


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ng administration of neutralizing anti-G-CSF antiserum.
2 tochemistry (IHC) with an anti-XMRV specific antiserum.
3  be present at only low levels in primate PA antiserum.
4 -, 6-, and 3-fold higher than that of the PA antiserum.
5 sport, enabled potent bacterial killing with antiserum.
6 with a specific rabbit and anti-T lymphocyte antiserum.
7 ge binding assays with and without anti-YaeT antiserum.
8 s almost completely inhibited by anti-PM1665 antiserum.
9 reticulum (ER) membrane using Yke4p-specific antiserum.
10 used to raise rabbit polyclonal monospecific antiserum.
11 on and was immunostained by the anti-Apo A-I antiserum.
12  cross-reactivity against heterologous clade antiserum.
13 h the highest immunoreactivity to the rabbit antiserum.
14 sensitivity to neutralization by SU-specific antiserum.
15  high HI titers to heterologous (D/OK) clade antiserum.
16 rotein purification and lack of a high-titer antiserum.
17 d proteins that reacted with the BM2 peptide antiserum.
18 TbCentrin2, identified using phosphospecific antiserum.
19 then immunoprecipitated using a CMS-specific antiserum.
20 ing platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB antiserum.
21 onfirmed by immunoprecipitation using EcPTP1 antiserum.
22 ognizing LT-IIa or LT-IIb but not by anti-CT antiserum.
23 rway responses, mice were treated with CCL28 antiserum 1 hour before receiving the final CRA challeng
24 ntisera were screened and the combination of antiserum 1648 and a heterologous competitive hapten con
25 position and subsequent reaction with typing antiserum 35a.
26 Zip Tip immunocapture, a specific anti-Abeta antiserum (6E10), and matrix-assisted laser desorption i
27 -barrels, and beta-cylindrins (recognized by antiserum A11).
28              Importantly, IL-17-neutralizing antiserum abrogated the neurotrophic effect of splenocyt
29                     Using a peptide-specific antiserum, abundant expression of BRAK protein was found
30                            The new factor 6d antiserum accurately identifies serotype 6C.
31 oelectron microscopy with an AcCYS1-specific antiserum, AcCYS1 was found in the apoplasm.
32 asmon resonance (SPR) revealed low nanomolar antiserum affinity for the key heroin metabolite, 6-acet
33 ed against small subdomains revealed that an antiserum against a 40-amino-acid region (residues 121 t
34 im of this study was to develop a polyclonal antiserum against a polypeptide analog of segment 1-25 o
35                               A neutralizing antiserum against AnxA1 and a nonselective antagonist of
36 st heat-inactivated pneumolysin (HI-PLY), or antiserum against cytotoxin-negative pneumolysin (psiPLY
37 s and tissues, we raised a high titer rabbit antiserum against full-length mouse TTP.
38 then passively immunized with control serum, antiserum against heat-inactivated pneumolysin (HI-PLY),
39 tron microscopy demonstrated that polyclonal antiserum against phiE125 reacted with the tail of phi10
40 orneas from rabbits passively immunized with antiserum against psiPLY were examined up to 14 days aft
41 ttenuated by i.t. pretreatment with a rabbit antiserum against rat dynorphin1-13 but not antisera aga
42                                   Polyclonal antiserum against recombinant GP63 of T. cruzi (TcGP63)
43 srP(SRR1-BR) also neutralized PsrP function; antiserum against rPsrP(SRR1-BR) blocked TIGR4 adhesion
44 ent infected with MERS-CoV (NA 01) and human antiserum against SARS-CoV, human CoV NL63, and human Co
45                 We also developed a specific antiserum against sbLPXRFa2, which revealed sbLPXRFa-imm
46                               Also, a rabbit antiserum against the acidic domain of GPIHBP1 blocked L
47 female adult peripheral chemosensory system, antiserum against the AgOR7 polypeptide labels most sens
48 tivity in mouse was investigated by using an antiserum against the epsilon-sarcoglycan protein.
49                                     Finally, antiserum against the Pel polysaccharide was generated,
50  immune cytokines, IFN-alpha or IFN-beta, or antiserum against the type I IFNs during the innate immu
51 ptens bound significantly to the same rabbit antiserum, albeit with less immunoreactivity than the he
52 ellar 'clutch' or addition of anti-flagellin antiserum also increased degU transcription and activity
53                                          The antiserum also lost the ability to kill the mutant strai
54           Passive immunization with anti-Sse antiserum also significantly protects mice against subcu
55 on experiments carried out with NEV-specific antiserum and a set of plant endomembrane markers reveal
56                          Furthermore, rabbit antiserum and antifecal antibodies were able to neutrali
57 entified by immunoblotting with monospecific antiserum and convalescent rat serum in addition to mass
58               Isolates reacting with group B antiserum and demonstrating wide beta-hemolysis should b
59  Kupffer cells were depleted with neutrophil antiserum and gadolinium chloride, respectively, before
60 hecal treatment with an interleukin-6 (IL-6) antiserum and in mice with protein kinase Cgamma (PKCgam
61 present in commercially available anti-BHV-1 antiserum and in real serum samples from cattle with res
62 e report the generation of an antihuman CRF1 antiserum and provide the first immunohistochemical desc
63 epsin-digested fluoresceinated anti-F (ab')2 antiserum and T cells were detected with a specific rabb
64 ssed in Escherichia coli and used to prepare antiserum and to analyze the interaction of AgALP with m
65  labeling the hypothalamic sections with NPB antiserum and vasopressin or oxytocin antibody revealed
66 lation site using phospho-specific anti-Y775 antiserum, and by mutational analysis.
67 f neutrophils by using rabbit antineutrophil antiserum, and immune responses and immunopathology were
68 rn analysis using phosphoamino acid-specific antiserum, and in vivo 32P labeling of PACT demonstrated
69  TbTOP2beta is not detected by beta-specific antiserum, and RNAi silencing results in no obvious phen
70  vitro kinase assay, phosphopeptide-specific antiserum, and the cdk inhibitor roscovitine to demonstr
71 d phosphate, detection by anti-phosphoserine antiserum, and the stabilizing effect of general serine
72 ing treatment with anti-tubular brush-border antiserum (anti-Fx1A).
73  treated with a neutralizing anti-mouse VEGF antiserum (anti-VEGF) or control serum daily from day -1
74 issues, and macrophages detected using BTN3A antiserum, are consistent with complex functions for BTN
75               Treatment with anti-asialo GM1 antiserum (ASGM1), which ablated circulating NK cells an
76  RBS deletions are able to escape polyclonal antiserum binding and are able to infect and be transmit
77 he factor involved is likely PEDF, as a PEDF-antiserum blocked the repulsing action.
78                                          The antiserum bound to a single 53 kDa protein and immunopre
79 lation of MKK3/6 detected by phosphospecific antiserum but did not affect the poly(IC)-induced gel mi
80      The bactericidal activity of the rabbit antiserum can be fully inhibited by the type B LOS but n
81 n neutralization assays using defined animal antiserum confirmed MDCK cells as the preferred cell sub
82 stern blot analysis using an hMPV F-specific antiserum confirmed the expression of hMPV in recombinan
83 that chromatin immunoprecipitated with Bach1 antiserum contains ferritin DNA sequences.
84                                    Anti-DBL5 antiserum cross-reacted with surface proteins of chondro
85 n problems associated with serology, such as antiserum cross-reactivity and one-way immunogenicity, i
86 R1(C)-ir were unchanged, suggesting that the antiserum crossreacts with another molecule in tissue.
87                           Using a polyclonal antiserum, CSP1 was co-immunopurified with several hundr
88  Immunoblotting analysis using CfrB-specific antiserum demonstrated that CfrB was dramatically induce
89                                              Antiserum derived from immunized macaques protected macr
90                               A VHY-specific antiserum detected a protein with an apparent molecular
91                    The nsp6-specific peptide antiserum detected the replicase intermediate p150 (nsp4
92 as shown by Western blotting with polyclonal antiserum developed against a HumA peptide.
93                                  Because the antiserum developed recognizes the tumoral GHRH receptor
94                                 However, the antiserum did not detect lubricin in synovial fluid or c
95   Furthermore, an anti-genogroup 1 human TTV antiserum did not react with any of the three TTSuV anti
96                                      The CBS antiserum did not recognize the correct molecular weight
97 secretion by hybridomas, but I-A(d)-specific antiserum did not.
98 d and characterized an anti-sEGFR polyclonal antiserum directed against a 31-mer peptide (residues 60
99                                              Antiserum directed against NF-IA, C/EBPalpha, or C/EBPbe
100                                           An antiserum directed against the alpha-subunit specificall
101                           With the use of an antiserum directed against the rat NPB, immunoreactivity
102 or patients receiving antibiotics or anthrax antiserum during the prodromal phase of disease, multidr
103 l dynorphin content and spinal antidynorphin antiserum elicited a time-related reversal of abdominal
104 Among all reported nodal ECM components, the antiserum exhibited strong cross-reactivity against vers
105 immunoprecipitation of DNA fragments by GyrA antiserum following nalidixic acid treatment of cells.
106 d, and their expression was studied by using antiserum for GBS80 (backbone protein of pilus island-I)
107 re >90%, with the exception of polyvalent O1 antiserum, for which sensitivity was 88.9%.
108 ay and lineage-representative D/OK and D/660 antiserum found up to an approximate 10-fold loss in cro
109 s-tagged BMAA0742 was recognized by glanders antiserum from a horse, a human and mice, indicating tha
110 MPL antiserum was lower than the activity of antiserum from animals immunized with the nHgbAI/Freund'
111                                              Antiserum from mice immunized with the modified GNA1870-
112                                              Antiserum generated against an epitope in the amino-term
113                                              Antiserum generated against an epitope in the protein's
114                                 In addition, antiserum generated against this penguin virus did not i
115                      However, a U51-specific antiserum had no virus-neutralizing activity, suggesting
116 Btk(-/-) mice 4 to 9 days postinfection with antiserum harvested 6 to 9 days postinfection from MAV-1
117                                         LasB antiserum identified the ATCC 19660 protease as modified
118 were detected by N-terminal peptide specific antiserum in IHH CM immunoprecipitated with chronically
119 M-mediated cell death was reversed by p75NTR antiserum in p75NTR(+)/trkA(-) 661w cells.
120 rats and the effects of spinal antidynorphin antiserum in pancreatic pain were assessed.
121 nt immunoreactive for specific P2X7 receptor antiserum in the kainate-induced seizure and non-seizure
122      Titration of the most commonly used GRP antiserum in tissues from wild-type and GRP mutant mice
123  by selective depletion with anti-asialo-GM1 antiserum in vivo and NK-cell-mediated cytolysis of B16L
124 o a previously described anti-peptide TcGP63 antiserum indicates that each antiserum recognizes disti
125 g the epitope recognized by the bactericidal antiserum induced by immunization with our conjugate vac
126 cocci were identified in a polyclonal rabbit antiserum induced in rabbits by whole group A streptococ
127 arthritis-related protein (Arp) and that Arp antiserum induces arthritis remission.
128                                Anti-vimentin antiserum inhibited NK cell lysis of infected monocytes,
129                                              Antiserum inhibited the ability of recombinant MTP-1 to
130  Conversely, repeated administration of BDNF antiserum into the nucleus accumbens during chronic coca
131 f endothelial cells with the polyclonal GFAP antiserum is due to cross reactivity with another protei
132 -type and GRP mutant mice indicates that the antiserum is only selective for GRP at high dilutions.
133                                          One antiserum labeled a large group of cells and fibers, whi
134                                    The other antiserum labeled large club-like structures, which were
135                        Furthermore, the OMgp antiserum labeled OMgp-null nodes, but not nodes from ve
136 h a polyclonal antibody, although monoclonal antiserum labelled only astrocytes.
137 ional inhibition of cell surface AnxA1 using antiserum (LCO1) significantly reduced cell invasion.
138 d that treatment with anti-IL-6-neutralizing antiserum led to reduced Akt phosphorylation, diminished
139 s of DNA sequences immunoprecipitated with J antiserum, localized J within subtelomeric regions rich
140              Further studies showed that the antiserum lost the recognition of both mutant cells and
141                                    Anti-TraM antiserum mediated in vitro opsonophagocytic killing of
142 terologous anti-glomerular basement membrane antiserum (nephrotoxic serum, NTS) into presensitized mi
143 ypes of BoNTs (A-G) based on a lack of cross antiserum neutralization.
144 sensitive assay identified was one utilizing antiserum no.
145            Glycan microarray analysis of the antiserum obtained indicated that the combination of GH-
146 llel, in-register beta-sheets (recognized by antiserum OC) or antiparallel beta-sheets, beta-solenoid
147 bation of trypomastigotes with either TcGP63 antiserum or a purified TcGP63 C-terminal subfragment re
148  of the Wnt receptor, Frizzled3 (Fzd3), with antiserum or by short interfering RNA (siRNA) markedly r
149 itis was treated with neutralizing anti-gp96 antiserum or control serum.
150             Treating DC organisms with Asp14 antiserum or preincubating mammalian host cells with glu
151                     Treatment with anti-PGE2 antiserum or the COX-2 inhibitor NS398 reversed the inhi
152 r, feeding of the anti-H. virescens cadherin antiserum or the partial cadherins, which contain the to
153 . conorii serum, Fab fragments of polyclonal antiserum, or no antibodies and then challenged 48 h lat
154 agonist APV, anti-p75(NTR) function-blocking antiserum, or previous tetanic stimulation.
155 nd nucleoproteins were also captured by this antiserum, our results were not affected due to the spec
156                               Using specific antiserum, ovastacin was detected in cortical granules b
157  subsided in animals treated with neutrophil antiserum plus gadolinium chloride.
158                                              Antiserum prepared for this peptide was reactive with re
159         Pretreatment of mice with anti-MCP-1 antiserum prevented an increase in myeloperoxidase and e
160 nist, or by using an anti-AnxA1 neutralizing antiserum) prevented ROL- and Bt2cAMP-induced resolution
161 g, and mice that were administrated with Shr antiserum prior to the infection demonstrated a signific
162                                              Antiserum produced against a single protein variant was
163                                              Antiserum produced in mice against the conserved subdoma
164 cal difficulties of serotyping, primarily in antiserum production and quality control, can be overcom
165   To circumvent the problems associated with antiserum production, we began the development of a syst
166                Anti-JUNV glycoprotein rabbit antiserum protected Hartley guinea pigs from lethal intr
167               The specificity of anti-CRF-R1 antiserum R221 was demonstrated using transfected hCRF1-
168  the protein were analyzed with a polyclonal antiserum raised against a peptide corresponding to the
169                                     A rabbit antiserum raised against a synthetic peptide fragment en
170                                     Notably, antiserum raised against Chi3l1 or Sema7a phenocopied th
171  processed for immunocytochemistry, using an antiserum raised against DOR or MOR using diaminobenzidi
172  actinomycetemcomitans PGA cross-reacts with antiserum raised against polysaccharide intercellular ad
173  seen after passive administration of rabbit antiserum raised against PotD (P < 0.004).
174                                              Antiserum raised against recombinant ChiA was used to de
175 eins was studied with Western analysis using antiserum raised against the benzoquinone ring structure
176                                   Polyclonal antiserum raised against the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-py
177                                              Antiserum raised to recombinant purified OppA recognized
178                  Unlike the outer glycan, an antiserum raised to the core glycan reacted with all Bac
179     Passive immunization of mice with a goat antiserum raised to the dPNAG-DT vaccine protected again
180 pregnancy malaria isolate, whereas anti-DBL6 antiserum reacted only to 3D7 surface protein.
181                   Polyclonal H. ducreyi LspB antiserum reacted with a 64-kDa antigen present in the S
182                                    Factor 6d antiserum reacts with the new Streptococcus pneumoniae s
183 r weight protein in mouse retina but the CGL antiserum recognized the correct molecular weight protei
184 peptide TcGP63 antiserum indicates that each antiserum recognizes distinct TcGP63 proteins.
185 . actinomycetemcomitans cells with anti-ApiA antiserum reduced binding in a dose-dependent manner.
186 , immunization with either TraM or anti-TraM antiserum reduced significantly the colony counts in mic
187 nt of A. phagocytophilum organisms with OmpA antiserum reduces their abilities to infect HL-60 cells.
188 ide epitope as well as murine antigonococcal antiserum required functional properdin to kill C4BP-bin
189 C3 transfection or with an Atg8/LC3 specific antiserum, respectively.
190  the combination of P4 and serotype-specific antiserum resulted in 100% remission of bacteremia and r
191  intact oocytes with either recmSLLP1 or its antiserum resulted in a significant (P < or = 0.05) inhi
192              Double immunolabelling with CRH antiserum revealed that CART increased the number of CRH
193 of immune serum, or passive transfer of DbpA antiserum revealed that such treatment resulted in elimi
194                                Use of a DPE2 antiserum revealed that the DPE2 protein is cytosolic.
195               Immunogold labeling using AufA antiserum revealed the presence of amorphous material ex
196 ence was inhibited by pilus protein-specific antiserum SAN1518 significantly (p < 0.001) by 88.5 and
197 vely homogeneous preparations of APFs and an antiserum selective for APFs (alphaAPF) compared with pr
198                          Polyvalent O and O1 antiserum sensitivity and specificity were >90%, with th
199 l analyses using a phospho-synapsin-specific antiserum show that synapsin is a target of Ca(2+) calmo
200         In addition, a representative rabbit antiserum showed bactericidal activity against 14 of 18
201 mologous strain, and a representative rabbit antiserum showed bactericidal activity against nine of t
202               Passive immunization with each antiserum significantly lowered clinical severity compar
203 eatment of extracts with flap endonuclease 1 antiserum significantly reduced MHEJ.
204 f endocrine milieu were immunoreactive to an antiserum specific for eclosion hormone (EH), a neuropep
205                                              Antiserum specific for Leishmania amazonensis GP63 speci
206 imately 60 kDa) recognizable by a polyclonal antiserum specific for the NH2-terminal half.
207                            Development of an antiserum specific to the second cytoplasmic loop of Pre
208                        Anti-Jun and anti-Fos antiserum specifically inhibited protein-DNA complex for
209                                      Anti-JH antiserum specifically recognizes hemolymph-soluble Hex-
210 eas intracerebroventricular infusion of apoE antiserum stimulated feeding, implying that endogenous a
211           A growth assay using CfrB-specific antiserum strongly suggested that specific CfrB antibodi
212 el IHC experiments with tyrosine hydroxylase antiserum suggested that the D(2alphaPan) receptors rece
213 DNA binding sites, and the addition of Foxa2 antiserum supershifted the complex.
214 r in rabbits passively immunized with psiPLY antiserum than in control rabbits (P < or = 0.010).
215 r in rabbits passively immunized with HI-PLY antiserum than in control rabbits (P < or = 0.043).
216 methyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) polyclonal antiserum that specifically recognizes protein radical-d
217          Initiation of antibiotic or anthrax antiserum therapy during the prodromal phase is associat
218                                              Antiserum to 9Glc-NH(2)-TT was highly opsonic against an
219 Borrelia burgdorferi-infected C3H-scid mice, antiserum to a differentially expressed, 37-kDa spiroche
220               Western blot comparison of our antiserum to a previously described anti-peptide TcGP63
221                                       Rabbit antiserum to a selected E1 ectodomain-derived peptide di
222 NK cell lysis of infected monocytes, whereas antiserum to actin, another filamentous protein, did not
223 ion of cell-culture-grown HCV infectivity by antiserum to ApoE and, to a lesser extent, by ApoB furth
224 1241 were prevented in rats when naloxone or antiserum to beta-endorphin was injected in the hindpaw
225                                              Antiserum to CcsB was used to show that CcsB is absent i
226 tation of CMS-containing DNA with a specific antiserum to CMS.
227                    Passive immunization with antiserum to CP5-CRM or CP8-CRM protected mice against b
228 anti-DMPO (5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide) antiserum to detect protein radical-derived DMPO nitrone
229 dy, we used FcRn-deficient mice and specific antiserum to determine the tissue distribution of FcRn i
230 atecholamine immunotoxin, saporin-conjugated antiserum to dopamine-beta-hydroxylase, on acute restrai
231                                        Since antiserum to folate receptors induces embryo resorption
232                                              Antiserum to HagB, but not HagA, blocked B. avium erythr
233 lonal antibody (RG-1), in addition to rabbit antiserum to HPV6 L2, to localize L2.
234                                       Rabbit antiserum to human keratin did not inhibit the reaction
235                Conversely, administration of antiserum to IFN-beta led to a more severe demyelinating
236 H36B (Ib/BCP(+)) for killing by HL-60 cells; antiserum to III-rBCP and III-rBCP(DeltaIgA) also opsoni
237 assive transfer of L. monocytogenes-specific antiserum to naive mice had no impact on priming antigen
238 ation in vivo, we generated phospho-specific antiserum to Orco(S289) and show that phosphorylation at
239                                              Antiserum to P450c17 co-immunoprecipitated P450c17 and b
240  as late as 24 h after infection, the rabbit antiserum to PAO1DeltaaroA was effective at reducing cor
241  white rabbits were passively immunized with antiserum to PLY, PPSV23, a mixture of PPSV23/PLY, or PB
242 d with hyperimmune and/or convalescent-phase antiserum to rapidly identify vaccine candidates.
243 p of Cdk9, we used a Thr-186-phosphospecific antiserum to screen a phosphatase expression library.
244                                        Using antiserum to SNMP infused directly into the sensillum ly
245                                           An antiserum to SPE-10 showed significant colocalization wi
246 me-linked immunosorbent assay using a rabbit antiserum to strain 26397.
247             The immunoreactivity of a rabbit antiserum to synthetic DOG1 peptides was assessed on two
248  chronically infected mice, and monospecific antiserum to the antigenic variation protein, VlsE, were
249                                              Antiserum to the Borrelia burgdorferi arthritis-related
250                                              Antiserum to the C-terminus (CT-2) labels both wild-type
251 e of these cells were double labeled with an antiserum to the glial protein S-100.
252                                  In IC-IDMS, antiserum to the HA of interest captured viral proteins
253 ular virus particles, and reactivity with an antiserum to the HMWP, identified it as the HMWP.
254                                              Antiserum to the HPV16 L2 peptide comprising residues 17
255                                        Using antiserum to the recombinant protein, Ac-GST-1 was immun
256  were on the spirochete's outer surface, and antiserum to these proteins reduced the adherence of B.
257 yme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using antiserum to virus-like particles of HuNoV GII/4.
258 ng Western immunoblot with an IRF-1-specific antiserum, to examine possible differences resulting fro
259 explore the function of ERbeta2 in brain, an antiserum (TwobetaER.1) targeting the 18 AA insert was d
260     However, we show here that the anti-OMgp antiserum used in previous studies to define the functio
261                        We conclude that P2X7 antiserum used in this study is specific for and identif
262 l infection with JUNV strain Romero when the antiserum was administered 2 days after challenge and pr
263                       The specificity of the antiserum was characterized by immunoprecipitation and W
264 e immunization experiment using pooled nHgbA antiserum was conducted in the experimental swine model
265 hesis in the secretory pathway, a polyclonal antiserum was generated against hephaestin, a multicoppe
266                              Polyclonal Gpd2 antiserum was generated and localized Gpd2 at the surfac
267 ent assay (ELISA) activity of the nHgbAI/MPL antiserum was lower than the activity of antiserum from
268                             Thus, the rabbit antiserum was not specific to DAO, even though it immuno
269                Because Pneumocystis-specific antiserum was only able to partially protect B cell-defi
270                                   Rabbit Shr antiserum was opsonizing, and mice that were administrat
271                          A polyclonal rabbit antiserum was previously developed to a purported purifi
272                          A high-titer rabbit antiserum was raised against the MBP-hTTP fusion protein
273 li as a His tag fusion protein, and a rabbit antiserum was raised against the purified protein.
274 ate the role of the gasdermin gene family an antiserum was raised to a peptide highly homologous to a
275                           The immunized-goat antiserum was shown to compete with the binding of all M
276 ive or passive vaccination with Shr, and Shr antiserum was tested for bactericidal activity.
277                              Therefore, DbpA antiserum was tested to determine its ability to induce
278       A well-characterized rabbit polyclonal antiserum was used for immunohistochemical localization
279                                The resultant antiserum was used for Western blotting of cell lysates,
280     In vivo administration of antineutrophil antiserum was used to evaluate the role of neutrophils i
281 MTP-1 formulated with AS03 adjuvant, and the antiserum was used to immunolocalize the anatomic sites
282       In an effort to obtain DAO cDNAs, this antiserum was used to screen a tobacco cDNA expression l
283                        Using a DtxR-specific antiserum we confirmed the presence of a DtxR-like prote
284  In GILZ immunoblots using a newly developed antiserum, we detected multiple species in extracts from
285                       Using ferret-generated antiserum, we determined that CIV-H3N2 is antigenically
286 s which may complement those prevalent in PA antiserum, we evaluated whether sequences within the 2be
287       To test the specificity of our MOR1(C) antiserum, we examined MOR1(C)-ir in control and knockou
288 restingly, while characterizing a PDZ-RhoGEF antiserum, we found that a transfected PDZ-RhoGEF constr
289             First, using anti-murine APOBEC3 antiserum, we showed that both APOBEC3 allelic variants
290                          BDNF and a specific antiserum were examined for their effects on the perista
291             Pigs receiving this pooled nHgbA antiserum were protected from a homologous, but not a he
292              Mice receiving H3L-neutralizing antiserum were protected from a lethal challenge with 3
293 ents production of a polyvalent neutralizing antiserum, whereas the determinants dictating their trap
294 ve in Western blots with rabbit anti-megalin antiserum, whereas the insect cell-derived proteins reac
295                        Treatment with an FSH-antiserum, which suppressed primordial follicle formatio
296 ell selectivity of anti-asialoganglioside M1 antiserum, which was previously used to conclude the pro
297 to capture and detect anti-BSA antibody from antiserum with a colorimetric response, demonstrating ou
298                         Preabsorption of the antiserum with metastin peptide fragment (45-54)-NH2 (1
299 eficient mice, and preadsorption of the OMgp antiserum with recombinant versican V2 blocked nodal lab
300  of ascites-derived monoclonal antibodies or antiserum with type A erythrocytes or the use of in vitr

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