


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 could be neutralized by both BTV-1 and BTV-8 antisera.
2  by biochemical tests and agglutination with antisera.
3 ll lines and detection of tubulin forms with antisera.
4  loop of HPV16 L1 induced cross-neutralizing antisera.
5 ositive isolates are serotyped in monovalent antisera.
6 terns seen with the tyramine- and octopamine antisera.
7  A(H3N2) (sH3N2), using postinfection ferret antisera.
8 ith 61% of trichiasis but only 31% of normal antisera.
9 nt stable trimers recognized by NiV-specific antisera.
10 mouse brain by using two polyclonal anti-NPS antisera.
11 90s were observed using postinfection ferret antisera.
12 with both anti-PspA/Rx1 and anti-PspA/EF5668 antisera.
13  conventional therapeutics with large-animal antisera.
14 n was highly cross-reactive to TGEV and PRCV antisera.
15 ls in western blot analyses using polyclonal antisera.
16 ments were recognised by both EspA and FliCi antisera.
17 ld be neutralized by posttreatment anti-ROR1 antisera.
18 eptibility to bactericidal activity of mouse antisera.
19 s confirmed by immunoblotting using specific antisera.
20 s been hindered by a lack of specific ERbeta antisera.
21 reactivity with CD3gamma N terminus-specific antisera.
22 ns of cross-reactivity with mouse and ferret antisera.
23 CV), or porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) pig antisera.
24 plexes were also immunoprecipitated by these antisera.
25 urons in the sensory layer labeled with both antisera.
26 zed by flow cytometry using antigen-specific antisera.
27 d expressed for the generation of polyclonal antisera.
28  0.009) following preincubation with anti-P5 antisera.
29 exes immunoprecipitated by galectin-specific antisera.
30 used to raise rabbit polyclonal monospecific antisera.
31 eduction in HI titers compared to homologous antisera.
32 ings were strongly labeled by KCNQ4 and erg1 antisera.
33 sitivity to neutralization by NiV-F-specific antisera.
34 ocked by incubation with CXCL10-neutralizing antisera.
35 es in common were found using cross-reactive antisera.
36 against strain-specific postinfection ferret antisera.
37  were immunostained with cFos, NPY, and CART antisera.
38 itated their escape from killing by anti-Hia antisera.
39  K163 was not highlighted by standard ferret antisera.
40  anti-beta3 integrin, but not anti-GPIbalpha antisera.
41 e index of avidity to the convalescent-phase antisera.
42 l in cell migration, we tested specific Trbl antisera, a trbl null allele and Trbl transgenes bearing
43                                Production of antisera able to recognize individual heterotrimeric G p
44 r interactions than those of the post-immune antisera after immunization of the mixed vaccine.
45             Immunofluorescence analysis with antisera against amino acids 172-193 of Fpn (anti-Fpn 17
46                                              Antisera against AmOmpA or its predicted binding domain
47 utination (HA) activity was not inhibited by antisera against any of the nine defined APMV serotypes.
48  antiserum against rat dynorphin1-13 but not antisera against beta-endorphin or methionine-enkephalin
49 of PfAMA1 induced parasite growth-inhibitory antisera against both strains of P. falciparum parasites
50                                   Polyclonal antisera against Bsp22 fully protected epithelial cells
51                   Triple immunostaining with antisera against Diploptera punctata allatostatin (Dip-A
52                                              Antisera against each targeted virus exhibited limited c
53 dition, immunogold electron microscopy using antisera against EbpA-EbpC proteins as well as patient s
54 from stomach were labeled in triplicate with antisera against F4/80, HO1, and CD206, and macrophages
55  and immunoaffinity-purified OP sera, rabbit antisera against fragments A and A2, and mAb GoH3 produc
56                                              Antisera against htt detected a single band broadly migr
57 een 1989 and 2011, and measured HI titers of antisera against influenza A(H3N2) from 24 ferrets again
58 ogy of Fpn was determined using monospecific antisera against its different epitopes, in sheets of ce
59 V GPC monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and mouse antisera against JUNV or MACV GPC.
60 ty with other BoNTs and is not recognized by antisera against known BoNTs.
61 eparations of the resultant human polyclonal antisera against low- and high-dose VEEV challenges.
62 munocytochemical localization of antipeptide antisera against M5R and the plasmalemmal dopamine trans
63  the poor cross-neutralization of alpha-JUNV antisera against MACV.IMPORTANCE Multiple New World aren
64  moderate-to-severe grade HD patients, using antisera against mitochondrial markers of COX2, SOD2 and
65 ructed and probed for reactivity with ferret antisera against MN/10 and BJ/92 in hemagglutination inh
66                                    Moreover, antisera against Mrp4, Emm4 and Sof4 promoted the killin
67 dy we identified neurons immunoreactive with antisera against octopamine, tyramine, and the enzymes r
68 Abl in vitro, we generated affinity-purified antisera against phosphorylated Y251 in Crk and showed t
69 d patterns and their selective labeling with antisera against proteins required for normal mushroom b
70                                        Using antisera against several of the novel proteins and membr
71                               Interestingly, antisera against StcE or C1-INH did not eliminate StcE c
72 g, we generated and characterized a panel of antisera against subdomains of GP64.
73                                    We raised antisera against synthetic peptides corresponding to an
74 hot plate test is sensitive to antagonism by antisera against the endogenous opioid peptide beta-endo
75                                              Antisera against the intracellular, C-termini of divalen
76 nths were stained immunohistochemically with antisera against the pan-neuronal marker neurotubulin.
77                     Immunoprecipitation with antisera against the proteins revealed a strong interact
78                      To confirm this, rabbit antisera against the putative capsid proteins of TTSuV1a
79                                              Antisera also inhibited other mAbs using the same variab
80                                    Different antisera also recognized other glycan determinants, incl
81                                         Both antisera always stained XMRV-infected or -transfected ce
82  by CCIF between TGEV Miller hyperimmune pig antisera and all PEDV strains.
83 n inhibition (HI) data with monovalent swine antisera and antigenic cartography to evaluate the antig
84  absorbed neutralizing activity from complex antisera and b12.
85  and 7 (1.8%) isolates were nontypeable with antisera and by mPCR/RLB, respectively; and 45/56 (80.4%
86 ization density, whereas passive transfer of antisera and CD4(+) T cells was needed to cause a signif
87 relocalization, and using a phospho-specific antisera and genetic manipulations, identify where Warts
88 inhibited only by murine anti-beta3 integrin antisera and human anti-HPA-1a IgG purified from mothers
89 ing caused by anti-keratin antibodies in the antisera and keratin contamination of reagents.
90 abilized microtubules using a combination of antisera and mass spectrometry to detect the products.
91  that immunization-induced polyclonal animal antisera and monoclonal antibodies specific for either C
92 d CT709 together reacting with 46% of normal antisera and none from the trichiasis group, whereas ant
93 e where variants were identified by specific antisera and one based on identification by DNA sequence
94 d neutralization reduction against patients' antisera and substantially increased virus binding abili
95 well as by inhibition of binding between the antisera and the O-SPs of both bacteria.
96  herein termed EBOTAb, was prepared from the antisera and used for an in vivo guinea pig study.
97 vel iron compound receptor, reacted with the antisera and were identified by mass spectrometry.
98 gens were recognized by at least 1 of the 59 antisera, and 10 antigens by 50% or more antisera, the l
99 e requires no cell-sorting, cross-linking or antisera, and binding profiles can be generated from as
100 -neutralizing antibodies in mouse and ferret antisera, and their ability to replicate in mice, we hav
101 a mechanism for the cross-neutralizing human antisera: antibodies present in the antisera bind to con
102       Taken together, these studies describe antisera as tools that allow, for the first time, studie
103                 By generating FcRLA-specific antisera as well as knockout mice, we were able to unequ
104 pite strong cross-reactivity of convalescent antisera between related arenavirus species, weak or no
105 ng human antisera: antibodies present in the antisera bind to conserved regions associated with cross
106 MV fusion machinery and, in conjunction with antisera binding studies, provide a rationale for how in
107 animals, TIMP-1-specific siRNA or polyclonal antisera, both of which diminished CVB3-induced myocardi
108 frared intensity of IR-dye labeled secondary antisera bound to targeted proteins of the MAPK- and cAM
109 collectively reacting with 30% of trichiasis antisera but none from the normal group, and antigen CT6
110          Although reciprocally reactive with antisera by Western blotting, this truncated protein did
111 cted by the limited availability of specific antisera, by difficulties discriminating the discrete lo
112 n to generate receptor conformation-specific antisera can be applied to other G(alpha)(i)-coupled (de
113  Passive administration of serotype-specific antisera capable of opsonizing and killing S. pneumoniae
114                                Both galectin antisera co-precipitated splicing substrate, splicing in
115 uble labeling studies with YFP and serotonin antisera combined with electron microscopy were carried
116  were detected in the elicited sera, and the antisera competed with b12 for CD4bs-directed binding sp
117 wing a gp120 DNA vaccine prime) and that the antisera competed with bNAbs from 3 classes of nonoverla
118                         Neutralization by L1 antisera confirmed that infectious transmission was caps
119             Western blot analysis, using LTB antisera, confirmed the presence of a 17-KDa protein in
120    In hemagglutination inhibition assays, 12 antisera cross-reacted with >/=14 of 20 H10 viruses, and
121 ecipitation experiments using anti-puromycin antisera demonstrated that the majority of peptidyl-puro
122 -to-head comparison between ferret and human antisera derived antigenic maps revealed different antig
123 typic challenge compared to that provided by antisera derived from mice immunized with rAdH5 or rAdM2
124                           Anti-polyglutamine antisera detected full-length mutant htt in HD brain.
125  tested H5N1 viruses (and clade 2.2-specific antisera detected most of the H5N1 antigens), ancestral
126 th lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or nephritogenic antisera developed markedly less proteinuria than did co
127                            Primary infection antisera did not neutralize all viruses of the same DENV
128 f FLNa in the mature rat brain, by using two antisera directed against epitopes at either the N' or t
129                        Additional studies of antisera directed against small subdomains revealed that
130 yme, double-label assays were performed with antisera directed against the glial glutamate/aspartate
131                      We generated polyclonal antisera directed against two of the predicted replicase
132 he glycan microarray analysis of FMS-induced antisera displayed a high specificity toward tumor-assoc
133                Moreover, vaccination-induced antisera displayed strong angiostatic and tumor-growth-i
134             The IHC used 2 rabbit polyclonal antisera, each prepared against a purified murine leukem
135 primary HIV-1 sensitive to neutralization by antisera elicited by immunization of rabbits with HIV-1
136 alizing activity of mouse, rabbit, and human antisera elicited by PA vaccines was effectively abrogat
137                  beta1 integrin-neutralizing antisera erased LTP when applied during, but not after,
138 agonism, but were eliminated by neutralizing antisera for beta1-integrins.
139 antibodies may be a useful adjunct to ferret antisera for detecting antigenic drift in influenza viru
140  of hemagglutination by postinfection ferret antisera for many viruses isolated in MDCK cells, includ
141  gel electrophoresis and probed using pooled antisera from 20 CBA/J mice chronically infected with E.
142                                         When antisera from 33 trichiasis and 26 control patients (wit
143 ydial proteins was recognized by one or more antisera from 99 women urogenitally infected with C. tra
144                                              Antisera from both wild-type and MHC-II-deficient mice p
145 h American isolates (clade, whereas antisera from dk/Hok/69 ca-vaccinated ferrets cross-reac
146                                              Antisera from Fc-d E1E2-immunized mice exhibited stronge
147                                 Furthermore, antisera from five immunized human vaccinees were shown
148 pping of anti-E1E2 antibodies present within antisera from goats and humans immunized with HCV-1 rE1E
149                  We produced purified equine antisera from horses hyperimmunized with EBOV virus-like
150 ed immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) showed that antisera from immunized mice inhibited monoclonal antibo
151                                              Antisera from immunized mice showed that Fc-d E1E2 elici
152  GII.17 cluster IIIb VLP was blocked only by antisera from mice immunized with cluster IIIb VLPs.
153 emagglutinin inhibition antibody titers with antisera from mice infected with wild-type or glycan mut
154         Six monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and antisera from mice specific for PA were tested for their
155                                              Antisera from rabbits actively immunized with PPSV23 and
156 sequential epitopes identified in polyclonal antisera from recombinant LF-immunized mice.
157                                              Antisera from the 40 mice recognized 130 out of 257 C. m
158 lar serotyping antisera to in-house-prepared antisera from the Microbial Diseases Laboratory, Califor
159 ssays to show that antibodies present in the antisera from vaccinated goats and humans bind epitopes
160                                         Both antisera gave the same distinctive immunofluorescent sta
161 /2014 (H5N6) virus was developed, and ferret antisera generated against this virus were demonstrated
162                            Administration of antisera generated in mice and rabbits by immunization w
163                                              Antisera generated to individual H1.2/H1.4 interphase ph
164 DBPII, which is strain transcending, whereas antisera generated to SD1+2 and SD2 failed to generate b
165         Cross-linking of G6B with polyclonal antisera has a significant inhibitory effect on platelet
166    Screening of these proteins against ovine antisera identified eight immunogenic proteins that are
167 ein microarray results, and phospho-specific antisera identified serine 189, within the Erk3 activati
168 and tested the post-exposure efficacy of the antisera in a mouse model of infection.
169 her, viruses possessing this mutation escape antisera in HAI assays simply by attaching to cells more
170 on of the neutralizing activity of the ovine antisera in vitro revealed that it neutralized EBOV.
171 tein factors co-precipitated by the galectin antisera included the Sm core polypeptides of snRNPs, hn
172           Consistently, adoptive transfer of antisera induced by rAdH5/M2e provided the best protecti
173                                              Antisera inhibited binding of the immunizing mAb to Dsgs
174                                      CLEC14A antisera inhibited cell migration and tube formation, su
175   More stringent selection with pooled human antisera (intravenous immunoglobulin [IVIG]) then led to
176 SAT2 capsid to broaden cross-reactivity with antisera is provided.
177     RNA in situ hybridization and anti-Black antisera localized Black expression in the head.
178                                 Some vaccine antisera mediated bactericidal activity against a N. men
179       Immunohistochemical analyses with TSPO antisera, methoxy-X04 staining for fibrillary beta-amylo
180 igen loss, we report that, unlike polyclonal antisera, monoclonal antibodies did not induce antigen l
181 se existing detoxification platforms such as antisera, monoclonal antibodies, small-molecule inhibito
182                         None of the pig TGEV antisera neutralized PEDV and vice versa.
183 s and to resist neutralization by polyclonal antisera obtained from animals immunized against AdC68.
184                                          The antisera of both conjugates showed strong binding and me
185 ization activity against humoral immunity in antisera of patients and healthy adults and greatly incr
186           In addition, the mouse post-immune antisera of the fused vaccine revealed significantly hig
187 g reaction using a new and expanded group of antisera, optochin susceptibility and bile solubility te
188       Passive immunization with Hla-specific antisera or active immunization with a nontoxigenic form
189          In infant mice, passive transfer of antisera or CD4(+) T cells from PhtD-vaccinated adult mi
190                   Guinea pigs given 20 mg of antisera or F(ab')2 at or starting at 1 or 2 dpi were al
191          Serotype-specific rabbit polyclonal antisera or mock antisera were passively administered to
192 ice were given up to 2 mg of purified equine antisera per animal, at 30 minutes, 1 or 2 days post-inf
193             Overall, Denka Seiken commercial antisera performed very well and, together with the comp
194 est sequence homology, we tested hyperimmune antisera prepared for each virus against baculovirus-exp
195                                              Antisera produced against recombinant albicin recognized
196 igs at fairs did not cross-react with ferret antisera produced against the human seasonal H3N2 IAVs c
197 ein CT795 was dominantly recognized by human antisera produced during C. trachomatis infection but no
198                            Furthermore, TcpF antisera protect against V. cholerae infection.
199  found no evidence that high-titer antipilin antisera provided passive protection against a sublethal
200         To identify the G proteins involved, antisera raised against alpha and beta subunits (anti-G
201                                              Antisera raised against an H3N2 strain possessing K145 h
202 g C. trachomatis infection but not by animal antisera raised against dead chlamydia organisms.
203  this end, triple-fluorescent labeling using antisera raised against PVB and CB as well as biotinylat
204 antigen displaying reduced reactivity toward antisera raised against the native R. terrigena repeat s
205 utralization assays using convalescent-phase antisera raised against the parental virus, SAT2/ZIM/7/8
206 -qPCR, and immunohistochemistry with several antisera raised against TRPML3 to determine the expressi
207  cells, which nonspecifically react with two antisera raised against TRPML3.
208 proteins were demonstrated using hyperimmune antisera raised in animals and sera collected from patie
209                                              Antisera raised in laboratory animals against SD3, SD3+,
210 exneri can be phenotypically serotyped using antisera raised to type-specific somatic antigens and gr
211                                          The antisera reacted equally well with the LPSs of both bact
212                     We also found that these antisera reacted with flagellae of Pseudomonas syringae,
213 d the electron microscopic immunolabeling of antisera recognizing CRF or CRFr.
214 icity of LT-IIc was partially neutralized by antisera recognizing LT-IIa or LT-IIb but not by anti-CT
215 ted with 35% of normal and 19% of trichiasis antisera respectively.
216                      Limited availability of antisera resulted in poor typeability values from the fo
217            The labeling patterns of two GnRH antisera revealed different populations of GnRH-immunore
218               Analysis with isoform-specific antisera revealed that both SH1 and SUS1 are represented
219           Nischarin, or imidazoline receptor antisera-selected protein, is a protein involved in a va
220                                 Neutralizing antisera selective for beta1 integrins blocked these eff
221 e E. coli chromosome, restoring native level antisera sensitivity and structure.
222 otein gene and immunoreactivity to flotillin antisera served as respective physical, molecular and bi
223               The resulting mouse and rabbit antisera showed complement-mediated bactericidal activit
224                                              Antisera showed the best competition against HC84.26 and
225 he altruronic acid-containing polysaccharide antisera showing the greatest opsonophagocytic assay act
226                                       Pooled antisera significantly reduced pathogenic activity from
227            Immunohistochemical analysis with antisera specific for deer tick virus identified numerou
228 tained for P2X7 were dual immunostained with antisera specific for microglia (Iba1, COX-1).
229                   Passive immunizations with antisera targeting outer membrane proteins (OMPs) have s
230 RVPs were better neutralized by heterologous antisera than A1-160K.
231 f cross-reactivity against heterogeneous VLP antisera than the parental VLPs.
232 evels of cross-reactivities to heterogeneous antisera than the parental VLPs.
233 ive transfer experiments at high viral dose, antisera that fully protects wild-type mice fails to pro
234 o inhibition by patient-derived neutralizing antisera that inhibit homologous cell-free virus.
235 lian TGF-beta did not recognize HES, whereas antisera that inhibited HES did not affect TGF-beta.
236        Using monospecific polyclonal peptide antisera that recognize only cHsp60-1, cHsp60-2, or cHsp
237 n 1 of FVO and domain 2 + 3 of 3D7 generated antisera that showed similarly high level inhibition of
238 op causing interference, mouse anti-JUNV GPC antisera that solely neutralized pseudovirions bearing a
239  viruses were neutralized only by homologous antisera, the chimeric proteins could be neutralized by
240  59 antisera, and 10 antigens by 50% or more antisera, the latter being designated as immunodominant
241 en of the 719 Ags were recognized by >or=50% antisera, thus designated as immunodominant Ags.
242 e of complement and polymorphonuclear cells, antisera to 9Glc-NH(2)-TT mediated the killing of A. bau
243 infection in mice, pneumonia and bacteremia, antisera to 9Glc-NH(2)-TT significantly reduced levels o
244                              Further, rabbit antisera to alpha11-88x8 and alpha11-88x5 similarly neut
245 SA) and Western blot analysis using specific antisera to animal CoVs and SARS-CoV and SARS patient co
246 nt comprising aa 1 to 213 cross-reacted with antisera to animal CoVs, whereas the fragment comprising
247  found that, compared to normal rabbit sera, antisera to Ata significantly reduced the levels of A. b
248     Moreover, the TRIM21-mediated ability of antisera to block replication was a consistent feature o
249                       Blockade of CIRP using antisera to CIRP attenuated inflammatory cytokine releas
250 ndividual vaccine showed efficacy, combining antisera to CP antigens and PNAG still abrogated individ
251                                              Antisera to DBL4epsilon and to DBL5epsilon inhibit mater
252           In the current study, we developed antisera to detect individual Reg members in mouse islet
253                                 Studies with antisera to different epitopes of Fpn indicate that the
254 e used double-label immunocytochemistry with antisera to different isoforms of GnRH and to choline ac
255                        In an in vitro assay, antisera to either the native or the recombinant CD inhi
256 to kinetochores, we stained human cells with antisera to four complex components.
257  within L1-epitome were recognized by murine antisera to HPV58 virus-like particles, suggesting that
258  Salmonella somatic and flagellar serotyping antisera to in-house-prepared antisera from the Microbia
259 c axons in myenteric ganglia were labeled by antisera to one of these eight markers.
260                       Here, using a panel of antisera to phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated sites o
261                                              Antisera to PNAG mediated opsonophagocytic killing of BC
262 s, these capsids were seen to be reactive to antisera to pORF65 as well as to KSHV-positive human ser
263                                              Antisera to rBCP, rBCP(DeltaIgA), III-rBCP, and III-rBCP
264                                              Antisera to recombinant p30 expressed in Escherichia col
265 pes exposed in all VAR2CSA alleles; however, antisera to several DBL domains cross-reacted on parasit
266             The immunoreactivity of specific antisera to some of these antigens confirmed their surfa
267                                              Antisera to SREBP-1 were used with liver chromatin from
268 t to and infection of Caco-2A cells, whereas antisera to the recombinant protein also inhibit infecti
269 pped on E6, E7 and L1 proteins using rabbits antisera to the respective recombinant proteins.
270                    Passive immunization with antisera to these antigens is effective in reducing clin
271                                        Mouse antisera to these five proteins inhibited binding of GBS
272                                 We generated antisera to this carboxyl terminus and identified immuno
273 differentiated O1(+) oligodendrocytes, while antisera to TIMP-1 reduced oligodendrocyte numbers.
274 complexes followed by Western blotting using antisera to various FAO enzymes.
275 abetic human pancreas is challenging because antisera used for detection of the GLP-1 receptor often
276  Seiken (Tokyo, Japan) somatic and flagellar antisera (using a tube agglutination assay) were 94.0% a
277 ralization potency of Apobec3/Rfv3-resistant antisera was dependent on activating Fcgamma receptors b
278 he possibility of serum sickness, the equine antisera was digested with pepsin to generate F(ab')2 fr
279             Passive transfer of alpha11-88x8 antisera was protective.
280          Immunostaining with dopamine and TH antisera was used to corroborate targeted transgene expr
281                               Using specific antisera, we demonstrate that Rpl38 is an approximately
282                                        Using antisera, we determined the localization and gross abund
283                                 Using ferret antisera, we have established the feasibility of measuri
284                            Conjugate-induced antisera were bactericidal against B. pertussis, and the
285                     Eight subdomain-specific antisera were generated, and their reactivities with GP6
286                                              Antisera were initially tested against laboratory lines
287 grees of cross-reactivity; Egy/09 ca vaccine antisera were more specific for the gs/GD lineage viruse
288 -specific rabbit polyclonal antisera or mock antisera were passively administered to rabbits before e
289                                          The antisera were reciprocally reactive with both proteins.
290                            Polyclonal rabbit antisera were screened against the coating antigen libra
291                                   The rabbit antisera were screened and the combination of antiserum
292                             Human and ferret antisera were tested in HI assays against 1 representati
293                  When Denka Seiken flagellar antisera were used in a slide agglutination assay, the s
294 ) gene-targeted reagents, preimmune sera and antisera were used to adsorb pathogenic antibodies from
295 llected in 2007 and previously serotyped via antisera, were screened with the assay.
296  binding approaches and the lack of specific antisera, which have supported immunolocalizations at od
297 hat would be expected from primary infection antisera, while 11 sera had lower, more dispersed patter
298 ss-reactivity to TGEV Miller and TGEV Purdue antisera, while N protein presented some cross-reactivit
299 vity (using anti-raw and anti-roasted walnut antisera), with similar patterns of reactivity observed
300 LR-LO10, which has low reactivity with human antisera, yet has high cytotoxic and antitumor activity

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