


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ojections, as produced by septal infusion of anticholinergics.
2 nd treatment centred on early institution of anticholinergics.
3 nasal decongestant, saline douches and nasal anticholinergics.
4 tilation, and receipt of benzodiazepines and anticholinergics.
5                      Analogues of the potent anticholinergic 2-(4-phenylpiperidino)cyclohexanol (vesa
6 rected] of the patients treated with inhaled anticholinergics (2.1%) and 108 [corrected] of the contr
7                                   The use of anticholinergic (AC) medication is linked to cognitive i
8                                        Serum anticholinergic activity (SAA), as measured by a radiore
9 is treated with medications that raise serum anticholinergic activity and are known to adversely affe
10 hors examined the relationship between serum anticholinergic activity and baseline cognitive performa
11                                        Serum anticholinergic activity in schizophrenia patients shows
12                                        Serum anticholinergic activity showed a significant negative c
13                                        Serum anticholinergic activity uniquely accounted for 20% of t
14                                        Serum anticholinergic activity was detectable in 180 (89.6%) p
15                                        Serum anticholinergic activity was measured in 201 subjects wh
16                                        Serum anticholinergic activity was significantly associated wi
17                                        Serum anticholinergic activity, measured at study entry by rad
18 tions of clozapine and NDMC as well as serum anticholinergic activity.
19 effects through a mechanism unrelated to its anticholinergic activity.
20 ddition of tiotropium bromide (a long-acting anticholinergic agent approved for the treatment of chro
21 nt of patients < or =1 yr of age received an anticholinergic agent before ET intubation compared with
22 f salmeterol with those of albuterol and the anticholinergic agent ipratropium in 20 patients with st
23                  Methixene hydrochloride, an anticholinergic agent, may be useful in the symptomatic
24 ponse and remission, and lower incidences of anticholinergic and cardiovascular side effects.
25 atients (1.9%) [corrected] receiving inhaled anticholinergics and 83 of 6661 [corrected] patients (1.
26 ee classes of bronchodilators-beta agonists, anticholinergics, and theophylline-are available and can
27  took part in five drug challenges using the anticholinergic antinicotinic agent mecamylamine (MECA)
28                                      Inhaled anticholinergics are associated with a significantly inc
29    These studies provided good evidence that anticholinergics are effective at improving both urodyna
30  consists of medical therapy, primarily with anticholinergics as well as behavioral therapy to modify
31 response to botulinum toxin is not adequate, anticholinergics, benzodiazepines, baclofen and other me
32 dase type B inhibitors [MAOBIs], amantadine, anticholinergics, beta-blockers, or dopamine agonists) m
33               Current COPD therapy involving anticholinergics, beta2-adrenoceptor agonists and/or cor
34 ve demonstrated the benefit of a long-acting anticholinergic bronchodilator in addition to beta(2)-ag
35                   Moreover, inhalation of an anticholinergic bronchodilator reduced apnea episodes in
36 a; Ba679BR) is a new-generation, long-acting anticholinergic bronchodilator that has muscarinic M(1)
37 beta-agonists, compared with ipratropium, an anticholinergic bronchodilator, and placebo in patients
38 erwise received usual care, except for other anticholinergic bronchodilators.
39 eceptor assay, quantifies a person's overall anticholinergic burden caused by all drugs and their met
40                                        Daily anticholinergic burden was calculated for each patient b
41 nitive cost of medications that carry a high anticholinergic burden.
42 s improvement was negatively correlated with anticholinergic burden.
43  exposure to prescriptions with a cumulative Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden (ACB) score of 3 or hig
44  exposure to prescriptions with a cumulative Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden (ACB) score of 3 or hig
45 A approval; these are the antimuscarinic and anticholinergic/direct smooth muscle relaxant drugs.
46      It is a common perception that using an anticholinergic drug in men with bladder outlet obstruct
47 ted for each patient based on the sum of the Anticholinergic Drug Scale score for each medication adm
48  for confounding, a one-unit increase in the Anticholinergic Drug Scale score resulted in a nonsignif
49                      The daily median summed Anticholinergic Drug Scale score was 2 (interquartile ra
50 nticholinergic properties, as defined by the Anticholinergic Drug Scale, does not increase the probab
51            Atropine is a clinically relevant anticholinergic drug, which blocks inhibitory effects of
52  performance in older women using a model of anticholinergic drug-induced cognitive dysfunction.
53                                              Anticholinergic drugs are effective in the treatment of
54 rmed obstruction supports the assertion that anticholinergic drugs are safe in men with bladder outle
55  mention of the possible therapeutic role of anticholinergic drugs for treating storage symptoms in s
56             Treatment of these symptoms with anticholinergic drugs has been considered hazardous in b
57 ergic systems, and central administration of anticholinergic drugs in dependent rats has been shown t
58 fects reported from its use are those of the anticholinergic drugs in general.
59 ndomized controlled trial recently evaluated anticholinergic drugs in men with lower urinary tract sy
60 Should symptoms fail to resolve, addition of anticholinergic drugs may be considered in the absence o
61  the possibility that some of the effects of anticholinergic drugs on placticity and learning may be
62                                              Anticholinergic drugs resolved urinary incontinence, wit
63 fore the patients' regular antipsychotic and anticholinergic drugs were discontinued.
64 domains of cognition and require less use of anticholinergic drugs, which impair memory, for treatmen
65 r overactivity is traditionally treated with anticholinergic drugs.
66 e all respiratory medications except inhaled anticholinergic drugs.
67 related with use of levodopa, amantadine, or anticholinergic drugs.
68 rent autonomic failure; dramatic response to anticholinergics; early or atypical L-dopa-induced dyski
69 rease in extrapyramidal symptoms, or central anticholinergic effects were found at any olanzapine dos
70 se and anxiety disorders, antidepressant and anticholinergic exposure, lifetime exposure to electroco
71        Syndromes include adrenergic "fever," anticholinergic "fever," antidopaminergic "fever," serot
72 jections for overactive bladder and an adult anticholinergic for overactive bladder that underwent te
73  evidence on the effectiveness and safety of anticholinergics for male lower urinary tract symptoms.
74 esting in children; enuresis topics included anticholinergics for treating monosyptomatic enuresis re
75 eline average of 5.0 per day, was 3.4 in the anticholinergic group and 3.3 in the onabotulinumtoxinA
76                                          The anticholinergic group had a higher rate of dry mouth (46
77 nts, antidepressants, fiber, probiotics, and anticholinergics have not been adequately studied.
78        Safety data from larger studies using anticholinergics in patients with overactive bladders su
79 etylcholinesterase inhibitors and muscarinic anticholinergics in these patients.
80 nd new or broadened indications for existing anticholinergics, in treating the overactive bladder in
81 QSAR) study is presented for quaternary soft anticholinergics including two distinctly different clas
82             The clinical and pharmacological anticholinergic indexes were highly correlated with each
83 ptor agonist (salbutamol) and a short-acting anticholinergic (ipratropium bromide), in COPD is encour
84                                      Inhaled anticholinergics (ipratropium bromide or tiotropium brom
85 ose with detrusor overactivity refractory to anticholinergics, is, however, evidenced increasingly.
86                                          The anticholinergic load associated with their psychiatric m
87 e in vitro and clinically derived indexes of anticholinergic load in predicting these cognitive impai
88 es show utility in predicting the effects of anticholinergic load on cognition in schizophrenia.
89                                              Anticholinergic load was associated with lower scores on
90 lly evaluation of various inhaled therapies (anticholinergics, long-acting beta-agonists, and cortico
91 ation inhaled therapies (long-acting inhaled anticholinergics, long-acting inhaled beta-agonists, or
92 e who were not receiving inhaled long-acting anticholinergic medication (difference in composite at 5
93 cipants were randomly assigned to daily oral anticholinergic medication (solifenacin, 5 mg initially,
94 idol-treated subjects to require concomitant anticholinergic medication after 4 weeks (20% versus 63%
95 , have potential implications for the use of anticholinergic medication in elderly Parkinson's diseas
96               Efficacy and safety studies of anticholinergic medication in men with lower urinary tra
97 s on recent data determining the efficacy of anticholinergic medication in men with lower urinary tra
98 he ICU is frequent, the relationship between anticholinergic medication use and delirium in this sett
99 garding the role of invasive urodynamics and anticholinergic medication, and further large-scale pros
100 asthma and those not receiving a long-acting anticholinergic medication, newly prescribed LABA and in
101  use of antihypertensive, lipid-lowering, or anticholinergic medication; and apolipoprotein E genotyp
102  efficacy of neuromodulator injections, oral anticholinergic medications and laser therapy.
103                                              Anticholinergic medications and onabotulinumtoxinA are u
104                                    Increased anticholinergic medications and prior dementia, in which
105 s the key neurochemical impairment in PD and anticholinergic medications are used for symptomatic tre
106 ich is reflected in an increased efficacy of anticholinergic medications during acute asthma attacks.
107                                 Ingestion of anticholinergic medications is common in pediatrics.
108                                              Anticholinergic medications such as ipratropium improve
109 s are most affected by the administration of anticholinergic medications to patients with schizophren
110 gonists working alone or in conjunction with anticholinergic medications will improve clinical sympto
111 U medications, especially some sedatives and anticholinergic medications, and keeping patients more a
112 nd oxybutynin treatment, a new generation of anticholinergic medications, such as tolterodine, has be
113  for managing urge urinary incontinence with anticholinergic medications.
114  xerostomia in elderly persons is the use of anticholinergic medications.
115 acting anticholinergics (n = 7), long-acting anticholinergics (n = 10), long-acting beta2-agonists (n
116 CTs examined inhaled therapies: short-acting anticholinergics (n = 7), long-acting anticholinergics (
117 pain control, minimizing benzodiazepines and anticholinergics, normalizing the sleep-wake cycle, prov
118 tention, because of the inhibitory effect of anticholinergics on bladder contraction in the presence
119   Pharmacologic interventions include use of anticholinergics or antipsychotic medications for dement
120 monotherapy using either long-acting inhaled anticholinergics or long-acting inhaled beta-agonists fo
121 g inhaled beta-agonists, long-acting inhaled anticholinergics, or inhaled corticosteroids.
122 n the proper clinical situation such as pure anticholinergic overdose with severe symptoms, physostig
123 een shown to be useful in cases of confirmed anticholinergic poisoning by controlling agitation and r
124               Physostigmine, an antidote for anticholinergic poisoning, could be useful in this situa
125 yperthermia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, anticholinergic poisoning, sympathomimetic poisoning, an
126 ically useful standard index of the relative anticholinergic potency of psychiatric medications; 2) t
127 , paroxetine has approximately one-fifth the anticholinergic potential of nortriptyline in older pati
128 ase delirium risk and use of medication with anticholinergic properties in the ICU is frequent, the r
129 stigated whether exposure to medication with anticholinergic properties increases the probability of
130                  Exposure to medication with anticholinergic properties, as defined by the Anticholin
131 T3 receptor antagonists, antihistamines, and anticholinergics reduce the incidence of PONV, whereas m
132                                              Anticholinergics remain the first line in pharmacotherap
133                                 Short-acting anticholinergic (SAAC) should be added to SABA for older
134                             Its lack of both anticholinergic side effects and interference with the m
135 cal index, based on clinician ratings of the anticholinergic side effects of medications.
136 components of the primary end point, inhaled anticholinergics significantly increased the risk of MI
137                                      Inhaled anticholinergics such as ipratropium bromide (IB), when
138 hmia, and occurs when used in the absence of anticholinergic symptoms.
139  therapy with inhaled beta-agonists, inhaled anticholinergics, systemic corticosteroids, and intraven
140                                         Oral anticholinergic therapy and onabotulinumtoxinA by inject
141 an increase in postvoid residual volume with anticholinergic therapy.
142 nists salmeterol and formeterol, and the new anticholinergic tiotropium bromide provide a better ther
143                       This paper reviews the anticholinergic toxidrome and pathophysiology, recent li
144 patients and the potential visual effects of anticholinergic treatments for ocular diseases.
145 lection when rats were tested off-drug, both anticholinergic treatments were effective in disrupting
146                                              Anticholinergic use, extrapyramidal symptoms, and estima
147 MI, or stroke (2.9% of patients treated with anticholinergics vs 1.8% of the control patients; RR, 1.

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