


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 idth that contains both the viral genome and antigenome.
2 reen fluorescent protein (GFP) mRNA from the antigenome.
3  encapsidation and production of full-length antigenome.
4 he genome but also its exact complement, the antigenome.
5 , namely, the synthesis and encapsidation of antigenome.
6  replicated through an RNA intermediate, the antigenome.
7  transcription and replication products, the antigenome allows synthesis of only replication products
8 s) for replication, making the less-abundant antigenome an attractive target for RNA interference(RNA
9 by primer extension analysis, which examined antigenome and mRNA initiation.
10 Le were analyzed for their ability to direct antigenome and mRNA synthesis.
11 rn blot analysis, which examined full-length antigenome and mRNA, and by primer extension analysis, w
12 e for RSV-driven synthesis of positive-sense antigenome and mRNA, and the ability of this antigenome
13 of RNA replication, namely, synthesis of the antigenome and the genome, appeared to be equally sensit
14 ecies: the genome, its exact complement (the antigenome), and a polyadenylated mRNA that acts as a te
15 r RNA genome, (ii) its exact complement, the antigenome, and (iii) the less abundant polyadenylated m
16 ted: an exact complement, referred to as the antigenome, and an 800-nt polyadenylated RNA that could
17 the complete cDNA-encoded positive-sense RSV antigenome, and infectious CAT-expressing recombinant RS
18 ncrease in the accumulation of viral genome, antigenome, and mRNA that was coincident with the accumu
19 A editing of the hepatitis delta virus (HDV) antigenome at the amber/W site by the host RNA adenosine
20 positive-sense replicative intermediate RNA (antigenome) bearing the chloramphenicol acetyltransferas
21               This reduced the length of the antigenome by 398 nucleotides and ablated expression of
22 ular RNA genome of HDV and its complementary antigenome contain a common cis-cleaving catalytic RNA m
23 ular RNA genome of HDV and its complementary antigenome contain the same cis-cleaving catalytic RNA m
24                                      The BDV antigenome contains three transcription units and six ma
25  genomic RNA but also of its complement, the antigenome, could be inhibited by low concentrations of
26 ly 0.16 to 0.32 adenosines were modified per antigenome during 6 to 13 days posttransfection.
27  circular RNA genome and its complement, the antigenome, form a characteristic unbranched rod structu
28  that mutations in critical sequences of the antigenome have identical effects on in vitro and in viv
29        Revealing such a large C. trachomatis ANTIGENome in humans might partially be attributed to th
30                      The Borna disease virus antigenome includes five major open reading frames (ORFs
31 ds analysis of antigenome RNA indicated that antigenome initiation occurred at the first position of
32 the RNA is not necessary for determining the antigenome initiation site.
33                The Borna disease virus (BDV) antigenome is comprised of five major open reading frame
34 roximal 89-nt acceptor hot spot on the viral antigenome (nt 35 through 123), largely complementary to
35  the HLA class I and II presented, nonmutant antigenome of multiple myeloma (MM).
36               A full-length cDNA copy of the antigenome of RSV A2 strain under the control of a T7 pr
37 al site in the DI RNA to the negative-strand antigenome of the helper virus.
38 mbled from cDNA fragments such that an exact antigenome RNA could be generated following transcriptio
39 rapid amplification of cDNA ends analysis of antigenome RNA indicated that antigenome initiation occu
40                The 3' ends of the genome and antigenome RNA of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) serve
41 enuated, promoting replication of genome and antigenome RNA species.
42 cient to initiate RNA replication, producing antigenome RNA, and that the Le and adjoining gene start
43 ad to an increase in synthesis of genome and antigenome RNAs and a change in cytopathic effect to a m
44                      The circular genome and antigenome RNAs of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) form char
45 ing out capped mRNAs and uncapped genome and antigenome RNAs, respectively.
46 n were promoted from both the genome and the antigenome RNAs.
47 rated by a reporter gene and have shown that antigenome-sense RNA transcripts of these model genomes
48 olymerase is responsible for both genome and antigenome strand synthesis from two different, although
49 ly, this leader mutation appeared to prevent antigenome synthesis with only a slight effect on mRNA s
50 und to be sufficient to direct initiation of antigenome synthesis, but nt 16 to 34 were required in a
51 3' end of Le, which can signal initiation of antigenome synthesis.
52 and (ii) determining the initiation site for antigenome synthesis.
53  GS signal was not associated with increased antigenome synthesis.
54 ingle mRNA and are replicated to generate an antigenome that acts as a template for synthesis of furt
55 erate mRNAs and (ii) replication to generate antigenomes that are replicated to yield further genomes
56 antigenome and mRNA, and the ability of this antigenome to be encapsidated and to function as templat
57 e efficiency of encapsidation of the encoded antigenome was affected by the mutations.
58                The 3' ends of the genome and antigenome, which, respectively, contain the 44-nucleoti

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