


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rotein translation, autophagy, apoptosis and antiviral immunity.
2 cumvent respiratory epithelial cell-specific antiviral immunity.
3 poptotic caspases regulate the activation of antiviral immunity.
4 s have recently emerged as key regulators of antiviral immunity.
5 ic cells may provide a means of potentiating antiviral immunity.
6 ype I IFN response to RNA and DNA viruses in antiviral immunity.
7 ype I interferon system is integral to human antiviral immunity.
8 ongly influenced by the nature of the host's antiviral immunity.
9 gistic roles in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells during antiviral immunity.
10 der in controlling and regulating the innate antiviral immunity.
11 tivated macrophages, could partially restore antiviral immunity.
12 f mechanisms to evade interferon (IFN)-based antiviral immunity.
13 ic cells (DCs), are critically important for antiviral immunity.
14 host and viral factors that impair effective antiviral immunity.
15 ection as a consequence of a failure in host antiviral immunity.
16   NK cells play a critical role in mediating antiviral immunity.
17 cross-species signals in the meal to trigger antiviral immunity.
18 g CD4(+) T cells with cytotoxic potential in antiviral immunity.
19 rus replication and establish cell-intrinsic antiviral immunity.
20 nown about the effects of WASP deficiency on antiviral immunity.
21 gnalosome required for RIG-I-mediated innate antiviral immunity.
22 ecific T-cell response and may contribute to antiviral immunity.
23 and considerations central to studying plant antiviral immunity.
24 rtholog, and this transport is important for antiviral immunity.
25 immune T cell responses without compromising antiviral immunity.
26 e also been shown to play important roles in antiviral immunity.
27  dendritic cells (pDC) are key regulators of antiviral immunity.
28 survival and proliferation to chemotaxis and antiviral immunity.
29  an NFkappaB family transcription factor, in antiviral immunity.
30 tion that is essential for the generation of antiviral immunity.
31 une evasion, providing targets for restoring antiviral immunity.
32 ng that their regulation by miR-155 promotes antiviral immunity.
33 nt of a RIG-I translocon required for innate antiviral immunity.
34 implicate VCP as an important host factor in antiviral immunity.
35 terferon (IFN)-regulated gene expression and antiviral immunity.
36 Kp44-NKp44L signaling pathway contributes to antiviral immunity.
37 ncovers a critical role for DR3 in mediating antiviral immunity.
38 ctional consequences of this recognition for antiviral immunity.
39 and reveal a novel role for TRIM56 in innate antiviral immunity.
40 ggesting that NS1 evades IFN-lambda-mediated antiviral immunity.
41 ce for CD4(+) T cells as direct effectors in antiviral immunity.
42  a critical role for TAPE in linking RLRs to antiviral immunity.
43 subsets critical in the generation of strong antiviral immunity.
44 ng its abundance as key regulators of innate antiviral immunity.
45 cytokine production and in the generation of antiviral immunity.
46 ced capacity to activate innate and acquired antiviral immunity.
47 d in animals as serving an essential role in antiviral immunity.
48  required for normal NK-cell development and antiviral immunity.
49  lacking the amino terminus induces stronger antiviral immunity.
50 he innate immune system required for optimal antiviral immunity.
51 in recognition of intracellular viral RNA in antiviral immunity.
52 augments interferon production, and augments antiviral immunity.
53 Rs) are key RNA viral sensors for triggering antiviral immunity.
54 ecreased expression of genes associated with antiviral immunity.
55 volved mechanisms to antagonize this form of antiviral immunity.
56  an attractive therapeutic target to enhance antiviral immunity.
57 ation, suggesting a potential role of p53 in antiviral immunity.
58 RNA virus infection to initiate and modulate antiviral immunity.
59 tivities of IFN-lambdas in and beyond innate antiviral immunity.
60 entional epitopes to enhance vaccine-induced antiviral immunity.
61 l infections and acts as a potent trigger of antiviral immunity.
62 lso promoted type I interferon signaling and antiviral immunity.
63 iation could underlie age-related defects in antiviral immunity.
64 the design and analysis of future studies on antiviral immunity.
65 ell immune responses resulting in diminished antiviral immunity.
66 ells, without impairing CD8+ T-cell-mediated antiviral immunity.
67 ated whether this concept can be expanded to antiviral immunity.
68 which are believed to be critical for robust antiviral immunity.
69 lanogaster, RNA interference (RNAi) mediates antiviral immunity.
70 dendritic cells (pDCs) are key regulators of antiviral immunity.
71  uninfected sites is essential for effective antiviral immunity.
72 ompartment was required to induce protective antiviral immunity.
73 tified Ars2 as a key component of Drosophila antiviral immunity.
74 tokine on CD8(+) T-cells in autoimmunity and antiviral immunity.
75 e functional integration of SFKs into innate antiviral immunity.
76  which are present in proteins implicated in antiviral immunity.
77     Type III IFNs are important mediators of antiviral immunity.
78 we analyzed the effects of RG-101 therapy on antiviral immunity.
79 so promotes transgenerational inheritance of antiviral immunity.
80 pe I IFNs are key cytokines mediating innate antiviral immunity.
81 o have critical immune functions, but not in antiviral immunity.
82 he induction of T cell responses and mucosal antiviral immunity.
83  RNAs are at the vanguard of cell-autonomous antiviral immunity.
84 l dysbiosis on infant CD8(+) T cell-mediated antiviral immunity.
85 ignaling protein (MAVS) that is critical for antiviral immunity.
86 FN) signaling by producing cGAMP to initiate antiviral immunity.
87 ensing of nucleic acids lies at the heart of antiviral immunity.
88 n mice have demonstrated a role for Isg15 in antiviral immunity.
89 e virus in HIV controllers despite effective antiviral immunity.
90 s are critical mediators of mammalian innate antiviral immunity.
91 TLR7 recognize viral ssRNA motifs and induce antiviral immunity.
92 motes type IIFNsignaling as well as cellular antiviral immunity.
93 RNA virus infection to initiate and modulate antiviral immunity.
94 portant role for RIPK3-mediated apoptosis in antiviral immunity.
95 in dNK can provide both for NK tolerance and antiviral immunity.
96 es exacerbates Tfr cell responses to subvert antiviral immunity.
97 is critical for innate immune activation and antiviral immunity.
98 combination therapies based on modulation of antiviral immunity.
99 t cells but not in cells unable to establish antiviral immunity.
100  T cell expansion was the limiting factor in antiviral immunity.
101 s-encoded immune evasion mechanisms and host antiviral immunity.
102 aptation typical of host factors involved in antiviral immunity.
103 ay provide mechanistic insights into hepatic antiviral immunity, a prerequisite for the development o
104                   RIG-I is a key mediator of antiviral immunity, able to couple detection of infectio
105  in which T-bet is a universal controller of antiviral immunity across multiple immune lineages.
106 ortance of avoiding GVHD when reconstructing antiviral immunity after BMT, and highlight the mechanis
107 ed CD8(+) regulatory T cells (Treg cells) to antiviral immunity after infection by lymphocytic chorio
108 egulatory T cells and significantly enhanced antiviral immunity after murine CMV infection.
109 egulatory factor (IRF)-3 and IRF-7 in innate antiviral immunity against dengue virus (DENV).
110 s a key mediator of host innate and adaptive antiviral immunity against hepatitis B virus (HBV) infec
111 rferon (IFN-gamma) is a key mediator of host antiviral immunity against hepatitis B virus (HBV) infec
112          CD8(+) T cells are major players in antiviral immunity against human immunodeficiency virus
113 ssociated with an IFN response contribute to antiviral immunity against OROV.
114 of recent progress in understanding mosquito antiviral immunity and advances in the strategies by whi
115 namic adaptations to infection may reinforce antiviral immunity and at the same time serve to limit p
116                                              Antiviral immunity and cross-presentation is mediated co
117 acerbation; however, only anti-IL-33 boosted antiviral immunity and decreased viral replication.
118 on of IL-33 as a potent suppressor of innate antiviral immunity and demonstrate that IL-33 contribute
119  studies reveal a novel function for CFTR in antiviral immunity and demonstrate that the DeltaF508 mu
120 fies NFkappaB2 as a target for IKKepsilon in antiviral immunity and describes, for the first time, a
121 and maintaining a protective balance between antiviral immunity and excessive inflammation within the
122 unction to hinder the formation of effective antiviral immunity and fuel immune activation.
123 to viral infections consequent upon impaired antiviral immunity and genetic variants on 17q21.
124 ll-like receptor (TLR) activation stimulates antiviral immunity and has been shown to induce HIV from
125                   The interplay between host antiviral immunity and immunopathology during hepatitis
126 -nonresponsive effector T cells had restored antiviral immunity and improved Th1 responses post-BMT.
127 for the sympathetic nervous system in innate antiviral immunity and in exacerbating the pathology of
128 toid dendritic cells (pDCs) are important in antiviral immunity and in maintaining tolerance to inert
129 s the presence of potent inhibitors of human antiviral immunity and inflammation.
130 findings may provide a means of potentiating antiviral immunity and leading to novel vaccines for PRR
131 Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) initiate antiviral immunity and might determine outcomes of HBV i
132 17 in persistent viral infection may promote antiviral immunity and prevent progression to cancer.
133 unosuppressive factors that directly inhibit antiviral immunity and prevent viral clearance.
134 llenge the view that tadpoles have defective antiviral immunity and suggest, rather, that their antiv
135 s a conserved role of selective autophagy in antiviral immunity and suggests the evolvement of viral
136 dapted poxvirus MCV can so effectively evade antiviral immunity and suppress inflammation to persist
137 t into the molecular mechanisms that control antiviral immunity and the development of autoimmunity.
138 se pathways act in concert to mediate innate antiviral immunity and to initiate the inflammatory resp
139 producing cells that play important roles in antiviral immunity and tolerance induction.
140  RNA interference (RNAi) pathway in mosquito antiviral immunity and transposon silencing.
141 in the context of other links between innate antiviral immunity and type I interferon mediated diseas
142    Helminth coinfection resulted in impaired antiviral immunity and was associated with changes in th
143 r the age of patients with CHB affects their antiviral immunity and whether children and young adults
144     However, little is known about amphibian antiviral immunity and, specifically, type I interferons
145 n, and the role of pDCs in T cell responses, antiviral immunity, and autoimmune diseases.
146 e invertebrate model for viral infection and antiviral immunity, and is a focus for studies of insect
147 ection of mice with gammaHV68 elicits robust antiviral immunity, and long-term protection from gammaH
148 g viral replication are the main trigger for antiviral immunity, and mutations that disrupt nucleic a
149 de inhibitors that block cGAS-STING-mediated antiviral immunity, and that modulation of this pathway
150 gnificant up-regulation of genes involved in antiviral-immunity, and a down-regulation of genes invol
151                         Aspects of intrinsic antiviral immunity are mediated by promyelocytic leukemi
152 RNA persistence and only marginal changes in antiviral immunity, arthritic disease was substantially
153 LRs), is essential for STING-mediated innate antiviral immunity as well as pro-protozoal responses.
154 her tissue-resident lymphocytes confer early antiviral immunity at local sites of primary infection p
155 but they can also promote immunopathology in antiviral immunity, autoimmunity, and transplantation.
156 cytic cell activation statuses interact with antiviral immunity, because it directly infects subsets
157 tion of DNA is crucial for the initiation of antiviral immunity but can also cause autoimmunity in th
158 a and IFN-beta are the central regulators of antiviral immunity but little is known about their roles
159 nflammatory cytokines that are essential for antiviral immunity but whose overexpression is associate
160 gen-specific memory T cells can reconstitute antiviral immunity, but in a recent report a majority of
161  ISG15, therefore, is not only redundant for antiviral immunity, but is a key negative regulator of I
162  killer (NK) cells play an essential role in antiviral immunity, but knowledge of their function in s
163 at human ISGylation is largely redundant for antiviral immunity, but that ISG15 plays an essential ro
164                           NLRX1 functions in antiviral immunity, but the molecular mechanism of its l
165 e I interferons (IFN-Is) are fundamental for antiviral immunity, but their role in bacterial infectio
166 s of foreign nucleic acids are essential for antiviral immunity, but these same sensors can cause aut
167 erve as a substrate for ISGylation-dependent antiviral immunity, but to ensure USP18-dependent regula
168 n immune cells increased innate and adaptive antiviral immunity by altering costimulatory and coinhib
169                                  HBV escapes antiviral immunity by altering pDC functions, to disrupt
170  to stimulate production of viral siRNAs for antiviral immunity by an RNAi effector mechanism.
171                              Pvf2 stimulates antiviral immunity by binding to the receptor tyrosine k
172 llular pathway that can contribute to innate antiviral immunity by delivering viruses to lysosomes fo
173   Here we report that EV-D68 inhibits innate antiviral immunity by downregulation of interferon regul
174 nstrated role in shaping innate and adaptive antiviral immunity by inducing the expression of IFN-sti
175 n modulation as a novel strategy to optimize antiviral immunity by limiting the memory T cell respons
176              Plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) support antiviral immunity by linking innate and adaptive immune
177 4-3-3varepsilon serves a crucial function in antiviral immunity by mediating the cytosol-to-mitochond
178 I) molecules play a central role in adaptive antiviral immunity by presenting viral peptides to CD4(+
179  (DRs) of the TNFR superfamily contribute to antiviral immunity by promoting apoptosis and regulating
180 ster more rapid reconstitution of protective antiviral immunity by reducing graft-vs-host directed al
181     Because HLA-E plays an important role in antiviral immunity by regulating natural killer and CD8(
182 ed small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to direct antiviral immunity by RNA interference (RNAi).
183  virus-derived small interfering RNAs direct antiviral immunity by RNA silencing or RNA interference.
184   These results establish that intracellular antiviral immunity can be redirected against host-origin
185                     Our findings reveal that antiviral immunity can be triggered by host RNAs that ar
186       This novel role for PIAS4 in intrinsic antiviral immunity contrasts with the known roles of PIA
187  the mechanisms by which virus infection and antiviral immunity contribute to the development of auto
188 ens suggests that this form of regulation of antiviral immunity could be exploited for vaccination.
189  necroptosis has been shown to contribute to antiviral immunity, death-independent roles for RIPK3 in
190                                    Effective antiviral immunity depends on the ability of infected ce
191              This population is critical for antiviral immunity during early larval stages when class
192 ppreciated role for CD8 Tregs in suppressing antiviral immunity during immunodeficiency virus infecti
193                     The mechanism initiating antiviral immunity during stealth viral replication is u
194  coupling with SOCS-1 inhibits TLR7-mediated antiviral immunity during WNV infection in mice.
195 lth burden and associate with an inefficient antiviral immunity, even after disease resolution.
196 d dendritic cells (pDCs), prominent cells of antiviral immunity, exhibit proinflammatory or tolerogen
197 nonvaccinated pregnant women have attenuated antiviral immunity following H1N1/09 stimulation, but va
198                           ACT led to in vivo antiviral immunity for up to 6 months with viral control
199 S-specific Th cells while keeping protective antiviral immunity fully operative.
200      Dendritic cells (DC) play a key role in antiviral immunity, functioning both as innate effector
201 terference (RNAi) plays an important role in antiviral immunity, gene regulation and protection from
202                                   The potent antiviral immunity governed by the protective HLA-B27/B5
203 he underlying mechanisms for RLRs to trigger antiviral immunity have yet to be explored.
204  Type I interferons (IFN-I) are critical for antiviral immunity; however, chronic IFN-I signaling is
205  using several immunomodulators for boosting antiviral immunity, immunotherapy that is able to induce
206 ndent recruitment of these cells to modulate antiviral immunity, impairing virus-specific CD8(+) T ce
207 these TCR-mediated processes is limiting for antiviral immunity in a mouse strain with reduced expres
208 cted iValpha6 T cells are critical for early antiviral immunity in adult X. laevis.
209                                     Enhanced antiviral immunity in B6-DK mice reflected, in part, red
210                                RNAi-mediated antiviral immunity in Caenorhabditis elegans requires Di
211 strate that NK cells can negatively regulate antiviral immunity in chronic HBV infection and illustra
212 icated in splicing, is required for RNAi and antiviral immunity in cultured cells and in vivo.
213  observed that latent-infected cells trigger antiviral immunity in dendritic cells (DCs) through sele
214                                 We show that antiviral immunity in Drosophila requires the transcript
215 hlights the relevance of host RNAi-dependent antiviral immunity in EBOV infection and illustrates the
216                                     Blunting antiviral immunity in genetically humanized mice infecte
217 dysfunction as a potential cause of impaired antiviral immunity in graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).
218                 Therefore, we analyzed human antiviral immunity in humanized mice during a hepatotrop
219 ink between NKG2D cytolytic activity and EBV antiviral immunity in humans.
220 iew will highlight the recent discoveries in antiviral immunity in insects and will reveal some of th
221 ore, transcriptional pausing is critical for antiviral immunity in insects because NELF and P-TEFb ar
222 irus replication are the primary triggers of antiviral immunity in many RNA virus infections.
223 athway and has emerged as a key mechanism of antiviral immunity in metazoans, including the selective
224 various proteins (ISGylation) contributes to antiviral immunity in mice.
225 t is an effector of IFN-alpha/beta-dependent antiviral immunity in mice.
226 jor public health problem, the mechanisms of antiviral immunity in mosquitoes are poorly understood.
227 that 5'pppEBER1 transfer via exosomes drives antiviral immunity in nonpermissive DCs.
228 novel insights into mechanisms that preserve antiviral immunity in patients undergoing chemotherapy a
229 findings have implications for understanding antiviral immunity in patients with T cell deficiencies.
230 ting Tregs may be necessary to confer robust antiviral immunity in the context of mAb-based therapy.
231 o understanding the correlates of protective antiviral immunity in the intestine.
232 ing Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in initiating antiviral immunity in the liver during infection with MC
233 mphocytes prevents cytothripsis and promotes antiviral immunity in the skin.
234 support a novel axis of type I IFN-dependent antiviral immunity in the virus-infected brain that is d
235  CNS tissues, we examined the development of antiviral immunity in wild-type (WT) and T-bet knockout
236 ncing effect of delayed NK cell depletion on antiviral immunity, in contrast to early NK cell depleti
237  suffer from elevated EBV load and activated antiviral immunity, in particular in skin lesions that a
238 utophagy plays a paramount role in mammalian antiviral immunity including direct targeting of viruses
239  by multiple parameters for assessing T-cell antiviral immunity, including HIV tetramer recognition,
240 have revealed a fundamental contradiction in antiviral immunity: innate immune sensors that detect nu
241           The finding that HLA-B 57-mediated antiviral immunity is associated with control of both hu
242                                              Antiviral immunity is critical during influenza virus in
243    However, whether YAP has a role in innate antiviral immunity is largely unknown.
244                                Their role in antiviral immunity is less well understood.
245 specific T cells, but its role in regulating antiviral immunity is not entirely understood.
246 f NF-kappaB and its interplay with T1-IFN in antiviral immunity is poorly understood.
247           However, the role of mouse TLR8 in antiviral immunity is poorly understood.
248 type I IFN system is critical for amplifying antiviral immunity, it has been shown to play a homeosta
249 immune regulation and signaling crosstalk in antiviral immunity may provide new insights into therape
250 t flies and nematodes and reveal a mammalian antiviral immunity mechanism mediated by RNAi.
251 ody levels of 24 smallpox survivors with the antiviral immunity observed in 60 smallpox-vaccinated (i
252     The species-specific gain-of-function in antiviral immunity observed in ISG15 deficiency is expla
253 nt of class Ib molecules for development and antiviral immunity of a mammalian iNKT or mucosal-associ
254 he four-cysteine-containing IFNb and IFNc in antiviral immunity of Atlantic salmon.
255  examined whether cocaine targets the innate antiviral immunity of CD4+ T cells mediated by cellular
256 hese processes were associated with impaired antiviral immunity, reduced retinoic acid-inducible gene
257                                    Intrinsic antiviral immunity refers to a form of innate immunity t
258 tions, one of the major mechanisms for plant antiviral immunity relies on RNA silencing, which is oft
259        The relevance of this recognition for antiviral immunity remains largely unexplained.
260 ctivation status functionally interacts with antiviral immunity remains largely unknown.
261 However, it is unknown whether the RNA-based antiviral immunity (RVI) is sufficiently potent to termi
262  are innate-like T cells that play a role in antiviral immunity, specifically in controlling viral re
263 tion to global translation suppression as an antiviral immunity strategy in plants.
264 t in defense, showing proteins implicated in antiviral immunity, stress response, and ubiquitination/
265 t orthogonal therapies designed to stimulate antiviral immunity, such as therapeutic vaccines or broa
266 rtant implications for reproductive success, antiviral immunity, susceptibility to autoimmune conditi
267 ptor agonists are potent enhancers of innate antiviral immunity that can also improve the adaptive im
268  IFITM3 represents a checkpoint regulator of antiviral immunity that controls cytokine production to
269 n line with the involvement of CRISPR-Cas in antiviral immunity that is likely to entail a coevolutio
270 virus-infected cells reveals determinants of antiviral immunity that might underlie the human respons
271  importance of IFN-lambda in tissue-specific antiviral immunity, the molecular mechanisms responsible
272                    Clearly, when it comes to antiviral immunity, the role of the microbiota cannot be
273 t a loss of DRAK2 does not negatively impact antiviral immunity, the studies here underscore the pote
274  with RIG-I yet plays essential functions in antiviral immunity through distinct specificity for vira
275 lls (pDCs) play a crucial role in triggering antiviral immunity through their ability to capture and
276 ndritic cells (pDCs) play a critical role in antiviral immunity through their ability to produce larg
277 esults suggest that hsp70 can enhance innate antiviral immunity through Toll-like receptor signaling,
278 estrate, sustain, and potentially regenerate antiviral immunity throughout persistent viral infection
279 modulatory factors that suppress and sustain antiviral immunity to control and in some instances elim
280                IRF3 plays a critical role in antiviral immunity to drive the expression of innate imm
281 racellular innate immune response to program antiviral immunity to HCV.
282 ion and IFIT2 expression that imparts innate antiviral immunity to restrict WNV infection and control
283 tion over time, potentially undermining host antiviral immunity to the transmitted viral strain.
284 ddition to their functions in cell-intrinsic antiviral immunity, type III IFNs protect epithelial bar
285 ere transferred to new HBV carriers, partial antiviral immunity was achieved.
286                                              Antiviral immunity was also compromised, with Kdelr1 mut
287                                     Enhanced antiviral immunity was also seen in WT transplant recipi
288      Notably, helminth-induced impairment of antiviral immunity was evident in germ-free mice, but ne
289                                     However, antiviral immunity was insufficient to prevent chronic C
290 for mice primed with wild-type RSV; however, antiviral immunity was not enhanced.
291 hypothesized that a primary defect of innate antiviral immunity was responsible for unusually severe
292 ntify additional genes involved in intrinsic antiviral immunity, we screened Drosophila cells for mod
293 nal response at 3 dpi, functions relating to antiviral immunity were absent.
294 ition, in which the cGAS-STING axis triggers antiviral immunity, whereas AIM2 triggers inflammasome a
295 f interest in attempts to restore functional antiviral immunity, which is critical for the control of
296 h the induction and subversion of early host antiviral immunity, which modulated host range.
297 the importance of cell type heterogeneity in antiviral immunity will aid in the identification of uni
298                             The reduction in antiviral immunity with increased inflammatory responses
299 stem for the study of viral pathogenesis and antiviral immunity within the central nervous system (CN
300 ctivation statuses and functionally regulate antiviral immunity within the framework of the activatio

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