


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ive feedback mechanism requiring the protein antizyme.
2 llular polyamine uptake through induction of antizyme.
3 tion with a specific protein factor known as antizyme.
4 y its association with the inducible protein antizyme.
5  of AZIN1 lacking this variant to neutralize antizyme.
6 al genetic background but express endogenous antizyme.
7 ntly upregulated after ectopic expression of antizyme.
8  cancer cells that do not express endogenous antizyme.
9 ine biosynthesis, is promoted by the protein antizyme.
10 paralog of mammalian ornithine decarboxylase antizymes.
11 hifting are similar in the mRNAs for the two antizymes.
12 system utilizing rabbit reticulocyte lysate, antizyme 1 (AZ1) accelerates proteasomal ornithine decar
13 feedback loop that employs a second protein, antizyme 1 (AZ1).
14 ith the polyamine-induced regulatory protein antizyme 1 (AZ1).
15 ited, homology to its evolutionarily distant antizyme 1 and 2 counterparts.
16  gene, HuAZ2, and make a comparison with its antizyme 1 homologue.
17                      Ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 1, a negative regulator of polyamine levels, ac
18 work has shown that the coding sequences for antizymes 1 and 2 are in two different, partially overla
19  Like its previously described counterparts, antizymes 1 and 2, it inhibits ornithine decarboxylase,
20                               In contrast to antizymes 1 and 2, which are widely expressed throughout
21                                  Asn reduced antizyme-1 (AZ1) mRNA and protein.
22 nithine decarboxylase (ODC) degradation, but antizyme 2 (AZ2) does not.
23                                              Antizyme 3 cDNA has the same arrangement of reading fram
24                The potential significance of antizyme 3 expression during spermatogenesis is discusse
25                                              Antizyme 3 is a paralog of mammalian ornithine decarboxy
26 ch are widely expressed throughout the body, antizyme 3 transcription is restricted to testis germ ce
27 ression of mammalian ornithine decarboxylase antizyme, a protein involved in the regulation of intrac
28 olysis, we appended to p53 the N terminus of antizyme, a protein that binds to and induces degradatio
29  of one ODC allele or elevated expression of antizyme, a protein that stimulates ODC degradation.
30 ribosomal frameshifting, the existence of an antizyme and an antizyme inhibitor, ubiquitin-independen
31                                              Antizyme and antizyme inhibitor have a central role in m
32                                           As antizyme and antizyme inhibitor proteins are functionall
33                       We show here that both antizyme and AZI concentrate at centrosomes and that ant
34               The potential tumor suppressor antizyme and its endogenous inhibitor (antizyme inhibito
35                                              Antizyme and its isoforms are members of an unusual yet
36  from the non-covalent association of native antizyme and ODC.
37 RF) which encodes the amino-terminal part of antizyme and overlaps the +1 frame (ORF2) that encodes t
38 ing functions of the ornithine decarboxylase antizyme and the proteasome beta subunit HsN3.
39 ved features among the various homologues of antizyme and their isoforms.
40 aining proteins and does so independently of antizyme/antizyme inhibitor regulation.
41 role of ODC in BCC tumorigenesis, we used an antizyme (AZ) approach to inhibit ODC activity in the Pt
42                                              Antizyme (AZ) is known to be a regulator of polyamine me
43 romoter elements to direct the expression of antizyme (AZ) to specific skin cell populations.
44  by the 26S proteasome in collaboration with antizyme (AZ).
45                                          The antizymes (AZ) are proteins that regulate cellular polya
46  results demonstrate that alterations in the antizyme/AZI balance cause numerical centrosomal defects
47  degraded in vivo or, by cooperating with an antizyme binding domain of ODC, to confer polyamine-depe
48 monstrated to independently collaborate with antizyme binding to target ODC for degradation by the 26
49                                              Antizyme binds directly to ODC, targeting ODC for ubiqui
50                                Both forms of antizyme can therefore function as negative regulators o
51                                      The ODC-antizyme complex bound to the 26 S protease but not the
52 ino acids 130-145 were exchanged between the antizymes confirmed the critical nature of this region.
53                                          The antizymes constitute a conserved gene family with at lea
54 These results suggest that failure to induce antizyme correlates with spermine resistance in prostate
55 ogy of this coding sequence to its mammalian antizyme counterpart also extends to a 5' open reading f
56 degradation in vitro in the presence of only antizyme, cyclin D1, purified 26 S proteasomes, and ATP.
57                        Although knockdown of antizyme did not affect the lifespan of C. elegans, knoc
58    Plasmid end-joining assays confirmed that antizyme enhances the ability of UM1 cells to repair DNA
59 in of known structure, and results show that antizyme exhibits a novel arrangement of its strands and
60           Polyamine-independent induction of antizyme expression was found to be negatively regulated
61                               Interestingly, antizyme expression was found to drastically increase in
62 ual review of genes for three members of the antizyme family and two members of the antizyme inhibito
63                                          The antizyme family consists of closely homologous proteins
64 y, additional novel conserved members of the antizyme family have been described.
65                        A cassette containing antizyme frameshift signals is found to direct high-leve
66 applying a novel GFP-based method to monitor antizyme frameshifting in vivo, we show that the inducti
67 utant, a polyamine-independent regulation of antizyme frameshifting is suggested.
68 human, mouse and rat ornithine decarboxylase antizyme gene (ODC-Az).
69                     As shown here, the yeast antizyme gene and several newly identified antizyme gene
70                       A zinc-inducible human antizyme gene expression vector was transfected into UM1
71  within one of the introns of the Drosophila antizyme gene, the gene for snRNP Sm D3 is located.
72                                              Antizyme genes from different evolutionary branches have
73 t antizyme gene and several newly identified antizyme genes from different nematodes also require a r
74 nterparts, is now shown to be encoded by the antizyme genes of distantly related invertebrates.
75                 The expression of eukaryotic antizyme genes requires +1 translational frameshifting.
76                  The expression of mammalian antizyme genes requires a specific +1 translational fram
77 e decarboxylase (ODC) regulatory protein ODC-antizyme has been shown to correlate with cell growth in
78                                              Antizyme has the ability to bind and inhibit the enzyme
79 ted with other eukaryotic cells, no specific antizyme homologue has been detected either in in vitro
80 dependent inhibitory activity by either anti-antizyme IgG or antizyme inhibitor.
81                                 Depletion of antizyme in various cell lines and primary cells leads t
82                        Ectopic expression of antizyme increased radio-resistance of UM1 cells and res
83 nto vesicles was a saturable and an ATP- and antizyme-independent process.
84 ins basal degradation elements necessary for antizyme-induced proteolysis, is not buried by the struc
85                             We now show that antizyme induction also leads to degradation of the cell
86 is progression in chronic HCV, an SNP in the antizyme inhibitor (AzI) gene is most strongly associate
87              Both protein and mRNA levels of antizyme inhibitor (AZI) were increased in alveolar macr
88 latory proteins antizyme isoform 1 (Az1) and antizyme inhibitor (AzIN).
89  different genes, such as hyperedited AZIN1 (antizyme inhibitor 1) and FLNB (filamin B, beta) and hyp
90 f the antizyme family and two members of the antizyme inhibitor family in 91 vertebrate organisms res
91  are functionally connected, we also curated antizyme inhibitor genes to more fully represent the ele
92                                 Antizyme and antizyme inhibitor have a central role in maintaining ce
93 the lifespan of C. elegans, knockdown of the antizyme inhibitor led to a significant reduction in lif
94 ransport of polyamines and interact with the antizyme inhibitor protein (AZI), as well as the cell-cy
95                              As antizyme and antizyme inhibitor proteins are functionally connected,
96 s elegans antizyme was investigated, and the antizyme inhibitor was identified.
97 essor antizyme and its endogenous inhibitor (antizyme inhibitor, AZI) have been implicated in the ubi
98                 Conversely, silencing of the antizyme inhibitor, AZI, results in a decrease of numeri
99 hifting, the existence of an antizyme and an antizyme inhibitor, ubiquitin-independent proteasomal de
100 tory activity by either anti-antizyme IgG or antizyme inhibitor.
101 tizyme itself is negatively regulated by the antizyme inhibitor.
102                                  The protein antizyme is a negative regulator of cellular polyamine c
103 geting it for degradation at the proteasome; antizyme is also known to affect the transport of polyam
104                          We demonstrate that antizyme is capable of specific, noncovalent association
105           The capacity of agmatine to induce antizyme is demonstrated by: (a) an agmatine-dependent t
106            At the level of primary sequence, antizyme is not similar to any protein of known structur
107                                Expression of antizyme is positively regulated by rising polyamine con
108          Interestingly, however, the fold of antizyme is similar to that found in a family of acetyl
109                                              Antizyme is unique in that it is expressed via a novel p
110 ocally controlled by the regulatory proteins antizyme isoform 1 (Az1) and antizyme inhibitor (AzIN).
111 ture of a stable, folded domain of mammalian antizyme isoform-1 (AZ-1), consisting of amino acid resi
112                                              Antizyme itself is negatively regulated by the antizyme
113                      Ornithine decarboxylase antizyme levels, measured by Western blotting, were elev
114 ults indicate that S. cerevisiae contains an antizyme-like mechanism for the control of the level of
115                             GUF is the first antizyme-like protein identified in invertebrates.
116           Increasing evidence suggested that antizyme may also have ODC-independent functions.
117                              We propose that antizyme-mediated degradation of cyclin D1 by the protea
118 This is most likely caused by an increase in antizyme-mediated degradation of ornithine decarboxylase
119                                          The antizyme-mediated pathway for cyclin D1 degradation is i
120 ogrammed ribosomal frameshifting in decoding antizyme mRNA is the sensor for an autoregulatory circui
121  Prior and new multiple alignments of fungal antizyme mRNA sequences from the Agaricomycetes class of
122 matine-dependent translational frameshift of antizyme mRNA to produce a full-length protein and (b) s
123                                              Antizyme mRNA translation depends upon a polyamine-stimu
124 ODC activity by enhancing the translation of antizyme mRNA, resulting in subsequent binding of antizy
125          Except for Saccharomyces cerevisiae antizyme mRNA, the frameshift site alone only supports l
126   The frameshift in decoding most vertebrate antizyme mRNAs is stimulated by an RNA pseudoknot 3' of
127  3' RNA pseudoknot was known in invertebrate antizyme mRNAs.
128 ed in S-adenosylmethionine-decarboxylase and antizyme mutants, as well as in the wild-type genetic ba
129                            The N terminus of antizyme (NAZ), although unneeded for the interaction wi
130 endent pathway, as it neither interacts with antizyme nor affects the ability of AZIN1 lacking this v
131                                              Antizyme (OAZ), a mediator of ubiquitin-independent degr
132 ity to the mammalian ornithine decarboxylase antizyme (OAZ).
133    Stress-dependent expression of C. elegans antizyme occurred morely slowly than expression in respo
134          The hamster ornithine decarboxylase antizyme (ODC-Az) cDNA was transfected into the hamster
135 own, it has been attributed to the effect of antizyme on polyamine metabolism.
136  shows that defects in either snRNP Sm D3 or antizyme, or both, are likely causes of the phenotype.
137  high homology to the sequence for mammalian antizyme (ornithine decarboxylase antizyme) was reported
138 duced either by the polyamine spermine or by antizyme overexpression causes reduction of intracellula
139  understanding of how the different parts of antizyme play their roles in polyamine regulation.
140                         Here, we report that antizyme plays a role in DNA double-strand break repairs
141  and AZI concentrate at centrosomes and that antizyme preferentially associates with the maternal cen
142                                          The antizyme protein, Oaz1, regulates synthesis of the polya
143 e overduplication, whereas overexpression of antizyme reduces numerical centrosome abnormalities.
144                      Synthesis of functional antizyme requires programmed +1 ribosomal frameshifting
145 MEU1(+) cells, which we show is caused by an antizyme-requiring degradation system.
146              Functional distinctions between antizymes seem likely, but no distinction in the tissue
147          To examine the relationship between antizyme structure and function, we further characterize
148 were found to be located on a single face of antizyme, suggesting this surface is a possible site of
149                Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) antizyme targets ODC for ubiquitin-independent proteosom
150 yme mRNA, resulting in subsequent binding of antizyme to ODC monomers which targets ODC for proteolys
151 ated Reference Sequence (RefSeq) data set of antizyme transcript and protein records across a broad t
152 ed frameshift, resulting in misannotation of antizyme transcripts and proteins on transcript and geno
153                                     In vivo, antizyme up-regulation induced either by the polyamine s
154 nd ubiquitination-dependent pathway, because antizyme up-regulation induces the degradation of a cycl
155  for the repression of cell growth following antizyme up-regulation.
156                 Recently, a second mammalian antizyme was discovered.
157   A second mammalian ornithine decarboxylase antizyme was discovered.
158 dy, the regulation of Caenorhabditis elegans antizyme was investigated, and the antizyme inhibitor wa
159  mammalian antizyme (ornithine decarboxylase antizyme) was reported.
160 rosophila homolog of Ornithine Decarboxylase Antizyme, was isolated.
161 n system in cultured Sf21 insect cells, both antizymes were found to accelerate ornithine decarboxyla
162 mines are autoregulated through induction of antizyme, which represses both the rate-limiting polyami

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