


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 the punctuated history of migrations in Late Antiquity.
2 cts that have likely been known to man since antiquity.
3 rked the setting sun of the June solstice in antiquity.
4 ings and other polychrome works of art since antiquity.
5               This has been recognised since antiquity.
6 b(OH)2, has been used in paintings since the Antiquity.
7 litis, a crippling human disease known since antiquity.
8 self-limited, an occurrence recognized since antiquity.
9 mon bilaterian ancestor, and is thus of deep antiquity.
10 iorally diverse parapithecoid clade of great antiquity.
11 ion due to its high allelic polymorphism and antiquity.
12 g in Latin probably survived, even from late Antiquity.
13 ious kinds of Citrus that have existed since antiquity.
14 race fossil (Vermiforma antiqua) confirm the antiquity (600 million years or more) of this body fossi
15              Despite evidence of smallpox in antiquity, a new study of a 350 year-old Lithuanian chil
16                          Consistent with its antiquity, a phylogenetic analysis of dental characters
17                      Moreover, despite their antiquity, all of the ciHHV-6 genomes appear to retain t
18 that violence was common and of considerable antiquity among small-scale societies.
19                                          The antiquity and adaptive flexibility of aleocharines made
20                                          The antiquity and global abundance of the enzyme, RuBisCO, a
21 tree of life have been used to argue for its antiquity and its optimality.
22 en largely obscured as a result of the great antiquity and poor preservation of any diagnostic featur
23 particularly (i) the discovery of the likely antiquity and taxonomic diversity of ultrasmall eukaryot
24 f these events remain mysterious given their antiquity and the fact that subsequent waves of migrants
25  of texts and manuscripts have survived from Antiquity and the Middle Ages has been highly problemati
26 ought in the regions of origin for tribes in antiquity, and may have created a powerful push factor f
27 hat dispersal of S. pombe began during human antiquity ( approximately 340 BCE), and ancestors of the
28 ility complex and other polymorphic genes of antiquity are seen inter alia as agents of normal variat
29 y in our planet's history yet, despite their antiquity, are highly conserved.
30 heir derivatives) have been recognized since antiquity as important spices for human consumption (e.g
31  wine point to the medicinal role of wine in antiquity, as well as a means of preserving it during ma
32 ening disease that has been recognized since antiquity but still causes over 50,000 deaths annually i
33                      Terrorism dates back to antiquity, but our understanding of it as a public healt
34 sed in medical devices, have been used since antiquity, but recently their degree of sophistication h
35                            Their anatomy and antiquity constitute strong evidence of modern-human eme
36                               The remarkable antiquity, diversity and ecological significance of arth
37                                This expanded antiquity for European hand-axe culture supports a wide
38 eover, humans have used phenylpropenes since antiquity for food preservation and flavoring and as med
39  rubrum has been intensively exploited since antiquity for its use in jewellery.
40 laying metopic closure, and particularly its antiquity in hominin evolution.
41 ssential nutrients to the biosphere, but its antiquity in modern form is unclear.
42 theoretical interest regarding poly P is its antiquity in prebiotic evolution, which along with its h
43 earliest domesticated fruit crops and, since antiquity, it has been widely cultivated and prized for
44  is a unique psychological trait noted since antiquity, long discussed in humanities disciplines, rec
45 om six areas where primary states emerged in antiquity: Mesoamerica, Peru, Egypt, Mesopotamia, the In
46 spheric chemistry, and support the plausible antiquity of a terrestrial biosphere populated by cyanob
47  ability to phylogenetically reconstruct the antiquity of a wide array of microbial clades and their
48 d, have demonstrated both the uniqueness and antiquity of Aboriginal Australian genomes.
49 populations appears to result from a greater antiquity of African populations rather than a greater l
50 ormly and highly expressed demonstrating the antiquity of associations between intragenic methylation
51 king it difficult to accurately estimate the antiquity of bee-mediated pollination.
52 bees and provides a new minimum date for the antiquity of bees and bee-mediated pollination.
53 line archosaur, Asilisaurus demonstrates the antiquity of both Ornithodira and the dinosaurian lineag
54 es for the emergence of M3, and the accepted antiquity of CD1, suggest that primordial class I MHC mo
55          These fossils add 3 My to the known antiquity of crown Cercopithecidae.
56      Dosage-balanced retention declines with antiquity of duplication: 24.1% of alpha-duplicated gene
57                      The origin and possible antiquity of faunas at deep-sea hydrothermal vents and s
58 rs, distance between anchors, and number and antiquity of genome duplication events.
59 aeological record demonstrates both the deep antiquity of human tool behavior and its fundamental rol
60                                          The antiquity of life further suggests that various microbia
61      New Bayesian methodology for dating the antiquity of lineages by using a combination of fossil a
62                                    Given the antiquity of miR172 in land plants, our findings have im
63                                          The antiquity of Neanderthal gene flow into modern humans me
64 osaur evolution and provide evidence for the antiquity of novel avian character systems including ske
65 s ago, this observation reflects the greater antiquity of OIB sources.
66 higenic components and confirms the expected antiquity of rocks comprising the crater rim.
67 cinarum, but raising new questions about the antiquity of S. spontaneum.
68                               To address the antiquity of Sangiran H. erectus more systematically, we
69                                  Despite the antiquity of some, and possibly most, germ line HHV-6 in
70   These discoveries demonstrate the Mesozoic antiquity of specialized termite caste systems and corro
71 ther, our study confirms the homogeneity and antiquity of SR splicing factors while establishing robu
72                                          The antiquity of the dichotomy is consistent with the contem
73                                              Antiquity of the gall mites in much their extant form wa
74 nes are unclear, and are often masked by the antiquity of the original acquisitions and by their rapi
75  mangrove-associated copepods highlights the antiquity of the specialized harpacticoid fauna living i
76                                          The antiquity of the two gene families and the unusual mode
77                                 The apparent antiquity of the Wood-Ljungdahl CO2 fixation pathway and
78 tralopithecus africanus) as evidence for the antiquity of these adaptive features.
79 er-gatherers but raising questions about the antiquity of this behavior.
80 irid pits, which would help to constrain the antiquity of this cryptic crab family.
81                                  Despite the antiquity of unfused jaws in baleen whales since the lat
82   Although some GRN subcircuits are of great antiquity, other aspects are highly flexible and thus in
83 icella and zoster have been recognized since antiquity, several new clinical syndromes--including chr
84                    Influenza is a disease of antiquity that annually imposes a major burden of morbid
85            It has been known since classical antiquity that viewing particular images can trigger sei
86                                    Since the antiquities, the history of epilepsy has been characteri
87  possibly effective lifesaving efforts since antiquity, the possibility to reverse acute terminal sta
88                             Because of their antiquity, they for the most part display generalized be
89                                         From antiquity through the Renaissance, congenital blindness
90         Small molecules have been used since antiquity to regulate our sleep.
91 ts the history of brain tumor diagnosis from antiquity to the present and, indirectly, the history of
92        The systematic study of gout dates to antiquity, to Hippocrates' initial descriptions of disea
93 ntegrate depictions of mammals from Egyptian antiquity with direct lines of paleontological and arche
94 North African Jews-founding during Classical Antiquity with proselytism of local populations, followe
95 tions have been recognized and managed since antiquity, with surgical treatment evolving to maximize

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