


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 -) mice, indicating that metformin exerts an antiatherosclerotic action in vivo via the AMPK-mediated
2 dinediones have been shown to exert multiple antiatherosclerotic actions in diabetic patients.
3     Nitric oxide has both antithrombotic and antiatherosclerotic actions in the vasculature, yet its
4 ects of L-arginine by L-NA suggests that the antiatherosclerotic actions of L-arginine are mediated b
5                                The potential antiatherosclerotic actions of NO were investigated in f
6 ortant target for the antiproliferative, and antiatherosclerotic actions of PPARgamma ligands.
7  key mediators in flow anti-inflammatory and antiatherosclerotic actions.
8         Design of shorter, smaller trials of antiatherosclerotic agents is justified.
9  patients with type 2 diabetes and also have antiatherosclerotic and antihypertensive effects.
10   Taken together with previously established antiatherosclerotic and antithrombotic effects, these fi
11                     We have previously shown antiatherosclerotic and vasculoprotective effects of rec
12 raise HDL-C in animals and humans and may be antiatherosclerotic by enhancing reverse cholesterol tra
13  is a viable strategy for the development of antiatherosclerotic compounds.
14                Thus, HDCA is a candidate for antiatherosclerotic drug therapy.
15       In addition, treatment with statin, an antiatherosclerotic drug, inhibited YAP/TAZ activities t
16 value as a surrogate tool for development of antiatherosclerotic drugs and noninvasive assessment of
17                                              Antiatherosclerotic drugs may be exerting some of their
18  in clinical research for the development of antiatherosclerotic drugs.
19 herosclerosis would assist in the testing of antiatherosclerotic drugs.
20 vivo is important for the development of new antiatherosclerotic drugs.
21 letion of Nox1, but not Nox4, had a profound antiatherosclerotic effect correlating with reduced reac
22 parently disparate observations are that the antiatherosclerotic effect of CETP inhibition varies wit
23 ese results improve our understanding of the antiatherosclerotic effect of drugs.
24 on in vascular walls and contribute to their antiatherosclerotic effect.
25                                DPP-4i exerts antiatherosclerotic effects and reduces inflammation via
26                         The antidiabetic and antiatherosclerotic effects of adiponectin make it a des
27 larly cell-associated proteins, and that the antiatherosclerotic effects of antioxidants seen in some
28      Mechanistically, the renoprotective and antiatherosclerotic effects of DMAG are mediated by the
29 servation of SOD may be common mechanisms of antiatherosclerotic effects of lovastatin, vitamin E and
30  responsible for their anti-inflammatory and antiatherosclerotic effects remain largely unknown.
31 olesterol absorption with ezetimibe promotes antiatherosclerotic effects through increased LDL choles
32 rdial protection, insulin-sensitization, and antiatherosclerotic effects.
33 3) to analyze its potential antidiabetic and antiatherosclerotic effects.
34  In some animal models, ACAT inhibitors have antiatherosclerotic effects.
35 erone by blocking its receptor has potential antiatherosclerotic effects.
36 y, biochemistry and molecular biology of the antiatherosclerotic enzyme paraoxonase 1.
37      It also directly inactivates 2 critical antiatherosclerotic enzymes, endothelial nitric oxide sy
38                   This HDL-raising effect is antiatherosclerotic in moderately severe hyperlipidemia
39 de insights into the therapeutic efficacy of antiatherosclerotic interventions.
40 ndary prevention, including antiplatelet and antiatherosclerotic medications.
41             Interventions that raise HDL are antiatherosclerotic, presumably through acceleration of
42 atherosclerosis and whether IL-10 exerts its antiatherosclerotic properties by modulating lipid metab
43                        Although they possess antiatherosclerotic properties in vivo and promote endot
44                               However, other antiatherosclerotic properties of HDL are poorly underst
45 thase (eNOS) has been considered to exert an antiatherosclerotic role through synthesis of NO.
46 racterized by reduced bioavailability of the antiatherosclerotic signaling molecule nitric oxide (NO)
47 dothelial NO synthase (eNOS) to generate the antiatherosclerotic signaling radical NO.
48  therapies, supports the need to develop new antiatherosclerotic strategies in diabetic patients.
49 e potential to predict the efficacy of novel antiatherosclerotic therapeutics by using a relatively s
50 ular intervention but it has been hoped that antiatherosclerotic therapies might result in a reductio
51 imaging with IVUS in the evaluation of novel antiatherosclerotic therapies.
52  as responsiveness of individual patients to antiatherosclerotic therapies.
53 ntly assist rapid evaluation of experimental antiatherosclerotic therapies.
54 therogenic agent, and they highlight a novel antiatherosclerotic therapy using a simple, yet effectiv
55 ity, and reveals the coexistence of pro- and antiatherosclerotic transcript profiles in susceptible r
56 their use in preventing CIN apart from their antiatherosclerotic use.

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