


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 al inactive disease in patients treated with anti-idiotype antibodies.
2  were treated with 52 courses of custom-made anti-idiotype antibodies.
3 dendritic cells (DCs) pulsed with the murine anti-idiotype antibody 3H1 as a tumor vaccine.
4 s studies suggested that vaccination with an anti-idiotype antibody 3H1, which mimics a specific epit
5 rcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), and that of an anti-idiotype antibody, 3H1, which mimics CEA and can be
6 proach that is analogous to the isolation of anti-idiotype antibodies and were able to isolate peptid
7 se unconfirmed (CR/CRu) to CVP and making an anti-idiotype antibody are 2 independent factors that ea
8                 This material reacts with an anti-idiotype antibody by Western blotting, ELISA, and a
9                              We generated an anti-idiotype antibody, designated CeaVac, that is an in
10  characterize the structural footprint of an anti-idiotype antibody (E1) specific for a potent, fully
11 assay (ELISA) assays for idiotype protein or anti-idiotype antibodies in serum.
12                                              Anti-idiotype antibodies, in addition to cytotoxic T cel
13                           The C3d-conjugated anti-idiotype antibody induces a strong idiotype and ant
14                        We have reported that anti-idiotype antibody response and FcgammaRIIIa 158 val
15 data demonstrate the utility of employing an anti-idiotype antibody to monitor a patient's specific i
16 ound to inhibit mAb HGAC 39.G3 binding to an anti-idiotype antibody with approximately 1000-fold grea

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