


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd competitive ELISA with a highly sensitive antigliadin 33-mer monoclonal antibody.
2                   Immunoglobulin (Ig)G-based antigliadin (AGA) tests generally were poor in both para
3 se by analysis of serum IgA antigliadin, IgG antigliadin, and endomysial antibodies (EMA).
4                                              Antigliadin antibodies are a marker of untreated coeliac
5                           Only 1 patient had antigliadin antibodies detected in serum or small intest
6  Using ELISA, we estimated serum IgG and IgA antigliadin antibodies in 147 neurological patients who
7                            The prevalence of antigliadin antibodies in the familial group was eight o
8 ions of individuals with positive titres for antigliadin antibodies in the three groups were 30/53, 5
9                              The IgA and IgG antigliadin antibodies showed variable results, especial
10 d levels of anti-transglutaminase type 2 and antigliadin antibodies were also similar in the two stud
11             Anti-transglutaminase type 2 and antigliadin antibodies were periodically measured.
12 hat gluten sensitivity (as evidenced by high antigliadin antibodies) is a common cause of neurologic
13 isease we have investigated the frequency of antigliadin antibodies, as a measure of cryptic gluten s
14 y, London, were screened for the presence of antigliadin antibodies.
15                                              Antigliadin antibody testing is essential at first prese
16 for coeliac disease by analysis of serum IgA antigliadin, IgG antigliadin, and endomysial antibodies
17                              We developed an antigliadin inhibition assay that identifies patients wi
18     Distal duodenal biopsies in 26 out of 30 antigliadin-positive patients from group 1 revealed hist
19      Sensitivities and specificities for the antigliadin tests were highly variable.

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