


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                          The antimutator A737V polymerase has been characterized kine
2 dentifies genes of interest by screening for antimutator activity resulting from cDNA expression.
3  The selection uses strains carrying both an antimutator allele of DNA polymerase III (Pol III) alpha
4 d mutagenesis occurred in the presence of an antimutator allele of E. coli DNA polymerase III (Pol II
5  structural function of epsilon, or the dnaE antimutator allele spq-2.
6 election to advance very weakly advantageous antimutator alleles in finite populations.
7 reviously characterized in our laboratory as antimutator alleles or if it carried a multicopy plasmid
8                             The locations of antimutator amino-acid changes in Pol epsilon and their
9 he 2B subdomain of UvrD (uvrD303) confers an antimutator and UV-sensitive phenotype on cells expressi
10                  Pol32Delta strains are weak antimutators and are defective for damage-induced mutage
11                                              Antimutators are mutant strains that have reduced mutati
12 fect in various dnaE strains, including dnaE antimutators, as well as in proofreading-deficient dnaQ
13                 The creation of mutators and antimutators during the course of viral infection (parti
14  to threefold reduction in mutant frequency (antimutator effect) is observed for the G.C-->T.A transv
15 polymerase III epsilon proofreading subunit (antimutator effect).
16 to both exonucleolytic proofreading and dnaE antimutator effects and (ii) recA730-specific errors tha
17 t susceptible to either proofreading or dnaE antimutator effects.
18  in an enhanced exonuclease activity for the antimutator enzyme.
19                                              Antimutator enzymes exhibit a higher DNA replication fid
20  molecular chaperone GroE was isolated as an antimutator for stationary-phase or adaptive mutation.
21          Thus, the PAA(r)5 Pol mutant had an antimutator function in replicating the tk gene and was
22                 Compared to mutator mutants, antimutators have a very distinguishing property.
23   Mutant polymerases with elevated accuracy (antimutators) have been observed, but these mainly invol
24 cy phenotype than that of the wild type) and antimutators (mutant alleles that confer a lower mutant-
25                              In this review, antimutator mutants are discussed in bacteriophage T4 an
26                     We find that most of the antimutator mutations individually suppress the pol3-01
27                         Here, we investigate antimutator mutations that encode amino acid substitutio
28 t that PAAr5 was previously shown to have an antimutator phenotype by the thymidine kinase mutagenesi
29 tant, which has been demonstrated to have an antimutator phenotype in replicating the tk gene, had th
30 nd the proofreading regions, resulting in an antimutator phenotype relative to a proofreading defect.
31                   Mutations that produced an antimutator phenotype were distributed throughout the po
32 otide-gapped DNA substrate, T79S displays an antimutator phenotype when catalyzing DNA synthesis oppo
33 Several of the alleles demonstrated a strong antimutator phenotype.
34  processivity may contribute directly to the antimutator phenotype.
35  phenotype rather than viruses possessing an antimutator phenotype.
36  and support the conclusion that mutator and antimutator phenotypes correlate with reduced viral fitn
37 iptase is a frameshift and base substitution antimutator polymerase whose increased fidelity results
38 ymatic studies using purified T4 mutator and antimutator polymerases were essential in elucidating me
39                 In contrast to their similar antimutator roles, Pms1p consistently inhibited recombin
40 replication fidelity, as well as mutator and antimutator strains, suggest that virus mutation rates a
41 tes were not detected, nor were wild-type or antimutator strains.
42 zing the use of bacteriophage T4 mutator and antimutator strains.
43 elta resemble those of previously identified antimutator substitutions; however, two novel mutations
44 ent with a mutator tendency for E249K and an antimutator tendency for R253M.
45 genetic studies on T4 identified mutator and antimutator variants of DNA polymerase that, in turn, st

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