


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ibosomal protein L13a, whereby it acts as an antiviral agent.
2 n and thus holds promise as a broad-spectrum antiviral agent.
3  peptide has the potential to be a potential antiviral agent.
4 o increase the antiviral potency of this new antiviral agent.
5  suggests that it might also be useful as an antiviral agent.
6 N treated with oral valacyclovir as the sole antiviral agent.
7 unct to the immunosuppressive regimen and an antiviral agent.
8 s, resistant strains become dependent on the antiviral agent.
9 replication advantage in the presence of the antiviral agent.
10 r HIV vaccine development and as a potential antiviral agent.
11 ited for the development of a broad spectrum antiviral agent.
12 use of exogenous interferon as a therapeutic antiviral agent.
13 velopment of MERS-CoV 3CL(pro) inhibitors as antiviral agents.
14 on therapies that contain only direct-acting antiviral agents.
15 NS2, to cyclosporine and other direct-acting antiviral agents.
16 vileged scaffold to obtain antibacterial and antiviral agents.
17 novel strategy for developing a new class of antiviral agents.
18  of viral RNA replication, and evaluation of antiviral agents.
19 probing norovirus replication and evaluating antiviral agents.
20 ication and also for screening/evaluation of antiviral agents.
21 side-derived drugs, including anticancer and antiviral agents.
22 avirus infection, require development of new antiviral agents.
23 supplies of affordable pandemic vaccines and antiviral agents.
24      Thus, there is a need to discover novel antiviral agents.
25 ts for combining it with other direct-acting antiviral agents.
26 ive treatment with antibiotics and influenza antiviral agents.
27 el CHC treatments that include direct-acting antiviral agents.
28 eptibility to first-generation direct-acting antiviral agents.
29 A/EMEA-approved gemcitabine represent potent antiviral agents.
30 useful for evaluating norovirus vaccines and antiviral agents.
31  despite the introduction of directly acting antiviral agents.
32 of protease inhibitors have been proposed as antiviral agents.
33 molecular clone has enabled discovery of new antiviral agents.
34 gy with broad implications for the design of antiviral agents.
35 a viable target for the development of novel antiviral agents.
36 d guidance to treat hospitalized adults with antiviral agents.
37 Tase becomes a rational target for designing antiviral agents.
38 ions for gene transfer or for development of antiviral agents.
39  of mTOR kinase inhibitors as broad-spectrum antiviral agents.
40 in the endosome may lead to novel classes of antiviral agents.
41  interactions is important for the design of antiviral agents.
42 nd those that differ in their sensitivity to antiviral agents.
43 mbers of an important class of antitumor and antiviral agents.
44           Viruses often evolve resistance to antiviral agents.
45  HIV-1 may become resistant to this class of antiviral agents.
46 esigning carbohydrate-based HIV vaccines and antiviral agents.
47 viral replication and second on multiple HCV antiviral agents.
48 n attractive strategy for the development of antiviral agents.
49 interactions and also serve as potential new antiviral agents.
50 n potentially be developed as broad-spectrum antiviral agents.
51 usly uncharacterized class of broad-spectrum antiviral agents.
52 vention, and efficient use of antibiotic and antiviral agents.
53 that interfere with this change may be novel antiviral agents.
54  for which we have a very limited arsenal of antiviral agents.
55 on, elucidating mutant function, and testing antiviral agents.
56 V replication mechanisms and for testing new antiviral agents.
57 processing of nucleoside-type anticancer and antiviral agents.
58  pathways represent a promising new class of antiviral agents.
59 ew targets that can be used to develop novel antiviral agents.
60 n, length of intensive care stay, and use of antiviral agents.
61  development of several small molecule-based antiviral agents.
62 oven to be successful in producing effective antiviral agents.
63  cells and have potential for development as antiviral agents.
64 ting novel nucleoside analogues as potential antiviral agents.
65 ruses and may lead to the rational design of antiviral agents.
66 ed an all-oral regimen of >/=2 direct-acting antiviral agents.
67 ve CMV viraemia control without the need for antiviral agents.
68 novel insight into the utility of statins as antiviral agents.
69 essed prospectively in the era of new direct antiviral agents.
70 ave hampered the development of vaccines and antiviral agents.
71 lity in combination with other direct acting antiviral agents.
72 ormation for future clinical trials of newer antiviral agents.
73  all-oral regimen of 2 or more direct-acting antiviral agents.
74 to basic virology and the development of new antiviral agents.
75 ximum risk exposures and were given PEP with antiviral agents.
76  regimens of recently approved direct-acting antiviral agents.
77 iochemical relapse were re-treated with oral antiviral agents (11 during the first 18 months and 4 af
78  and safety of a once-daily, 2-direct-acting-antiviral-agent (2-DAA) combination of simeprevir + TMC6
79 ia, were equally likely to receive influenza antiviral agents (78% vs 79%) but less likely to receive
80 of pronucleotide (ProTide) technology to the antiviral agent abacavir (Ziagen), used for the treatmen
81  brain penetration of the P-gp substrate and antiviral agent abacavir, in conjunction with a traceles
82 irs in the brain necessitates penetration of antiviral agents across the blood-brain barrier (BBB), a
83 de effects are rarely reported with the oral antiviral agents active against HBV.
84 to investigate the association of individual antiviral agents (acyclovir, ganciclovir, and valgancicl
85 s also a cap-binding protein and is a potent antiviral agent against many plant, animal, and human vi
86 nt attractive targets for the development of antiviral agents against chronic HBV infection.
87 e use of modified nanoparticles as potential antiviral agents against diseases such as herpes simplex
88       In an effort toward discovery of novel antiviral agents against HBV, a group of benzamide (BA)
89 ors and warranted for further development as antiviral agents against HBV.IMPORTANCE HBV core protein
90  a potential path to the generation of novel antiviral agents against HCV infection.
91 de, nucleotide analogs have emerged as novel antiviral agents against hepatitis B virus.
92     The development of specifically targeted antiviral agents against hepatitis C is a major therapeu
93 ism may help in the rational design of novel antiviral agents against HIV.
94                                              Antiviral agents against measles virus are not commercia
95 refusion F-specific VHHs represent promising antiviral agents against RSV.
96 lymerase and will aid further development of antiviral agents against RSV.
97 hibitors of ErbB-1 kinases might function as antiviral agents against smallpox.
98 uld be cured by treatment with direct-acting antiviral agents alone in the absence of interferon.
99 ew classes of HCV therapy, the direct-acting antiviral agents, also known as specifically targeted an
100 monstrate that favipiravir, a broad-spectrum antiviral agent and leading treatment option for influen
101 ROUND & AIMS: Daclatasvir is a direct-acting antiviral agent and potent inhibitor of NS5A, which is i
102               Daclatasvir is a direct-acting antiviral agent and potent inhibitor of NS5A, which is i
103                           Appropriate use of antiviral agents and improving influenza immunization co
104  is rapidly progressing toward generation of antiviral agents and increasingly effective vaccines.
105 h-risk patients to prioritize the use of new antiviral agents and intensive screening.
106 e many current limitations of treatment with antiviral agents and of vaccine production and immunogen
107 erties which augment the antiviral effect of antiviral agents and offer the potential to suppress the
108 he allosteric inhibitors of IN are promising antiviral agents and provide new information on their me
109 ed patients who received three direct-acting antiviral agents and ribavirin for 8 weeks and those who
110  evaluate multiple regimens of direct-acting antiviral agents and ribavirin in patients with HCV geno
111 titargeted therapy with the use of three new antiviral agents and ribavirin resulted in high rates of
112 In this phase 2b study, all-oral regimens of antiviral agents and ribavirin were effective both in pa
113 l platform for development of a new class of antiviral agents and that inhibitory beta-peptides will
114 e deployment of resources such as stockpiled antiviral agents and vaccines.
115 us, and the prospects for the development of antiviral agents and vaccines.
116  as well as to facilitate the development of antiviral agents and vaccines.
117  replication cycles has led to many existing antiviral agents and will undoubtedly continue to be the
118  inclusion (with interferon then with direct antiviral agents) and underwent an ultrasound examinatio
119 that rPMP prodrugs may be highly efficacious antiviral agents, and provide a new tool to determine th
120 gs and biocides, including antimicrobial and antiviral agents, anticancer drugs, photodynamic therapy
121 urrent therapies with all-oral direct-acting antiviral agents are associated with high rates of susta
122                                    Effective antiviral agents are difficult to develop because of the
123                                Direct-acting antiviral agents are highly efficient treatment options
124             Survival data with direct-acting antiviral agents are not available.
125 comes, with limited evidence that first-line antiviral agents are superior to lamivudine.
126                  In the event of a pandemic, antiviral agents are the mainstay for treatment, but bro
127                          Corticosteroids and antiviral agents are widely used to treat the early stag
128 tions for the rational design of vaccine and antiviral agents as well as for understanding viral trop
129                    It may prove useful as an antiviral agent, as a probe to study HCV replication, an
130  of this enzyme are potential broad-spectrum antiviral agents, as inhibition of this enzyme results i
131 SA is considered an attractive antitumor and antiviral agent because of its ability to selectively ex
132 virus (EBV) are resistant to nucleoside-type antiviral agents because the viral enzyme target of thes
133 infection, the addition of the direct-acting antiviral agent boceprevir to standard treatment with pe
134 od can be used to identify not only putative antiviral agents, but also cellular regulators of viral
135                                              Antiviral agents can target viral or host gene products
136 te pronucleotide (ProTide) technology to the antiviral agent carbocyclic L-d4A (L-Cd4A).
137 ccination regimen comprised of Dryvax and an antiviral agent, cidofovir, could reduce vaccinia viral
138  mutations conferring resistance to multiple antiviral agents co-locate on the same HBV genome in viv
139  mutations conferring resistance to multiple antiviral agents co-locate on the same viral genome, sug
140 enging pursuit, hallmarked by the paucity of antiviral agents currently prescribed.
141          There is a growing armamentarium of antiviral agents currently under development, although p
142 irus (HCV) patients who fail directly-acting antiviral agent (DAA)-based treatment is unknown.
143                                Direct acting antiviral agents (DAA) are highly effective yet expensiv
144 elp to improve the efficacy of direct-acting antiviral agents (DAA) in the treatment of HCV-infected
145 enal transplant population but direct acting antiviral agents (DAA) provide an effective cure of HCV
146             Recent approval of direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) against hepatitis C virus (HCV)
147 in development, including both direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) and host cofactor inhibitors.
148                     Currently, direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) are evaluated in clinical trials
149                                Direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) are highly effective and well to
150                                Direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) are used increasingly to treat h
151 treatment with investigational direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) has not been extensively studied
152 tment with regimens containing direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) have limited retreatment options
153 n antiretroviral drugs and HCV direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) must be carefully considered.
154                                Direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) represent the standard of care f
155               The new interferon-free direct antiviral agents (DAAs) showed high efficacy and safety,
156 opments in directed use of new direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) to eliminate circulating HCV bef
157 eral new HCV therapies, called direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs), are available that achieve cure
158 ree regimens that consist of directly acting antiviral agents (DAAs), which demonstrate improved effi
159 ombination therapy consisting of only direct-antiviral agents (DAAs).
160 , which is the major target of direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs).
161 antially since the approval of direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs).
162 ociated variants for all three direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs); however, in all but 1 patient w
163 ')pA(3',5')p], c[G(3',5')pA(3',5')p] and the antiviral agent DMXAA, leading to similar "closed" confo
164  These data suggest that human studies using antiviral agents during critical illness are warranted.
165 implications, suggesting that application of antiviral agents early in the disease course, even at a
166 luenza A viruses necessitates development of antiviral agents effective against various antigenic sub
167 splant with little expansion in the range of antiviral agents effective in treatment of CMV.
168 d strategy but with expanded distribution of antiviral agents (expanded prophylaxis strategy), and 3)
169 ta indicate that FIT-039 has potential as an antiviral agent for clinical therapeutics.
170 gest that TAT-Kalpha2 peptide is a potential antiviral agent for controlling emerging or re-emerging
171 dy raise the possibility of a broad spectrum antiviral agent for influenza virus and HPIVs.
172 tial for further development as an effective antiviral agent for treatment of HIV-1 infection.
173       To shorten the course of direct-acting antiviral agents for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) inf
174 iral therapy for HIV and preliminary data on antiviral agents for hepatitis C virus infection.
175 eptual platform to design nanoparticle-based antiviral agents for HIV-1 specifically and putatively f
176          These inhibitors are also effective antiviral agents for HIV-2-infected cells.
177 logs provides an approach for creating novel antiviral agents for IAV infections.
178  as K04 may have potential as broad-spectrum antiviral agents for prevention and treatment of HCV inf
179 e analogue 4'-azidouridine to generate novel antiviral agents for the inhibition of hepatitis C virus
180                         The use of available antiviral agents for the prevention of cytomegalovirus (
181 ently approved a number of new direct-acting antiviral agents for the treatment of chronic hepatitis
182 d for safe, effective, and readily available antiviral agents for treatment and prevention of acute E
183 ion, digoxin and digitoxin show potential as antiviral agents for treatment of serious adenovirus inf
184 s relatively resistant to the broad-spectrum antiviral agent foscarnet.
185             Treatment of these mice with the antiviral agent, ganciclovir, conditionally ablates prol
186                      Although treatment with antiviral agents has proven a very effective way to impr
187                                    Five oral antiviral agents have been approved for the treatment of
188 spite its clinical significance, no specific antiviral agents have been approved for treatment of HMP
189     While highly efficacious directly-acting antiviral agents have been developed in recent years, th
190   Efforts to discover and develop poliovirus antiviral agents have been ongoing in earnest since the
191                             Chemotherapy and antiviral agents have been used.
192           The CMV immunoglobulin (CMVIG) and antiviral agents have complementary modes of action.
193                                Direct-acting antiviral agents have not been studied exclusively in pa
194  Ebola PEP, but newly developed experimental antiviral agents have potential advantages.
195              Second generation direct-acting antiviral agents have revolutionized therapy, with susta
196 line and estimating in vivo effectiveness of antiviral agents; however, it has not been used to chara
197  may be a therapeutic window in which use of antiviral agents (i.e., zidovudine and raltegravir) may
198 ay be considered a target for development of antiviral agents.IMPORTANCE Herpes simplex virus is a ma
199 s in designing studies to evaluate influenza antiviral agents in a hospitalized setting.
200 ment of several million courses of influenza antiviral agents in a targeted prophylaxis strategy may
201                New evidence on the safety of antiviral agents in children and studies on intervention
202              The efficacy of directly acting antiviral agents in interferon-free regimens for the tre
203  and, thus, makes it feasible to investigate antiviral agents in mammalian cells.
204             Clinical trials of direct-acting antiviral agents in patients chronically infected with h
205 he duration of prophylaxis or treatment with antiviral agents in those who have achieved CMV-specific
206  to sensitize EBV(+) human lymphoma cells to antiviral agents in vitro.
207                                  Traditional antiviral agents interfere with viral proteins or functi
208 require an adaptive mechanism to convert the antiviral agent into a beneficial growth factor.
209 primary virological end points in studies of antiviral agents involving patients who are hospitalized
210 ombination of SOF and a second direct-acting antiviral agent is highly effective in TN patients with
211                        A safe broad-spectrum antiviral agent is needed to treat this unmet medical ne
212 revention of virus disease by vaccination or antiviral agents is difficult to achieve.
213  nucleoside and non-nucleoside inhibitors as antiviral agents is discussed with particular emphasis o
214 s well as their potential use as targets for antiviral agents is discussed.
215  C virus (HCV) genotype 1 with direct-acting antiviral agents is often accompanied by the emergence o
216 lternatives to annual influenza vaccines and antiviral agents licensed for mitigating influenza infec
217                                              Antiviral agents may also have a potential role in the m
218 , including blockade of multiple pathways or antiviral agents, need to be sought for this high unmet
219 tment (using boceprevir as the direct-acting antiviral agent) of those with chronic HCV infection cos
220                 The impact of the individual antiviral agent on long-term outcome was further evaluat
221 ponse can be achieved with two direct-acting antiviral agents only.
222 ll-type-specific effects upon treatment with antiviral agents, opening additional avenues of research
223 n in the recipient can be prevented by using antiviral agents or by boosting protective anti-HBs tite
224 r control: Treating symptomatic persons with antiviral agents or encouraging home isolation would be
225 selected and characterized as candidates for antiviral agents or reagents for standardization of vacc
226 on when administered in combination with the antiviral agent oseltamivir.
227 e presence of neutralizing antibodies and an antiviral agent, Oseltamivir, influenza virus can exploi
228          As a consequence, the importance of antiviral agents, particularly neuraminidase (NA) inhibi
229 eeks of SOF along with another direct-acting antiviral agent plus RBV achieved SVR12-9 of 9 (100%) of
230 iate to numerous 8-8'-lignans, including the antiviral agent podophyllotoxin in Podophyllum species a
231 d facilitate the discovery of a new class of antiviral agents providing HIV-1 patients with broader t
232 NS3/4A protease inhibitor) are direct-acting antiviral agents recently approved in the United States
233 NS3/4A protease inhibitor) are direct-acting antiviral agents recently approved in the United States
234       With the availability of direct-acting antiviral agents, recently approved therapies and those
235 r evaluation of the three-drug direct-acting antiviral agent regimen of grazoprevir 100 mg plus ruzas
236                     Many other direct-acting antiviral agents representing several classes, as well a
237         HIV-1 replication in the presence of antiviral agents results in evolution of drug-resistant
238  success, the addition of the broad-spectrum antiviral agent ribavirin greatly improved responses.
239 n to a similar extent as the clinically used antiviral agent, ribavirin.
240 Moreover, treatment with cidofovir, a potent antiviral agent, robustly inhibits the sT-mediated enhan
241 ieve its potential as a broad-spectrum human antiviral agent should be explored.
242 RTI-resistant HIV-1 suggests that additional antiviral agents should be included in NNRTI-based micro
243                                 Two new oral antiviral agents, simeprevir and sofosbuvir, have alread
244                 BMS-791325 is a novel direct antiviral agent specifically targeting HCV NS5B, an RNA-
245 able (ribavirin) or investigational (DAS181) antiviral agents still needs to be determined.
246                             In that case, an antiviral agent stockpile on the order of 100,000 to 1 m
247                                Direct-acting antiviral agents suppress hepatitis B virus (HBV) load,
248                                              Antiviral agents suppress hepatitis B virus (HBV) replic
249 the most promising approaches, including new antiviral agents, symptomatic or immunomodulatory drugs,
250  and show promise for further development of antiviral agents targeting highly resistant PR mutants.
251 ognition with PRNTase but also for designing antiviral agents targeting this enzyme.
252  (HCV), the combination of the direct-acting antiviral agent telaprevir, pegylated-interferon alfa (P
253         Additionally, IFN-lambda is a potent antiviral agent that has certain advantages for clinical
254 mong all family members, which suggests that antiviral agents that block these steps might be effecti
255             The development of direct-acting antiviral agents that can cure a chronic hepatitis C vir
256 ighlight a desperate need for broad-spectrum antiviral agents that can effectively control infections
257            Owing to the wide availability of antiviral agents that effectively suppress HBV replicati
258 yanobacterial lectin, exemplifies a class of antiviral agents that inhibit HIV by binding to the high
259 t in most PEL cells and, hence, resistant to antiviral agents that inhibit lytic replication.
260 nofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) are potent antiviral agents that might have additive or synergistic
261                    Interferons are important antiviral agents that modulate both the initial and pers
262              Currently there are no approved antiviral agents that reduce or eliminate HPV and revers
263 sistant phenotypes that could be selected by antiviral agents that specifically target capsid assembl
264 uidelines for developing new N protein-based antiviral agents that target CoVs.
265 ysiological conditions and identification of antiviral agents that target HBc.
266 s are potentiated in combination with direct antiviral agents that target HBV-DNA polymerase.
267   It is a challenge to develop direct-acting antiviral agents that target the nonstructural protein 3
268                                              Antiviral agents that target this novel aspect of GPC me
269 ing drug-drug interactions for direct-acting antiviral agents, the interactions being the most clinic
270                  Resumption of direct-acting antiviral agent therapy after a temporary interruption a
271 ased dual, triple, or all-oral direct acting antiviral agent therapy, respectively, whereas 79% of pa
272 n and the potential use of 25HC as a natural antiviral agent to combat ZIKV infection and prevent ZIK
273 lving a mechanism to productively utilize an antiviral agent to stimulate its fitness above the uninh
274                                  No licensed antiviral agent to treat DENV infections is currently av
275       Discovery and development of effective antiviral agents to combat hepatitis C virus (HCV) is th
276             We focused on those treated with antiviral agents to explore the effect of early treatmen
277 ere is an urgent need for safe and effective antiviral agents to prevent transmission of HIV.
278  from the addition of multiple direct-acting antiviral agents to their treatment regimen.
279             The development of direct-acting antiviral agents to treat HCV has focused predominantly
280 er development of BDAA or its derivatives as antiviral agents to treat yellow fever.
281              Despite the availability of new antiviral agents, treatment remains suboptimal.
282                    Prophylaxis for CMV using antiviral agents (typically oral valganciclovir or intra
283  (NNRTIs) are potent and commonly prescribed antiviral agents used in combination therapy (CART) of h
284 iety of levels and combinations of influenza antiviral agents, vaccines, and modified social mobility
285                               Sensitivity to antiviral agents was evaluated.
286                                     PEP with antiviral agents was given to health-care workers assess
287 grase stimulator (IS) compounds as potential antiviral agents, we have developed a nonradioactive ass
288  the enzyme by dimerization may be potential antiviral agents, we investigated the monomer-dimer equi
289 been treated previously with a direct-acting antiviral agent were assigned randomly to groups given s
290     RECENT FINDINGS: Two new directly acting antiviral agents were approved in 2011 for use in hepati
291 onse was achieved when the two direct-acting antiviral agents were combined with peginterferon alfa-2
292 ng therapy, and resistance mutations to both antiviral agents were found in all cases; 1 patient had
293 try who started treatment with direct-acting antiviral agents while awaiting LT were identified retro
294                                        Other antiviral agents will be available during 2014.
295                        Entecavir is a potent antiviral agent with a low rate of drug resistance in nu
296        There are no FDA-licensed vaccines or antiviral agents with activity against RVFV, and details
297 substituent provided a number of more potent antiviral agents with IC(50) values ranging to 2.5 muM.
298 and monitoring of herpesvirus infections and antiviral agents with improved efficacy in prophylaxis a
299 ed patients who received three direct-acting antiviral agents (with the ABT-450/r dose administered a
300 ents (78% vs 79%) but less likely to receive antiviral agents within </=2 days of illness onset (28%

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