


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 muscular free tendon as well as a sheet-like aponeurosis.
2                                  The levator aponeurosis attached to the anterior tarsus in both grou
3 ost-traumatic cases where levator muscle and aponeurosis cannot be dissociated peroperatively.
4 d blepharoptosis which resulted from levator aponeurosis dehiscence with good levator function had go
5 patterns of the turkey lateral gastrocnemius aponeurosis during active and passive force production i
6            We find that the behaviour of the aponeurosis during passive force production is consisten
7 of 20% Achilles tendon entheses, 45% plantar aponeurosis entheses and 89.5% of flexor digiti brevis t
8 CncC and its heterodimer partner Maf (muscle aponeurosis fibromatosis) is sufficient and necessary fo
9                   Advancement of the levator aponeurosis for senile blepharoptosis may be preformed v
10 mellae and tarsal attachments of the levator aponeurosis in particular were examined microscopically.
11 vance an involutional or disinserted levator aponeurosis onto to the superior tarsus approximate that
12 gion of the lateral component of the plantar aponeurosis (PAL), short peroneal muscle (SPM) tendon, a
13  stiffness to the foot, Achilles' tendon and aponeurosis rather than the activated calf muscle fibres
14 e to disinsertion or thinning of the levator aponeurosis require surgical repair.
15  placed on the pericranial muscles and scalp aponeurosis secondary to the underlying cervical spine d
16 al direction result in an underestimation of aponeurosis stiffness as well as its capacity for elasti
17 nvolve resections in closer proximity to the aponeurosis than previously thought.

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