


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 enia could be reversed after addition of IgM antiidiotype 4 h after induction of thrombocytopenia.
2  CICs of HIV-1-infected patients contain IgM antiidiotype Ab against anti-GPIIIa, which appears to re
3                                      The IgM antiidiotype Ab titer of both cohorts correlated with in
4  shown to be associated with the presence of antiidiotype Ab2 (both IgG and IgM) sequestered in the C
5 are given to bone marrow immature B cells by antiidiotype antibody or after in vivo exposure to membr
6 f anti-DNA and anti-F(ab')2 as ring forms or antiidiotype-IgG complexes was observed during ultrastru
7 ount, whereas preincubation with patient IgM antiidiotype improved the platelet count to 50-80% of no
8                       In addition, their IgM antiidiotype reactivity was 12-fold greater than that fo
9 To test the in vivo effectiveness of the IgM antiidiotype, thrombocytopenia was induced in mice with
10 anti-Ro/SS-A and anti-La/SS-B antibodies are antiidiotypes to idiotypes on anti-dsDNA and that they b
11                                              Antiidiotype vaccine was given intramuscularly (IM) biwe
12                                      I-Mel-2 antiidiotype vaccine was safe, tolerated best at the 100
13                                      The IgM antiidiotype was not polyreactive.
14                                      The IgM antiidiotype was predominantly blocking Ab, as demonstra

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