


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lains previously controversial data for this antiporter.
2 ticulum (ER) membrane and acts as an ATP/ADP antiporter.
3 encodes a putative mitochondrial Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporter.
4 luded by lack of substrates, is a Na(+)/H(+) antiporter.
5 ys an important role in pH regulation of the antiporter.
6 ct, suggesting no role for a nitrate/nitrite antiporter.
7  mechanism of action and pH regulation of an antiporter.
8 toichiometry of this well-studied Cl(-)/H(+) antiporter.
9 anscription of the functional subunit of the antiporter.
10 n symporter while NarK2 is a nitrate/nitrite antiporter.
11 strate that Letm1 is a mitochondrial Ca2+/H+ antiporter.
12  L-ornithine, which inhibit the E. coli AdiC antiporter.
13  the well-characterized electrogenic E. coli antiporter.
14 11, a key component of the cystine/glutamate antiporter.
15 is shared by Cl(-) channels and 2Cl(-):1H(+) antiporters.
16 activity of endosomal sodium/proton NHX-type antiporters.
17 Cl(-) ion channels and others are Cl(-)/H(+) antiporters.
18 homeostasis in all cells requires Na(+)/H(+) antiporters.
19 o subunits from the Mrp family of Na(+)/H(+) antiporters.
20 porter-like glutamate, and yet are F(-)/H(+) antiporters.
21 rs: H(+)-gated Cl(-) channels and Cl(-)/H(+) antiporters.
22 uence similarity to multi-subunit Na(+)/H(+) antiporters.
23 side the cell, i.e. monovalent cation/proton antiporters.
24 ere recently shown to function as Cl(-)/H(+) antiporters.
25  be a paradigm for organophosphate:phosphate antiporters.
26 anistic principles that characterize all MFS antiporters.
27 port significant antiport by any of the test antiporters.
28 ial for electrogenic transport in Na(+)/H(+) antiporters.
29 nto the transport mechanism of sodium/proton antiporters.
30 erial transport systems of the cation/proton antiporter-2 (CPA2) family led to suggestions that this
31 tion mutants in members of the cation/proton antiporters-2 antiporter superfamily KEA1, KEA2, and KEA
32                    SLC9A3 encodes Na(+)/H(+) antiporter 3 (NHE3), which is the major intestinal brush
33 rs and their homologues in the cation/proton antiporter 3 family of the Membrane Transporter Database
34 w, higher abundance of renal sodium-hydrogen antiporter 3, and lower lithium clearance than WT mice.
35                     Monovalent cation proton antiporter-3 (Mrp) family antiporters are widely distrib
36 ter families, the NhaC and the cation/proton antiporter-3 antiporter families.
37  genes activated by AphB encode a Na(+)/H(+) antiporter, a carbonic anhydrase, a member of the ClC fa
38  comprised of a central RND proton-substrate antiporter, a membrane fusion protein, and an outer memb
39 ism of the homotrimeric RND-type proton/drug antiporter AcrB, the active component of the major efflu
40 tudy demonstrates that one of the Na(+)/H(+) antiporters acting at the tonoplast of E. californica ce
41  glutamate released by the cystine/glutamate antiporter activated extrasynaptic, but not synaptic, NM
42         We further demonstrate that blocking antiporter activity interferes with DC differentiation f
43                                          The antiporter activity is abolished upon reactivation by th
44                                        Asc-1 antiporter activity is enhanced by D-isoleucine (D-Ile),
45 ifferentiation from monocyte precursors, but antiporter activity is not required for LPS-induced phen
46 tive force across the membranes that powered antiporter activity upon subsequent addition of Na(+).
47                                              Antiporter activity was 5-fold greater in acetate-grown
48                                   Na(+)/H(+) antiporter activity was demonstrated by a fluorescence-b
49 In Escherichia coli, the l-arginine/agmatine antiporter AdiC facilitates the export of agmatine in ex
50                                          The antiporter AdiC is the master orchestrator of the argini
51 ificity of the wild-type l-arginine/agmatine antiporter AdiC.
52 a membrane, orthologs of the Cl(-)/HCO(-)(3) antiporters ae1 and pendrin, and two isoforms of carboni
53                       Nigericin, a K(+)/H(+) antiporter, also increases NADPH oxidase activity, leadi
54  TGD1, -2, or -3 included a potassium efflux antiporter and a TIM17/22/23 family protein, but these w
55 vage generated a hyperfunctional form of the antiporter and increased NCX currents (I(NCX)) in the re
56 at prestin can act as a weak Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) antiporter and it is proposed that, in addition to parti
57 s expression system, it acts as a nucleotide antiporter and prefers various (deoxy-) purine nucleotid
58 the defining characteristics of a CLC Cl-/H+ antiporter and show that this transporter is the predomi
59  channel' family consists of both Cl(-)/H(+) antiporters and Cl(-) channels.
60 t implications for the biology of Cl(-)/H(+) antiporters and perhaps for pH regulation in highly acid
61  cerevisiae lacking endogenous cation/proton antiporters and pumps, HsNHA2 can confer tolerance to Li
62 channel proteins, as well as sodium/hydrogen antiporters and sodium/calcium exchangers.
63 unique family of Golgi-localized Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporters and that modification of the Golgi Ca(2+) an
64                                          Mrp antiporters and their homologues in the cation/proton an
65 r mechanistic understanding of these unusual antiporters and to rigorously demonstrate that they func
66 ational dynamics of a mammalian H(+)-coupled antiporter, and also identify key aspects of the mode of
67 ne ClbM is characterized as a cation-coupled antiporter, and residues important to the cation-binding
68 the Na(+)/Ca(2+) (NCX) and Ca(2+)/H(+) (CAX) antiporters, and in mammals the NCX and related proteins
69 more than half of the ClC family members are antiporters, and not channels, as was previously thought
70                   Recent work shows that MFS antiporters, and perhaps all members of the MFS, share t
71 like in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Na(+)/H(+) antiporter appeared to have an important role in this pr
72 imental data on the kinetics of Na(+)-Ca(2+) antiporter are available, the structure and composition
73 els Aqy1 and hAQP1, and the CLC-ec1 chloride antiporter are presented in which the active site geomet
74                                       Na+/H+ antiporters are central to cellular salt and pH homeosta
75                                Sodium/proton antiporters are essential for sodium and pH homeostasis
76                                   Na(+)/H(+) antiporters are found in all kingdoms of life and exhibi
77                                   Na(+)/H(+) antiporters are located in the cytoplasmic and intracell
78 ty, but we lack explanations for why so many antiporters are needed and for the value added by specif
79                                   Na(+)/H(+) antiporters are ubiquitous membrane proteins that play a
80 lent cation proton antiporter-3 (Mrp) family antiporters are widely distributed and physiologically i
81 ss of function of the two envelope K(+)/H(+) antiporters AtKEA1 and AtKEA2 was shown previously to ha
82 nitrate/proton symporters or nitrate/nitrite antiporters based on sequence homology, these transporte
83 independent, l-carnitine/gamma-butyrobetaine antiporter belonging to the betaine/carnitine/choline tr
84 e transporter, typically an ATPase or proton antiporter, binds and translocates export or efflux subs
85               Ca(2+) efflux by Ca(2+) cation antiporter (CaCA) proteins is important for maintenance
86 ow activity of secondary, DeltaPsi-consuming antiporters can elicit increased capacity for DeltaPsi g
87 g, a gene encoding a calcium(2+)/hydrogen(+) antiporter, cation/hydrogen(+) exchanger1 (CAX1), was id
88  (EIPA), a specific inhibitor for Na(+)/H(+) antiporters, caused a 38 +/- 5% decrease in the initial
89  because of mutations of the chloride/proton antiporter, chloride channel-5 (CLC-5), resulting in low
90 iana) genome contains numerous cation:proton antiporters (CHX), which may mediate K+ transport; howev
91 t the intracellular surface of the bacterial antiporter CLC-ec1 are examined here as possible pathway
92 he crystal structure of the Escherichia coli antiporter ClC-ec1 provides an invaluable molecular fram
93 ng ion channels, whereas others act as Cl-/H+antiporters (ClC-4 and ClC-5).
94 the dimer interface of a bacterial F(-)/H(+) antiporter, ClC(F)-eca.
95 ther candidate I(-) conduits: the Cl(-)/H(+) antiporter, CLC-5, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane con
96                                   Na(+)/H(+) antiporters comprise a family of membrane proteins evolu
97                    The Escherichia coli NhaA antiporter couples the transport of H(+) and Na(+) (or L
98          ClC-ec1 from Escherichia coli is an antiporter, coupling the transport of Cl(-) and H(+) ion
99 S. aureus protein, a predicted cation/proton antiporter, CpaA, which as we show here also directly bi
100  an optimized assay protocol for vesicles of antiporter-deficient E. coli EP432 transformants produce
101     Characterization of these antiporters in antiporter-deficient Escherichia coli KNabc showed overl
102 ces cerevisiae) mutant that lacks Na+(K+)/H+ antiporters (Deltanhx1 Deltanha1 Deltakha1) and plasma m
103                                     Blocking antiporter-dependent cystine transport decreases intrace
104 ological inhibition of the cystine/glutamate antiporter dramatically attenuated ischemia-gated curren
105              The Escherichia coli Na(+)/H(+) antiporter (Ec-NhaA) is the best-characterized of all pH
106 d into a divalent cationic drug/>/= 2 proton-antiporter, either by random mutagenesis or by rational
107 Vnx1p, a novel vacuolar monovalent cation/H+ antiporter encoded by the open reading frame YNL321w fro
108                 The monovalent cation/proton antiporters encoded by these diverse genes fall into at
109                                         Four antiporter-encoding genes were isolated and cloned from
110 se, glutathione synthetase, catalase, Na+/H+ antiporter, etc) not found in Dg1.
111 n more surprisingly, CLC-ck2 is a Cl(-)/H(+) antiporter, even though it contains an isoleucine at the
112   This suggests that the activation of these antiporters exerts a neuroprotective action against stro
113  mice lacking a functional cystine/glutamate antiporter exhibited reduced anoxic depolarization and n
114             In some breast cancer cells, xCT antiporter expression is upregulated through the antioxi
115 ctives on two large monovalent cation/proton antiporter families, the NhaC and the cation/proton anti
116  the NhaC and the cation/proton antiporter-3 antiporter families.
117 ters in the CPA1 branch of the cation proton antiporter family drive the electroneutral exchange of H
118 lc11a2 is a symporter, whereas Slc11a1 is an antiporter fluxing divalent cations against the proton g
119 at least eight electrogenic Na(+)(K(+))/H(+) antiporters for cytoplasm acidification.
120 onal reconstitution of the seven-subunit Mrp antiporter from alkaliphilic Bacillus pseudofirmus OF4.
121                YiiP is a dimeric Zn(2+)/H(+) antiporter from Escherichia coli belonging to the cation
122  Crystal structures of the arginine/agmatine antiporter from Escherichia coli, AdiC, have been recent
123                            EmrE, a multidrug antiporter from Escherichia coli, has presented biochemi
124 physiological study of the PaNhaP Na(+)/H(+) antiporter from Pyrococcus abyssi reconstituted into lip
125  We propose that these movements convert the antiporter from the proton-bound, outward-open state to
126 E. coli inner membrane is a secondary active antiporter from the ubiquitous major facilitator superfa
127 in proteinaceous channels, transporters, and antiporters from all kingdoms of life, these findings ha
128                    We conclude that aberrant antiporter function disrupts glutathione homeostasis in
129 tivating effect of membrane potential on the antiporter function for a 3Na(+):1Ca(2+) electrogenic ex
130 n this paper, we present a detailed study of antiporter function in DCs and demonstrate a role for th
131 T imaging showed increased cystine/glutamate antiporter function in ischemic rats.
132 r, these data suggest that cystine/glutamate antiporter function is increased in ischemia, contributi
133 acyaB1 cells possessed defects in Na(+)/H(+) antiporter function.
134 s to propose an atomically detailed model of antiporter function.
135 sms of interactions that enable the specific antiporter functionality of AdiC.
136                  We conclude that the EcNHX1 antiporter functions in the elicitor-initiated expressio
137                                The bacterial antiporter GadC plays a central role in the glutamate (G
138 d the gene for glutamate-gamma-aminobutyrate antiporter (gadC) induced by the polyamine addition, but
139 te that over-expression of the sodium-proton antiporter gene nhaA confers the elevated AcR sodium ace
140                 Similarly, the plasmid-borne antiporter gene, grmA, identified previously as being es
141  membranes from E. coli EP432 expressing Mrp antiporters generated higher DeltaPsi levels than contro
142  that Saccharomyces cerevisiae sodium-proton antiporter genes also contribute to sodium acetate, pota
143 cycle for the glycerol-3-phosphate:phosphate antiporter GlpT by using a novel approach in reconstruct
144 and identified the Glc-6-phosphate/phosphate antiporter GPT1 as the putative translocator of Glc-6-ph
145            The glucose-6-phosphate/phosphate antiporter GPT1 is a major route of entry of carbon into
146                        Disruption of the xCT antiporter greatly improves cell viability after glucose
147 cherichia coli EmrE, a homodimeric multidrug antiporter, has been suggested to offer a convenient par
148               Intracellular Na(+)/H(+) (NHX) antiporters have important roles in cellular pH and Na(+
149 deletion of uhpT encoding hexose-6-phosphate antiporter in 4 of the E. coli inner colony mutants, whi
150 Sensitive 1 (SOS1), a plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporter in Arabidopsis, is a salt tolerance determina
151 nction in DCs and demonstrate a role for the antiporter in DC differentiation and cross-presentation.
152                    In a gene encoding a DHA1 antiporter in Pezizomycotina, we find a variety of predi
153                    Characterization of these antiporters in antiporter-deficient Escherichia coli KNa
154 dues between NuoL/ND5 and MrpA of Na(+)/H(+) antiporters in the chromosomal nuoL gene.
155                                   Na(+)/H(+) antiporters in the CPA1 branch of the cation proton anti
156 ies of 12 predicted monovalent cation/proton antiporters in the genome of this thermophilic haloalkal
157 e decarboxylase) and CadB (lysine/cadaverine antiporter) in a lysine-rich environment.
158 ne, an FDA-approved inhibitor of cystine xCT antiporter, in culture and xenograft assays.
159 pport the involvement of ClC-7, a Cl(-)/H(+) antiporter, in this process, although many open question
160 esidues Glu(203) and Glu(148) in the ClC-ec1 antiporter, including the Grotthuss mechanism of proton
161 al dysfunction, the potential utility of xCT antiporter inhibition should be further tested.
162 tracellular NHX proteins are Na(+),K(+)/H(+) antiporters involved in K(+) homeostasis, endosomal pH r
163  structural model for the NhaA sodium-proton antiporter is constructed to provide mechanistic insight
164 ostasis, a biophysical model of Na(+)-Ca(2+) antiporter is introduced that is thermodynamically balan
165                             We show that the antiporter is the major mechanism for transport of cysti
166                               Sodium-calcium antiporter is the primary efflux pathway for Ca(2+) in r
167 derived mitochondrial DNA mutations, the xCT antiporter is upregulated and its inhibition improves mi
168 sults show that conformational change in CLC antiporters is not restricted to the Cl(-) permeation pa
169 ndamental question concerning the ClC Cl-/H+ antiporters is the nature of their proton transport (PT)
170 folates, and RFC, a folate/organic phosphate antiporter, is consistent with a classic exchange reacti
171 Human NHA2, a newly discovered cation proton antiporter, is implicated in essential hypertension by g
172                        Ptch, a proton driven antiporter, is required for Smo inhibition via an unknow
173 y crystal structures of bacterial Cl(-)/H(+) antiporters, is apparently universal.
174                   In electrogenic Na(+)/H(+) antiporters, it has been assumed that two ion-binding as
175 ouble mutations in the plastid K(+) exchange antiporter (KEA) transporters kea1kea2 and a single muta
176 e show that Arabidopsis thaliana K(+) efflux antiporter (KEA3) is critical for high photosynthetic ef
177 f plants have used a modified calcium/proton antiporter [known as short cation exchanger 1 (sCAX1)] t
178 Glutamate inhibits the xCT glutamate-cystine antiporter, leading to intracellular cysteine depletion.
179               The membrane arm contains four antiporter-like domains, energetically coupled to the qu
180               The membrane arm contains four antiporter-like domains, probably energetically coupled
181 ong-range conformational changes in the four antiporter-like domains, resulting in translocation of f
182           The membrane domain contains three antiporter-like subunits (NuoL, NuoM, and NuoN, Escheric
183                                        Three antiporter-like subunits in the membrane domain, NuoL, N
184 transmembrane helices, mostly contributed by antiporter-like subunits involved in proton translocatio
185                   The fold of the homologous antiporter-like subunits L, M and N is novel, with two i
186 m in the three homologous and tightly packed antiporter-like subunits L, M, and N of the proton-trans
187                                          The antiporter-like subunits NuoL/M/N each contain 14 conser
188 osymmetric inverted-repeat structures of the antiporter-like subunits NuoL/M/N, we constructed a symm
189 present in addition to the channels in three antiporter-like subunits).
190 expectedly, similar to a half-channel of the antiporter-like subunits.
191  OsNHX1 is the most abundant K(+)-Na(+)/H(+) antiporter localized in the tonoplast and its gene expre
192                   Sodium/proton (Na(+)/H(+)) antiporters, located at the plasma membrane in every cel
193                                Sodium/proton antiporters maintain intracellular pH and sodium levels.
194 othesized that conformational changes in the antiporters may be limited to small movements localized
195                         The multidrug/proton antiporter MdfA from Escherichia coli exchanges monovale
196 the structures of the archaeal sodium/proton antiporter MjNhaP1 in two complementary states.
197  operon with both hydrogenase and Na(+)/H(+) antiporter modules.
198               In these cells, the Na(+)/H(+) antiporter monensin did not affect the membrane potentia
199                            The sodium/proton antiporter, monensin, which potentiates Na(+) pump funct
200   The role of the multisubunit sodium/proton antiporter (Mrp) of Methanosarcina acetivorans was inves
201                               Like other CLC antiporters, mutation of the external glutamate gate (Gl
202 ntiport activity of the bacterial Na(+)/H(+) antiporter NapA from being electrogenic to electroneutra
203 e the active-state structure of a Na(+)/H(+) antiporter, NapA from Thermus thermophilus, at 3 A resol
204 hange in levels of the mitochondrial calcium antiporter NCLX.
205 the prokaryotic Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) antiporter NCX_Mj protein from Methanococcus jannaschii
206 igin of the function of the bacterial Na+/H+ antiporter NhaA by evaluating the energetics of the Na+
207 ophilus and compare this to the prototypical antiporter NhaA from Escherichia coli and the human homo
208 as similar to that of the E. coli Na(+)/H(+) antiporter NhaA, and GerO, but not GerQ contained two ad
209 n is remarkably similar to the sodium/proton antiporter NhaA, despite having no detectable sequence h
210  pestis strains lacking the major Na(+)/H(+) antiporters, NhaA and NhaB, are completely attenuated in
211  protective involvement of the sodium/proton antiporter NhaC-2, tryptophanase A, and two putative reg
212 l Na(+)/H(+)-antiporter resembling the human antiporter NHE1, by electron crystallography of 2D cryst
213 tion, in turn, is linked to decreased Na+/H+ antiporter (NHE1) expression.
214           The small intestinal BB Na(+)/H(+) antiporter NHE3 accounts for the majority of intestinal
215 ndent inhibition of the isoform 3 Na(+)/H(+) antiporter (NHE3) to demonstrate a functional relevance
216                      The NHX-type Na(+)/H(+) antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 localize to the Golgi, trans-G
217                     Intracellular Na(+)/H(+) antiporters (NHXs) play important roles in cellular pH a
218                 It functions as a Cl(-)/H(+) antiporter, not a Cl(-) channel; however, the molecular
219 The cystine transporter (system xC(-)) is an antiporter of cystine and glutamate.
220                                     The NhaA antiporter of Escherichia coli is the best studied membe
221                               NhaA, the main antiporter of Escherichia coli, has homologues in all bi
222 OF4 and Bacillus subtilis and the homologous antiporter of Staphylococcus aureus (Mnh), all of which
223                           Anion channels and antiporters of the ClC superfamily have been found to be
224 orters, including H(+) pumps and H(+):cation antiporters, often at residues that are well conserved a
225 s of up to 1,500 ions per second, Na(+)/H(+) antiporters operate by a two-domain rocking bundle model
226 rane where it was proposed to act as a K+/H+ antiporter or alternatively as a chaperone for selected
227 protein functions as a Cl- channel, a Cl-/H+ antiporter, or as something else entirely.
228 in the dimeric, electroneutral sodium/proton antiporter PaNhaP from Pyrococcus abyssi at 3.2 A, and h
229  demonstrate that they function as secondary antiporters, powered by an imposed proton motive force,
230  Therefore, although upregulation of the xCT antiporter promotes antioxidant defence, it antagonizes
231 ent the crystal structure of the Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporter protein YfkE from Bacillus subtilis at 3.1-A
232                                          The antiporters pump three charges per cycle across the memb
233 that couples H(+) and Cl(-) transport in the antiporters remains unknown.
234 , electroneutral and electrogenic Na(+)/H(+) antiporters, represent a carefully tuned self-regulatory
235 ic complexes, while most other cation/proton antiporters require only one membrane protein for their
236                                        These antiporters require six or seven hydrophobic proteins th
237                        ClC-3 is a Cl(-)/H(+) antiporter required for cytokine-induced intraendosomal
238 NhaP1, an archaeal electroneutral Na(+)/H(+)-antiporter resembling the human antiporter NHE1, by elec
239 d expression of an Arabidopsis H(+)/Ca(2)(+) antiporter (sCAX1) in agricultural crops increases total
240 he advent of crystal structures of three MFS antiporters sheds light on their fundamental mechanism;
241                                   Na(+)/H(+) antiporters show a marked pH dependence, which is import
242              X-ray crystal structures of CLC antiporters show the Cl(-) ion pathway through these pro
243 fer from CusF directly to a site in the CusA antiporter, showing for the first time (to our knowledge
244                        The glutamate/cystine antiporter solute carrier family 7 member 11 (SLC7A11, a
245          We hypothesize that a sodium-proton antiporter (SPAP) provided the first step towards modern
246     In NhaA, the Escherichia coli Na(+)/H(+) antiporter, specific single site mutations modulating th
247              We speculate that elevator-type antiporters such as NapA, and likely NHA2, use a subset
248 t chain of system xc-, the cystine/glutamate antiporter, suggests that PCP also regulates the activit
249   Phylogenetic analysis of the cation/proton antiporter superfamily has uncovered a previously unknow
250 n members of the cation/proton antiporters-2 antiporter superfamily KEA1, KEA2, and KEA3.
251                Members of the calcium/cation antiporter superfamily, including the cardiac sodium/cal
252 e light chain, xCT, of the cystine/glutamate antiporter system X(-)(c).
253 d, xCT, a component of the cystine/glutamate antiporter system x(c)(-), was significantly upregulated
254 r cystine for intracellular glutamate by the antiporter system xc (-) is implicated in numerous patho
255  functional subunit of the cystine/glutamate antiporter system xc(-), as a surface protein that is up
256 e synthesis and glutamate secretion by xc(-) antiporter system.
257 bits cystine uptake by the cystine/glutamate antiporter (system x(c)(-)), creating a void in the anti
258 on and recovered the two subunits of the xCT antiporter (system xc(-)), which plays an antioxidant ro
259    Therefore, we propose that CgAcr3-1 is an antiporter that catalyzes arsenite-proton exchange with
260                   CLC-ck2 is the first known antiporter that contains a nonpolar residue at this posi
261 id to product and CO2, and an inner membrane antiporter that exchanges external substrate for interna
262                       CaiT is a homotrimeric antiporter that exchanges l-carnitine (CRN) with gamma-b
263 ate in the brain is released by xCT, a glial antiporter that exports glutamate and imports cystine.
264                        ClC-5 is a Cl(-)/H(+) antiporter that functions in endosomes and is important
265 s a heteromeric amino acid cystine/glutamate antiporter that is constitutively expressed by cells of
266 LC7A11, a component of the cystine/glutamate antiporter that regulates reactive oxygen species (ROS)-
267                                   GlpT is an antiporter that transports G3P into the cell in exchange
268  of which (VI and VII) are absent from other antiporters that share the Ec-NhaA structural fold.
269 n vivo, demonstrating that ClC-7 is a Cl-/H+ antiporter, that it constitutes the major Cl- permeabili
270 g together with a putative arginine-agmatine antiporter, the CPn1032 homologs may have evolved conver
271 tion in frog oocytes that Slc11a1 acts as an antiporter, the most plausible interpretation of the dat
272 1p, the prevacuolar compartment-bound Na+/H+ antiporter, the vacuole-bound Vnx1p appears to play role
273                         Like many Na(+)/H(+) antiporters, the activity of NhaA is regulated by pH, on
274 ese proteins are most likely nitrate/nitrite antiporters, they can also act in the net uptake of nitr
275                                 Unlike other antiporters, they require six or seven hydrophobic gene
276  working in tandem with an arginine-agmatine antiporter, this enzymatic cycle protects the organism b
277 ortant vacuolar ion transporters, Na(+)/H(+) antiporter (TNHXS1) and H(+)-pyrophosphatase (TVP1), wer
278 ribe the transformation of EmrE, a drug/H(+) antiporter to a polyamine importer by a single mutation.
279 eleased from the cell through the system Xc- antiporter to activate a metabotropic glutamate receptor
280 t to work in conjunction with an l-Asp/l-Ala antiporter to establish a proton gradient across the mem
281               We used monensin, a Na(+)/H(+) antiporter, to examine the role of the pump on the burst
282 verly Sensitive 1), encoding a sodium/proton antiporter, to plant salinity tolerance was analyzed in
283 e needed and for the value added by specific antiporter types in specific settings.
284             Finally, we show that inhibiting antiporter uptake of cystine interferes with presentatio
285  Overexpression of Ca2+ pump SERCA1, Ca2+/H+ antiporter Vcx1, or a Mn2+ transporting mutant of Vcx1 (
286 ession of system xc(-) cystine and glutamate antiporter via the JAK/STAT1 pathway.
287  light chain of X(c)(-), a glutamate/cystine antiporter, was analyzed by RT-PCR, immunoblotting, and
288 f the bacterial APC family arginine/agmatine antiporter, we introduced amino acid substitutions liabl
289 ichia coli NhaA is a prototype sodium-proton antiporter, which has been extensively characterized by
290 nvironmental cystine acquisition via the xCT antiporter, which is expressed on one-third of triple-ne
291 LT OVERLY SENSITIVE1 (SOS1), a sodium/proton antiporter, which represents an essential component of p
292 e synthesis depends on the cystine/glutamate antiporter, which transports the rate-limiting precursor
293  host cells usually possess zero to one such antiporter while other stress-exposed bacteria exhibit e
294 te transporter (DTDST) is a sulfate/chloride antiporter whose function is impaired in several human c
295 coded by the NCLX gene, and of a H(+)/Ca(2+) antiporter, whose identity is still debated.
296 nity for nitrate and NarK2 a nitrate/nitrite antiporter with lower affinity for nitrate.
297  NHE9 (SLC9A9) is an endosomal cation/proton antiporter with orthologues in yeast and bacteria.
298                       Detailed structures of antiporters with bound substrate ions are essential for
299 via phosphorylation of the cystine-glutamate antiporter xCT.
300 utamine dependence via the cystine/glutamate antiporter xCT/SLC7A11.

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