


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 related with use of levodopa, amantadine, or anticholinergic drugs.
2 r overactivity is traditionally treated with anticholinergic drugs.
3 e all respiratory medications except inhaled anticholinergic drugs.
4                                              Anticholinergic drugs are effective in the treatment of
5 rmed obstruction supports the assertion that anticholinergic drugs are safe in men with bladder outle
6  mention of the possible therapeutic role of anticholinergic drugs for treating storage symptoms in s
7             Treatment of these symptoms with anticholinergic drugs has been considered hazardous in b
8      It is a common perception that using an anticholinergic drug in men with bladder outlet obstruct
9 ergic systems, and central administration of anticholinergic drugs in dependent rats has been shown t
10 fects reported from its use are those of the anticholinergic drugs in general.
11 ndomized controlled trial recently evaluated anticholinergic drugs in men with lower urinary tract sy
12  performance in older women using a model of anticholinergic drug-induced cognitive dysfunction.
13 Should symptoms fail to resolve, addition of anticholinergic drugs may be considered in the absence o
14  the possibility that some of the effects of anticholinergic drugs on placticity and learning may be
15                                              Anticholinergic drugs resolved urinary incontinence, wit
16 ted for each patient based on the sum of the Anticholinergic Drug Scale score for each medication adm
17  for confounding, a one-unit increase in the Anticholinergic Drug Scale score resulted in a nonsignif
18                      The daily median summed Anticholinergic Drug Scale score was 2 (interquartile ra
19 nticholinergic properties, as defined by the Anticholinergic Drug Scale, does not increase the probab
20 fore the patients' regular antipsychotic and anticholinergic drugs were discontinued.
21            Atropine is a clinically relevant anticholinergic drug, which blocks inhibitory effects of
22 domains of cognition and require less use of anticholinergic drugs, which impair memory, for treatmen

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