


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  as potent viral DNA mutators and have broad antiviral activity.
2 SAR) for identifying RNase H inhibitors with antiviral activity.
3 llowing viral infection and exhibited potent antiviral activity.
4 synthetase (OAS)-RNase L pathway is a potent antiviral activity.
5  exploits radical SAM chemistry to exert its antiviral activity.
6  epsilon, not TANK-binding kinase 1, for its antiviral activity.
7 bling phosphorylation (T592A) did not affect antiviral activity.
8 basal ISG expression and prevented IFN-alpha antiviral activity.
9 pathway is a potent interferon (IFN)-induced antiviral activity.
10 i-hantaviral therapeutic with broad spectrum antiviral activity.
11  of the PXXP domain in G3BP1 compromises its antiviral activity.
12 sinophils within a Th2 environment also have antiviral activity.
13  viral G-quadruplexes and display remarkable antiviral activity.
14  between pUL27 and pUL97 and its role in MBV antiviral activity.
15  of enzymatic activity, human OASL possesses antiviral activity.
16 aris plant of the Apocynaceae family display antiviral activity.
17 s a cellular restriction factor with a broad antiviral activity.
18 ion, the alternative all-beta fold, mediates antiviral activity.
19 he battle against this newly identified ZAPL antiviral activity.
20 and colon is required for enteric IFN-lambda antiviral activity.
21  prevented ENT1 degradation and enhanced RBV antiviral activity.
22 epletion of human CD8(+) T cells to minimize antiviral activity.
23 rom Vif regulation and increasing its innate antiviral activity.
24 iated responses and release of exosomes with antiviral activity.
25  at the same time, positively regulating its antiviral activity.
26 entified lead inhibitors with broad-spectrum antiviral activity.
27 petitively inhibit ssDNA deaminase-dependent antiviral activity.
28  a review of variables that are critical for antiviral activity.
29 s of life also elicit a unique RNA-targeting antiviral activity.
30 ization, packaging into HIV-1 particles, and antiviral activity.
31 nced pharmacological profiles and heightened antiviral activity.
32 ssemble into viral particles and had reduced antiviral activity.
33 tion and promoted SAMHD1 dNTPase-independent antiviral activity.
34 T592 phosphorylation and deactivation of its antiviral activity.
35  improved RNase H inhibition and significant antiviral activity.
36 d ZMPSTE24 expression is necessary for IFITM antiviral activity.
37  of these mannosidases are required for this antiviral activity.
38 f RNase H inhibition as well as the observed antiviral activity.
39 sertion into viperin and hence for viperin's antiviral activity.
40 iochemical inhibition largely correlated the antiviral activity.
41 ne reduced basal ISG expression and improved antiviral activity.
42 cing Stat1, IFN-induced gene expression, and antiviral activities.
43 r the design of antiviral drugs with broader antiviral activities.
44 nd investigated its isoforms' expression and antiviral activities.
45 creted factors that are well-known for their antiviral activities.
46                                A spectrum of antiviral activity (active, intermediate, and inactive)
47        Furthermore, these immune sera showed antiviral activities against a panel of genetically dist
48 kaempferol were evaluated for their in vitro antiviral activities against CHIKV using a CHIKV replico
49                               However, their antiviral activities against currently circulating influ
50 s an interferon-stimulated gene and mediates antiviral activities against different enveloped viruses
51 ere obtained and appeared to have equivalent antiviral activities against HPV.
52  cellular H2S is associated with significant antiviral activity against a broad range of emerging env
53 rotein sequence, AP3, which exhibited potent antiviral activity against a broad spectrum of HIV-1 str
54 tive inhibitors of PI4K IIIbeta, which exert antiviral activity against a panel of single-stranded po
55 chanism to enhance host immune responses for antiviral activity against a variety of RNA viruses that
56 IV) agents, while being completely devoid of antiviral activity against a wide range of DNA viruses.
57 e reported that HO-1 can exert a significant antiviral activity against a wide variety of viruses, in
58 distal motif, around position 577, abolished antiviral activity against both viruses.
59  thieno[3,2-b]pyrrole 1b that displayed good antiviral activity against CHIKV infection in vitro.
60     Briefly, silymarin exhibited significant antiviral activity against CHIKV, reducing both CHIKV re
61                       UV-4B has demonstrated antiviral activity against DENV and is expected to enter
62 he in humans has potent in vitro and in vivo antiviral activity against DENV infection.
63  in an interferon-dependent manner, displays antiviral activity against DENV, and localizes to the DE
64 racterize an interferon-stimulated gene with antiviral activity against DENV, as well as to propose a
65           While both OAS1-p42 and p46 showed antiviral activity against DENV-2, only OAS1-p42 present
66 idate prodrug of an adenosine analogue, with antiviral activity against EBOV.
67 t with membrane interfaces might exert broad antiviral activity against enveloped viruses.
68 ould be used as a strategy for improving RBV antiviral activity against HCV infection.
69  could be used as a strategy to increase RBV antiviral activity against HCV infection.
70      We found that IFN-alpha and IFN-lambda1 antiviral activity against HCV was impaired in IL28B T/T
71 l of cancer and leukemia cell lines and some antiviral activity against HCV.
72  pegylated IFN-alpha (peg-IFN-alpha)-induced antiviral activity against hepatitis C virus (HCV) repli
73                       These compounds showed antiviral activity against hepatitis C virus.
74                   APOBEC3G (A3G) protein has antiviral activity against HIV and other pathogenic retr
75 with reduced cytotoxicity that retain potent antiviral activity against HIV-1 and HBV with a therapeu
76                                Despite their antiviral activity against HIV-1 and other retroviruses,
77  RNase H biochemically, few show significant antiviral activity against HIV.
78  is broadly antimicrobial, exhibiting potent antiviral activity against HPV at physiologic concentrat
79 ernalization in eukaryotic cells; (e) exerts antiviral activity against human immunodeficiency virus
80                       To explain the lack of antiviral activity against IAV, we measured the binding
81   Interferon-induced Mx proteins show strong antiviral activity against influenza A viruses (IAVs).
82 ribution of IFITM3 and resulted in decreased antiviral activity against influenza virus, whereas Tyr(
83 on-sulfur (Fe/S) cluster is critical for its antiviral activity against many different viruses.
84  resistance protein A (MxA) exhibits a broad antiviral activity against many viruses, including influ
85                             GS-5734 exhibits antiviral activity against multiple variants of EBOV and
86 virus replication, exhibits a broad-spectrum antiviral activity against negative- and positive-sense
87  RNA production and displayed broad-spectrum antiviral activity against other alphaviruses and CHIKV
88 tantly, 15c also demonstrated broad spectrum antiviral activity against other clinically important al
89 screening hit 2 was discovered with cellular antiviral activity against respiratory syncytial virus (
90            Here, we show that G3BP1 exhibits antiviral activity against several enteroviruses, wherea
91 ced after virus infection and reportedly has antiviral activity against several RNA and DNA viruses.
92  a host protein with reported cell-intrinsic antiviral activity against several RNA viruses.
93               GSK3532795 demonstrated potent antiviral activity against subtype B (monotherapy or wit
94  exposures for each agent that will maximize antiviral activity against susceptible and drug-resistan
95 ochloride) is a chiral compound which exerts antiviral activity against the influenza A virus by inhi
96 compound II), low cytotoxicity, and enhanced antiviral activity against wild-type (WT) HIV-1 RT and r
97 e-activity relationships (SARs) in which the antiviral activity against WNV and DENV hinges largely o
98 ing is the 5' silyl group which turns on the antiviral activity against WNV and DENV while abrogating
99 ecificities of antibodies that mediate these antiviral activities and provide insights into the relat
100 ing the antiviral defense by inducing direct antiviral activities and shaping the adaptive immune res
101                          An understanding of antiviral activities and their effects on host defense m
102 ll-molecule RSV inhibitors and studied their antiviral activities and their effects on innate interfe
103                            Understanding how antiviral activities and their modulation of innate immu
104 egrase strand transfer inhibitor with potent antiviral activity and a long half-life when administere
105 ulator in innate immune responses due to its antiviral activity and association with autoimmune disea
106                                        Their antiviral activity and channel blocking ability were det
107 al components of PF-46396 that contribute to antiviral activity and Gag binding and the relationship
108 iii) the 2-aminoindan group is important for antiviral activity and Gag binding but is not essential,
109 NA sequence alone was sufficient to modulate antiviral activity and inflammatory response, in a manne
110 5B inhibitor that has demonstrated excellent antiviral activity and potential clinical utility in com
111 ication of two lead compounds with excellent antiviral activity and preclinical pharmacokinetic profi
112 bset of IFN-stimulated genes associated with antiviral activity and resistance to DNA damage, providi
113 erapies that have a dual role in both direct antiviral activity and the reduction of HIV-associated i
114 ethyl group is optimal but not essential for antiviral activity, and (iii) the 2-aminoindan group is
115 omatic hypermutations are required for broad antiviral activity, and germline-approximating variants
116 a membrane localization is required for Ser5 antiviral activity, and Ser5-001 is the predominant isof
117 cquires its radical SAM Fe/S cluster to gain antiviral activity are poorly understood.
118  the other hand, monovalent interactions and antiviral activity are preserved by retaining other wild
119 the best-fit model parameters to predict the antiviral activity associated with clinically relevant r
120  number of these analogues also demonstrated antiviral activity at low micromolar concentrations.
121  Thus, caution must be taken when predicting antiviral activity based on percent channel blockage in
122 at (i) the tert-butyl group is essential for antiviral activity but is not an absolute requirement fo
123 ntiviral nucleosides that demonstrate potent antiviral activity but poor bioavailability.
124 trials suggest that such antibodies can have antiviral activity but, as with small-molecule antiretro
125 III interferons (IFNs) has so far been their antiviral activity, but their role in autoimmune and inf
126 Vif) of lentiviruses antagonizes A3-mediated antiviral activities by degrading A3 proteins.
127 al activity while others can be endowed with antiviral activity by a simple modification.
128 ow that NS1B counteracts ISGylation-mediated antiviral activity by binding and sequestering ISGylated
129 e transiently overexpressed IFNAR1 displayed antiviral activity by inhibiting virus replication.
130                                          The antiviral activity coincided with the decrease of viral-
131 om this effort raise 2-5A levels and exhibit antiviral activity comparable with the effects observed
132  conjugates of TFV that demonstrate superior antiviral activity compared to other lipid conjugates in
133 NBD-14107, showed significant improvement in antiviral activity compared to the lead entry antagonist
134 s, HLA-C-licensed NK cells displayed reduced antiviral activity compared to their unlicensed counterp
135  tripartite motif [TRIM] protein with innate antiviral activity) contributes to a T helper type 2 bia
136 aturally occurring core protein mutations on antiviral activity correlates with NVR-010-001-E2 bindin
137 f convallotoxin, although having more potent antiviral activity, did not show an improved selectivity
138 ing analogue (PMDTA) was endowed with potent antiviral activity displaying an EC50 of 4.69 muM agains
139 osition 7 led to a noticeable improvement of antiviral activity, down to low nanomolar anti-HIV poten
140  a natural product with known anticancer and antiviral activity, dramatically affects alpha-synuclein
141                We demonstrate that MORC3 has antiviral activity during HSV-1 infection and that this
142 e sought to determine how RNase L exerts its antiviral activity during influenza virus infection.
143 botegravir plus dual NRTI therapy had potent antiviral activity during the induction phase.
144 cid) and others that had no previously known antiviral activity (e.g., daptomycin) were identified as
145 none screening hit 1 with promising cellular antiviral activity (EC50 = 0.8 muM), limited cytotoxic l
146    One compound showed reasonable cell-based antiviral activity (EC50 = 10 muM).
147                                              Antiviral activity extends to an isolate from the 2009 p
148 (HO-1), a pivotal cytoprotective enzyme, has antiviral activity for a number of viruses, such as Ebol
149  identified two BA derivatives with improved antiviral activity for further mechanistic studies.
150 al groups within PF-46396 that contribute to antiviral activity, Gag binding, and the relationship be
151                                  Fc-mediated antiviral activity has been implicated as a secondary co
152                  In addition to the multiple antiviral activities, hit compound 16d retained full act
153 tes are known to promote Ag presentation and antiviral activities; however, the impact of aging on mo
154 IAV replication; however, to counteract host antiviral activities, IAVs have developed different inhi
155 ht into the mechanism of IFN-lambda-mediated antiviral activity.IMPORTANCE Human noroviruses (HNoVs)
156 SV-infected microglia confer STING-dependent antiviral activities in neurons and prime type I IFN pro
157  type I IFN (IFNalpha/beta) have overlapping antiviral activities in the lung.
158 11 elicited increased anti-proliferative and antiviral activities in vitro and in vivo.
159  which induce CXCR3 chemokines and stimulate antiviral activity in a manner dependent on neutrophils.
160 more, it is not clear whether MxA exerts its antiviral activity in a monomeric and/or multimeric form
161  60 new analogues and determination of their antiviral activity in a single-cycle and a multicycle in
162            One compound, N.41, showed potent antiviral activity in A3G(+) but not in A3G(-) T cells a
163 rosine phosphorylation, gene expression, and antiviral activity in both mouse and human cell lines, c
164 thesize pyrimidine nucleoside analogues with antiviral activity in cell culture consistent with an ac
165                        Defensins have direct antiviral activity in cell culture, with varied mechanis
166 rrant Matrine to be further explored for its antiviral activity in clinical settings.
167 t Ly6C expression is closely associated with antiviral activity in effector CD4(+) T cells but is inv
168 n of IL28B and IL-29 and prevented IFN-alpha antiviral activity in HCV cell culture.
169 asing data suggest that NK cells can mediate antiviral activity in HIV-1-infected humans, and as such
170 s spectrometry, protein crystallography, and antiviral activity in infected human T-cell assays.
171 ndent degradation of A3G, and assays testing antiviral activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
172 otential mechanism for the impairment of RBV antiviral activity in persistently HCV-infected cell cul
173 d5-poIRF7/3(5D) had higher levels of IFN and antiviral activity in serum, and upregulated expression
174                      Drugs with demonstrated antiviral activity in the nonhuman primate models alread
175 ly active mouse MX1 variant that only exerts antiviral activity in the presence of a small molecule d
176 not the N-terminal mutant, maintained potent antiviral activity in the presence of Vif.
177 tion, we were able to demonstrate measurable antiviral activity in Vero cells for our thiazolopyridin
178 ng evidence to suggest that PTX3 can mediate antiviral activity in vitro and in vivo.
179 truct that recapitulates VX-787's biological antiviral activity in vitro.
180                          To characterize its antiviral activity in vivo, we generated mice with a tar
181 +) T cells have been demonstrated to possess antiviral activity in vivo.
182 nd with potent AM2-S31N channel blockage and antiviral activity, in this study we report an expeditio
183  this article, we report that MOV10 exhibits antiviral activity, independent of its helicase function
184 oup, I determined that an interferon-induced antiviral activity inhibited the release of enveloped vi
185                                    This ZAPL antiviral activity involves its C-terminal PARP domain,
186                                         This antiviral activity is counteracted by the viral PB1 poly
187      Therefore, a substantial subset of DCL4 antiviral activity is DRB4-independent, and may involve
188 y provides a potential mechanism for why RBV antiviral activity is impaired in persistently HCV-infec
189 e formation at approximately 20 muM, and its antiviral activity is largely sequence dependent.
190                                  Despite the antiviral activity known for PKR against many other viru
191 ermore, we determined that EFTUD2 exerts its antiviral activity mainly through governing its downstre
192              These combined anti-amyloid and antiviral activities make CLR01 a promising topical micr
193 protective effect of PrEP is probably direct antiviral activity, nonhuman primate studies suggest tha
194                                              Antiviral activity occurs via small interfering RNA prod
195 nal HIV-1 accessory protein Vif counters the antiviral activities of APOBEC3G (A3G) and APOBEC3F (A3F
196                           Here we report the antiviral activities of GS-5734 and the parent nucleosid
197 targeted immune interventions to harness the antiviral activities of NK cells.
198                             We evaluated the antiviral activities of ribavirin (RBV) and interferon (
199                                          The antiviral activities of synthesized Kalpha2-helix peptid
200 x1 genes that might explain species-specific antiviral activities of these proteins.
201 are the molecular determinants governing the antiviral activities of TRIM56.
202                          We investigated the antiviral activity of a defined Spirulina platensis micr
203       We exploit the uniquely broad spectrum antiviral activity of a parainfluenza F-derived peptide
204 dge, this represents the first report on the antiviral activity of a protein of the YER057c/YjgF/UK11
205              In this study, we evaluated the antiviral activity of A3 against representative Old Worl
206                 Moreover, NeoB augmented the antiviral activity of all known classes of currently app
207                                          The antiviral activity of all-oral, ribavirin-free, direct-a
208                                          The antiviral activity of antibodies reflects the bifunction
209                                 Notably, the antiviral activity of both ALA1 and ALA2 was abolished b
210         These insights into the mechanism of antiviral activity of CD4mc should assist efforts to opt
211                            We also find that antiviral activity of CD8(+) T cells within the brain ma
212 silico, offer an explanation for the lack of antiviral activity of compounds active in the TEV assay,
213                                              Antiviral activity of effective compound was further inv
214 tion does not appear to be required for full antiviral activity of either protein.
215                           The broad-spectrum antiviral activity of GS-5734 in vitro against other pat
216                             In contrast, the antiviral activity of high PF74 concentrations was atten
217 omain-containing protein 1) is known for its antiviral activity of hydrolysing deoxynucleotides requi
218  that PIV3 does not specifically inhibit the antiviral activity of IFIT1 and that the inhibition of P
219  in vivo In this study, we characterized the antiviral activity of Ifitm3 against West Nile virus (WN
220 ovo infections, is uniquely resistant to the antiviral activity of IFITMs.
221   The novel IFN-like cytokines augmented the antiviral activity of IFN-alpha against several RNA viru
222                     To explore the potential antiviral activity of lactadherin sourced by equines, we
223  modification in vitro, and investigated the antiviral activity of Matrine on this cell model and fur
224          In this study, we characterized the antiviral activity of mouse Ifitm3 against arthritogenic
225 er-order oligomerization is required for the antiviral activity of MX1 against FLUAV, with current mo
226 ssembly does not seem to be required for the antiviral activity of MX2, implying that fundamental dif
227             These results confirm the robust antiviral activity of N6-LS in vivo, supporting the furt
228                     We evaluated the in vivo antiviral activity of N6-LS, alone or in combination wit
229        Here we investigated the mechanism of antiviral activity of NF279 and found that this compound
230                                          The antiviral activity of NK cells and their production of I
231             JUNV's ability to antagonize the antiviral activity of PKR appears to be complete, as sil
232                                          The antiviral activity of RBV against HCV was progressively
233                              We enhanced the antiviral activity of RNase L by disabling a viral prote
234 mentary in inhibiting HIV-1 replication, the antiviral activity of SAMHD1 in our primary cell model a
235 nk between innate and adaptive immunity, the antiviral activity of tetherin may be augmented by virus
236 se strongly complicate identification of the antiviral activity of the activated individual cellular
237 oviding a structural basis for the selective antiviral activity of the alternatively folded XCL1.
238 ll effector functions may play a role in the antiviral activity of the antibodies.
239 NHR trimer have been adopted to increase the antiviral activity of the CHR peptides.
240   Cell culture experiments revealed additive antiviral activity of the combined application.
241 infectious EBOV and MARV, indicating a broad antiviral activity of the GPCR antagonists.
242 In addition, pUL27 is necessary for the full antiviral activity of the pUL97 kinase inhibitor maribav
243                                          The antiviral activity of these CARs was reproducible but va
244                                          The antiviral activity of these compounds in an Ebola pseudo
245                            Evaluation of the antiviral activity of these compounds revealed that xiam
246           We further sought to correlate the antiviral activity of these peptides and their effects o
247 ghly conserved cysteines are crucial for the antiviral activity of this IFN-stimulated immune effecto
248                    Here, we investigated the antiviral activity of three types of flavonoids against
249          Together, these data reveal a novel antiviral activity of TRIM56 against influenza A and B v
250         Consistent with this NTCP targeting, antiviral activity of vanitaracin A was observed with he
251 ect profile, pharmacokinetic properties, and antiviral activity of VRC01 in persons with HIV infectio
252  gp120-interacting residues, also affect the antiviral activity of XCL1.
253                 Here we identify a different antiviral activity of ZAPL that is directed against infl
254    Together, our data suggest the unexpected antiviral activity of ZCL278 and highlight its potential
255 oss-species activities, rmIFN exhibited high antiviral activity on human cells, suppressing HIV repli
256 terestingly, the compounds have little or no antiviral activity on the replication of other members o
257 o HIV-1-infected cells, and conferred potent antiviral activity (reduction of viral replication in lo
258 has been found to be induced by IFN, but its antiviral activity remains elusive.
259                                              Antiviral activity requires Golgi localization of GBP5,
260 t monotherapy studies to evaluate safety and antiviral activity should be conducted prior to proceedi
261 rapy, cabotegravir plus rilpivirine provided antiviral activity similar to efavirenz plus dual NRTIs
262  III interferon (IFN-lambda) exhibits potent antiviral activity similar to IFN-alpha/beta, but in con
263 rapeutic agent against herpesviruses and the antiviral activity targets the DNA polymerase accessory
264 narily conserved splice variant shows higher antiviral activity than full-length Md1, but reduced pro
265         In conclusion, oBST2B exerts a novel antiviral activity that is distinct from those of BST2 p
266 cted patients significantly suppressed T20's antiviral activity, these antibodies neither recognized
267 (ISG) has recently been shown to exert broad antiviral activity through the production of 25-hydroxyc
268 ouse embryonic fibroblasts completely lacked antiviral activity to extracellular dsRNA relative to co
269 the first assessment of carbon dots' (CDots) antiviral activity to human norovirus virus-like-particl
270    We found that IFNlambda4 exhibits similar antiviral activity to IFNlambda3 without negatively affe
271  dosing regimen based on a comparison of the antiviral activity, tolerability, and safety of the two
272     Therefore, we suggest that oBST2B exerts antiviral activity using a mechanism distinct from the c
273 y suggest that these compounds likely confer antiviral activity via binding to methyltransferase (MTa
274 dies showed that ZAPL (PARP-13.1) exerts its antiviral activity via its N-terminal zinc fingers that
275                                          The antiviral activity was confirmed through a plaque assay
276                          In contrast, TRIM21 antiviral activity was exquisitely dependent upon off-ra
277                                              Antiviral activity was greatest in the two groups that r
278                                              Antiviral activity was identified when 2'-C-methylated n
279                                         This antiviral activity was validated in granule cell neurons
280                           To measure in vivo antiviral activity, we assessed the number of viruses tr
281 arget nucleosides failed to show significant antiviral activity, we demonstrated that the triphosphat
282 cation assay in cells as a direct measure of antiviral activity, we discovered a set of cyclohexyl ca
283 selectivity in HIV-1 inhibition, the highest antiviral activity well correlating with the R absolute
284                              The kinetics of antiviral activity were assessed based on levels of HBV
285 ity of disrupting the PA-PB1 interaction and antiviral activity were identified, and their mechanism
286 nstrate that this 91-residue domain mediates antiviral activity when appended to heterologous protein
287 r enzymes, ZDHHC20 uniquely increased IFITM3 antiviral activity when both proteins were overexpressed
288 f HLA-C expression demonstrated by increased antiviral activity when exposed to viral strains with di
289 maller than 10(-6) while they do not exhibit antiviral activity when kd is 10(-5) or higher although
290 /M2 channels, and (ii) the compounds display antiviral activity when they have kd equal or smaller th
291                             Thus, NORE1A has antiviral activity, which is specifically antagonized by
292                                              Antiviral activity, which is stimulated by minute amount
293 hibitor (NRTI) designed to maintain in-vitro antiviral activity while minimising off-target effects.
294 architecture, some variants of which exhibit antiviral activity while others can be endowed with anti
295 uctures of compounds that showed potent dual antiviral activities with a wide margin of safety were i
296 ylpyrimidi ne and a 4000-fold improvement of antiviral activity with a subnanomolar level of inhibiti
297 inical candidate by establishing synergistic antiviral activity with existing HIV-1 drugs and clinica
298 ainst Hepatitis C virus (HCV) show effective antiviral activity with few side effects.
299  (total 120 mannoses)-exhibit an outstanding antiviral activity with IC50 in the sub-nanomolar range!
300 RNA is essential for virion infiltration and antiviral activity, yet the mechanisms of viral RNA reco

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