


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 redict which mRCC patients will benefit from antiangiogenic therapy.
2 ng for improvements in blood perfusion after antiangiogenic therapy.
3  vasculature, similar to that occurring with antiangiogenic therapy.
4 biomarkers exist to image tumor responses to antiangiogenic therapy.
5 sessing the response of vascularized PEDs to antiangiogenic therapy.
6 GBM) to characterize the response of rGBM to antiangiogenic therapy.
7  patient care and monitoring the response to antiangiogenic therapy.
8  and 28 days after combined chemotherapy and antiangiogenic therapy.
9 ggesting COUP-TFII as a candidate target for antiangiogenic therapy.
10 n after 28 days of combined chemotherapy and antiangiogenic therapy.
11 in pancreatic tumors can predict response to antiangiogenic therapy.
12 -catenin, this may provide a good target for antiangiogenic therapy.
13 ontribute in inherent/acquired resistance to antiangiogenic therapy.
14 s not been considered an important target in antiangiogenic therapy.
15 could be an effective approach for enhancing antiangiogenic therapy.
16 se-2 (MetAP2) represents a novel approach to antiangiogenic therapy.
17 tification of potential rational targets for antiangiogenic therapy.
18 o have a reduced growth response to targeted antiangiogenic therapy.
19 tors or markers for tumor vessel response to antiangiogenic therapy.
20 ing and monitoring tumor vessel responses to antiangiogenic therapy.
21 cusses promising avenues of investigation in antiangiogenic therapy.
22  cancer, suggesting possible new targets for antiangiogenic therapy.
23 ls and interstitium that are associated with antiangiogenic therapy.
24 ting both DLL4 and VEGF pathways may improve antiangiogenic therapy.
25 ibitors and that ATRs are useful targets for antiangiogenic therapy.
26 ring the tumor vasculature more resistant to antiangiogenic therapy.
27 se for monitoring tumor vascular response to antiangiogenic therapy.
28 tions for their development as biomarkers of antiangiogenic therapy.
29 rrently evaluated as potential biomarkers of antiangiogenic therapy.
30 rins on tumor blood vessels before and after antiangiogenic therapy.
31 etriotic growth and the efficacy of systemic antiangiogenic therapy.
32  flow in mouse tumors engineered to simulate antiangiogenic therapy.
33 ls but not changes in microvessel density in antiangiogenic therapy.
34 umor types that shows a clinical response to antiangiogenic therapy.
35 human tumors may represent a potential novel antiangiogenic therapy.
36 ctor and modulator of endostatin efficacy in antiangiogenic therapy.
37 uggest its usefulness in angioprevention and antiangiogenic therapy.
38 g responses to anticancer therapy, including antiangiogenic therapy.
39 with implications for the rational design of antiangiogenic therapy.
40  target to endothelial cells for efficacious antiangiogenic therapy.
41 wide have received some form of experimental antiangiogenic therapy.
42 xamined potential surrogates for response to antiangiogenic therapy.
43 gnaling could serve as a marker of effective antiangiogenic therapy.
44 herapies, especially for tumors treated with antiangiogenic therapy.
45 ly neovascularized and so may be amenable to antiangiogenic therapy.
46 o dynamic balance, which can be modulated by antiangiogenic therapy.
47 presents a promising strategy for delivering antiangiogenic therapy.
48 d could be helpful in selecting patients for antiangiogenic therapy.
49 umor progression can be restricted solely by antiangiogenic therapy.
50 ted negative effects following withdrawal of antiangiogenic therapy.
51 th treatment-naive BCVA and BCVA outcomes in antiangiogenic therapy.
52 with clear-cell mRCC previously treated with antiangiogenic therapy.
53  inhibited tumor rebound after withdrawal of antiangiogenic therapy.
54 nal measurement of ovarian tumor response to antiangiogenic therapy.
55 t to Nck as an emergent target for effective antiangiogenic therapy.
56 ve outcomes of patients with GBM who receive antiangiogenic therapy.
57 assessment of early treatment response after antiangiogenic therapy.
58 with Angpt/Tie2 has the potential to improve antiangiogenic therapy.
59 e an antitumor agent and open a new field of antiangiogenic therapy.
60 es is not necessarily decreased by effective antiangiogenic therapy.
61 2 followed tumor volume in studies featuring antiangiogenic therapy.
62 ectively block tumor progression and improve antiangiogenic therapy.
63 orafenib might be a ceiling for single-agent antiangiogenic therapy.
64 rtance, VEGF has been at the center stage of antiangiogenic therapy.
65 may mediate a mesenchymal-type resistance to antiangiogenic therapy.
66 sent in GSC and are resistant to traditional antiangiogenic therapies.
67 implications for the design of both pro- and antiangiogenic therapies.
68 sensitive reporter of the hypoxic effects of antiangiogenic therapies.
69 s of patients with cancer who are undergoing antiangiogenic therapies.
70 one of the most potent cytokines targeted in antiangiogenic therapies.
71  intrinsic hormone resistance may respond to antiangiogenic therapies.
72 on is critically involved in the response to antiangiogenic therapies.
73  of both IL-8 and VEGF signaling may improve antiangiogenic therapies.
74  suggests indications for clinical trials of antiangiogenic therapies.
75 sis-related diseases and provide a guide for antiangiogenic therapies.
76 nificant implications for the development of antiangiogenic therapies.
77 s, and the potential activity of alternative antiangiogenic therapies.
78 cells is critical for developing appropriate antiangiogenic therapies.
79 genic factors has important implications for antiangiogenic therapies.
80 creatic islets, and demonstrated efficacy of antiangiogenic therapies.
81 es attractive targets for the development of antiangiogenic therapies.
82 allow for an improved response assessment to antiangiogenic therapies.
83 , age, tumor type and involvement, and prior antiangiogenic therapies.
84 s that affect vascular permeability, such as antiangiogenic therapies.
85 oit this seminal pathway and improve current antiangiogenic therapies.
86 oma has lent support to the increased use of antiangiogenic therapies.
87                                              Antiangiogenic therapy (AAT) is a treatment option that
88 her CXCL5 or CXCR2 may be a critical adjunct antiangiogenic therapy against pancreatic cancer.
89 dentify novel targets for the development of antiangiogenic therapies aimed at the treatment of Kapos
90 e oncologists unknowingly been administering antiangiogenic therapy all these years?
91 to the application of immunotherapy alone or antiangiogenic therapy alone, which delayed the tumor gr
92                                              Antiangiogenic therapy also selects for aggressive pheno
93                                              Antiangiogenic therapy, although effective in shrinking
94 uation of the effectiveness of commonly used antiangiogenic therapies and determination of their opti
95 erlying mechanisms of resistance specific to antiangiogenic therapy and develop strategies to overcom
96 nism by which neuroblastoma can partly evade antiangiogenic therapy and may explain why experimental
97 gs challenge both the original rationale for antiangiogenic therapy and our understanding of the phys
98 mor hypoxia is associated with resistance to antiangiogenic therapy and poor prognosis.
99 a suggest mitochondria as a novel target for antiangiogenic therapy and provide mechanistic insights
100 -Met pathway in development of resistance to antiangiogenic therapy and suggests a potential strategy
101 dy tested the hypothesis that combination of antiangiogenic therapy and tumor immunotherapy of cancer
102 onse and nonenhancing tumor progression from antiangiogenic therapies, and pseudoprogression from rad
103  discuss successes and challenges of current antiangiogenic therapy, and highlight emerging antiangio
104  modalities including systemic chemotherapy, antiangiogenic therapy, and hospitalization.
105 infiltration into tumors after withdrawal of antiangiogenic therapy, and lowering platelet counts mar
106 CC as an important candidate target gene for antiangiogenic therapy, and PDGF-CC inhibition may be of
107 on factors were selected chemotherapy, prior antiangiogenic therapy, and platinum-free interval.
108 ikely reflects an onset of hypoxia caused by antiangiogenic therapy, and that beta1 inhibition is wel
109       However, not all patients benefit from antiangiogenic therapy, and those tumors that initially
110 umors were implanted, mice were treated with antiangiogenic therapy (anti-VEGFR-2 mAb, 1.4 mg/30 g bo
111                                              Antiangiogenic therapies are being pursued as a means of
112                                              Antiangiogenic therapies are starting to give promising
113 ly improved vascular function as a result of antiangiogenic therapy are explored, as are the implicat
114 nexpected finding is that repeated cycles of antiangiogenic therapy are followed by prolonged tumour
115                   Interestingly, early-stage antiangiogenic therapy arrested the progression of moder
116 naling remains a major challenge for current antiangiogenic therapies, as these antiangiogenic agents
117 ivo appears to be crucial for the success of antiangiogenic therapy based on integrin antagonism.
118 RC-52 xenografts after treatment with either antiangiogenic therapy (bevacizumab or sorafenib) or tum
119 ools with which to easily evaluate potential antiangiogenic therapies beyond eye research.
120                                Tumors escape antiangiogenic therapy by activation of proangiogenic si
121 e effect and to potentiate responsiveness to antiangiogenic therapy by concomitantly targeting ECM-mo
122                              Improvements in antiangiogenic therapy can be engendered by metronomic d
123 lioblastoma tumors, and the effectiveness of antiangiogenic therapy can be enhanced when combined wit
124 m between two angiostatic molecules and that antiangiogenic therapy can be used to inhibit ovarian ca
125 nd IFV profiles in tumors, we show here that antiangiogenic therapy can decrease IFP by decreasing th
126                                              Antiangiogenic therapy can enhance radiation-induced tum
127                                              Antiangiogenic therapy can produce transient tumor regre
128 ndings offer strong evidence that short-term antiangiogenic therapy can promote a transient vessel no
129 g laser photocoagulation, vitrectomy, and/or antiangiogenic therapy confirmed by an external adjudica
130                                         Most antiangiogenic therapies currently being evaluated in cl
131 as the potential to be manipulated in future antiangiogenic therapy design.
132 asiveness, paradoxically induced by the very antiangiogenic therapy designed to destroy the tumor.
133            Despite clear antitumor efficacy, antiangiogenic therapy did not alter tumor uptake of (11
134                                   Therefore, antiangiogenic therapy directed against a tumour's endot
135 om clinical trials of both proangiogenic and antiangiogenic therapies does not suggest that inhibitio
136 fied PDGF-DD as an important target gene for antiangiogenic therapy due to its pleiotropic effects on
137                                              Antiangiogenic therapy effects were detected earlier and
138 ides consistent assessment of tumor rCBV and antiangiogenic therapy efficacy.
139                             In this context, antiangiogenic therapy emerged as a promising treatment
140 r SK-RC-52 xenografts was not affected after antiangiogenic therapy, except in head and neck squamous
141 r reviews the evidence supporting the use of antiangiogenic therapies for adult soft tissue sarcomas.
142                          This indicates that antiangiogenic therapies for tumors that express high le
143  a useful animal model for testing potential antiangiogenic therapies for VHL disease treatment.
144 tion would have a dose-sparing effect on rK5 antiangiogenic therapy for brain tumors and further sugg
145 response are desperately needed to customize antiangiogenic therapy for cancer patients.
146  Phase I clinical trials of endostatin as an antiangiogenic therapy for cancer, the protein was admin
147 ctions of RAC exosomes, we might improve the antiangiogenic therapy for CNV in age-related macular de
148                      As we are interested in antiangiogenic therapy for glioblastoma tumors, and the
149 plications of alteration of Sp1 signaling in antiangiogenic therapy for pancreatic cancer and other c
150 ew challenge for uninterrupted and sustained antiangiogenic therapy for treatment of human cancers.
151                              Sunitinib is an antiangiogenic therapy given as a first-line treatment f
152 rker synaptophysin expression indicated that antiangiogenic therapy given at an early-stage disease r
153                                              Antiangiogenic therapy has been thought to hold signific
154                                              Antiangiogenic therapy has raised the hopes both of canc
155                                              Antiangiogenic therapy has shown clear activity and impr
156                                              Antiangiogenic therapies have a number of potential adva
157            There is increasing evidence that antiangiogenic therapies have activity in high-grade gli
158                                   Successful antiangiogenic therapies have been developed for the tre
159                                              Antiangiogenic therapies have failed to confer survival
160 istic of metastatic disease, and clinically, antiangiogenic therapies have shown value in the setting
161     Tumor-bearing mice treated with combined antiangiogenic therapy (IM862 or EMAP-II) and PDT had im
162                  One day after initiation of antiangiogenic therapy, imaging signal was significantly
163 ma is a highly vascularized brain tumor, and antiangiogenic therapy improves its progression-free sur
164                                              Antiangiogenic therapy improves survival in patients wit
165                Diffuse FVT permit studies of antiangiogenic therapies in areas distant from laser pho
166 r knowledge, this is the first evaluation of antiangiogenic therapy in a spontaneous autochthonous tu
167 jor role for Gal-1 as a tractable target for antiangiogenic therapy in advanced stages of the disease
168 ssels may serve as biomarkers or targets for antiangiogenic therapy in cancer.
169 er clinical development of caplostatin as an antiangiogenic therapy in childhood neuroblastoma.
170                                Resistance to antiangiogenic therapy in glioblastoma (GBM) patients ma
171                                  The role of antiangiogenic therapy in mCRPC remains investigational.
172 nificantly contribute to the response toward antiangiogenic therapy in melanoma.
173                              The efficacy of antiangiogenic therapy in neovascular AMD is strongly de
174 iogenic factors may be potential targets for antiangiogenic therapy in ovarian cancer.
175 c (CT) images, and predict tumor response to antiangiogenic therapy in patients with metastatic renal
176 s comparable to post-surgical treatment with antiangiogenic therapy in patients with mRCC, but it may
177 elucidate a novel mechanism of resistance to antiangiogenic therapy in which hypoxia-mediated autopha
178 to which their net extraction is improved by antiangiogenic therapy, in turn, depends on the extent t
179 e accurate monitoring of patient response to antiangiogenic therapies (including treatment suspension
180                             However, current antiangiogenic therapy induces serious adverse effects i
181 plored the hypothesis that hypoxia caused by antiangiogenic therapy induces tumor cell autophagy as a
182  and predict which patients may benefit from antiangiogenic therapies is of great importance.
183                                              Antiangiogenic therapy is a promising alternative for pr
184                                              Antiangiogenic therapy is efficacious in metastatic rena
185 ing it important to determine which contexts antiangiogenic therapy is most appropriate.
186 tion of continuous low-dose chemotherapy and antiangiogenic therapy is predicted to have the most sig
187                Recent evidence suggests that antiangiogenic therapy is sensitive to p53 status in tum
188                                 Intravitreal antiangiogenic therapy is the major therapeutic breakthr
189 teration of Sp1 signaling on the efficacy of antiangiogenic therapy is unclear, yet understanding the
190 inflammatory agents, or other non-VEGF-based antiangiogenic therapies, is actively investigated.
191 rapy in certain hormone-dependent tumors and antiangiogenic therapy lead to vessel regression and hav
192 in the tumor microenvironment in response to antiangiogenic therapy, leading to drug resistance.
193                                              Antiangiogenic therapy leads to devascularization that l
194                                              Antiangiogenic therapies like bevacizumab offer promise
195 detected changes in tumor uptake after acute antiangiogenic therapy markedly earlier than any signifi
196 gimens, targeted molecular agents, and other antiangiogenic therapies may have activity in recurrent
197 ing strategies of combinations of immune and antiangiogenic therapies may lead to further advancement
198 bitors from a single tumor and suggests that antiangiogenic therapies may provide an avenue for futur
199  tumor vessel numbers and function following antiangiogenic therapy may also affect intratumoral deli
200 tic that complements and improves concurrent antiangiogenic therapy may be a promising treatment stra
201 In conclusion, tumor perfusion changes after antiangiogenic therapy may distinguish responders vs. no
202                     Judicious application of antiangiogenic therapy may normalize the structure and f
203                                              Antiangiogenic therapy may prove to be effective in the
204            Tumor blood vessels normalized by antiangiogenic therapy may provide improved delivery of
205 s, whereas current treatment, and especially antiangiogenic therapy, may trigger spatial heterogeneit
206 -switch" model to explain how the targets of antiangiogenic therapy might change as a function of tum
207                                      Prudent antiangiogenic therapy might transiently normalize blood
208 eflects the viability of tumor tissue during antiangiogenic therapy more reliably than contrast-enhan
209                        Therefore, successful antiangiogenic therapies must be able to block all of th
210 s of their growth and dissemination, optimal antiangiogenic therapy necessitates inhibition of multip
211  molecular aspects of tumor angiogenesis and antiangiogenic therapy of cancer in combination with con
212 y survey critical scientific advances in the antiangiogenic therapy of cancer.
213 e as an "unconventional" MMP-9 inhibitor for antiangiogenic therapy of cervical cancer and potentiall
214 ation of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) after antiangiogenic therapy of gliomas with bevacizumab may r
215                                              Antiangiogenic therapy of the chimeras bearing establish
216                           Recent advances in antiangiogenic therapies offer possible primary or adjun
217                       However, the effect of antiangiogenic therapy on cycling tumor hypoxia remains
218                                The impact of antiangiogenic therapy on the Sp1/vascular endothelial g
219                 In particular, the impact of antiangiogenic therapy on tumor blood flow and oxygenati
220                               The effects of antiangiogenic therapy on tumors relapsing after irradia
221  decade and propose strategies for improving antiangiogenic therapy outcomes for malignant and nonmal
222                     Bevacizumab is the first antiangiogenic therapy proven to slow metastatic disease
223 munotherapy in simultaneous combination with antiangiogenic therapy provides a more efficient strateg
224 n integrin expression on tumor vessels after antiangiogenic therapy raises the possibility that integ
225 eted therapy (radiation/chemo) together with antiangiogenic therapies reduced GBM tumor size but incr
226              The mechanisms of resistance to antiangiogenic therapy remain incompletely understood.
227 g force for tumor growth and metastasis, and antiangiogenic therapy represents one of the most promis
228                                      Current antiangiogenic therapies require frequent injections, an
229                                              Antiangiogenic therapy resistance occurs frequently in p
230 junctive CXCR4 antagonists may help overcome antiangiogenic therapy resistance, benefiting GBM patien
231  this time period of improved oxygenation by antiangiogenic therapy resulted in a synergistic delay i
232 city of the tumor vasculature in the face of antiangiogenic therapy (see the related article beginnin
233           The widely held view is that these antiangiogenic therapies should destroy the tumor vascul
234                                              Antiangiogenic therapies show some therapeutic potential
235 paid to the microvascular endothelium and to antiangiogenic therapies, specific studies on the lympha
236    However, rapid emergence of resistance to antiangiogenic therapies, such as bevacizumab, greatly l
237                                              Antiangiogenic therapies, such as sunitinib, have revolu
238 etabolic traits of tumors can be selected by antiangiogenic therapy suggests insights into the evolut
239 ailing hypotheses on how these tumors escape antiangiogenic therapy: switch to VEGF-independent angio
240                                              Antiangiogenic therapies targeting the vascular endothel
241 endometrium is a major limitation for use of antiangiogenic therapy targeting endometrial vessels.
242 herefore be a potential target for nontoxic, antiangiogenic therapy that could prevent tumor recurren
243  about unexpected complications arising from antiangiogenic therapy that may potentially involve TF.
244 owever, for long-term tumor-free survival by antiangiogenic therapy, the factors controlling tumor ne
245 reasing the growth rate of the tumor with an antiangiogenic therapy, the low-avidity repertoire of ne
246  Thus, beta1 integrins promote resistance to antiangiogenic therapy through potentiation of multiple
247 ective inhibition of antiapoptotic pathways, antiangiogenic therapy, tissue-selective therapy (includ
248 ications for the translation of experimental antiangiogenic therapies to the clinic.
249                         Therefore, effective antiangiogenic therapies to treat VEGF-producing, VEGFR-
250 sion of this molecule is an ideal target for antiangiogenic therapy to treat cancer.
251                       In tumors treated with antiangiogenic therapy, tumor MR estimate of sO(2) was d
252 ncer that responds to checkpoint blockade or antiangiogenic therapy, uncovering a protective role by
253 gy inhibitors may help prevent resistance to antiangiogenic therapy used in the clinic.
254                                These include antiangiogenic therapy, vasodilatory agents, antilymphog
255                                              Antiangiogenic therapy was administered until a mean 1-m
256                    Noninvasive monitoring of antiangiogenic therapy was performed by serial power Dop
257                           To model effective antiangiogenic therapy, we disrupted the VEGF gene in th
258 e absence of VEGF, following radiotherapy or antiangiogenic therapy, we documented an increase in Ang
259 ve of this study was to evaluate alternative antiangiogenic therapies, which target multiple VEGF fam
260 ifferently to hypoxia and, as a consequence, antiangiogenic therapies will not be suitable for both s
261 dation of these biomarkers in the context of antiangiogenic therapy will be required.
262 yeloid cells contribute to refractoriness to antiangiogenic therapy with an anti-VEGF-A antibody.
263                                              Antiangiogenic therapy with antibodies against VEGF (bev
264                                              Antiangiogenic therapy with bevacizumab combined with ch
265                                              Antiangiogenic therapy with endostatin in animals requir
266 nitor response of colon cancer xenografts to antiangiogenic therapy with functional and molecular US
267 perimental animals have shown that combining antiangiogenic therapy with radiation can enhance tumor
268                                              Antiangiogenic therapy with the humanized VEGF antibody
269 f disease manifestations and is a target for antiangiogenic therapy with the monoclonal antibody beva
270 tient management and monitor the response to antiangiogenic therapy with the optimum noninvasive imag
271 sized that immunotherapy in combination with antiangiogenic therapy would be a more efficient strateg
272 rgeting pBMDC influx along with radiation or antiangiogenic therapy would be critical to prevent vasc
273 t phase of human cancer may be vulnerable to antiangiogenic therapy years before symptoms, or before
274 ently been implicated in tumor resistance to antiangiogenic therapy, yet their precise involvement in

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