


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 3-infected cells are exposed only to heat or antiprogestin.
2  was controlled by topical application of an antiprogestin.
3 hysiological heat dose in the presence of an antiprogestin.
4 rst disclosure of orally active nonsteroidal antiprogestins.
5  transcription in synergy with 8-Br-cAMP and antiprogestins.
6 t time that ICI 182,780 also exhibits potent antiprogestin activity at doses frequently used in labor
7 y establish that ICI 182,780 has significant antiprogestin activity in addition to its well-documente
8   The antiestrogen tamoxifen did not display antiprogestin activity in this test system, and ICI 182,
9                                          The antiprogestin activity of ICI 182,780 was detected in He
10 e to progestins, but are growth-inhibited by antiprogestins, and underscore the need to target PR-B a
11 ould potentially be used to screen for safer antiprogestins, antiangiogenic agents, or for compounds
12 se compounds are structurally related to the antiprogestin, antiglucocorticoid, and antiandrogen drug
13 is that was blocked by co-treatment with the antiprogestin but enhanced by co-treatment with ICI.
14 ivity profiles observed with known steroidal antiprogestins, compounds of the general structural clas
15 o be effective in providing tissue-specific, antiprogestin-controllable gene expression in transgenic
16                              MF, a synthetic antiprogestin, has been shown to have some antiprolifera
17 tone (ZK98,299), were demonstrated to act as antiprogestins in vivo after oral administration to rode
18 vator that is activated by a narrow class of antiprogestins, including mifepristone and ulipristal, a
19 role in neurofibroma growth and suggest that antiprogestins may be useful in the treatment of this tu
20                               The effects of antiprogestin mifepristone (MF) on the growth, progester
21 hetic progestins in fish, and effects of the antiprogestin mifepristone (RU486, an abortive) are unkn
22 s a similar pharmacological profile with the antiprogestin mifepristone (RU486; Roussel Uclaf SA).
23                       In the presence of the antiprogestin mifepristone, this chimeric regulator bind
24                          The requirement for antiprogestin provides an additional level of safety, en
25                This effect is blocked by the antiprogestin RU 486.
26                                          The antiprogestin RU-486 blocks progestin stimulation of gro
27 gree of inhibition as that obtained with the antiprogestin RU-486.
28                                 In addition, antiprogestins RU 38486 blunted the denervation-induced
29 avior by D1-like agonists was blocked by the antiprogestin RU38486 and PR antisense oligonucleotide.
30                                          The antiprogestin RU486 blocked the R5020 effect on IRS-2 ex
31 nvestigated the molecular basis by which the antiprogestin RU486 regulates transcription in a cell-ty
32  fulvestrant and tamoxifen, progestin R5020, antiprogestin RU486, all-trans-retinoic acid, epidermal
33   Selective receptor modulators, such as the antiprogestin RU486, are known to exhibit partial agonis
34 ain (PR1) that is activated by the synthetic antiprogestin, RU486, but not by endogenous steroid horm
35                             Mifepristone, an antiprogestin used individually or together with the ant
36 labor suggests the presence of an endogenous antiprogestin, which we reasoned might be cortisol, whos
37 assays with the Lys-388 mutants and the pure antiprogestin ZK98299, which blocks N-/C-terminal intera

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