


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 enes are up and down-regulated together) and anti-parallel.
2                                   A discrete anti-parallel 1M6N-like dimer was the dominant if not ex
3 nt sets of alpha-actinin cross-links between anti-parallel actin molecules.
4 I sites can be bridged in either parallel or anti-parallel alignments.
5 is a 100 amino acid domain consisting of six anti-parallel alpha helices arranged in a Greek key stru
6 res of Blo t 5 and Der p 5, comprising three anti-parallel alpha-helices arranged in a helical bundle
7 harged sequences forms pairs of amphipathic, anti-parallel alpha-helices flanked by beta-hairpin-like
8 of the TNFR-DD shows that it consists of six anti-parallel alpha-helices.
9 ity: the helices may be arranged parallel or anti-parallel and may form a variety of oligomer states.
10 the coiled-coil segments in SMC proteins are anti-parallel and shows how the N and C-terminal domains
11 tablished that the dimers are arranged in an anti-parallel and staggered orientation at this site.
12 of five beta-strands in a mixed parallel and anti-parallel arrangement and three alpha-helices where
13 of five beta-strands in a mixed parallel and anti-parallel arrangement and three alpha-helices.
14 eraction at position 348 is the result of an anti-parallel arrangement of dimers.
15 wap to form dimers but unique to Cks1 is the anti-parallel arrangement of protomers within the dimer.
16 ll ordered, extended linker in an unexpected anti-parallel arrangement, followed by another short ext
17 xially stacked helices rather than the usual anti-parallel arrangement.
18  separated protofilaments are forced into an anti-parallel arrangement.
19 uring anaphase, MTs are incorporated into an anti-parallel array termed the spindle midzone (midzone
20 imately 31 nm in length; it is formed by the anti-parallel association of two Eps15 dimers.
21 the human telomeric DNA were described as an anti-parallel basket-type and a parallel propeller-type.
22 two helices packing onto the same side of an anti- parallel beta sheet.
23 n them, hydrogen bonds relating parallel and anti- parallel beta strands, spatial adjacencies relatin
24 nt TDP-43 peptide indicate that it adopts an anti-parallel beta conformation.
25 ptide binds within the enzyme in an extended anti-parallel beta sheet conformation with substrate ami
26 e was found containing a beta hairpin and an anti-parallel beta sheet consisting of strands from the
27 comprised of an extremely flat, six-stranded anti-parallel beta sheet packed against two helices.
28 for three distinct modes of DNA recognition: anti-parallel beta strands (MetR), helix-turn-helix moti
29 e II receptor binding are located in the two anti-parallel beta strands of the TGF-beta proteins, als
30 ich is a twisted beta sheet composed of four anti-parallel beta strands.
31 nserved sequence that forms a tightly folded anti-parallel beta-barrel structure.
32 ists of an alpha-helix and an eight-stranded anti-parallel beta-barrel with large loop regions betwee
33 eta elements that form a central 10-stranded anti-parallel beta-barrel.
34 be topologically similar to the 18-stranded, anti-parallel beta-motif observed for domain 5 of beta-g
35 main feature is an eight-stranded cup-shaped anti-parallel beta-pleated sheet.
36          The structure consists of a compact anti-parallel beta-sandwich fold that is composed of two
37 reveal that the mCPK-C2 domain has a typical anti-parallel beta-sandwich fold.
38 l copper binding domain, and a five-stranded anti-parallel beta-sandwich with the jelly roll topology
39 tetramer is characterized by a five-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet and three major alpha-helices.
40 ded parallel beta-sheet and a three-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet bearing an interstrand disulfid
41 e IDD shows a unique structural fold with an anti-parallel beta-sheet composed of three beta-strands
42 these conditions showed that Ca(2+) promotes anti-parallel beta-sheet conformations that repress fibr
43 around a hinge located at the end of a short anti-parallel beta-sheet connecting domains D1 and D2.
44                                          One anti-parallel beta-sheet consists of beta-strands beta1
45 e conserved tertiary structure comprising an anti-parallel beta-sheet core domain followed by a C-ter
46 embly of human wild-type Abeta into distinct anti-parallel beta-sheet fibrils.
47 ed "hot dog fold" composed of six strands of anti-parallel beta-sheet flanked on one side by a rather
48              H3(1-15)K4me3 interacts through anti-parallel beta-sheet formation on the surface of the
49 compatible, dry dimeric interface formed via anti-parallel beta-sheet interactions between neighborin
50                                The remaining anti-parallel beta-sheet is formed from strands beta3 (I
51  connecting the bundles forms a two-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet likely limiting the relative mo
52 y modeling revealed that Als members contain anti-parallel beta-sheet motifs interposed by extended r
53 ein consists of an N-terminal three-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet which folds against a C-termina
54 e called the flap, which consists of a short anti-parallel beta-sheet with a turn.
55 cavity, and in SUD-C, several residues of an anti-parallel beta-sheet).
56 is18) is substantially formed as is also its anti-parallel beta-sheet, centred around a beta-hairpin
57    It is composed of a central five-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet, flanked by a small two-strande
58  the C-terminal motif contains two layers of anti-parallel beta-sheet.
59 contains six alpha-helices and two layers of anti-parallel beta-sheet.
60 a large helix packed against a five-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet.
61 eight alpha-helices and a short two-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet.
62 -turn linking the two strands of a distorted anti-parallel beta-sheet.
63  beta-helix with three adjoining segments of anti-parallel beta-sheet.
64 ike architecture through a pseudo-continuous anti-parallel beta-sheet.
65  model, we examine the bending properties of anti-parallel beta-sheets comprised of uniform amino-aci
66 1 beta-strands, which form two large twisted anti-parallel beta-sheets folding into a beta-sandwich.
67 tructure, which is mainly composed of coiled anti-parallel beta-sheets with the cross-beta-signature
68 to P3 residues of the substrate from forming anti-parallel beta-sheets with the non-specific substrat
69 f is dominated by two distinct four-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheets.
70 trands were aligned into two three-stranded, anti-parallel beta-sheets.
71 al between amino acids 60 and 120 is rich in anti-parallel beta-sheets.
72 opeller consisting of five radially oriented anti-parallel beta-sheets.
73 ly shown to form amyloid fibrils composed of anti-parallel beta-sheets.
74  adhesin of Streptococcus pyogenes, binds by anti-parallel beta-strand addition to discontinuous sets
75  and binds to a crystallographic dimer as an anti-parallel beta-strand at the same position as the ne
76  or three disulfide bonds to cross-brace the anti-parallel beta-strand that approximates a "beta-tile
77 ontaining peptide substrate binds as a short anti-parallel beta-strand to the C-terminal end of the A
78 ng of a compact beta-barrel made up of seven anti-parallel beta-strands along with two surrounding al
79 a-helix and a structured loop with two short anti-parallel beta-strands and adopts a tertiary structu
80   It forms a beta-barrel structure with five anti-parallel beta-strands and functions as an RNA chape
81 is a beta-barrel structure formed from seven anti-parallel beta-strands in two beta-sheets.
82 l changes that result in the ordering of two anti-parallel beta-strands that protrude from each monom
83 ng of two beta-sheets each composed of three anti-parallel beta-strands.
84 of four alpha-helices separated by two short anti-parallel beta-strands; a less well defined helical
85 the interaction likely involves an extensive anti-parallel beta-zipper in which FUD interacts with th
86 se two subspaces that prefer parallel versus anti-parallel binding topologies.
87 allel) oligomerization and trans-homophilic (anti-parallel) binding.
88 hologue of Prc1, and Kif4A were recruited to anti-parallel bundles at interaction zones between aster
89 lis SMC (BsSMC) homodimer is composed of two anti-parallel coiled-coil arms, each having an ATP-bindi
90                              Deletion of the anti-parallel coiled-coil forming region, but not the EK
91     Deletion of the single alpha-helical and anti-parallel coiled-coil forming regions, which lie bet
92        Most unusually, the molecule forms an anti-parallel coiled-coil in which three of the five his
93  The inter-SH2 domain is assigned as a rigid anti-parallel coiled-coil whose primary function is to b
94                            Rad50 contains an anti-parallel coiled-coil with two absolutely conserved
95 region of PRK1, and we show that it forms an anti-parallel coiled-coil.
96 elix bundle in which two helices comprise an anti-parallel coiled-coil.
97 mprises three helices that form two separate anti-parallel coiled-coils and a loop that packs tightly
98 l 26-nm four-helix bundle, consisting of two anti-parallel coiled-coils at its center, stabilized by
99             Dimer-related alpha-helices form anti-parallel coiled-coils, including an N-terminal "min
100 opose a model for myosin interactions in the anti-parallel dimer of coiled-coils that guide the first
101 uence and topology, forming a tightly packed anti-parallel dimer.
102 ith one another in the form of a symmetrical anti-parallel dimer.
103                                       In the anti-parallel dimerization model, the rod domain region
104 in the assembly of Acanthamoeba myosin-II is anti-parallel dimerization of the coiled-coil tails with
105 e is accomplished through autoinhibition via anti-parallel dimerization.
106       They interact through the formation of anti-parallel dimers to mediate cell adhesion, migration
107 n from cells, procollagen VII molecules form anti-parallel dimers with a C-terminal 60-nm overlap.
108 structural characterisation of a bimolecular anti-parallel DNA quadruplex d(G(3)ACGTAGTG(3))(2) conta
109 ent of protein and lipids of nascent HDL, an anti-parallel double superhelix wrapped around an ellips
110 oly(dA) in the presence of coralyne forms an anti-parallel duplex, however attempts to determine the
111 ds, we constructed 40 hypothetical homo-(dA) anti-parallel duplexes and docked coralyne into the six
112    SWAP-70 bundles filaments in parallel and anti-parallel fashion through its C-terminal F-actin bin
113 evealed that 12 alpha-helices can pack in an anti-parallel fashion to form a hollow cylinder of nearl
114  the sites are preferentially synapsed in an anti-parallel fashion.
115 ion through its spontaneous assembly into an anti-parallel four-helix bundle approximately 50 A in le
116 lated to stability of the a-d packing of the anti-parallel four-helix bundle of KCM, a relationship p
117 cture shows that the maquette scaffold is an anti-parallel four-helix bundle with "up-up-down-down" t
118 elated dimer in the crystal to form a short, anti-parallel, four-helix bundle.
119  substrates up to 10-fold and on bimolecular anti-parallel G-quadruplex DNA structures and three-stra
120     This rule is consistent with most of the anti-parallel G-quadruplex structures in the Protein Dat
121 s suggests the following rule: when folding, anti-parallel G-quadruplexes tend to maximize the number
122                       Combining parallel and anti-parallel genes for analysis resulted in fewer signi
123 ociated with the same GO categories, whereas anti-parallel genes were not.
124  each tract showed that only parallel CT and anti-parallel GT TFOs formed stable triplex on the AT- a
125                                        Their anti-parallel head-to-head-to-tail 'triplex' strand arra
126  Our NMR study shows that the B box forms an anti-parallel helical hairpin in which four highly conse
127   PyJ possesses a three-helix fold, in which anti-parallel helices II and III are bridged by helix I,
128  and the species specificity of Vpu using an anti-parallel helix-helix packing model.
129              S100 proteins exist in cells as anti-parallel hetero- and homodimers and upon calcium bi
130 t coiled-coils studied to date by forming an anti-parallel heterodimeric complex between two peptides
131                   Spectrin assembles into an anti-parallel heterodimeric flexible rod-like molecule t
132                   Because talin exists as an anti-parallel homodimer in focal adhesions, the two inte
133  the other the 3'-coupled conjugate, so that anti-parallel hybridization allows the membrane surfaces
134 ns important information of the parallel and anti-parallel hydrogen-bond patterns between the beta-st
135 coat, leg segments entwine into parallel and anti-parallel interactions.
136 s mitotic spindle stability by cross-linking anti-parallel interpolar MTs.
137 e anchored to the phage coat by a synthetic, anti-parallel leucine zipper, which had been selected fr
138       These aspects of Vpu and BST-2 form an anti-parallel, lipid-embedded helix-helix interface.
139 , and the peptide and CaM are oriented in an anti-parallel manner.
140 nimal cell division, the central spindle, an anti-parallel microtubule bundle structure formed betwee
141 a disk-shaped interaction zone consisting of anti-parallel microtubule bundles coated with chromosome
142                 MKlp2 targets the CPC to the anti-parallel microtubule overlap of the midzone, after
143 arily conserved MAP65 family proteins bundle anti-parallel microtubules (MTs).
144 biditis elegans disrupt the spindle midzone (anti-parallel microtubules and associated proteins that
145  complex, its function primarily is to slide anti-parallel microtubules apart from one another.
146 uorescence assay, we found that Kif15 slides anti-parallel microtubules apart with gradual force buil
147  spindle - both structures being composed of anti-parallel microtubules.
148 kinesin-1 moves nuclei indirectly by sliding anti-parallel microtubules.
149 er of each fibril, where the fibril contains anti-parallel molecules in equal numbers.
150 ation by purine-rich oligonucleotides in the anti-parallel motif is inhibited by physiological concen
151 ind in an anti-parallel orientation (purine, anti-parallel motif).
152                                   Regions of anti-parallel MT organization behind the centrosome were
153 ently reverse direction when encountering an anti-parallel MT overlap, suggesting that the two motor
154 MAP65-3 and MAP65-4 to engaging and bundling anti-parallel MTs in the phragmoplast and disclosed a no
155 emonstrate that dynein crosslinks and slides anti-parallel MTs in vitro.
156      Kinesin-1 protein is able to cross-link anti-paralleled MTs in vitro.
157                                  The rods of anti-parallel myosin molecules overlap at the centre of
158                                   Due to the anti-parallel nature of DNA, the leading strand is copie
159                                          The anti-parallel nature of the four-helix bundle positions
160 here adjacent strands have both parallel and anti-parallel neighbors and connecting T(4) segments whi
161 ons indicate local moments with parallel and anti-parallel ordering along and across the edges, respe
162                                              Anti-parallel ordering is observed in 2-D segments with
163 lel motif), or purine TFOs, which bind in an anti-parallel orientation (purine, anti-parallel motif).
164 rted a model in which CacyBP/SIP occupies an anti-parallel orientation mediated by the N-terminal dim
165 tidimensional NMR spectroscopy to define the anti-parallel orientation of the four-helix bundle and i
166 igned to bind simultaneously in parallel and anti-parallel orientation to the polypurine strand.
167 eries of short TFOs directed in parallel and anti-parallel orientation to the purine strand of each t
168 ding site and inconsistent with parallel and anti-parallel orientations of the regions surrounding hi
169 ither FRL1 or mDia2 are in both parallel and anti-parallel orientations.
170 ation, dynamics and orientation, and exhibit anti-parallel overlaps in the middle of the cell.
171     The ENT domain forms a homodimer via the anti-parallel packing of the extended N-terminal alpha-h
172 st conserved Gln-226 residues present on the anti-parallel pair of helices.
173 nduced tubulin polymers, characterized by an anti-parallel protofilament arrangement, are depolymeriz
174  together with catastrophe factors, promote "anti-parallel pruning" that enforces radial organization
175 KH domains are arranged in an intramolecular anti-parallel pseudodimer conformation with the canonica
176                                              Anti-parallel quadruplex structures are favored in the p
177    Peptides generated from both parallel and anti-parallel readings of the non-coding strand of DNA h
178 e we show that the writhe is conserved under anti-parallel reconnection.
179 e linear response regime, will show a single anti-parallel resistance larger than the parallel resist
180 , we make the surprising prediction that the anti-parallel resistance of a spin valve can be either l
181 s and features a central flat seven-stranded anti-parallel sheet that is flanked by helices.
182  immunity protein to complete a six-stranded anti-parallel sheet.
183 if (DFSLDPTF) forms a loop that connects two anti-parallel sheets between SF2 motifs 5 and 6.
184 ort-range initiation sites, such as those in anti-parallel sheets connected by turns.
185 The core of the protein is formed by stacked anti-parallel sheets that are individually very similar
186  in arrays that may make a contiguous set of anti-parallel single-stranded nucleic acid binding cleft
187         In contrast, dark excitons (XD) show anti-parallel spin configuration with generally forbidde
188 binds zinc in a cross-brace topology between anti-parallel ss-strands reminiscent of RING (really int
189                                An additional anti-parallel strand in the PTCR structure also blocks t
190 native-like conformation to better mimic the anti-parallel structure of VEGF.
191 s, which differ starkly between parallel and anti-parallel structures; (2) preferred superhelical rad
192 psed DNA molecules supports the selection of anti-parallel target site alignment prior to the chemica
193  coiled-coil protrusion to form an elongated anti-parallel tetramer.
194 s with significantly higher affinity than an anti-parallel TFO.
195 dipoles of split-ring resonators parallel or anti-parallel to each other, leading to the strong chira
196 ed of two pairs of parallel helices that are anti-parallel to each other.
197 howed a switch in alpha-helical packing from anti-parallel to parallel and rotation of the alpha-heli
198 BAA receptor alpha subunit beta1 strand runs anti-parallel to the beta2 strand, which contains loop D
199                                      It lies anti-parallel to the beta2 strand, which is known to par
200 , actin motility was orientated parallel and anti-parallel to the direction of flow during myosin adh
201 egment tilts at a 30 degrees -angle and runs anti-parallel to the dsDNA helix to facilitate translati
202 del in which the spin is aligned parallel or anti-parallel to the effective field, with a rotating-fr
203 hose electronic magnetic moments are aligned anti-parallel to the magnetic field.
204 e beta-sheet with an unusual mixed parallel, anti-parallel topology.
205 ne and found that this site can fold into an anti-parallel two-tetrad G-quadruplex.
206       A key conserved hairpin feature is its anti-parallel, two beta-strand stem, which we show by mu
207  the Protein Data Bank included parallel and anti-parallel variants of two, three and four-stranded c

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