


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                            Indatraline is an antidepressive agent and a non-selective monoamine trans
2 microbial, chemoprophylactic, antigenotoxic, antidepressive, anxiolytic, and anti-amnesic effects.
3 application to an efficient synthesis of the antidepressive drug candidate (-)-GSK 1360707.
4 nin, tryptophan, and taurine may explain the antidepressive effect of acute sleep deprivation and des
5  work has shown that fluoxetine may exert an antidepressive effect through increasing the level of br
6 ight be important for its recently suggested antidepressive effects.
7           Estrogens have neuroprotective and antidepressive effects; however, associations between in
8                 The knockdown mice displayed antidepressive-like behaviors in the tail-suspension tes
9  (NAc) abolishes cocaine reward and promotes antidepressive-like behaviors.
10 pressants and, over time, led to spontaneous antidepressive-like behaviors.
11                                To see if the antidepressive-like phenotype was due to the loss of pho
12  showed that the KI mice also displayed some antidepressive-like phenotype.
13 so were aggregated to examine the effects of antidepressive medication over time.
14  the longitudinal analyses of the effects of antidepressive medication, significant improvement in ps
15 t benefit for the 3 groups that received the antidepressive medication.
16 d cues seem to acquire powerful and enduring antidepressive properties and alter amygdala modulation.
17 ogical factor for refractory responses to an antidepressive regimen.
18                                    Three new antidepressive therapeutics arising from this work are b
19 nders these mice behaviorally insensitive to antidepressive treatment in depression- and anxiety-like
20 l neurogenesis and behavioral sensitivity to antidepressive treatments, and support the notion that i

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