


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ication to smaller data sets is particularly appealing.
2 te novel therapeutic strategies becomes more appealing.
3 formed hybrid POM platforms could prove more appealing.
4 ransfer to a variety of tasks is thus highly appealing.
5 ity structures of other states might be more appealing.
6 cation of these QIs to existing databases is appealing.
7 id state thermoelectric devices is extremely appealing.
8  to lose some of its redness and become less appealing.
9 ound time compared with those of culture are appealing.
10 expansiveness makes humans more romantically appealing.
11  using the full range of mRS is conceptually appealing, a gain of information is counter-balanced by
12 Augmentation of innate immune defenses is an appealing adjunctive strategy for treatment of pulmonary
13 ety profile and noninvasiveness makes HOT an appealing adjuvant therapy for diabetes prevention and i
14           Although an aggressive approach is appealing, adverse events may occur, and potential physi
15                        Cell-free systems are appealing alternative environments, but it remains quest
16  transfection using lipoplexes makes them an appealing alternative to be explored for gene delivery.
17 all the SNPs in one individual, making it an appealing alternative to call rare variants.
18 processed in air from solution, providing an appealing alternative to chemically reactive low-work fu
19            Transition metal fluorides are an appealing alternative to conventional intercalation comp
20 s of the "dip-and-dry" technique makes it an appealing alternative to current methods for fabricating
21 o-cortical pathway represents a conceptually appealing alternative to dynamical circuit optimization
22 pectomy followed by radiotherapy provides an appealing alternative to mastectomy for many women.
23 uencing, RNA-Seq, has recently emerged as an appealing alternative to microarray in identifying diffe
24 munotherapy with liquid extracts provides an appealing alternative to subcutaneous immunotherapy for
25 ulation by artificial riboswitches may be an appealing alternative to Tet- and other protein-dependen
26 ely activated using light, has emerged as an appealing alternative to traditional cancer chemotherapy
27 of lifetime density analysis (LDA) offers an appealing alternative.
28  year-round infant vaccination strategy more appealing, although it is currently unclear whether such
29 cation through task shifting is economically appealing and can achieve dramatic public health benefit
30  derivatives 2 and enamines 1, affording the appealing and highly substituted 1,4-dihydropyridines 4
31 structed by hierarchical clustering visually appealing and in tune with their evolutionary perspectiv
32              Stimuli-triggered release is an appealing and promising approach for protein delivery an
33                      Therefore, pEFS24 is an appealing and relevant milestone for patient counseling
34 ists are repeated because their messages are appealing and their users are credible.
35 find these estimation approaches intuitively appealing and will gain a deeper understanding of Bayesi
36  and results in an individual, aesthetically appealing, and good functional outcome in addition to hi
37 ept that the Hsp70-Bag3 complex may offer an appealing anticancer target.
38  be used to tune gel properties through some appealing application-based selected examples.
39  Intratumoral drug delivery is an inherently appealing approach for concentrating toxic chemotherapie
40  progressive pathological processes offer an appealing approach for treatment of MMC.
41 mbrane integrated in a flow cell makes it an appealing approach not only for electroanalysis, but als
42 de dismutase (SOD) during hyperthermia is an appealing approach to induce death of residual cancer ce
43          While intranasal immunization is an appealing approach, PIV5 may have the potential to be ut
44 tivating RNAs (saRNAs) offer an alternative, appealing approach.
45             Masked alcohols are particularly appealing as directing groups because of the ubiquity of
46 oteomics data, most of them are not end-user appealing as they often require very stringent installat
47                             One particularly appealing aspect of these theories is their generality:
48 formation use distinct frequency bands is an appealing assumption for which evidence remains scarce.
49                                           An appealing attribute of this Bi-2212 conductor is that, b
50 ntrol of transcription factor activity is an appealing avenue for elucidating the cell biology mediat
51                                  However, an appealing avenue of research lies in the development of
52         Organic spintronic devices have been appealing because of the long spin lifetime of the charg
53 PAMs to help treat diabetes is theoretically appealing because of their safety and potential to enhan
54                     Compartmental models are appealing because of their simplicity, but their paramet
55        Polymeric frameworks are particularly appealing because the chemical composition and the surfa
56 ximity effect in semiconductor nanowires are appealing because the key ingredients are currently in h
57 vaccine antigens and as vaccine adjuvants is appealing because their size allows efficient uptake by
58 issue of the Journal, systems approaches are appealing because they allow explicit recognition of fee
59   2015;181(2):92-99), systems approaches are appealing because they allow explicit recognition of fee
60 tic methods that assist such engineering are appealing because they can guide the sequence design and
61 le quantum processing, the use of photons is appealing because they can mediate long-range quantum in
62 ly interlocked supramolecular assemblies are appealing building blocks for creating functional nanode
63 lar architectures are not only aesthetically appealing but also of practical importance for energy an
64 ns in yeast colonies, which is qualitatively appealing but quantitatively challenging.
65 S) and galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), is an appealing but underinvestigated microbiota manipulation.
66 u(2,2'-bipyridine)3](2+) are photophysically appealing, but difficult to obtain in a stereochemically
67  inhibitors to target TAM is therapeutically appealing, but has had very limited anti-tumor effects.
68 the slow afterhyperpolarization (sAHP) is an appealing candidate because its reduction by beta1 signa
69 oprotective properties that could make it an appealing candidate drug for patients with secondary pro
70 ungicidal properties can be considered as an appealing candidate for bone tissue engineering.
71 sociated viral antigens in NPC renders it an appealing candidate for cellular immunotherapy.
72 above that of Ctn, portrays Ctn[15-34] as an appealing candidate for further development as an anti-i
73 ly in pancreatic cancer cells where it is an appealing candidate for targeted therapy.
74 e, but its monogenic inheritance makes it an appealing candidate for the development of therapies tar
75  secreted by many cells, including MSCs--are appealing candidates as vectors of their efficacy.
76 xides, LiNi1-x (MnCo)x O2 (1-x >/= 0.5), are appealing candidates for cathodes in next-generation lit
77 heir long lifetimes, these dark excitons are appealing candidates for quantum computing and optoelect
78 tivatory:inhibitory (A:I) ratios on TAM, are appealing candidates to reprogram TAM and curb tumor-med
79 has experienced a tremendous development and appealing catalytic protocols have emerged.
80     These findings establish that clinically appealing cell types derived from donors with disparate
81 r function or specificity is a difficult yet appealing challenge.
82  range, and safety record make them a highly appealing choice.
83                  Hydrogels are an especially appealing class of biomaterials for gene delivery vehicl
84 rganic frameworks (MOFs) are one of the most appealing classes of MOFs reported to date.
85         Such quantum dots are emerging as an appealing complement to epitaxial semiconductor laser ma
86                   Vaccinating boys may be an appealing complementary strategy for the prevention of H
87 ndary structures (i.e., foldamers) represent appealing components for the fabrication of bioinspired
88 echanism and, as such, represent potentially appealing compounds to be evaluated in well-designed tra
89                 "Sentiment" is a potentially appealing concept for social and personality psychologis
90                                          One appealing concept in this fertile field is related to th
91 racorporeal liver support is suggested as an appealing concept to "bridge to transplant" or to avoid
92                   Although this resembles an appealing concept, we have not had any experimental evid
93                                           An appealing definition of the term "molecule" arises from
94              Small-world networks provide an appealing description of cortical architecture owing to
95                     Allosteric enhancers are appealing drug candidates because their activity require
96                              Macrocycles are appealing drug candidates due to their high affinity, sp
97            The gamma-secretase complex is an appealing drug target when the therapeutic strategy is t
98              Neuronal membranes may offer an appealing drug target, given the large number of compoun
99 ctively required for viral uptake would make appealing drug targets, as their inhibition would block
100 est that endocannabinoid signaling can be an appealing druggable target to dampen neuronal activity i
101                              While extremely appealing due to their low-temperature and high-throughp
102        Although electrical stimuli are often appealing due to their speed and localization, the opera
103 are still less widely explored, even if very appealing effects have been already observed.
104                           This is due to its appealing electronic band structure, high physicochemica
105  Ranking of interventions is one of the most appealing elements of network meta-analysis.
106       Although this notion is teleologically appealing, emerging data are more consistent with a mode
107                      The CCI may serve as an appealing endpoint for future RCTs and may reduce the sa
108          Thus, mucosal vaccination is highly appealing, especially for the pediatric population.
109                                     The most appealing example is the molecular switch.
110                                 Particularly appealing exceptions include molecules in which two moie
111 ble mechanism through which expansiveness is appealing: Expansiveness makes the dating candidate appe
112                 The combination of its three appealing features makes the assay attractive for potent
113                     Simplicity is one of the appealing features of our approach.
114                               Among the many appealing features of plasma-synthesized and -treated po
115 el-based 3D architectures that resembles the appealing features of the bottom-up process in morphogen
116 unities are ubiquitous in nature and exhibit appealing features, such as sophisticated metabolic capa
117 op a sensitive assay for proteins with three appealing features: homogeneous analysis without the nee
118 eries of intuitive, interactive and visually appealing figures.
119 getics of SAWN and its planar nature make it appealing for analytically challenging lipid samples.
120  spinel lithium titanate (Li4/3Ti5/3O4), are appealing for application in batteries due to their negl
121                       Y-family pols would be appealing for copying difficult DNA and incorporating no
122 agnetotransport characteristics of GdPd3 are appealing for field-sensitive device applications, espec
123  increases with cohort size, making BOLT-LMM appealing for genome-wide association studies in large c
124                   This makes RF particularly appealing for high-dimensional genomic data analysis.
125 t-observer duality, making BMIs particularly appealing for investigating how information is encoded a
126 s well as its intrinsic stability, SsoPox is appealing for many applications, having potential uses i
127 sulting in a highly tunable ferroelectricity appealing for multistate logic.
128 ight exciton emission of carbon nanotubes is appealing for optoelectronic devices and fundamental stu
129 ies make graphene and topological insulators appealing for plasmonics applications.
130 ve absorption in ferromagnetic substrates is appealing for potential spintronics applications.
131 n the order of few seconds making the system appealing for practical applications.
132 s) based drug carrier appears to be the most appealing for protein drugs due to their unmatched bioco
133                These traits are particularly appealing for studying cell biology under a cellular aut
134 d genome sequencing (MiGS) and MeDIP-seq are appealing for studying DNA methylation genome-wide in or
135            Motion-induced blindness (MIB) is appealing for such purposes because it, like a class of
136 essibility are expensive and time consuming, appealing for the development of computational approache
137 ihydronaphthalenes makes this transformation appealing for the synthesis of medicinal and material ta
138  Pd within a catalytic cycle is particularly appealing for the synthesis of novel functionalized comp
139       In fact, social media are particularly appealing for their ability to engage traditionally "har
140                      While this attribute is appealing for therapeutic exploitation, drugs that incre
141 le-exciton emission make these hybrid lasers appealing for various applications, including quantum in
142  the fundamental unit of visual search is an appealing gear change in a paradigm that has long domina
143 mbedding such training in video game play is appealing, given the astounding amount of time spent by
144 llular immunotherapy strategy, an especially appealing goal for patients with Lynch syndrome.
145                  Antifungal immunotherapy is appealing; however, before routine clinical use is recom
146                          Although this is an appealing hypothesis, we suggest the conclusion is unfou
147                     Although this remains an appealing idea, it is being challenged by modern cross-s
148 interfere with Lgr5(+) CBCs, resurrecting an appealing idea.
149 e significantly lower than in the bulk, with appealing implications for field-controlled spintronic a
150  measurements in vivo, which is particularly appealing in challenging Raman endoscopic applications.
151                             This strategy is appealing in opening a new approach for synthesizing sur
152                           These theories are appealing in part because of the prominent periodicities
153                The lithium-sulphur system is appealing in this regard, as sulphur exhibits an order o
154         While Bentley et al.'s model is very appealing, in this commentary we argue that researchers
155                        These results provide appealing insights into cost-effective, portable, and sc
156                                           An appealing interpretation is that the empirically observe
157 l clustering ability of the model allows for appealing interpretations of the results in terms of pro
158 letal muscle carnitine content represents an appealing intervention in conditions of perturbed lipid
159  What makes this origami-based approach more appealing is the realization of two-bit mechanical memor
160        This scenario, although it looks very appealing, is still far from being well established.
161   Although the hypothesis is physiologically appealing, it could be seen as clinically counterintuiti
162  that IFITM3 in particular might be a novel, appealing, knowledge-based drug target for treatment of
163                       This compound, with an appealing ligand efficiency (LE) of 0.47, included addit
164 al with hypertension, and other biologically appealing links for medical histories spanning narcoleps
165 nded polyradicals with a concomitant loss of appealing macroscopic properties such as expected magnet
166  with controllable phase and composition are appealing materials for use in lithium-ion batteries wit
167 ntrolled drug delivery systems constitute an appealing means to direct and confine drug release spati
168            Furthermore, mechanistically more appealing measures do not always increase predictive pow
169 ther this broadly held view and conceptually appealing mechanism for membrane sculpting is really ove
170 ly detect antibiotic pretreatment make it an appealing method for epidemiologic studies such as PERCH
171 duction of antigen via the gut represents an appealing method for induction of antigen-specific toler
172 ficacy in animal models and, hence, it is an appealing methodology for the discovery of potential AED
173 lent cross-linking and mass spectrometry are appealing methods for this endeavor because, potentially
174 s has provided investigators with clinically appealing methods to improve the potency of tumor-specif
175 st zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a particularly appealing model.
176 ut is of great fundamental significance with appealing morphology-dependent applications.
177       The potential-outcomes framework is an appealing new approach that imposes a degree of formal c
178                  DNA nano-structures present appealing new means for monitoring different molecules.
179        Continuous cell electroporation is an appealing non-viral approach for genetically transfectin
180 r might be protective against glaucoma is an appealing notion.
181 selectivity, demonstrating this method as an appealing one for the synthesis of calixarene-based neog
182 such as G-quadruplexes, is now considered an appealing opportunity for drug intervention in anticance
183 ll molecule lead compounds, thus offering an appealing opportunity to reduce the attrition problem in
184                                Polymers have appealing optical, biochemical, and mechanical qualities
185 t selection TAVR is becoming an increasingly appealing option for a much broader range of patients.
186                                           An appealing option is that hydrogen-deficient WRSs are the
187                                          The appealing optoelectronic properties of their complexes w
188                        Mice are particularly appealing organisms for studies of mammalian aging; howe
189  novel strategies to deliver safe foods with appealing organoleptic attributes.
190                  Peroxydisulfate (PDS) is an appealing oxidant for contaminated groundwater and toxic
191 ionizing radiation from MR imaging is highly appealing, particularly when pediatric, young adult, or
192  therapy, but small-molecule inhibitors with appealing pharmacologic properties have been elusive.
193 opological surface states, but also exhibits appealing physical properties such as extremely large ma
194               Glyconanomaterials are thus an appealing platform for biosensing applications.
195            Hence, QD-molecule conjugates are appealing platforms for developing luminescent sensors a
196 sponsive nature of molecular gels makes them appealing platforms for sensing.
197        Such an intervention may represent an appealing policy option as part of a broader government
198 ces in the biology of Wnt inhibitors and the appealing possibility of a functional link between BCL9
199                             Metabolomics has appealing potential as an application to study pathways
200 l in a gas biofilter and therefore shows the appealing potential of the OLAND process to treat ammoni
201                    Truncated nucleosides, an appealing preclinical approach, have more druglike physi
202 milies that (a) developmentally appropriate, appealing prevention messages be developed and delivered
203  poly(pyridinium-phenylene) polymers display appealing properties such as high electron affinity, cha
204  This conducting interface shows a number of appealing properties, including a high electron mobility
205 quantum dot optoelectronic devices offers an appealing prospect of a size-tunable band gap.
206 because they find such behavior particularly appealing, rather than because they seek risk per se.
207 s in quantitative profiling technologies and appealing results from their applications for understand
208 2'-deoxy-2'-fluorouridine, a therapeutically appealing RNA modification.
209 n the pharmaceutical industry to be the most appealing route of administration.
210 sents technical challenges but also suggests appealing schemes for molecular sensing and information
211                         Very interesting and appealing seems to be the combination of several stimuli
212 c and cell-based assays while preserving the appealing selectivity profile exhibited by the parent co
213  bio-analytes makes this method a facile and appealing sensing modality in hand-held devices to be us
214 physicochemical characteristics and the most appealing sensorial ones.
215                                     The most appealing series contain imidazole, 1,2,4-triazole, or b
216 sition of this technique to the gas phase is appealing since it opens the perspective of combining th
217 erromagnetic semiconductor has emerged as an appealing solution to significantly reduce the power dis
218 e analytics and social sciences, provides an appealing solution.
219 myeloma is well established; and although an appealing speculation, its role in fostering the evoluti
220 a versatile and efficient approach to highly appealing spirocyclic skeletons and occurs with high sel
221 or various inorganic nanoparticles is a very appealing strategy for controlling the inorganic subunit
222      Screening for femoral plaques may be an appealing strategy for improving cardiovascular risk sca
223 mpound to one or multiple fluorophores is an appealing strategy for the design of chemosensors.
224  Prostate cancer (PCa) prevention remains an appealing strategy for the reduction of overtreatment an
225 n tyrosine kinases, making JAK inhibition an appealing strategy for the treatment of psoriasis.
226  CD4(+) T-helper type 1 (Th1) immunity is an appealing strategy to combat these infections.
227 s by CAR(+) T cells and provide a clinically appealing strategy to enhance immunity for opportunistic
228 ctor phases of antitumor immunity make it an appealing strategy to generate immunity against a patien
229 itiation factor 4F (eIF4F) complex offers an appealing strategy to potentiate the effectiveness of ex
230 ls with imputation in F(2) populations is an appealing strategy to re-genotype existing populations a
231 d provide evidence that targeting RNF8 is an appealing strategy to tackle tumor aggressiveness and tr
232                                           An appealing strategy to use the effective Ag processing an
233                      Although intuitively an appealing strategy, measurement of community viral load
234  making pharmacologic inhibition of RIPK2 an appealing strategy.
235 ed and discussed, with emphasis on those new appealing structures, properties and functions.
236 e then leveraged TBR1 binding to identify an appealing subset of candidate ASD genes.
237 hyde- and ketone-functionalized proteins are appealing substrates for the development of chemically m
238 total stereoselectivity and opens the way to appealing synthetic applications.
239 ral immune reconstitution is a promising and appealing system for identifying patients at higher risk
240 ge can be startlingly rapid, making weeds an appealing system to study evolutionary processes that oc
241 with P. falciparum SMA in humans makes it an appealing system with which to study the pathogenesis of
242 e compact neural circuits of insects provide appealing systems to investigate how mechanical cues gui
243 ulk component of liquid petroleum gas, is an appealing target as it already has a global market.
244 -surface glycoprotein MUC1 is a particularly appealing target for antibody targeting, being selective
245          In recent years, PAR1 has become an appealing target for anticoagulant therapies.
246 es and unique chemical properties, H2S is an appealing target for chemical biology approaches to eluc
247       Brown adipose tissue is a particularly appealing target for increasing energy expenditure, give
248 characteristics make glutamine metabolism an appealing target for new clinical strategies to detect,
249 s a conserved enzymatic site and presents an appealing target for priming broadly effective antibody
250 hoinositide 3-kinase delta (PI3Kdelta) is an appealing target for several hematological malignancies
251 ial for the coronaviral life cycle and is an appealing target for the development of therapeutics.
252 annel in pain signaling pathways makes it an appealing target for the potential development of new pa
253  are still scarce, sleep loss seems to be an appealing target for the prevention, and probably treatm
254 uction in adult humans, and so constitute an appealing target for the treatment of metabolic disorder
255 size to distant sites, establishing it as an appealing target for therapeutic intervention.
256 on and that the nascent tssRNA represents an appealing target for these interactions.
257 s A and B (EDA and EDB) of fibronectin offer appealing targets for ADC development, because the antig
258 rmacological interventions, which makes them appealing targets for cancer therapy when genetic approa
259  in aggressive breast cancer subtypes, offer appealing targets for development of new diagnostics and
260 utations in TP53 (p53), making these mutants appealing targets for lung cancer therapy.
261 ensable for odorant recognition and thus are appealing targets for structure-based discovery and desi
262 nases in multiple tumors makes these kinases appealing targets for the development of anticancer ther
263 laming, condemning, and punishing over other appealing tasks in an intentional-harm condition, compar
264                   Although it is intuitively appealing that meaningful experiences should feel good,
265 hnological approach seems to be biologically appealing, the impact of durable polymers and metallic s
266  targeted therapy has increasingly become an appealing therapeutic paradigm for cancer treatment due
267 rization for the treatment of ischemia is an appealing therapeutic strategy for patients for whom tra
268 iciency and increases lipid oxidation, is an appealing therapeutic strategy.
269 f protein-protein interactions represents an appealing therapeutic strategy.
270 nd progression of many cancers, making it an appealing therapeutic target for development.
271 , interleukin-2-inducible kinase (ITK) is an appealing therapeutic target that can contribute to the
272  phenotypes, rationalizing this enzyme as an appealing therapeutic target to treat advanced disease.
273  adaptive mode of tissue regeneration and an appealing therapeutic target.
274 e phenotype and poor prognosis, making it an appealing therapeutic target.
275         In principle, PRL phosphatases offer appealing therapeutic targets, but they remain underexpl
276 isting neuronal and behavioral data, without appealing to ambiguous notions such as an explicit value
277                                      Without appealing to any extra information, we develop a new met
278 ems; wearable location-tracking devices) are appealing to care homes as they may enhance safety, incr
279 , are used in the food industry to make food appealing to consumers and to add variety.
280 at this novel strategy would be economically appealing to counteract FMD.
281 ity of the newly developed methods is highly appealing to crime investigators, courts are concerned a
282                                 It is highly appealing to develop sensitive and accurate methods to d
283                           It is conceptually appealing to directly model the predicted mechanistic li
284 d earth abundance and technological presence appealing to diverse energy storage frameworks.
285 linguistic structure can be accounted for by appealing to equilibria that result from these two press
286                      CAM therapies are often appealing to families and studies show that a large perc
287 ng people in proself and prosocial types, or appealing to forms of external control or, in iterated s
288          In case-control studies, it is thus appealing to sequence only a subset of cases to discover
289                                              Appealing to similar calls for accountability assessment
290         While his proposal was intuitive and appealing to some, others questioned its viability and u
291 rk provide answers to questions like this by appealing to the notion that brains distil causal regula
292  need to explain the onset of agriculture by appealing to the second type of multilevel selection (ML
293                 This quality is particularly appealing to tree breeders, where lengthy improvement cy
294 -cigarette brands and flavors we deemed were appealing to youth.
295 lative stability and manageability make them appealing tools in organic synthesis.
296               The chemistry of allenes is an appealing topic which fascinates chemists nowadays.
297 ly indicating our SHP-OP SERS platform as an appealing universal ultratrace toxin sensor.
298           Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5) is an appealing vector for vaccine development, and we have pr
299 for specific targets, which are particularly appealing when a gain in enzyme selectivity is achieved
300 ials; these transformations are particularly appealing when multiple rings are forged during this pro

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