


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ical axes are oriented either in parallel or antiparallel.
2 el, side-to-side manner, XylR PBP dimers are antiparallel.
3 other and a lower capacitance when spins are antiparallel.
4 ise questions concerning the validity of the antiparallel actin dimer model of in vitro actin polymer
5  monomer concentration is high) cross-linked antiparallel actin dimers are formed in relatively high
6 molecule, resulting in a tail-to-tail, i.e., antiparallel, actin dimer.
7 inated by a pseudo-chain of Pt-Pt dimers and antiparallel alignment of the azide substituents, in com
8 Magnetization switching between parallel and antiparallel alignments of two magnetic layers in magnet
9                                          Two antiparallel alpha-helices form a coiled-coil domain lin
10 stable fusion core structure composed of six antiparallel alpha-helices, and this structure is consid
11 g of the monomer secondary structure between antiparallel and parallel beta-sheet architectures.
12 urements, very important differences between antiparallel and parallel ion pair-pi interactions are i
13                             It also leads to antiparallel and parallel phases with straight or curved
14 amer) and d(GGGTGGGTGGGTGGG) (G3T) fold into antiparallel and parallel quadruplexes, respectively.
15 mbly have been proposed, including parallel, antiparallel, and interlocked antiparallel stacking conf
16  solid state, the hydrogen-bonded dimers are antiparallel, and the beta-strands are fully aligned, wi
17 y limited agreement with either parallel- or antiparallel-arranged dimer structures when spin labels
18  forms pairs of protofilaments that adopt an antiparallel arrangement in vitro and in vivo.
19 odel to approximate the compact parallel and antiparallel arrangement of alpha-helices and beta-stran
20 G is almost entirely encapsulated between an antiparallel arrangement of the two VL domains.
21              We show that mu and p prefer an antiparallel arrangement, predict that Fe-doped CaZnOS i
22 e beta-sheet is assumed to retain its native antiparallel arrangement.
23 eir middle domains to form both parallel and antiparallel arrangements in solution.
24                      During cytokinesis, the antiparallel array of microtubules forming the central s
25 rough Eg5, partitioning MTs between a tiled, antiparallel array that promotes spindle expansion and a
26 al G4 unit predominantly coexist in 2-tetrad antiparallel basket and hybrid-2 structures that are arr
27 logical conditions and identify the 2-tetrad antiparallel basket and hybrid-2 topologies as the struc
28 om human telomeres (which we show to form an antiparallel basket structure with a diagonal loop acros
29 nlike fibers, this oligomeric Abeta contains antiparallel beta sheet and binds to a oligomer specific
30 econdary structure with a strong increase in antiparallel beta sheet content.
31 ith a significant fraction of intermolecular antiparallel beta sheet FP structure with adjacent stran
32 e of the homodimer is formed by a 6-stranded antiparallel beta sheet, with every other strand from a
33 rmolecular amphipathic two- or three- strand antiparallel beta sheet.
34 her proportion of intermolecular-beta-sheets+antiparallel beta sheets and lower alpha-helix had great
35 beta-sandwich topology formed by 2 sheets of antiparallel beta strands stabilized by the hallmark dis
36 28 shares a "mog1p"-fold consisting of seven antiparallel beta strands stacked between alpha helices.
37  structure shows AtDIR6 as an eight-stranded antiparallel beta-barrel that forms a trimer with spatia
38 ta40 forms an alternative but less populated antiparallel beta-hairpin between the central hydrophobi
39           We find that Abeta42 forms a major antiparallel beta-hairpin involving the central hydropho
40              Prominent in the C-terminus are antiparallel beta-hairpins between L17-A21, A30-L36, and
41                                          The antiparallel beta-helix was the thermodynamically prefer
42 ese are assigned as the parallel beta-helix, antiparallel beta-helix, and head-to-head dimer.
43 fied fold comprised of a compact 12-stranded antiparallel beta-sandwich wrapped in two short alpha he
44 dimensional fold contains the three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and the disulfide bridge array t
45 eptide demonstrates that the out-of-register antiparallel beta-sheet arrangement of monomers also occ
46 ved for the NTAIL protein that folds into an antiparallel beta-sheet at the A/W interface and present
47 The reason is that NMR data strongly suggest antiparallel beta-sheet calcitonin assembly, whereas mod
48 iophage P22, but TTPA contains an additional antiparallel beta-sheet carrying a lectin-like domain th
49 he monomers in the fibril are arranged in an antiparallel beta-sheet conformation.
50 presence of hydrophobic crowders reduces the antiparallel beta-sheet content of fibrils, whereas hard
51  were dimerized to form a large 10-stranded, antiparallel beta-sheet flanked by alpha-helices on each
52 r to bacterial Psi synthases, with a central antiparallel beta-sheet flanked by helices and loops.
53 luate pairwise amino acid interactions in an antiparallel beta-sheet motif.
54 stabilization of the experimentally observed antiparallel beta-sheet packing.
55  applied to characterize H/D exchange in the antiparallel beta-sheet peptide LK7beta.
56 orms a novel protein fold of a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet stabilized by a crossing-over al
57 peptide chain is sufficient to nucleate some antiparallel beta-sheet structure; addition of beta-capp
58  alpha-helices and a layer of three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet with flexible N and C termini.
59 ended configuration to form a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet with the beta1 and beta2 strands
60  cystatin-like fold composed of a 5-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet wrapped around a 5-turn alpha-he
61  protein structures lead to the formation of antiparallel beta-sheet, beta-turns, intermolecular beta
62 ovel fold organized around a central core of antiparallel beta-sheet, showing an N-terminal alpha/bet
63  intrinsic helicity, while both parallel and antiparallel beta-sheet-like structures are realized.
64 a-helices and a highly curved three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet.
65 s, provide a characteristic signature of the antiparallel beta-sheet.
66 refibrillar oligomers that consist of mainly antiparallel beta-sheets and fibrillar oligomers with on
67 rin complexes require (1) an increase in PF4 antiparallel beta-sheets exceeding approximately 30% (ac
68 n core features a globular architecture with antiparallel beta-sheets forming a central beta sandwich
69 -helical globular protein stabilized by four antiparallel beta-sheets that binds two phosphate moieti
70 fold like architecture which consists of two antiparallel beta-sheets with 7 main strands, packing ag
71 otyrosine vs lysine, coassemble as stacks of antiparallel beta-sheets with precisely patterned charge
72  beta-sheets (recognized by antiserum OC) or antiparallel beta-sheets, beta-solenoids, beta-barrels,
73 housed within a flexible loop connecting two antiparallel beta-sheets, flanked by disordered N- and C
74 uced aggregates consisting preferentially of antiparallel beta-sheets, thus suggesting a modulation e
75 SA2 nanocarriers are built of interdigitated antiparallel beta-sheets, which bear little resemblance
76 All three WW domains display a similar three antiparallel beta-strand structure and interact with the
77 itially natively folded proteins with an all antiparallel beta-stranded structure.
78 ises four alpha-helices enwrapping a pair of antiparallel beta-strands (ribbon).
79 te that formation of hairpins connecting two antiparallel beta-strands determines overall folding.
80 allelic mutations in WDR1 affecting distinct antiparallel beta-strands of Aip1 were identified in all
81 ss a typical Ig-like fold encompassing seven antiparallel beta-strands organized in two beta-sheets,
82 rms a squashed beta-barrel consisting of six antiparallel beta-strands similar to what was observed i
83 n inhibitor cystine knot structure, with two antiparallel beta-strands stabilized by three disulfide
84 ised of two layers of beta-sheets possessing antiparallel beta-strands with each being anchored by a
85 a nine-stranded beta-barrel fold with mostly antiparallel beta-strands, and the loops extending out t
86 on a cylindrin-like shape composed of mostly antiparallel beta-strands.
87 th a simultaneous increase in the content of antiparallel-beta-sheet.
88 regates (1604cm(-1)), H-bonded parallel- and antiparallel-beta-sheets (1690cm(-1)) and H-bonded beta-
89 were positively correlated to intermolecular+antiparallel-beta-sheets and negatively with beta-turn+
90 alpha-helix and negative with intermolecular+antiparallel-beta-sheets in gluten.
91  the Notch1-DLL4 complex reveals a two-site, antiparallel binding orientation assisted by Notch1 O-li
92  also stabilized and rearranged into a novel antiparallel bundle associated with the spindle pole bod
93  spindle bipolarity requires the microtubule antiparallel bundler PRC1/Ase1 to recruit CLASP/Cls1 to
94 ified oMAP4 aligns dynamic microtubules into antiparallel bundles that withstand motor forces in vitr
95 a result, when intersecting microtubules are antiparallel, canonical transport of one microtubule alo
96 dule of the complementary subunit to form an antiparallel CBS module.
97 lain why nature has evolved the principle of antiparallel chain orientation and has not used the para
98                        In our design the two antiparallel chemistries are thiol-disulfide exchange an
99           Herein we introduce the concept of antiparallel chemistries, in which the same functional g
100 embrane protein and by combining parallel or antiparallel chloride and proton gradients, we show that
101 urprisingly, this structure is a continuous, antiparallel coiled coil where GCN4-p1 pairs with myosin
102  structural outcome of adjacent parallel and antiparallel coiled coils.
103 probes have been developed that are based on antiparallel coiled-coil polypeptides.
104                  The dimer core comprises an antiparallel coiled-coil with a distinctive, symmetric p
105          We first demonstrate the ability of antiparallel coiled-coils (CCs) to mediate splicing betw
106 ysiological solutions have an intramolecular antiparallel configuration that is distinct from the int
107 lix bundles are arranged into an alternating antiparallel configuration, resulting in a much larger 2
108 ociated with a loop of either "parallel" or "antiparallel" configuration.
109 in fact, the DFNKF sequence is not stable in antiparallel conformation, suggesting that the residue f
110  beta-sheets, whereas they quickly unfold in antiparallel conformation.
111 e frequent interchanges between parallel and antiparallel conformations are thought to occur without
112 ions of the 4H junction between parallel and antiparallel conformations.
113                Our NMR results show that our antiparallel cross-link performs as predicted: dramatica
114 sign also provides further evidence that the antiparallel crystal structure provides a good model for
115         The D'D3 dimer ([D'D3]2) comprises 2 antiparallel D3 monomers with flexibly attached protrusi
116                       MxB adopts an extended antiparallel dimer and dimerization, but not higher-orde
117 magainin 2 derivative displayed a homochiral antiparallel dimer association featuring a "phenylalanin
118 P have provided evidence for formation of an antiparallel dimer at pH 5.5, stabilized by stacking of
119 relative strand arrangements again favor the antiparallel dimer for the near-infrared cluster.
120               Thus, myosin X functions as an antiparallel dimer in cells with a unique geometry optim
121                                          The antiparallel dimer structure in the magainin 2 simulatio
122 st agreement with the Bacillus subtilis SecA antiparallel dimer structure.
123 asymmetric unit, whereas another contains an antiparallel dimer was refined at 2.58 A.
124 um binding, the central coiled coil forms an antiparallel dimer, and the C-terminal leucine zipper ap
125 r-transmembrane helix domains folded into an antiparallel dimer, where the orientation of the two dom
126 ding it, forming an approximately 150-A-long antiparallel dimer.
127                      The unusual symmetrical antiparallel dimeric architecture of Flucs demands that
128                                     Although antiparallel dimers of phosphorylated and unphosphorylat
129 ngth proceeds from folded monomers to folded antiparallel dimers, tetramers, and hexamers that unfold
130  regions of Fv1 and Trim5alpha form extended antiparallel dimers.
131 plex structures: a parallel, a hybrid and an antiparallel DNA and a parallel RNA, in the presence of
132 led angles, and the lines are represented by antiparallel DNA crossover tiles of variable lengths.
133 th conventional double stranded DNA and with antiparallel DNA double crossover molecules, it is clear
134 cation occurs semidiscontinuously due to the antiparallel DNA strands and polarity of enzymatic DNA s
135 when the PNA was targeted to a complementary antiparallel DNA, antiparallel RNA, parallel DNA, and pa
136 ss of bilayer cholesterol concentration, the antiparallel double helix (ADH) conformation was observe
137 we provide a structural perspective on known antiparallel duplex structures in which at least one str
138 idging fibre, suggesting that it consists of antiparallel dynamic microtubules.
139              We present the structure of the antiparallel EC1-4 homodimer of human PcdhgammaB3, a mem
140 on analysis, we found evidence for a similar antiparallel EC1-4 interaction in non-clustered Pcdh fam
141 tal deletion of KLF2 (GL-K2-KO) conferred an antiparallel effect.
142                        Now, we have used the antiparallel EmrE crystal structure to design a cross-li
143 In sarcomeres, myosin II-mediated sliding of antiparallel F-actin is tightly coupled to myofibril con
144 eta-strand conformation by interacting in an antiparallel fashion with a PDZ beta-strand.
145 onsists of two similar domains aligned in an antiparallel fashion.
146 arized, motile comet tails that associate by antiparallel filament bundling to form bipolar, DNA-segr
147 onserved conformational changes accompanying antiparallel filament formation.
148 ocess for motor motion with switches between antiparallel filaments and binding kinetics.
149 d a dense and anisotropic array of elongate, antiparallel filaments, whereas myosin II was organized
150 and hexamers that unfold and polymerize into antiparallel filaments.
151 ated to adopt a novel type of mixed parallel/antiparallel fold-back DNA structure, which is stabilize
152 2AG-ThT (50 mM Tris, pH 7.2) solution to the antiparallel form just by the addition of K(+) ions in t
153 yQ fibrils might also be a zipper layer with antiparallel four-stranded stretches as this structure s
154  longer myosin-10 segments in these parallel/antiparallel fusions are dynamic and do not fold coopera
155 ermodynamically stable species (parallel and antiparallel G-quadruplex in K+ and Na+, respectively).
156 iomers binds specifically to human telomeric antiparallel G-quadruplex.
157 is DNA fragment formed a stable two G-tetrad antiparallel G4 with an additional Watson-Crick CG base
158 n the presence of Na(+) that consist of both antiparallel G4s and i-motifs.
159 ive microtubule sliding in both parallel and antiparallel geometries, an activity that has been sugge
160     At 150 mM K(+), POT1 loading unfolds the antiparallel GQ, as the parallel conformation remains fo
161 (+), in which ssTEL forms only a less-stable antiparallel GQ.
162 uence in ssDNA which forms both parallel and antiparallel GQs, dsDNA displays only parallel folding.
163 urn structure in which each monomer forms an antiparallel hairpin and donates two strands to a single
164 proteins dimerize by forming interdigitating antiparallel helical hairpins that position the N-termin
165 discoidal structure, which included pairs of antiparallel helices of apolipoprotein AI circumscribing
166 e are seen in the 1:1 heterotetramer with an antiparallel helix arrangement.
167 solution of 2D IR spectroscopy, parallel and antiparallel helix associations were identified by vibra
168 nnels, composed of zinc-connected trimers of antiparallel helix pairs.
169                       We have substituted an antiparallel heterodimeric coiled-coil motif for the bet
170 ith those present in the prototypical linear antiparallel heterotetramer as well as recently reported
171                            Here, we focus on antiparallel homo- or heterodimeric small multidrug resi
172                We thus deduce that the EC1-4 antiparallel homodimer is a general interaction strategy
173 nsmembrane domain and forms a highly unusual antiparallel homodimer that is stably associated with MC
174 eterologous binding partners, BECN1 forms an antiparallel homodimer via its coiled-coil domain (CCD).
175 ract with one additional previously reported antiparallel homodimer.
176 ork, we sought to design a set of orthogonal antiparallel homodimeric coiled coils using a computatio
177 amework to engineer sets of three orthogonal antiparallel homodimeric coiled coils.
178                           There are very few antiparallel homodimers described in the literature, and
179 of three peptides that preferentially formed antiparallel homodimers that, furthermore, did not inter
180 abilizing propeller type loops, shifting the antiparallel htel-22 into hybrid or parallel quadruplexe
181 with oligonucleotides forming mixed parallel/antiparallel hybrid-1 and hybrid-2 topologies {e.g. d[TT
182 ped or ring-like containing parallel G4s and antiparallel i-motifs.
183 the M10:O1 complex displays a chevron-shaped antiparallel Ig-Ig architecture held together by a conse
184 ts that G monomers can re-associate, through antiparallel interactions between fusion domains, into d
185 kinetic constants involving a rapidly formed antiparallel intermediate were observed with oligonucleo
186 ew solid-state NMR constraints that indicate antiparallel intermolecular alignment of beta-strands wi
187 l, kinesin-5 motors persistently slide apart antiparallel interpolar microtubules (ipMTs).
188 on of push-pull fluorophores originates from antiparallel ion pair-pi attraction to their polarized e
189 he excited state; i.e., parallel rather than antiparallel ion pair-pi interactions are preferred, des
190 l predictions, we find that parallel but not antiparallel ionpair-pi interactions afford operational
191 ization, stability, and motor composition of antiparallel ipMTs at the midzone, thereby facilitating
192 e starting peptide arrangement (parallel vs. antiparallel) is still observed on this timescale.
193  is expected for one of these conformations-"antiparallel" loop.
194                                  Therefore, "antiparallel" looping is observed in a single-molecule t
195 e, involving fusion domains associated in an antiparallel manner to form an intermolecular beta-sheet
196 y, and the kinesin-5 motor Eg5, which drives antiparallel microtubule (MT) sliding.
197 omains in the MKLP1 dimer to be suitable for antiparallel microtubule bundling.
198      These activities could promote parallel/antiparallel microtubule organization in meiotic spindle
199 rd the cell's apex and base with a region of antiparallel microtubule overlap at the cell's midzone.
200                                          The antiparallel microtubule overlap geometry may offer a pr
201  the motion of Xklp1 motors on reconstituted antiparallel microtubule overlaps demonstrated that moto
202 with interpolar microtubules and high-angle, antiparallel microtubule pairs.
203 e enables them to cross-link and slide apart antiparallel microtubules (MTs) emanating from the oppos
204                             Kinesin-5 slides antiparallel microtubules during spindle assembly, and r
205 ic motor protein, can push apart overlapping antiparallel microtubules to generate a force whose magn
206 fferential is low on parallel and extreme on antiparallel microtubules where one motor domain pair be
207 rallel microtubules at the spindle poles and antiparallel microtubules within the spindle midzone to
208  with kinesin-1 driving outgrowth by sliding antiparallel microtubules.
209 ross-link and drive the extensile sliding of antiparallel microtubules.
210 rs to be more stable than the mixed parallel/antiparallel MidG4.
211  that the low level of adhesion allows rapid antiparallel migration.
212  novel CaM-binding motif, binds to CaM in an antiparallel mode with the N-terminal helix (alpha1) anc
213                In contrast with the proposed antiparallel model, however, we find that the Vif-depend
214                 Moreover, BTPA-TCNE shows an antiparallel molecular packing (i.e., centrosymmetric di
215 ree-helix bundle with 80-residue helices, an antiparallel monomeric right-handed four-helix bundle, a
216                                 We design an antiparallel monomeric untwisted three-helix bundle with
217 , the vertebrate neural tube is patterned by antiparallel morphogen gradients.
218 the central beta-hairpin coordinated with an antiparallel motion of the C-terminal helix, which may a
219  used here was to fix the orientation of two antiparallel MRAP molecules and then introduce inactivat
220 vestigated the contribution of the midzonal, antiparallel MT-cross-linking nonmotor MAP, Feo, to this
221 gulator of cytokinesis 1), which cross-links antiparallel MTs and is essential for the completion of
222 associated with MTs may cross-link and slide antiparallel MTs emanating from the two nuclei, whereas
223  preferentially cross-links and slides apart antiparallel MTs while the MT plus ends exhibit dynamic
224 s-end-directed motility upon binding between antiparallel MTs.
225 We reveal the solution structure of a short, antiparallel, myosin-10 coiled-coil fused to the paralle
226  short loops two parallel NHR helices and an antiparallel one with the inverse sequence followed by e
227 e parallel configuration with respect to the antiparallel one, while the behaviour of the force patte
228 AtFH14 bundles actin filaments randomly into antiparallel or parallel spindle-like structures; howeve
229                We also describe the parallel/antiparallel organization of the beta strands.
230                         We conclude that the antiparallel organization of the NtD regions of Fv1 and
231 ndividual cross-links supports an unexpected antiparallel organization.
232 e by in vivo site-specific cross-linking the antiparallel orientation of MreB protofilaments in E. co
233  of E2 assumes a parallel, perpendicular, or antiparallel orientation relative to the membrane's z-di
234 rocess is remarkably efficient, owing to the antiparallel orientation spontaneously adopted by the re
235 B segment, which forms an alpha-helix, in an antiparallel orientation that embodies a variation of th
236 ding to DNA over RNA and specifically in the antiparallel orientation.
237 on the EC1-EC4 domains, which interact in an antiparallel orientation.
238 s that Fluc subunits are arranged in dimeric antiparallel orientation.
239 bonding between C horizontal lineO...HN with antiparallel orientation.
240 n bond formation at the correct distance and antiparallel orientation.
241 ion of C2AB molecules bind to membranes with antiparallel orientations of the C2 domains.
242 at several sequences are capable of adopting antiparallel orientations.
243 c complexes of extended, half-staggered, and antiparallel oriented coiled-coils.
244 ties in protein aggregation diseases contain antiparallel, out-of-register beta-sheet structures and
245              Its accumulation at the central antiparallel overlap zone is key for recruitment and reg
246 m artificial centrosomes and met to organize antiparallel overlap zones.
247  of links, presumably alpha-actinin, linking antiparallel overlapping ends of the actin filaments fro
248 led-coil linear strands and their hexagonal, antiparallel packing within the crystal.
249 e of the molecular hinge in promoting myosin antiparallel packing.
250                         We also construct an antiparallel pi-sheet, wherein terminal PPV blocks are a
251 nts and theoretical calculations point to an antiparallel pi-stacking interaction as the most stable
252 y relationship: The first is the slipped and antiparallel pi-stacking motif which ensures cancellatio
253 in-5 both preferentially cross-link MTs into antiparallel polarity patterns, kinesin-5 cannot substit
254                 We provide an atomic view of antiparallel protofilaments of Caulobacter MreB as appar
255 witch involves the conversion of alternative antiparallel quadruplex structures binding only one cati
256 he CD spectrum of I2 is characteristic of an antiparallel quadruplex that could form as a result of i
257 s primarily remove Gh from Na(+)-coordinated antiparallel quadruplexes but not K(+)-coordinated paral
258 old from a single strand, in which arrays of antiparallel RNA helices are precisely organized by RNA
259 argeted to a complementary antiparallel DNA, antiparallel RNA, parallel DNA, and parallel RNA.
260 rsions from a parallel DNA/PNA complex to an antiparallel RNA/PNA complex and from a PNA/PNA complex
261                                          The antiparallel self-assembled pore of the fluorinated trip
262                                              Antiparallel sequence-complementary oligomers generally
263 molecularly H-bonded molecules stacked in an antiparallel sheet alignment.
264 otubule depolymerase, plus-end motility, and antiparallel sliding activities.
265 ipole moment, consistent with the contracted antiparallel solid-state pi-pi stacking distances of 8.6
266 oscopy, we reconstruct ParM doublets forming antiparallel spindles.
267 he condensation of electrons into pairs with antiparallel spins in a singlet state with an s-wave sym
268 ed structure at high salt is most likely the antiparallel stacked-X structure.
269 ding parallel, antiparallel, and interlocked antiparallel stacking conformations.
270            Oligonucleotides with parallel or antiparallel strand orientation incorporating 2'-fluorin
271 -stranded DNA, RNA, and DNA-RNA hybrids with antiparallel strand orientation.
272 ruplex structures with parallel, hybrid, and antiparallel strand orientations depending on the temper
273 ns and no potassium ions, LJM-3064 adopts an antiparallel-stranded G-quadruplex structure.
274  placement at non-H-bonding positions across antiparallel strands has proven useful for achieving ful
275 on, resulting in the formation of remarkable antiparallel streams of cells along the tracks.
276 hanges of telomeric DNA G-quadruplexes to an antiparallel structure (as determined by circular dichro
277  of the human telomeric G-quadruplexes to an antiparallel structure and that this conformational chan
278                                          The antiparallel structure of DNA requires lagging strand sy
279 parallel arrangement and one of the possible antiparallel structures (with Asp(15) and Phe(19) aligne
280 own to bind preferentially to hybrid than to antiparallel structures, and L2H2-6M(2)OTD, known not to
281 emical basis for F(-) permeation and how the antiparallel subunits convene to form a F(-)-selective p
282    In both crystals, the molecules which are antiparallel (the subPh rings as well as dioxaborine are
283 rromagnetic (WFM) components are parallel or antiparallel to each other.
284 etization (FDy) has a natural tendency to be antiparallel to Fe(3+) sublattice magnetization (FFe) wi
285 to date whether mu prefers to be parallel or antiparallel to mu.
286 nder the icosahedral 2-fold axis rather than antiparallel to the betaB strand, eliminating many intra
287 etrotransposons for the first time, oriented antiparallel to the coding strand of L1 open reading fra
288 ated Mn magnetic moment is observed which is antiparallel to the Fe magnetization.
289          The flow of electrons, parallel and antiparallel to the magnetic field, reveals a complex to
290 eta-strand away from the hormone core to lie antiparallel to the receptor's L1-beta2 sheet.
291 ore of the protease domain undergoes a major antiparallel-to-parallel conformational transition.
292      A first switch is based on a remarkable antiparallel-to-parallel conversion, taking place in a f
293 ghts about molecular factors controlling the antiparallel-to-parallel equilibrium in muPA.
294 mation of parallel strands and these adopted antiparallel topologies.
295                                              Antiparallel trajectory of excitons in nonparallel D-A s
296  dimers whereby the two subunits assemble in antiparallel transmembrane orientation.
297 associate as dimers with the two subunits in antiparallel transmembrane orientation.
298 imicrobial peptides within the unit cell: an antiparallel trimer, which we suggest might be related t
299 utions and are almost completely depleted of antiparallel triplex-forming sequences.
300 angular momentum, aligned either parallel or antiparallel with their linear momentum, labelled as lef

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