


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  a necessary step in creating broad-spectrum antivenom.
2 ring medical attention and administration of antivenom.
3 requiring medical intervention and sometimes antivenom.
4 or delayed hypersensitivity reactions to the antivenom.
5 tions during the first application of equine antivenom.
6  epitopes were detected by immunoblotting on antivenoms.
7 e associated with hypersensitivity to equine antivenoms.
8  target of IgE-mediated reactivity to equine antivenom and a possible cause of the high incidence of
9     There is a severe shortage of affordable antivenoms and antitoxins in the developing world.
10                                         Both antivenoms and cetuximab induced positive skin prick tes
11  By detection of binding for three different antivenoms and performing an alanine scan, linear elemen
12 nderstand the molecular interactions between antivenom antibodies and epitopes on snake venom toxins,
13                         A strong tendency of antivenom antibodies recognizing and binding to epitopes
14                                      Current antivenoms are antibody preparations obtained from the p
15                                              Antivenoms are mammalian immunoglobulins with the abilit
16  the efficacy of scorpion-specific F(ab')(2) antivenom, as compared with placebo, was assessed in 15
17 e aimed to develop an equivalent recombinant antivenom composed of a few neutralizing single chain an
18  and ImmunoCAP inhibition indicated that the antivenoms contained lower alpha-gal contents than cetux
19                           A new Fab fragment antivenom (CroFab) for the treatment of crotaline enveno
20  has been shown to be a safe and efficacious antivenom for use in children as well as adults.
21 tests were used to investigate reactivity to antivenoms in samples from 20 patients with specific IgE
22 y rendering the specific antibodies found in antivenoms ineffective against heterologous toxins found
23 ts confirmed that IgE-mediated reactivity to antivenom is associated with alpha-gal.
24 venoming, the production and clinical use of antivenom must be improved.
25       The polyclonal character of commercial antivenoms, obtained through the immunization of animals
26                Immediate hypersensitivity to antivenoms often occurs during the first administration
27                                              Antivenoms, pork kidney, and cetuximab activated basophi
28 ty of using pooled venoms as a substrate for antivenom production.
29 stered in the placebo recipients than in the antivenom recipients (mean cumulative dose, 4.61 vs. 0.0
30 oncentrations were undetectable in all eight antivenom recipients but in only one placebo recipient 1
31 , with a resolution of symptoms in all eight antivenom recipients versus one of seven placebo recipie
32 dministration of scorpion-specific F(ab')(2) antivenom resolved the clinical syndrome within 4 hours,
33 esolved more rapidly among recipients of the antivenom than among recipients of placebo, with a resol
34 rong protective power of small quantities of antivenom used in the context of severe envenomation wit
35                     The effectiveness of the antivenom was tested in vivo under conditions simulating
36                                              Antivenoms were screened for alpha-gal epitopes via immu
37 othesized that a scorpion-specific F(ab')(2) antivenom would promptly resolve clinical symptoms in ch

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