


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 a of the lower esophagus, gastric corpus and antrum.
2 ifferences of these cells within the gastric antrum.
3 cts with ICC-IM in the corpus but not in the antrum.
4 e wild type occupied both the corpus and the antrum.
5 pression normally is confined to the gastric antrum.
6 re absent from the longitudinal layer of the antrum.
7 ture and in the longitudinal axis toward the antrum.
8 ive propagation of slow waves in the gastric antrum.
9 M) layers of the isolated guinea-pig gastric antrum.
10 arations made from the circular layer of the antrum.
11 xing and emptying of contents in the gastric antrum.
12 ed from the circular layer of the guinea pig antrum.
13 he increase was significantly greater in the antrum.
14 ltiple anatomic abnormalities of the pyloric antrum.
15 narrower ablative lesions in the left atrial antrum.
16 urrents in myocytes isolated from the murine antrum.
17  gastric muscle sheets containing corpus and antrum.
18 astritis and gastric stenosis in the gastric antrum.
19 ne produced by G-cells in the normal gastric antrum.
20 d to alpha-BGT that project to the fundus or antrum.
21  networks in the laryngeal esophagus and the antrum.
22 most severe changes occurring in the gastric antrum.
23 to the roof or other portions of the cupular antrum.
24 ch, binds to epithelial cells of the gastric antrum.
25 al cells except for those lining the gastric antrum.
26 iferate, stratify and develop a fluid-filled antrum.
27 vs 4.77 +/- 0.27, P < 0.001) staining in the antrum.
28 environment of increased inflammation in the antrum.
29 d exclusively in the lesser curvature of the antrum.
30  profound mucosal hyperplasia of the gastric antrum.
31 all of these, corpus, corpus and antrum, and antrum.
32  near the junction of the gastric corpus and antrum.
33 ic cancer primarily in the distal stomach or antrum.
34 wer LES-labeled profiles that innervated the antrum (16 +/- 9%).
35 as likely to be EBV-positive as those in the antrum (5.2%; P < .01 for both comparisons).
36                                       In the antrum, a decrease in somatostatin cell density and an i
37                                       In the antrum, adenomas occur from 4 days post-WNT activation.
38  TB creates a gastroileal anastomosis in the antrum after the SG; nutrient transit is maintained in t
39                                  ICC from WT antrums also displayed significantly slower pacemaker fr
40 cell imaging to localize the bleeding to the antrum, an antrectomy was performed.
41 f duodenogastric juice with exclusion of the antrum and 72% of rats with reflux of duodenogastric jui
42  in proliferation in the proximal corpus and antrum and a multifocal reduction in parietal cell numbe
43             Apoptotic indices of the gastric antrum and body of infected cats were significantly (P =
44               Apoptosis was increased in the antrum and body only in patients with cagA-positive H. p
45 ve rate of biopsy-based tests at the gastric antrum and body were calculated in terms of degree of ga
46 rents for neurones projecting to the fundus, antrum and caecum were 149 +/- 38 (n = 25), 115 +/- 18 (
47 nt in DMV neurones projecting to the fundus, antrum and caecum.
48   Proliferation was increased 2-fold in both antrum and corpus in H. pylori-positive patients, was no
49 Ch) increased the frequency of slow waves in antrum and corpus muscles.
50 two H. pylori strains were isolated from the antrum and corpus parts of the stomach, and comparisons
51 stric motility by stimulating interdigestive antrum and duodenal contractions.
52 ssive acid blockade, biopsies of the stomach antrum and duodenum are normal, and the tissue inflammat
53    Gastric biopsy specimens from the stomach antrum and fundus were cultured.
54 d predominantly in mucous gland cells of the antrum and in mucous neck cells of the glandular corpus.
55 ed with inflammation and atrophy both in the antrum and in the corpus, while homB status was associat
56 tudy we isolated ICC from the murine gastric antrum and investigated the Ca(2+)-dependent ionic condu
57  fibrillation, in addition to pulmonary vein antrum and posterior wall isolation, ablation of nonpulm
58                                           PV antrum and posterior wall remained isolated in 82% of th
59 ritis with areas of mucosal dysplasia in the antrum and predominantly midsuperficial gastritis in the
60 muscles, TREK-2 was expressed only in murine antrum and pulmonary artery.
61 ical proliferation foci in the mucosa of the antrum and pyloric junction at 4.5 and 6 months of age,
62 ds to gastric dysplasia and polyposis of the antrum and pyloric junction, but H. felis infection of t
63 as the "pyloric" subbranches run through the antrum and pylorus to reach the proximal duodenum.
64 5 and 6 months of age, whereas polyps of the antrum and pylorus were present in all mice, regardless
65 heir progeny in the distal stomach, (ie, the antrum and pylorus).
66 elium of the most distal stomach region, the antrum and pylorus; expression in the adult intestine is
67  ROIs were selected for the stomach, gastric antrum and small bowel.
68 infiltration and gastric atrophy in both the antrum and the corpus by multiple linear regression anal
69                          In contrast, in the antrum and the corpus-antrum transition zone, chemotaxis
70 to the gastrin cell-rich basal mucosa of the antrum and the oxyntic mucosa of the corpus.
71   Afferents were also supplied to the distal antrum and the pylorus, with pyloric innervation consist
72 aracterize the ICC within the canine gastric antrum and to determine the site(s) of pacemaker activit
73 include the separate roles of the fundus and antrum and to include the complex interactions the stoma
74 oaded myocytes isolated from the rat gastric antrum and voltage clamped at -60 1r1rqmV1qusing the per
75 ica appearance with narrowing of the gastric antrum and/or body (n = 5), narrowing of the body and/or
76 inute (cpm) pacemaker activity in corpus and antrum, and a proximal-to-distal slow wave frequency gra
77 r corpus or all of these, corpus, corpus and antrum, and antrum.
78 H. pylori behaves differently in the corpus, antrum, and corpus-antrum transition zone subregions of
79 udinal muscle layer of the murine corpus and antrum, and it revealed marked heterogeneity in the dist
80 ty; regional gastric motility of the fundus, antrum, and pylorus; and tests of sensation and complian
81 on DMV neurones projecting to the fundus and antrum, and the alpha3beta4 nAChR subtype on DMV neurone
82  within the tunica muscularis of the gastric antrum, and these cells serve different physiological fu
83 elated to atrophy (PRC +/- SE; 0.87 +/- 0.4 [antrum] and 0.93 +/- 0.4 [corpus], P < 0.05), whereas be
84 ent [PRC] +/- SE), TT versus CC: 37.6 +/- 6 [antrum] and 32.1 +/- 6 [corpus] pg/mg protein (P < 0.001
85 ad the highest IL-1beta levels (82.9 +/- 12 [antrum] and 87.2 +/- 11 [corpus]) and showed a synergist
86 io x 100,000 = 650 versus 338, respectively [antrum], and 172 versus 40, respectively [corpus]) (P <
87                                              Antrum area during fasting in morbidly obese patients wa
88 -fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of rhesus antrum biopsy samples were stained with H&E, periodic ac
89 ased sensitivity to 16.67% compare to single antrum biopsy.
90 se from the stomach, mainly from its pyloric antrum, but a weaker input originated from the fundus re
91 d histamine secretion in human, dog, and rat antrum by activating sst2 receptors on gastrin and hista
92  in the level of DAG, whereas in the newborn antrum, CCK (10(-7) mol/L) caused a sustained increase i
93 s with tumors originating in the fundus/body/antrum compared with esophagus/cardia (13.4 v 10.8 month
94 ion via electrodes in the muscle wall of the antrum connected to a neurostimulator in an abdominal wa
95                       The gastric corpus and antrum contain interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) within
96  wall of the lesser curvature of the pyloric antrum, corresponding to the predominant focus of H. mus
97 In neurones projecting to the fundus and the antrum, currents resistant to alpha-BGT were significant
98          During eating, cilia in the gastric antrum decreased, whereas gastric acid and circulating g
99                                       In the antrum, density was much greater in H. pylori-infected p
100  to live in either gastric fundus or gastric antrum depending on the level of acidity at the gastric
101                             The peak gastric antrum eosinophil count was 283 +/- 164 eosinophils/x400
102 Human intestinal-type gastric cancers in the antrum exhibited progressive TFF1 repression and promote
103  underwent surgical resection of the gastric antrum for control of the GI bleeding.
104  culture, Mutant follicles exhibited delayed antrum formation [indicative of follicle stimulant hormo
105 ith abundant granulosa cells and evidence of antrum formation that appeared arrested before ovulation
106 ) differentiate into cumulus cells following antrum formation.
107 ecomes restricted to cumulus cells following antrum formation.
108 s caused by arrests to both angiogenesis and antrum formation.
109  follicles and then decline after follicular antrum formation.
110                               Separating the antrum from the corpus caused a significant drop in antr
111               In W/W(V) mice, separating the antrum from the corpus failed to reduce antral slow wave
112 f the hormone gastrin in the distal stomach (antrum) has been known for almost 110 years, and the phy
113  Gastrin, produced by G cells in the gastric antrum, has been identified as the circulating hormone r
114 lin-positive progenitor cells in the gastric antrum have multilineage potential.
115 r gastrin-producing (G) cells in the stomach antrum, hypogastrinemia, and increased stomach luminal p
116 quency dominated in cocultures of corpus and antrum ICC.
117     Preneoplasia formed progressively in the antrum in 35- to 80-week-old Villin-Cre(+);Klf4(fl/fl) m
118 ocated on the lesser curvature of the distal antrum in all patients and extended to the pylorus in 25
119 um chloride was applied to the serosa of the antrum in anaesthetized rats.
120 l biopsy specimens were obtained from the PV antrum in areas of visible endocardial scar.
121 ric corpus at 6 months pi and in the pyloric antrum in H. pylori-infected mice at 19 months pi.
122  the gastric mucosa and tumorigenesis in the antrum in mice.
123                     Infection of the gastric antrum increases gastrin release.
124                                        Also, antrum innervation appeared disorganized, and some putat
125  IGLEs had recovered, the disorganization of antrum innervation had partially recovered, and some IMA
126                                  The cupular antrum is devoid of prominent refractile fibers.
127                          In adult and kitten antrum isolated smooth muscle cell contraction, levels o
128                                           PV antrum isolation (paroxysmal AF) and posterior wall isol
129 e within the esophagus during pulmonary vein antrum isolation (PVAI) and correlate these data with es
130 utcome of patients undergoing pulmonary vein antrum isolation (PVAI) for atrial fibrillation (AF).
131 atrial (LA) wall injury after pulmonary vein antrum isolation (PVAI) in patients with atrial fibrilla
132 of atrial flutter (AFL) after pulmonary vein antrum isolation (PVAI) in patients with previous cardia
133 lmonary vein ablation (CPVA), pulmonary vein antrum isolation (PVAI), and, if failed, PVAI using the
134 tiarrhythmic medication (group III) after PV antrum isolation (PVAI).
135                                           PV antrum isolation extended to the posterior wall between
136 ated surface area (ISA) after pulmonary vein antrum isolation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF)
137 nsecutive patients undergoing pulmonary vein antrum isolation for persistent atrial fibrillation.
138 y-one patients presenting for pulmonary vein antrum isolation for treatment of AF underwent 3-dimensi
139 We report the outcome of pulmonary vein (PV) antrum isolation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF)
140                          Pulmonary vein (PV) antrum isolation in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyo
141 he outcomes at the long-term follow-up of PV antrum isolation in these patients.
142                               Pulmonary vein antrum isolation may be sufficient to control both arrhy
143 electroanatomic maps from the pulmonary vein antrum isolation procedure.
144                               Pulmonary vein antrum isolation was performed in 40 patients, including
145                               Pulmonary vein antrum isolation was performed with a 3.5-mm thermocool
146 ts with paroxysmal AF undergoing extended PV antrum isolation, the rate of late recurrence is lower t
147 rence at least 6 months after pulmonary vein antrum isolation, with an average follow-up of 9.6+/-3.7
148 s with standard catheters for pulmonary vein antrum isolation.
149 r for long-term success after pulmonary vein antrum isolation.
150                    The biopsy of the gastric antrum later showed a metastatic carcinoma of breast ori
151 an academic hospital (HR, 0.85), fundus/body/antrum location (HR, 0.90), highest socioeconomic status
152 , and emergence of ectopic pacemakers in the antrum may be caused by "reprogramming" of the ICC pacem
153        Nodularity was located in the gastric antrum (n = 2), body (n = 1), or body and fundus (n = 1)
154 odenogastric juice with the exclusion of the antrum (n = 53); esophagoduodenostomy with proximal gast
155 ogical recordings were made from labeled DMV antrum neurons in rat pups and MC4-R(-/-) mice.
156 ficantly higher (P < 0.05) in the corpus and antrum of animals in the high-salt diet group compared w
157  (P < 0.05) at 4 and 8 WPI in the corpus and antrum of animals on the high-salt diet when compared wi
158 ce in epithelial parameters was noted in the antrum of TFF2(-/-) versus WT mice (P < 0.01).
159 inogenic histological changes in the pyloric antrum of the gastric mucosa, progressing from gastritis
160 that were nearly identical to the developing antrum of the mouse stomach.
161 esion GPCRs in the esophagus, the corpus and antrum of the stomach, the proximal and distal parts of
162 reased recovery from both the corpus and the antrum of the stomach.
163 s or channels were observed in the cupula or antrum of vital preparations.
164                     Slow waves in the murine antrum of wild-type animals had an intrinsic frequency o
165 udinal muscles of the corpus, but not in the antrum of wild-type animals.
166                        In moderate to severe antrum or body gastritis with atrophy, additional corpus
167 001 for each), *1/*2 versus *1/*1: 24 +/- 8 [antrum] (P <0.01) and 36.5 +/- 7 [corpus] (P <0.001).
168  chemoreceptor is responsible for the corpus-antrum phenotypes, we infected mice with strains lacking
169                     Last, in a mouse gastric antrum preparation, AqF026 did not affect the Na-K-Cl co
170 Sst-GABA DMV neurons or DiI labelled gastric-antrum projecting DMV neurons.
171 mbryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) to adult in murine antrum, pyloric region, small intestine, and colon.
172 tal foregut derivatives, the gastric corpus, antrum, pylorus, and duodenum are distinct structures wi
173 es sensory information from the forestomach, antrum, pylorus, duodenum, and cecum.
174 contrast, few DMV neurones that supplied the antrum/pylorus (3/13), duodenum (4/18) or caecum (1/13)
175 cular smooth muscle, cardiac atrium, gastric antrum/pylorus, enteric neurones, and vagal and dorsal r
176 ade tracers to the gastric fundus, corpus or antrum/pylorus, or to the duodenum or caecum.
177  tracer DiI to the gastric fundus, corpus or antrum/pylorus, the duodenum or caecum.
178  bind to paraffin-embedded sections from the antrum region of a human stomach was assessed.
179 to acid and distension, whereas cilia in the antrum responded to food.
180 ith gastritis predominantly localized to the antrum retain normal (or even high) acid secretion, wher
181 ctions in the jejunum migrated orally to the antrum (retrograde peristaltic contractions; RPCs).
182  colonization and gastric infections (cardia-antrum section) which were observed at 10 to 12 weeks af
183 ice were more susceptible to gastric (cardia-antrum section), anorectal, and acute systemic (intraven
184           With increasing age, polyps in the antrum show sequential changes from hyperplasia, to dysp
185 ements of muscle cells within the corpus and antrum showed that stretch-induced changes in slow-wave
186 set of electrical rhythmicity in the gastric antrum, small bowel and proximal colon of the mouse.
187 olar recording electrodes were placed on the antrum, small intestine, and the transverse and descendi
188  (STOCs), and membrane potentials of gastric antrum smooth muscle cells from wild-type and phospholam
189 itutively elevated in phospholamban-knockout antrum smooth muscle cells relative to wild-type cells.
190  the resting membrane potential of wild-type antrum smooth muscle cells to a greater extent than phos
191 membrane potential of phospholamban-knockout antrum smooth muscle cells was hyperpolarized by approxi
192 vity in wild-type and phospholamban-knockout antrum smooth muscle cells was inhibited by ryanodine, b
193  in STOC activity evoked by SNP in wild-type antrum smooth muscle cells, but had no effect on STOC ac
194 GMP increased the STOC activity of wild-type antrum smooth muscle cells, but had no effect on STOC ac
195 racellular Ca(2+) wave activity in wild-type antrum smooth muscle cells, but had no effect on the con
196 vity in wild-type and phospholamban-knockout antrum smooth muscle cells.
197 ficantly increased in phospholamban-knockout antrum smooth muscles compared to wild-type smooth muscl
198 ulating the electrical properties of gastric antrum smooth muscles.
199 a greater extent than phospholamban-knockout antrum smooth muscles.
200                                   In gastric antrum, somatostatin exerts a tonic inhibitory influence
201                           Within the cupular antrum, stereocilia were parallel to connective tissue f
202 arcinogenesis of both the gastric corpus and antrum, suggesting that gastrin is an essential cofactor
203 with atrophy was significantly higher at the antrum than at the body (76% vs. 31%; p<0.001).
204 sis showed that inflammation is worse in the antrum than in the corpus in both wild-type and Che(-) m
205 nalysis and were both greater in the gastric antrum than in the gastric body of infected patients.
206 unitary potentials in the gastric fundus and antrum that contributes to the overall excitability of t
207 undus, 23% in the corpus, and only 8% in the antrum, the absolute number of vagally contacted GRP-IR
208 d intestinal-subtype tumors occurring in the antrum; these have the best overall prognosis and the lo
209 labelled premotor DMV neurons to the gastric-antrum through an increase in inhibitory post-synaptic c
210 al-mediated contractions of isolated gastric antrum tissue.
211 edgehog signaling is strictly paracrine from antrum to colon throughout embryonic and adult life.
212 auge transducer was implanted on the gastric antrum to record the circular muscle contractions.
213 ifferently in the corpus, antrum, and corpus-antrum transition zone subregions of the stomach.
214    In contrast, in the antrum and the corpus-antrum transition zone, chemotaxis does not help initial
215  and cardia) tumors than in distal (body and antrum) tumors (P <or= 0.050).
216 blative lesions were seen in the left atrial antrum using 28-mm cryoballoon.
217 om the normal and pathological human gastric antrum using a least-squares minimization analysis appli
218      We cultured ICC from the murine gastric antrum, verified that cells were Kit immunoreactive, and
219                                      Gastric antrum was dissected to reveal the ICC-MY network, loade
220                       Reconnection in the PV antrum was found in 31% of patients after a single proce
221 egions in the mouse, forestomach, corpus and antrum, we first describe the existence of a "secondary
222 scle layer by these nerves in the corpus and antrum were absent.
223 gment of the duodenum as well as the pyloric antrum were collected and processed with diaminobenzidin
224 atostatin and gastrin mRNA abundances in the antrum were depressed by about 35% by antral denervation
225 the distal esophagus and cardia, fundus, and antrum were evaluated for inflammation, H. pylori infect
226                       The gastric fundus and antrum were evaluated independently using a 0-4 scale to
227              Biopsy specimens of the gastric antrum were obtained 2 and 4 weeks before and 2, 8, and
228 ia of the Hsr-negative strain in the stomach antrum were significantly reduced.
229    Mucosal segments from human, dog, and rat antrum were superfused with various concentrations of so
230 ributions, with peak densities in the corpus-antrum, were similar in the three strains of mice and co
231 began to develop polyposis in the fundus and antrum when they were over 6 - 12 months old, and in the
232 itive vs. -negative gastritis and in gastric antrum, where bacterial density is greatest, suggest tha
233 , but has quite different functions from the antrum, which provides mixing and propulsion of contents
234 ic tone) and contractility of the fundus and antrum while administering five doses of i.v. nicotine a
235 d Rag2(-/-) mice colonized in the corpus and antrum with 10(5) to 10(6) H. pylori CFU/gram without as

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