


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1    Adults respond to NP carriage by mounting anticapsular and weak antiprotein antibody responses, an
2 t limiting doses, the polysaccharide-induced anticapsular antibodies also were less effective in conf
3 rmination of the binding of Fab fragments of anticapsular antibodies as a measure of matrix density;
4 order to assess if it is feasible to develop anticapsular antibodies as a potential novel therapy, it
5 ticapsular antibodies, but not all sera with anticapsular antibodies conferred protection.
6         These results indicate that systemic anticapsular antibodies conferred significant protection
7 isparities in the functional activity of the anticapsular antibodies elicited in adults by the two va
8 uate the effect of passive immunization with anticapsular antibodies on nasopharyngeal carriage, two
9  but it is not known whether vaccine-induced anticapsular antibodies that lack bactericidal activity
10      In the present study, polyclonal rabbit anticapsular antibodies were cross-absorbed to produce s
11                  These results indicate that anticapsular antibodies with different epitope specifici
12 was associated with higher concentrations of anticapsular antibodies, but not all sera with anticapsu
13        Moreover, the quality and function of anticapsular antibodies, measured as avidity and in vitr
14 ty is associated with higher-avidity group C anticapsular antibodies, which are present in concentrat
15 ng been assumed to depend on the presence of anticapsular antibodies.
16 mine the protective capacity of pneumococcal anticapsular antibodies.
17                                              Anticapsular antibody at doses fivefold higher (0.18 to
18 activity had a higher geometric mean group C anticapsular antibody concentration (0.72 microg/ml) tha
19              Of 18 nonbactericidal sera with anticapsular antibody concentrations between 0.31 and 0.
20  were assayed for serogroups C, W-135, and Y anticapsular antibody concentrations by use of a radioan
21                                      Group C anticapsular antibody concentrations were measured by a
22 ccines elicit higher concentrations of serum anticapsular antibody in infants and children than do un
23 had no effect on bacteremia, whereas group C anticapsular antibody in sera from adults immunized with
24  of life, whereas maternal serotype-specific anticapsular antibody is associated with protection agai
25         Survival, organ fungus burden, serum anticapsular antibody levels, and histopathology by ligh
26 ity functions as an important determinant of anticapsular antibody protective efficacy against pneumo
27                                     Salivary anticapsular antibody responses to a 7-valent pneumococc
28 ncentrations of polysaccharide-induced serum anticapsular antibody to achieve 50% complement-mediated
29                        PHS plus a monoclonal anticapsular antibody, 3C2, had an additive effect on bi
30 ogous or homologous strain did not depend on anticapsular antibody.
31           This was observed with and without anticapsular antibody.
32 group had up to 7-fold-higher geometric mean anticapsular-antibody titers than the alum group and 5-
33 MF59 group still showed 5- to 10-fold-higher anticapsular-antibody titers.
34           For serotype 14, a higher level of anticapsular IgG at the beginning of the study was assoc
35 in antibody responses, and naturally induced anticapsular IgG can prevent carriage.
36                                    Levels of anticapsular IgG increased significantly after carriage
37 t (i) there are multiple mechanisms by which anticapsular IgG MAbs facilitate phagocytosis of encapsu
38 vidity and opsonophagocytic functions of the anticapsular IgG were similar.
39               Vaccination with PCV13 induces anticapsular immunoglobulin G and opsonophagocytic antib
40 f an anti-GNA33 mAb is similar to that of an anticapsular mAb but less active than an anti-P1.2 mAb.
41 g fluorophore-labeled polyclonal anti-C3 and anticapsular monoclonal antibodies and rosetting of fluo
42 eutrophils in the presence of complement and anticapsular or anti-O antigen antiserum.
43 phagocytic assay (OPA) and compared with IgG anticapsular polysaccharide antibody concentrations meas
44                  Coating of pneumococci with anticapsular polysaccharide antibody unmasked the bacter
45                                 Increases in anticapsular polysaccharide immunoglobulin G concentrati
46                         The concentration of anticapsular PS antibodies strongly correlated (r = .72

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