


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  transfer is an important means of spreading antibiotic resistance .
2  clinical outcome and promotes the spread of antibiotic resistance.
3 7, a transcription factor involved in innate antibiotic resistance.
4 ing a pivotal role for immunity in deterring antibiotic resistance.
5  concern due to the increasing phenomenon of antibiotic resistance.
6  models address the impact of vaccination on antibiotic resistance.
7 ve drug therapies to slow down the spread of antibiotic resistance.
8 r from annually and that exhibits widespread antibiotic resistance.
9 vel antimicrobial agents in a time of rising antibiotic resistance.
10 UTIs) disrupt the gut microbiome and promote antibiotic resistance.
11 tter, controlling diseases, and formation of antibiotic resistance.
12 enes related to horizontal gene transfer and antibiotic resistance.
13 ives which are relevant in the fight against antibiotic resistance.
14 tic strategies to fight the global threat of antibiotic resistance.
15 er (HGT) plays a major role in the spread of antibiotic resistance.
16 hways through which vaccination might impact antibiotic resistance.
17  of carriage will also maintain diversity in antibiotic resistance.
18 is a major cause for the onset of widespread antibiotic resistance.
19 4 countries were included in our analysis of antibiotic resistance.
20 tical models of pneumococcal competition and antibiotic resistance.
21 ed individuals, especially in the context of antibiotic resistance.
22 excess costs or encourage the development of antibiotic resistance.
23  in bacterial physiology, pathogenicity, and antibiotic resistance.
24 elope is vital to bacterial pathogenesis and antibiotic resistance.
25  relevant in the fight against the spread of antibiotic resistance.
26 e rapid generation of new phenotypes such as antibiotic resistance.
27 re important tools in the approach to combat antibiotic resistance.
28 entify novel genes involved in virulence and antibiotic resistance.
29 iated lifestyle, and evolution of high-level antibiotic resistance.
30 s encoding potentially useful traits such as antibiotic resistance.
31 y often lead to health concerns or potential antibiotic resistance.
32 antimicrobial defense is vital in countering antibiotic resistance.
33  formation, conjugative plasmid transfer and antibiotic resistance.
34 is of which is a primary factor in increased antibiotic resistance.
35 ial stress response underlying virulence and antibiotic resistance.
36 nisms not previously shown to be involved in antibiotic resistance.
37 ccelerated disease progression and increased antibiotic resistance.
38 ulence, and can be targeted without inducing antibiotic resistance.
39  short-term solution to the rising crisis of antibiotic resistance.
40 r differ from, the challenges of prokaryotic antibiotic resistance.
41 acterial cytotoxicity, biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance.
42 x patterns of selection both for and against antibiotic resistance.
43 sepsis model, without any negative change in antibiotic resistance.
44 imultaneously suppress virulence factors and antibiotic resistance.
45  false-negative screening, and/or changes in antibiotic resistance.
46 anges of the entire organism with respect to antibiotic resistance.
47 mance that explained phenotypically observed antibiotic resistance.
48 to limit conjugation-assisted persistence of antibiotic resistance.
49 TEM-family of beta-lactamase associated with antibiotic resistance.
50 a major clinical impact in the fight against antibiotic resistance.
51 ion of target gene expression and ultimately antibiotic resistance.
52  artificial microbiota to evaluate microbial antibiotic resistance.
53 rial growth, in an era of rapidly increasing antibiotic resistance.
54 e the selective advantage or disadvantage of antibiotic resistance?
55 ated through a DNA microarray containing 354 antibiotic resistance (ABR) genes.
56 y behavior and stochastic processes, such as antibiotic resistance acquisition.
57 teria, for example, leading to the spread of antibiotic resistance across clades and species, and to
58 mids are important carriers in the spread of antibiotic resistance across Gram-negative bacteria.
59 a stress response network where the multiple antibiotic resistance activator MarA from Escherichia co
60 pical example of such a system: the multiple antibiotic resistance activator MarA.
61                                   Increasing antibiotic resistance among bacterial pathogens has rend
62 inishing treatment options due to increasing antibiotic resistance among causal pathogens.
63                                     Emerging antibiotic resistance among pathogenic bacteria is an is
64 infections (UTI), and the increasing rate of antibiotic resistance among UPEC isolates reinforces the
65                                 Emergence of antibiotic resistance, an evolutionary process of major
66 terial peptidomimetics that are not prone to antibiotic resistance and are highly resistant to protea
67 tibiotic choice and concerns about promoting antibiotic resistance and Clostridium difficile infectio
68 nto pressing global health problems, such as antibiotic resistance and disease transmission.
69 nfection requires careful attention to local antibiotic resistance and eradication patterns.
70                          Genomic plasticity, antibiotic resistance and extreme capsular antigenic var
71 lish country-specific prevalences of primary antibiotic resistance and first-line eradication rates.
72 y have been found to have important roles in antibiotic resistance and in affecting production of met
73 e of processes, including membrane assembly, antibiotic resistance and metabolic coordination.
74 y antibiotics, but such therapy is linked to antibiotic resistance and re-infection.
75                                              Antibiotic resistance and substrate bioavailability may
76 r their contribution to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance and the emergence of multiresistan
77 This scenario is exacerbated by increases in antibiotic resistance and the limited availability of va
78  the dynamics and dissemination of genes for antibiotic resistance and the organisms that carry such
79                       The rise in gonococcal antibiotic resistance and the threat of untreatable infe
80 ding for clinically important traits such as antibiotic resistance and toxin production, and this div
81 ulations could lead to better forecasting of antibiotic resistance and virulence of emerging clones,
82                        In the present study, antibiotic resistance and virulence of MRSA and methicil
83  significant changes in phenotype, including antibiotic resistance and virulence, detecting them with
84 nesis and maintenance, bacterial physiology, antibiotic resistance and virulence.
85 enotypes (e.q. virulence, biofilm formation, antibiotic resistance), and its components, when incorpo
86  tract, urinary tract, skin or soft tissue), antibiotic resistance, and clinical outcomes.
87  may prolong infection duration, may promote antibiotic resistance, and increase costs.
88                Treatment is difficult due to antibiotic resistance, and new antimicrobials are needed
89 ing the outcome of P. aeruginosa infections, antibiotic resistance, and particularly multidrug-resist
90 ation via quorum sensing, biofilm formation, antibiotic resistance, and pathogenesis.
91 have been implicated in regulating biofilms, antibiotic resistance, and ultimately virulence.
92 sus medical antibiotic use drives increasing antibiotic resistance (AR) across nature.
93 biotics has resulted in rapid acquisition of antibiotic resistance (AR) and spread of multidrug-resis
94 ndance of only two bacterial species and two antibiotic resistance (AR) genes at treatment initiation
95                                              Antibiotic resistance (AR) in hospitals in countries suc
96                                              Antibiotic resistance (AR) is an epidemic of increasing
97 infection severity and prevent the spread of antibiotic resistance are contingent upon timely infecti
98 e emergence and fate of mutations that drive antibiotic resistance are governed by these interactions
99                                              Antibiotic resistance arising via chromosomal mutations
100  This study identifies biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance as associated with poor outcome in
101                             Surveillance for antibiotic resistance attributed to the routine use of a
102 on', allows S. aureus to efficiently acquire antibiotic resistance both in vitro and in an in vivo vi
103 h2-B1 serves as a therapeutically important "antibiotic-resistance-breaker," which enhances the bacte
104 ble for inclusion in the analysis of primary antibiotic resistance, but only randomised controlled tr
105  pathogens increasingly display conventional antibiotic resistance by expressing and varying surface
106  reporters that reveal mechanisms related to antibiotic resistance can potentially have a significant
107 enes that confer crucial phenotypes, such as antibiotic resistance, can spread horizontally by residi
108 oliferation of cataclysmic predictions about antibiotic resistance, cases of which are estimated to a
109 hat stable coexistence is only possible when antibiotic resistance comes at a fitness cost.
110 nally, we applied pORTMAGE to study a set of antibiotic resistance-conferring mutations in Salmonella
111 riched for gene determinants associated with antibiotic resistance, consistent with regional differen
112 l infections, which is crucial in times when antibiotic resistance continues to increase.
113 n for healthcare practitioners as widespread antibiotic resistance continues to limit therapeutic tre
114                                            : Antibiotic resistance continues to receive national atte
115 ntargeted use of antibiotics and control the antibiotic resistance crisis.
116 nd colistin, make UTI a prime example of the antibiotic-resistance crisis and emphasize the need for
117                   The analysis of 7 years of antibiotic resistance data from 10 bacterial species and
118 istance genes annotated in the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD) from the metagenom
119                            The Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database is a manually curated res
120 ted improvements in pathogen identification, antibiotic resistance detection, and outbreak investigat
121 hat lead to expression of beta-lactamase, an antibiotic-resistance determinant.
122 involved in the acquisition of virulence and antibiotic resistance determinants.
123 nd the distribution of virulence factors and antibiotic-resistance determinants of this species is sc
124 entation of genes encoding for fermentation, antibiotic resistance, detoxification stress, adhesion,
125 ntification of the effects of antibiotics on antibiotic resistance development and provide better evi
126 formation contributes to genomic plasticity, antibiotic resistance development and vaccine escape.
127 associations between antibiotic exposure and antibiotic resistance development is important.
128                     The risk associated with antibiotic resistance disseminating from animal and huma
129  ecosystems are home to microbes that harbor antibiotic resistance elements and the means to mobilize
130 lations to contribute to clinically relevant antibiotic resistance, elucidating an enigmatic cause of
131                                   Widespread antibiotic resistance, especially of Gram-negative bacte
132 New hypervirulent strains and acquisition of antibiotic resistance exacerbates pathogenesis; however,
133 a is a permeability barrier and an intrinsic antibiotic resistance factor.
134 r rapid diagnostic methods that can evaluate antibiotic resistance for pathogenic bacteria in order t
135 lycan (PG)-containing cell walls can lead to antibiotic resistance; for example, beta-lactam resistan
136 red bacterial colonization and may result in antibiotic resistance, fungemia, necrotizing enterocolit
137 t-bed for tracking environmental pathways of antibiotic resistance gene (ARG) dissemination, we sough
138           Here, we review the main routes of antibiotic resistance gene transfer in S. aureus in the
139 al chemical and the relative abundance of an antibiotic resistance gene, including one between the ub
140 om wastewater and carries the emerging NDM-1 antibiotic resistance gene.
141 , and (iii) neither phenotypic nor inherited antibiotic resistance generated during therapy are likel
142 istant bacteria (MRB) and even intracellular antibiotic resistance genes (ARG), but information on th
143                                              Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are increasingly appr
144 ought to establish a pipeline for annotating antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) based on metagenomic
145 aracterized by a lower abundance of selected antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) compared with ambient
146               Environmental dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) has become an increas
147 surements of selected clinically significant antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) showed that their rel
148 stance is often conferred by the presence of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), which are readily fo
149  gut microbiota is an important reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs).
150 4, as well as their associated plasmid-borne antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs).
151 ewater solids are a significant reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs).
152 rocess that mediates the dangerous spread of antibiotic resistance genes among bacterial populations.
153 the first to look for an association between antibiotic resistance genes and antimicrobial chemicals
154  (HPV) genomes that express marker proteins (antibiotic resistance genes and Green Fluorescent Protei
155    Here, we explore the relationship between antibiotic resistance genes and the antimicrobial chemic
156 t resistome was characterized by identifying antibiotic resistance genes annotated in the Comprehensi
157 , and identification of stress tolerance and antibiotic resistance genes in bacteria.
158  method by performing a 4-plex PCR targeting antibiotic resistance genes in S. aureus using only 2 co
159 stance genes were the most prevalent (25.9%) antibiotic resistance genes in these samples.
160 merous bacterial riboregulators that control antibiotic resistance genes including metabolite-binding
161 ts may help to explain the rapid exchange of antibiotic resistance genes observed in S. aureus.
162  the metabolic potential and the presence of antibiotic resistance genes of these different bacterial
163 been described, including the acquisition of antibiotic resistance genes via the transfer of mobile g
164                       Putative virulence and antibiotic resistance genes were over-represented in L1,
165               The three most highly abundant antibiotic resistance genes were tet(W), blaSRT-1, and e
166 es in horizontal gene transfer, in spread of antibiotic resistance genes, and as sites of phage attac
167 on methane production, relative abundance of antibiotic resistance genes, and microbial community str
168 e do so by examining the origins and rise of antibiotic resistance genes, their subsequent disseminat
169  bacteria exchange genetic material, notably antibiotic resistance genes.
170 a set of populations with low frequencies of antibiotic resistance genes.
171 otations for carbohydrate-active enzymes and antibiotic resistance genes.
172 mids are important carriers of virulence and antibiotic resistance genes.
173 ved to be responsible for the spread of some antibiotic resistance genes.
174 c analyses revealed an overrepresentation of antibiotic resistance genes.
175                         The co-occurrence of antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) and mobile genetic el
176 biotics leads to the widespread induction of antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs).
177 ones rapidly emerge mainly by acquisition of antibiotic-resistance genes from other S. aureus strains
178 such practices could help reduce the load of antibiotic-resistance genes in the environment.
179 his approach to analyze the distributions of antibiotic-resistance genes, virulence factors, and phag
180 her activities like neurotoxicity as well as antibiotics resistance genes, and taxonomic gene markers
181                                  The rise in antibiotic resistance has complicated the management of
182  that failure of antibiotic treatment due to antibiotic resistance has little clinical impact in the
183                               The problem of antibiotic resistance has prompted the search for new an
184                                              Antibiotic resistance has proven to be a major challenge
185 everal important mechanisms for C. difficile antibiotic resistance have been described, including the
186                Concerns about acquisition of antibiotic resistance have led to increasing demand for
187 itted organisms, and high rates of macrolide antibiotic resistance in a diverse sample of subjects se
188  Clinical Question: What is the evidence for antibiotic resistance in acne, and how does resistance a
189  membrane permeability is a leading cause of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, and hence there is a
190 vation of antibiotics, a common mechanism of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, is a cooperative beha
191 can help to explain the processes leading to antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
192  discovery of novel approaches to counteract antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
193 ibiotic consumption affect the prevalence of antibiotic resistance in bacterial pathogens is importan
194                                              Antibiotic resistance in clinically important bacteria c
195 coli is a paradigm for chromosomally encoded antibiotic resistance in enteric bacteria.
196 d microfluidic system for rapid detection of antibiotic resistance in H. pylori.
197 s not been done of the prevalence of primary antibiotic resistance in Helicobacter pylori in the Asia
198 ine the factors encouraging the emergence of antibiotic resistance in India, the implications nationa
199  various settings, ranging from emergence of antibiotic resistance in microbes to cancer relapses upo
200 in investigating the existence and trends of antibiotic resistance in microbiota.
201                                              Antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria is a contin
202 adigm shift from focusing on the carriage of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria to a broade
203                            The overall multi-antibiotic resistance in recovered Salmonella was 23.81%
204 ral resistome, including the transmission of antibiotic resistance in the oral microbiome.
205                However, the direct impact of antibiotic resistance in the severity and outcomes of P.
206 ted us to investigate evolutionary origin of antibiotic resistance in this enzyme family.
207  used to identify the creep towards complete antibiotics resistance in bacteria using genome sequenci
208 ential for tetracycline "degradation" (i.e., antibiotic resistance) in fungal genomes.
209                                           As antibiotic resistance increases and the rate of antibiot
210                                         With antibiotic resistance increasing at alarming rates, targ
211  against the backdrop of rising concern over antibiotic resistance, investigators studying the role o
212 or human pathogen for which the emergence of antibiotic resistance is a global public health concern.
213                                              Antibiotic resistance is a global public health issue of
214                                The spread of antibiotic resistance is a major challenge for the treat
215                                              Antibiotic resistance is a major global health concern t
216                                              Antibiotic resistance is a major global health problem a
217                                              Antibiotic resistance is a major global threat to the pr
218                                              Antibiotic resistance is a major public health threat, f
219                                  The rise in antibiotic resistance is a major threat for human health
220                                              Antibiotic resistance is a significant emerging health t
221                                              Antibiotic resistance is an increasingly serious public
222                                              Antibiotic resistance is ancient and widespread in envir
223                                              Antibiotic resistance is considered one of the greatest
224 9G-GES-5 demonstrate that this small drop in antibiotic resistance is due to a decline in the enzyme
225                                              Antibiotic resistance is increasingly widespread, largel
226                                   Widespread antibiotic resistance is on the rise and current therapi
227                                              Antibiotic resistance is on the rise while the number of
228 A major contributor to Staphylococcus aureus antibiotic resistance is the NorA efflux pump, which is
229 terial pathogen that has acquired high-level antibiotic resistance, is a common cause of pulmonary in
230 , virulence (cps loci, gelatinase, SprE) and antibiotic resistances (IsaA, tetM).
231  by whole-genome sequencing from the CDC-FDA Antibiotic Resistance Isolate Bank were evaluated, inclu
232 e of the major determinants of the intrinsic antibiotic resistance levels in Escherichia coli, we hav
233                                   Increasing antibiotic resistance limits treatment options for gonor
234                                 The multiple antibiotic resistance (mar) operon of Escherichia coli i
235 lts support the idea that the development of antibiotic resistance may be potentially controlled via
236 inical application of chemical inhibitors of antibiotic resistance mechanisms as add-on treatments fo
237 landscape and challenges in the treatment of antibiotic resistance mechanisms at both bacterial cell
238 ems biology perspective on understanding the antibiotic resistance mechanisms in bacteria.
239        Here, to gain insight on A. baumannii antibiotic resistance mechanisms, we analyse the protein
240 tion and increase understanding of bacterial antibiotic resistance mechanisms.
241 view, we will examine how different forms of antibiotic resistance modulate bacterial fitness and vir
242                           Although long-term antibiotic-resistance monitoring is needed, these data s
243                  Importantly, no spontaneous antibiotic resistance mutants appear under tobramycin se
244                      An understanding of how antibiotic resistance mutations shape the pathobiology o
245 g a range of chemotherapeutic, antiviral and antibiotic resistance mutations, providing useful insigh
246 by reducing selective pressure that leads to antibiotic resistance mutations.
247                          With an increase in antibiotic resistance, natural products once again hold
248                                 Moreover, an antibiotic-resistance network based on PseudomonasNet re
249 eral principle to be found in many bacterial antibiotic resistance networks.
250                                   The rising antibiotic resistance of bacteria imposes a severe threa
251 test methods and other strategies to counter antibiotic resistance of C. difficile.
252             Previous studies have focused on antibiotic resistance of Gram-negative bacteria before a
253           In combination with the increasing antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria, severe inf
254                A better grasp of the risk of antibiotic resistance on outcomes that matter to patient
255                         It is built upon the Antibiotic Resistance Ontology (ARO), a custom built, in
256  can carry multiple plasmids associated with antibiotic resistance or virulence.
257 e historical perspective on the evolution of antibiotic resistance over a 100-year period, beginning
258 ent varied physiological features that favor antibiotic-resistance, Pa-MAP 1.9 could be a promising c
259                                Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, particularly the role of efflux p
260                                              Antibiotic resistance, particularly to fluoroquinolones
261               Wellcome Trust, UK, and Global Antibiotic Resistance Partnership, USA.
262                                   Similarly, antibiotic resistance patterns varied (resistance patter
263 d organisms and the frequency of a macrolide antibiotic resistance phenotype were determined in uroge
264                    Strains were analysed for antibiotic resistance, plasmid typing, and transfer anal
265 ng insights into the replication of numerous antibiotic resistance plasmids from Gram-positive bacter
266    Antibiotic selection drives adaptation of antibiotic resistance plasmids to new bacterial hosts, b
267 monas aeruginosa strains, featuring distinct antibiotic resistance profiles, and isolates obtained du
268 identified local and regional differences in antibiotic resistance profiles, with examples of local e
269  range of ecological niches, host types, and antibiotic resistance profiles.
270                           Here we evolve the antibiotic resistance protein TEM-1 towards resistance o
271 ssay for Cu(2+) detection using the multiple antibiotic resistance regulator (MarR) as specific bridg
272 e basis for the success of ST258, outside of antibiotic resistance, remains incompletely determined.
273                          Acinetobacter gains antibiotic resistance remarkably rapidly, with multi dru
274                                              Antibiotic resistance represents a worldwide concern, es
275  soft tissue infections (SSTIs) and mounting antibiotic resistance requires innovative treatment stra
276                                              Antibiotic resistance significantly impacts on patients'
277 onjugation is the main process through which antibiotic resistance spreads among bacteria, with multi
278 ts that target the most common mechanisms of antibiotic resistance such as enzymatic inactivation of
279                    If intact genes conveying antibiotic resistance survive the disinfection process,
280  coli DSM1103, displayed lower virulence and antibiotic resistance than E. coli PI-7.
281 ance systems for the routine surveillance of antibiotic resistance that would be helpful for a better
282 ch warned about the cost to the community of antibiotic resistance that would inevitably evolve and b
283 tional action plans to address the threat of antibiotic resistance, the catastrophic consequences of
284 es, (such as genes involved in virulence and antibiotics resistance), there is a shortage of speciali
285                        Given their intrinsic antibiotic resistance, this can cause extremely difficul
286 stematic review and meta-analysis of primary antibiotic resistance to H pylori and the efficacy of fi
287 e trends and regional differences in primary antibiotic resistance to H pylori in the Asia-Pacific re
288 derstanding of fitness benefits and costs of antibiotic resistance to inform control policy and plann
289 181 family are widespread and confer various antibiotic resistances to Staphylococcus aureus.
290 model to quantify the impact of a vaccine on antibiotic resistance transmission within a human popula
291                                   To control antibiotic resistance, vaccines have been proposed as an
292    INTERPRETATION: The prevalence of primary antibiotic resistance varied greatly among countries in
293                        The interplay between antibiotic resistance, virulence, and the concerning int
294                                   Increasing antibiotic resistance warrants therapeutic alternatives.
295  of infection by S. aureus subtypes and mean antibiotic resistance, we conducted a 15-year retrospect
296 get proteins that control both virulence and antibiotic resistance, we screened for mutants with defe
297 uality control machinery on the evolution of antibiotic resistance, which, as we illustrate here, may
298  bacterial community behavior, pathology and antibiotic resistance with sub-cellular resolution.
299  to predict the evolutionary trajectories of antibiotic resistance would be of great value in tailori
300           In addition, regular screening for antibiotic resistance would improve correct treatment.

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