


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lishment of hypoxia, metronidazole showed no antituberculous activity in this in vivo hypoxic granulo
2         The anaerobic drug metronidazole has antituberculous activity under hypoxic conditions in vit
3 trophils contain antimicrobial peptides with antituberculous activity, but their contribution to immu
4 entify new antimicrobial drugs with specific antituberculous activity.
5 ween two distinct models of human macrophage antituberculous activity: primary infection of naive mac
6 bility of M. tuberculosis to four first-line antituberculous agents demonstrated equivalent interpret
7  hepatotoxicity was observed with first line antituberculous agents using four drug standard inductio
8                      In animals treated with antituberculous antibiotics only, the inflammation and l
9                                   Other than antituberculous chemotherapy and masks, there are few me
10                                   Successful antituberculous chemotherapy resulted in a 50% reduction
11 hese agents may be considered as adjuncts to antituberculous chemotherapy, and may be particularly us
12 ive animals, allowing accurate evaluation of antituberculous drug efficacy.
13 erculosis gene expression in response to the antituberculous drug isoniazid.
14 osynthetic pathway is a well known source of antituberculous drug targets.
15 traditional view that acquired resistance to antituberculous drugs is driven by poor compliance and p
16 n cases) had isolates resistant to 1 or more antituberculous drugs, and 3 (19% of all Tibetan cases)
17 e-bound structure, we suggest a new class of antituberculous drugs, made by connecting two trehalose
18    Given the low potency of many second-line antituberculous drugs, we hypothesized that an aggressiv
19 cular testing does not yield results for all antituberculous drugs.
20  pathway is one of the targets of first-line antituberculous drugs.
21 tory therapeutics and compounds that enhance antituberculous immunity.
22 isoniazid alone or in combination with other antituberculous medications.
23 atient was originally started on a four-drug antituberculous regimen of isoniazid, rifampin, ethambut
24 rt-course chemotherapy with standard Russian antituberculous regimens.
25 rculous symptomatology and lesions following antituberculous therapy (paradoxical response) has previ
26 tients with AIDS and TB who are treated with antituberculous therapy and subsequently with combinatio
27 ransferases are highly promising targets for antituberculous therapy by using antisense or other anti
28 ogical immunomodulatory compounds to enhance antituberculous therapy has been hampered by the limited
29 he myocardium, and we believe that effective antituberculous therapy has led to resolution of the GCM
30 trategy for monitoring liver function during antituberculous therapy is unclear.
31 mechanisms are poorly defined and no current antituberculous therapy reduces host tissue damage.
32               Patients known to have been on antituberculous therapy were excluded from the analysis.
33  for a minimum of 1 year after completion of antituberculous therapy where indicated.
34 spite a generally good response to effective antituberculous therapy, the prognosis remains poor.
35 N)-gamma remain low even after completion of antituberculous therapy.
36                               Median time on antituberculous treatment for patients with spinal and o
37  positive early in the course of efficacious antituberculous treatment, we predict that both breath a
38 ting systemic corticosteroids in addition to antituberculous treatment.

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