disease.
47 s are protective disease-associated genes in anti-GBM antibody-induced nephritis and lupus.
48 46 can induce T cell responses and injury in anti-GBM GN.
49 e in regulating the inflammatory response in anti-GBM GN and that disruption of the endogenous protec
50                       High glucose increased anti-GBM binding compared with normal glucose; this effe
51 pecific for alpha345NC1 hexamers and induced anti-GBM Ab GN.
52                                   We induced anti-GBM disease in DBA/1, C57BL/6, AKR, and NOD mice wi
53 n anti-glomerular basement membrane-induced (anti-GBM-induced) glomerulonephritis when expressed on m
54 conjugated 800CW dye, were administered into anti-GBM nephritic mice.
55 ted with anti- glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) antibody (Ab) to induce glomerulonephritis (GN
56 mice with anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) antibody-induced experimental nephritis were s
57 iology of anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) disease before clinical presentation is unknow
58 is due to anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) disease is unknown.
59 ransplant anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) disease.
60 s specific for glomerular basement membrane [anti-GBM antibodies]), and spontaneous lupus nephritis.
61 ha3alpha4alpha5 NC1 hexamers elicited murine anti-GBM antibodies most closely resembling human ARAS a
62 anti-glomerular basement membrane nephritis (anti-GBM), and membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN).
63  cells and may provide new inroads for novel anti-GBM therapeutic strategies.
64  superoxide dismutase as novel biomarkers of anti-GBM disease and lupus nephritis, with stronger corr
65 is critically involved in the development of anti-GBM GN from acute glomerular injury to irreversible
66 sformed cells and informs the development of anti-GBM invasion strategies.
67         High antibody titers at diagnosis of anti-GBM disease were associated with ultimate loss of r
68 ary hemorrhage, another important feature of anti-GBM disease; this was not correlated with the sever
69 of glomerular MEK in the accelerated form of anti-GBM GN, providing a possible mechanism of long-term
70  of this peptide influences the formation of anti-GBM antibody; and that the presence of asparagine a
71 munopathogenic processes in the two forms of anti-GBM disease.
72 r basement membrane (GBM) is the hallmark of anti-GBM glomerulonephritis (GN).
73 ons are an underevaluated common hallmark of anti-GBM-GN in mice.
74 ound-dependent histopathological hallmark of anti-GBM-GN, combined with hemolytic anemia and thromboc
75                At d 7 after the injection of anti-GBM antibody, kidneys from alpha7(-/-) mice display
76 ficient mice by the intravenous injection of anti-GBM antibody.
77 lead to different clinical manifestations of anti-GBM disease.
78 Th2 responses associates with the outcome of anti-GBM disease in mice.
79 tion of finding clues to the pathogenesis of anti-GBM glomerulonephritis.
80  our understanding of the pathophysiology of anti-GBM disease.
81                              The presence of anti-GBM, anti-proteinase 3 (PR3), and anti-myeloperoxid
82 ing CXCL16 actions limits the progression of anti-GBM glomerulonephritis even when the disease is est
83 plication to intervene in the progression of anti-GBM GN and in other M omicron/M phi-dominant GN.
84 ase, while agonists dampened the severity of anti-GBM antibody-induced nephritis.
85 -transplant nephritis mediated by pathogenic anti-GBM alloantibodies to collagen IV chains present in
86 y IgG subclasses that mediate posttransplant anti-GBM nephritis.
87 es were from patients without posttransplant anti-GBM nephritis, and 10 were from patients with this
88 the pathogenesis of ARAS posttransplantation anti-GBM nephritis and Goodpasture disease.
89 tified a novel type of human IgG4-restricted anti-GBM autoantibodies associated with mild nonprogress
90 ependent initiation blockade and synergistic anti-GBM effects with PP242.
91 dent initiation and demonstrates synergistic anti-GBM properties when combined with the mechanistic t
92          This was supported by the fact that anti-GBM antibodies became detectable only after day 20.
93  suggest collectively, as a hypothesis, that anti-GBM antibodies in mice only facilitate disease in M
94  abrogate anti-GBM Ab production, and 2) the anti-GBM Ab, eluted from the diseased kidneys, reacted o
95 anti-MPO always became detectable before the anti-GBM antibody.
96 s suggest that HB-EGF expressed early in the anti-GBM Ab GN model contributes to the observed acute g
97 microbial Ag may be sufficient to induce the anti-GBM disease.
98 pJ, NOD/LtJ, P/J, SJL/J, and SWR/J mice, the anti-GBM-injected BUB/BnJ, DBA/1J, and 129/svJ mice deve
99 nction impairment during days 7 to 14 of the anti-GBM GN.
100        Furthermore, we demonstrated that the anti-GBM Ab was not related to the peptidic B cell epito
101               The mechanisms eliciting these anti-GBM autoantibodies were investigated in mouse model
102                                        Thus, anti-GBM Ab may actually be a consequence of T cell-medi
103  the kidneys of 3 mouse strains sensitive to anti-GBM antibody-induced nephritis were compared with t
104 ed mouse strains differ in susceptibility to anti-GBM antibody-induced and spontaneous lupus nephriti
105          Indeed, increased susceptibility to anti-GBM antibody-induced nephritis and spontaneous lupu
106 lpha4alpha5NC1 hexamers of human GBM, unlike anti-GBM autoantibodies, which targeted sequestered alph
107 pCol(28-40)-immunized rats produced in vitro anti-GBM antibodies and antinuclear antibodies.
108 nusual combination of c-ANCA antibodies with anti-GBM disease, and this association raises complex qu
109 l study involving 30 patients diagnosed with anti-GBM disease and 30 healthy controls matched for the

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