


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 (psychotherapy, atypical antipsychotics, and anxiolytics).
2 t is maladaptive, excessive, repetitive, and anxiolytic.
3  activation is positively reinforcing and/or anxiolytic.
4 tect the urocortins, which are thought to be anxiolytic.
5 ng that inhibition of AT1R within the SFO is anxiolytic.
6 beta (ERbeta) agonists have been shown to be anxiolytic.
7 -containing GABAA receptors, was shown to be anxiolytic.
8 opportunities to exploit PTP1B inhibitors as anxiolytics.
9 iety or prescriptions for antidepressants or anxiolytics.
10 r prescription of atypical antipsychotics or anxiolytics.
11 anesthetics, sedatives, anticonvulsants, and anxiolytics.
12 with 3.6 (95% CI, 3.2-4.1) for sedatives and anxiolytics, 2.9 (95% CI, 2.3-3.5) for stimulants, and 2
13                A compound producing a robust anxiolytic action comparable to benzodiazepines, but lac
14  like benzodiazepines, ocinaplon produces an anxiolytic action through allosteric modulation of GABA(
15 h after injury, while it was devoid of clear anxiolytic actions and did not affect water-maze perform
16                          While lack of clear anxiolytic actions may be connected with an enhanced pot
17 ssion in the BNST may be responsible for the anxiolytic actions of group II mGluR agonists.
18 ex (IL-PFC) underlies the antidepressant and anxiolytic actions of ketamine.
19 tive emotional effects of stress and exerted anxiolytic actions without influencing hypothalamic-pitu
20 ting properties of NPS without affecting its anxiolytic actions.
21 zodiazepines have been widely used for their anxiolytic actions.
22 to the ventricles exerted antidepressant and anxiolytic activity along with an increase in hippocampa
23 /or alpha3-subtypes may retain the desirable anxiolytic activity of nonselective benzodiazepines but
24 e either striatal and limbic stereotypies or anxiolytic activity, thus outlining their potential to t
25 tain psychobiotics possess antidepressant or anxiolytic activity.
26 asingly recognized as an antinociceptive and anxiolytic agent, effects which may be mediated via oxyt
27       Accordingly, exposure to buspirone, an anxiolytic agent, significantly suppresses atypical beha
28  a behavioural response like that induced by anxiolytic agents or antidepressants.
29 tegy as well as responsivity to conventional anxiolytic agents.
30  of fMRI as a tool in the development of new anxiolytic agents.
31 ssessed in vivo for their ability to promote anxiolytic, analgesic, and anticonvulsant actions.
32 er ZD7288 into the ACC in vivo produces both anxiolytic and analgesic effects.
33                            We found that the anxiolytic and anti-depressant effects of NPS are enhanc
34        Centrally released oxytocin (OXT) has anxiolytic and anti-stress effects.
35 evealed that compounds 7a,c,d,l,m,q,r,w show anxiolytic and antiamnestic activities without the unple
36           RGS6(-/-) mice exhibit spontaneous anxiolytic and antidepressant behavior rapidly and compl
37 Cre:gamma2(f/f) mice mimicked the effects of anxiolytic and antidepressant drugs in a number of behav
38 dicate potential brain sites involved in the anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of exercise.
39 strate in vivo efficacy in rodent models for anxiolytic and antipsychotic activity, respectively.
40 ytocin (OXT) has been revealed as a profound anxiolytic and antistress factor of the brain, besides i
41      In emotional responses, DORs exert dual anxiolytic and anxiogenic roles, both of which may have
42                  Numbers of prescriptions of anxiolytic and atypical antipsychotic medications did no
43 levating brain endocannabinoids (eCBs) share anxiolytic and fear extinction-facilitating properties w
44 as generated substantial interest due to its anxiolytic and fear-attenuating effects in rodents, whil
45 hat future work should control carefully for anxiolytic and gender effects, which could underlie inco
46                      Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is anxiolytic and its release is induced by stress.
47 ABAA receptors do not play a key role in the anxiolytic and muscle-relaxant properties of benzodiazep
48 he possibility of two opposing circuits, one anxiolytic and one anxiogenic, within the BNST, the rela
49       The neuropeptide oxytocin (OXT) exerts anxiolytic and prosocial effects in the central nervous
50 he roots of Valeriana officinalis used as an anxiolytic and sedative and in the treatment of insomnia
51 lly, we directly test the role of FGF2 as an anxiolytic and show that a 3 week treatment regimen of p
52                    Many smokers describe the anxiolytic and stress-reducing effects of nicotine, the
53                  For example, the effects of anxiolytics and 5-HT-active compounds, including those u
54 ssion), nonocular pain, and medications (eg, anxiolytics and analgesics).
55 l disorders and has been the major target of anxiolytics and antidepressants.
56 oid psychotropics, including antidepressants/anxiolytics and sleep aids) in the 90 days postdiagnosis
57 es such as diazepam are widely prescribed as anxiolytics and sleep aids.
58 sants, benzodiazepines, or nonbenzodiazepine anxiolytics), and baseline cognitive scores.
59 prophylactic, antigenotoxic, antidepressive, anxiolytic, and anti-amnesic effects.
60  FAAH leads to analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, and antidepressant phenotypes in rodents wit
61 ssays indicative of potential antiepileptic, anxiolytic, and antihyperalgesic clinical efficacy.
62 cal inactivation of FAAH produces analgesic, anxiolytic, and antiinflammatory phenotypes but not the
63 bitors in rodent models result in analgesic, anxiolytic, and antiinflammatory phenotypes.
64 D) are nowadays addressed by antidepressant, anxiolytic, and antipsychotic drugs, often administered
65 tility and appetite, and produce anticancer, anxiolytic, and neuroprotective efficacies via cannabino
66 e pharmaceuticals (i.e., antischizophrenics, anxiolytics, and antidepressants) in sludge from 40 repr
67 et of several hallucinogens, antipsychotics, anxiolytics, and antidepressants, and it has been associ
68 ombination, antipsychotics, antidepressants, anxiolytics, and hypnotics.
69 c modulators of mGluR5 hold promise as novel anxiolytics, and positive allosteric modulators of mGluR
70 mitant co-administration of antidepressants, anxiolytics, and psychological therapies.
71 antipsychotics, lithium salts, sedatives and anxiolytics, and stimulants.
72      Both testosterone and estradiol exhibit anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects in gonadecto
73  Similarly, voluntary wheel running produces anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects in rodent mo
74 R subunit in the amygdala all induced robust anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects in several m
75  estradiol pellet, and subsequent protective anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects of testoster
76 le for estradiol in mediating the protective anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects of testoster
77 ophysiological approaches to investigate the anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects of two poten
78 te that Gal(3)-selective antagonists produce anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects, possibly by
79       Repeated ketamine exposure resulted in anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like responses 2 months a
80  injections or calorie restriction, produced anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like responses in the ele
81 sion and are allosterically modulated by the anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, and sedative-hypnotic benzod
82 sized within the brain and act as endogenous anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, and sedative agent
83 piandrosterone (DHEA) is a neurosteroid with anxiolytic, antidepressant, and antiglucocorticoid prope
84 g neurons may therefore be necessary for its anxiolytic/antidepressant activity and contribute to its
85 lectivity for use as potential analgesic and anxiolytic/antidepressant agents.
86 with RS67333, similar to fluoxetine, induced anxiolytic/antidepressant-like activity and stimulated a
87 ronic treatment with GR125487 prevented both anxiolytic/antidepressant-like and neurogenic effects of
88                                Sedatives and anxiolytics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, lithium sa
89 o corticosteroids, opioids, benzodiazepines, anxiolytics, antidepressants, beta-blockers, anaesthetic
90 ed pronounced cannabinoid receptor-dependent anxiolytic, antiinflammatory, and analgesic effects in m
91  task for escape, the elevated plus maze for anxiolytic/anxiogenic effects, place preference conditio
92  clonidine, mexiletine, antidepressants, and anxiolytics as options to treat or modulate pain at vari
93 etic BDZ, with clonazepam, an anticonvulsant/anxiolytic BDZ that activates CBRs selectively.
94                                   The use of anxiolytics before to after placement increased from 14.
95 ng-term object memory recognition, increased anxiolytic behavior, and an increased odor discriminatio
96 erm object memory recognition nor increasing anxiolytic behavior, suggesting state dependency or a de
97  ethanol produced lasting antidepressant and anxiolytic behaviours.
98 ecognition test but had no antidepressant or anxiolytic benefit.
99 pounds in animals with a history of sedative-anxiolytic/benzodiazepine self-administration.
100 (BNST) inhibitory microcircuit that silences anxiolytic BNST outputs to the ventral tegmental area an
101  function of GABA-A receptors, are effective anxiolytics but carry unwanted side effects including se
102 ncome adults prescribed an antidepressant or anxiolytic by a primary care or non-MH professional and
103 relationship by assessing the effects of the anxiolytic chlorodiazepoxide (CDP; 10 mg/kg) on subjects
104 de Y (NPY) has emerged as a key component of anxiolytic circuits in the brain.
105 )R-selective benzodiazepine site agonist and anxiolytic compound TP003 increases tonic currents and d
106                 The effect of a subsedative, anxiolytic dose of diazepam (2 mg kg intraperitoneal) wa
107 epine-induced susceptibility to infection at anxiolytic doses in mice.
108 arallel in behaving animals and link them to anxiolytic drug action, novelty, and the metric for self
109 pproach-avoidance conflict tests in terms of anxiolytic drug action.
110                              Buspirone is an anxiolytic drug and is a partial agonist for the seroton
111  animals, a deficit that can be corrected by anxiolytic drug treatment.
112 ruder (HI) that are known to be sensitive to anxiolytic drug treatment.
113 d as a pre-operative medication and sedative/anxiolytic drug.
114 vironmental novelty decreases slope, whereas anxiolytic drugs reduce intercept.
115 alidity mainly rests on the observation that anxiolytic drugs reduce rodent anxiety-like behavior.
116 uces defense behaviors that are sensitive to anxiolytic drugs, the results of the study suggest that
117 translational model for the investigation of anxiolytic drugs.
118 rs may be an important marker for evaluating anxiolytic drugs.
119  of anxiety and may be treatment targets for anxiolytic drugs.
120  anxiety disorders and the site of action of anxiolytic drugs.
121 a5-GABAARs may be suitable targets for novel anxiolytic drugs.
122 of treatment expectations to the efficacy of anxiolytic drugs.
123 nct from avoidance of danger, and reduced by anxiolytic drugs.
124  molecular underpinnings of the MitoQ-driven anxiolytic effect and found that MitoQ treatment alters
125         Scopolamine (800 microM) also had an anxiolytic effect in a group behavioural test, as it sig
126 inking effect and exhibited a dose-dependent anxiolytic effect in the rat social interaction model.
127    Moreover, exogenous NRG1 also produced an anxiolytic effect in the stressed mice.
128                 Cocaine exposure also had an anxiolytic effect in tPA-/- but not WT mice.
129  receptors in the dBNST is necessary for the anxiolytic effect observed following optogenetic stimula
130 d activation of the rACC correlated with the anxiolytic effect of alprazolam (r(p) = .52; p = .04).
131                       To examine whether the anxiolytic effect of exercise is associated with an alte
132       Following 3 weeks of wheel access, the anxiolytic effect of exercise was assessed using acousti
133 or and ongoing stress delays or prevents the anxiolytic effect of exercise without affecting exercise
134 impact of prior and concurrent stress on the anxiolytic effect of exercise.
135                             Importantly, the anxiolytic effect of ML297 was lost in mice lacking GIRK
136                     We hypothesized that the anxiolytic effect of MS15 is partly due to increased int
137                                          The anxiolytic effect of MS15 was preserved in vehicle-treat
138 ith nonseparated (NS) controls, and that the anxiolytic effect of MS15 would be attenuated in rats in
139 einforcing effect of addictive drugs and the anxiolytic effect of nicotine.
140              Finally, we could show that the anxiolytic effect of NPS seen after i.c.v. or intra-PVN
141  and that the AMY is a key substrate for the anxiolytic effect of PPARgamma.
142 ith the antagonist bicuculline, reverses the anxiolytic effect of running.
143                                          The anxiolytic effect of scopolamine was dose dependent and
144                                          The anxiolytic effect of social familiarity could be elicite
145                                         This anxiolytic effect was specific for high anxiety as MitoQ
146 r time in the open field test, suggesting an anxiolytic effect.
147  motor coordination deficits, and induces an anxiolytic effect.
148 n social behaviors are due to a more general anxiolytic effect.
149  in music preference, suggesting a potential anxiolytic effect.
150 downstream CeA--exerted an acute, reversible anxiolytic effect.
151 t effects of NPS, but still responded to its anxiolytic effect.
152 cing effect of acute EtOH and its maintained anxiolytic effect.
153 ous substances have produced arousal with an anxiolytic effect.
154 ale, but not female, mice, thus producing an anxiolytic effect.
155 pe CT/T/C showed an opposing, dose-dependent anxiolytic effect.
156 verexpression of Dnmt3a induced an opposite, anxiolytic, effect in wild-type mice.
157 estigations of individual moderators of OT's anxiolytic effects (i.e. sex, genetic factors, and early
158 in circuits are really responsible for their anxiolytic effects and how these regions interact.
159 ed rapid and long-lasting antidepressant and anxiolytic effects and that these effects are associated
160 anism through which these agents exert their anxiolytic effects at a brain level in gSP.
161 ave been shown to produce antidepressant and anxiolytic effects in animal models in rodents.
162 mice beta-catenin mediates pro-resilient and anxiolytic effects in the nucleus accumbens, a key brain
163 eting of these mitochondrial pathways exerts anxiolytic effects in vivo.
164 nsmission as a key synaptic correlate of the anxiolytic effects of 2-AG augmentation.
165                     Here, we report that the anxiolytic effects of acute ethanol were associated with
166 that the acute pharmacological rewarding and anxiolytic effects of alcohol can be measured with fMRI.
167 r knock-out mice suggest both anxiogenic and anxiolytic effects of CRF2 receptor activation.
168                                          The anxiolytic effects of delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC
169          alpha4-nAChRs are necessary for the anxiolytic effects of nicotine in the elevated plus maze
170 inergic neurons decreased sensitivity to the anxiolytic effects of nicotine.
171                                              Anxiolytic effects of NPY are mediated in the CA1 region
172                  However, unlike fluoxetine, anxiolytic effects of RS67333 were already present after
173 brafish as a model organism for studying the anxiolytic effects of scopolamine, its mechanisms of act
174 FC completely blocked the antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of systemic ketamine in rodent models
175       Moreover, RX-055 exerted site-specific anxiolytic effects on in situ photoactivation in the bra
176                            We found that the anxiolytic effects produced by acute alcohol were associ
177                                      Similar anxiolytic effects were observed with unilateral infusio
178 In addition, exercise has been shown to have anxiolytic effects, further confounding interpretation o
179 ultiple reports of DHEA's antidepressant and anxiolytic effects, no research to date has examined the
180 spectively, has not produced the anticipated anxiolytic effects, our data show that targeted interfer
181 se CT equivalent has positively reinforcing, anxiolytic effects, suggesting a role in grooming and af
182 atching), suggesting the possibility of some anxiolytic effects.
183 ffects on social behaviors may be due to its anxiolytic effects.
184 upporting the conclusion that BNST-AL exerts anxiolytic effects.
185 and had improved latency for its therapeutic anxiolytic effects.
186 e often used for their sedative/hypnotic and anxiolytic effects.
187 with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and have anxiolytic effects.
188               CRF1 receptor antagonists have anxiolytic effects.
189 atory properties may have antidepressant and anxiolytic effects.
190  treatment exhibited both antidepressant and anxiolytic effects.
191 ts of amygdala manipulations be explained by anxiolytic effects?
192              The potential anxiety-reducing (anxiolytic) effects of scopolamine could have great clin
193                     In light of the improved anxiolytic efficacy and benign side effects of NPS in et
194 ued, promising preclinical data, in terms of anxiolytic efficacy and decreased unwanted effects, have
195 n transporter (5-HTT) has antidepressant and anxiolytic efficacy in adulthood.
196 exposure regimen that did not compromise the anxiolytic efficacy of CDP in control mice, the results
197  exposure to the EPM completed abolishes the anxiolytic efficacy of chlordiazepoxide (CDP; 15 mg/kg)
198 by short-term treatment with drugs that have anxiolytic efficacy.
199 in the rat BLA, ASIC1a has an inhibitory and anxiolytic function.
200 d of anxiety patients remain unresponsive to anxiolytics highlighting the need for more effective, me
201 ge, and recent treatment with antipsychotic, anxiolytic/hypnotic, mood stabilizer, and stimulant medi
202       DDIs between DAAs and antidepressants, anxiolytics, hypnotics, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics
203  Lef1 is required for the differentiation of anxiolytic hypothalamic neurons in zebrafish and mice, a
204 d the 7-propan-2-olimidazopyrimidine 14k are anxiolytic in both conditioned and unconditioned animal
205  that 4 weeks of voluntary wheel running was anxiolytic in C57BL/6J mice and resulted in a shorter ti
206   Similar to humans, scopolamine acted as an anxiolytic in individual behavioural tests (novel approa
207  the development candidate 17, a nonsedating anxiolytic in preclinical animal assays.
208             Both of the soy supplements were anxiolytic in proestrus females but anxiogenic in males
209                    Further, exercise was not anxiolytic in stressed mice.
210       Here, we show that the most prescribed anxiolytic in Sweden (oxazepam) persists in its therapeu
211 n summary, we found that nicotine acts as an anxiolytic in TgR mice but not in control mice and that
212      The i-Pr amide 16e was an orally active anxiolytic in the mouse light-dark paradigm.
213 Y overexpression also was demonstrated to be anxiolytic in the open field test.
214  of 5 mug of DA improved working memory, was anxiolytic in the plus maze, and increased pain sensitiv
215 nterodorsal BNST-associated activity exerted anxiolytic influence for the same features.
216 reas our data do not provide evidence for an anxiolytic-like action of alpha3-GABAARs.
217 ce that modulation of alpha5-GABAARs elicits anxiolytic-like actions, whereas our data do not provide
218                                VU0285683 had anxiolytic-like activity in two rodent models for anxiet
219 a broad antipsychotic-, antidepressant-, and anxiolytic-like activity, not eliciting motor impairment
220 5MPEPy also demonstrated antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like activity.
221 gh affinity value (Ki = 0.27 nM) and for its anxiolytic-like and ability to relieve neuropathic painf
222  GABAA receptor subtype ligands endowed with anxiolytic-like and antihyperalgesic action or enhancer
223 ological inhibition of GSK-3beta resulted in anxiolytic-like and pro-social behavior.
224 illation by enhancing its amplitude leads to anxiolytic-like behavior.
225 nthetic CXCR7 ligand is sufficient to induce anxiolytic-like behavior.
226 ective agonist, elicited antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like behavioral effects in wild-type mice, wi
227 senger cyclic GMP (cGMP) plays a role in the anxiolytic-like behavioral response of mice to nitrous o
228 te PKG in the mediation or modulation of the anxiolytic-like behavioral response to N2O.
229 pal CA1 region displayed antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like behaviors associated with widespread enh
230 S) exhibited spontaneous antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like behaviors.
231  RS 67333 was found to produce a paradoxical anxiolytic-like effect similar to that produced by the 5
232 further characterized and exhibited improved anxiolytic-like effects in a mouse marble burying assay
233 tor of arousal and has been shown to produce anxiolytic-like effects in rodents.
234  generated behavioral profiles indicative of anxiolytic-like effects in the EZM, which was apparent f
235 al striatum produced antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like effects on FST and NSFT respectively.
236 D1 receptor antagonist properties might have anxiolytic-like effects that could be useful for treatin
237           To address the specificity of E2's anxiolytic-like effects through ERss, anxiety, motor, an
238            HZ-166 (2) has been shown to have anxiolytic-like effects with reduced sedative/ataxic lia
239 ific effects of THC such as memory deficits, anxiolytic-like effects, and social interaction are unde
240 ed adiponectin expression and antidepressant/anxiolytic-like effects.
241 spectrum anti-stress and antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like efficacy in rodent behavioral paradigms.
242 ressant-like activities as well as potential anxiolytic-like properties.
243 in the SmartCube behavioral assay and showed anxiolytic-like signatures following daily dose administ
244 he Mecp2(-/y) respiratory phenotype and that anxiolytics may be effective.
245                          Benzodiazepine (BZ) anxiolytics mediate their clinical effects by enhancing
246 s a clinically available, non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic medication that acts on both serotonin and do
247 s a clinically available, non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic medication that acts on serotonin and dopamin
248 nts had increased risk of antidepressant and anxiolytic medication use, while patients with mild AD o
249 ents with mild AD only had increased risk of anxiolytic medication use.
250 n that was unrelated to antipsychotic and/or anxiolytic medication.
251    Benzodiazepine drugs are highly effective anxiolytic medications, but the role of the benzodiazepi
252 s received much attention as a prosocial and anxiolytic neuropeptide.
253 europeptide Y (NPY) is a putative endogenous anxiolytic neurotransmitter that adaptively regulates re
254 ctively prevented with antipsychotic but not anxiolytic or antidepressant compounds.
255 CRF(1) receptor antagonists may be potential anxiolytic or antidepressant drugs.
256 CRF(1) receptor antagonists may be potential anxiolytic or antidepressant drugs.
257 a3 GABA(A)Rs present an important target for anxiolytic or fear-reducing compounds.
258 neous colitis and, in stressed mice, induced anxiolytic or fear-reducing effects as measured on the e
259 mans, suggesting co-regulation of 2 parallel anxiolytic pathways in primates.
260 re consistent with the function of NPY as an anxiolytic peptide and help to explain inter-individual
261 orebrain in fb-A2AR KO mice also produced an anxiolytic phenotype in both the elevated plus maze and
262 ng plasma corticosterone did not reverse the anxiolytic phenotype of Sim1CrhKO mice.
263 c hormone, but surprisingly, have a profound anxiolytic phenotype when evaluated using multiple stres
264 GABAergic projections produced rewarding and anxiolytic phenotypes, which were also recapitulated by
265 hat global EIF2 signaling has antidepressant/anxiolytic potential.
266 ent of anxiety disorders due to their potent anxiolytic profile.
267 tartle response, which is consistent with an anxiolytic profile.
268 nociceptin may underlie its anti-alcohol and anxiolytic properties and identify the nociceptin recept
269              Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has robust anxiolytic properties and is reduced in patients with an
270 E STATEMENT: Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has robust anxiolytic properties, and its levels are reduced in pat
271 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor with anxiolytic properties.
272 e fear extinction learning may explain their anxiolytic properties.
273 notetralin (8-OHDPAT), a 5-HT1A agonist, has anxiolytic properties.
274 dered beneficial to mental health due to its anxiolytic, prosocial and antistress effects, but eviden
275 training administration of DCS abolished the anxiolytic response to CDP challenge.
276 ynaptic GABAARs could mediate the maintained anxiolytic response to EtOH in dependent individuals, ra
277 nd escitalopram, and median time to onset of anxiolytic response was significantly reduced (P < or =
278 fter a dose of 2.25 g/kg of ethanol: ataxia, anxiolytic response, locomotor activity, core body tempe
279 tment in adulthood evokes antidepressant and anxiolytic responses.
280  that THC and other cannabinoids may have an anxiolytic role in central mechanisms of fear behaviors
281 s in modulating anxiety, establish separable anxiolytic roles for different anterodorsal BNST project
282 nds in nonhuman primate models predictive of anxiolytic, sedative, motor, subjective, and reinforcing
283                       Neurosteroids and some anxiolytics share an important site of action: tonic inh
284 a neurons is important for identifying novel anxiolytic targets.
285 s a more sensitive measure of the effects of anxiolytics than traditional spatiotemporal indices.
286 AH inhibitors may represent a novel class of anxiolytics that specifically target stress-induced anxi
287 nhibition of this system may be an effective anxiolytic therapy.
288 mplicating central baroreflex mechanisms for anxiolytic treatment targets.
289 d PTSD and women receiving antidepressant or anxiolytic treatment would be more likely to experience
290 threat-induced anxiety are reversed by acute anxiolytic treatment.
291 om punishment that could be ameliorated with anxiolytic treatment.
292                          Currently available anxiolytic treatments are limited by side effects, inclu
293  fear vigilance is similar to that seen with anxiolytic treatments in the same cognitive paradigm.
294 may be a target for the development of novel anxiolytic treatments.
295 ide key neural modulation targets for future anxiolytic treatments.
296 ment were treatment naivety, anxiety, use of anxiolytics, use of antidepressants, use of opioids, rib
297 wn to have procognitive, antipsychotic-like, anxiolytic, weight-reducing, glucose-lowering, and wake-
298 red to psoriasis patients, except for use of anxiolytics, which was higher in severe AD.
299  potential as a faster acting antidepressant/anxiolytic with reduced side-effect burden.
300                          TAT-CBD3 was mildly anxiolytic without affecting memory retrieval, sensorimo

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