


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                     We hypothesized that the antiallergic action of heparin may be dependent on molec
2 e findings identify Dok-1 as mediator of the antiallergic actions of dexamethasone and as a negative
3  biological actions of heparin including the antiallergic activity are molecular weight dependent, we
4 , (2) nonanticoagulant fractions mediate the antiallergic activity of inhaled heparin, and (3) antial
5 llergic activity of inhaled heparin, and (3) antiallergic activity of nonanticoagulant heparin and LM
6 nd mast-cell degranulation, and compared its antiallergic activity with that of a low molecular weigh
7 ter potency than an original, chromone-based antiallergic agent.
8               The need for new and effective antiallergic agents is evident, and insight into the und
9 utically as vaccine adjuvants, anticancer or antiallergic agents.
10 " receptor might serve as a target for novel antiallergic/antiasthmatic therapies.
11  importance of targeting this pathway in new antiallergic asthma drug development.
12 tivity of alpha-MSH, which acts as a natural antiallergic basophil-response modifier.
13                             The choice of an antiallergic drug may be guided by the indication for wh
14                                  A wealth of antiallergic drugs is available for ocular allergy, and
15 ents with allergic rhinitis (AR) and, unlike antiallergic drugs, has been shown to modify the underly
16 eported modest potency of the antiasthma and antiallergic ligands cromolyn disodium and nedocromil so
17                            Further synthetic antiallergic ligands, either sharing features of the sta
18 that balances both symptoms and the need for antiallergic medication in an equally weighted manner.
19 e patients in this group used no concomitant antiallergic medication throughout the peak grass pollen
20  for seasonal symptoms and the use of rescue antiallergic medication, which included short courses of
21                    Furthermore, concomitant (antiallergic) medication use, the patients' state of hea
22 trolling symptoms and in reducing the use of antiallergic medications in seasonal allergic rhinoconju
23          Tranilast, which has antikeloid and antiallergic properties and therefore may modulate the f
24 enge because the pathogenesis is unclear and antiallergic therapy often unsuccessful.
25 teractions with IgE has been a prime goal in antiallergic therapy.
26 Anemia improved within 1 year after adequate antiallergic treatment.
27 c immunotherapy and the development of novel antiallergic treatments, as well as strategies to achiev

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