


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  a particular type of procedure (aversive or appetitive).
2 To address this question, we trained rats on appetitive and aversive conditioning in different contex
3 ts indicate that after a mix experience with appetitive and aversive consequences, parallel memories
4 ay be necessary for memory retention in both appetitive and aversive domains.
5 ical for amygdala-dependent learning of both appetitive and aversive emotional memories.
6 opamine is thought to regulate learning from appetitive and aversive events.
7 nto distinct, but anatomically intermingled, appetitive and aversive functional circuits, which are d
8                               This effect on appetitive and aversive goal-directed behaviour is likel
9 allel memories are established in a way that appetitive and aversive information is stored to be retr
10  For instance, the NAcc not only responds to appetitive and aversive information, but it also signals
11 arn about and integrate different sources of appetitive and aversive information.
12 rabs, taking advantage of two well-described appetitive and aversive learning paradigms and combining
13 ation of this US ensemble can also reinforce appetitive and aversive learning when paired with differ
14 provide the key instructive signals for both appetitive and aversive learning.
15      Here we present evidence that olfactory appetitive and aversive memories in Drosophila evolve us
16           We found that crabs build separate appetitive and aversive memories that compete during ret
17 s, M4/6 output is required for expression of appetitive and aversive memory performance.
18 d motivation or appetite, but is involved in appetitive and aversive motivational processes including
19                                    Moreover, appetitive and aversive olfactory conditioning bidirecti
20 e patterns coding for the predicted value of appetitive and aversive outcomes are similar, indicating
21 strumental outcome-prediction task involving appetitive and aversive outcomes.
22 le mice associated different odour cues with appetitive and aversive outcomes.
23 ntensity-dependent, reciprocal regulation of appetitive and aversive peripheral gustatory sensitivity
24                     Amisulpride reduced both appetitive and aversive PEs, while memantine diminished
25 the phasic DA increases and decreases during appetitive and aversive PEs.
26 porting the simultaneous involvement of both appetitive and aversive processing in economic decision
27 tions, and the latter providing stimuli, and appetitive and aversive reinforcement.
28 s often depend upon the relative strength of appetitive and aversive sensory stimuli, the relative se
29  evidence that oxytocin plays a role in both appetitive and aversive social learning.
30 l have been implicated in promoting opposing appetitive and aversive states, respectively.
31 s in the cortex, expose the innate nature of appetitive and aversive taste responses, and illustrate
32   Our work reveals independent processing of appetitive and aversive tastes, suggesting that flies an
33 form a sensory discrimination task involving appetitive and aversive visual cues.
34 s in the behavioral adaptations seen in both appetitive and aversive-cue-mediated responding, but the
35 ioned stimuli influencing ethanol-associated appetitive and consummatory behaviors may jointly contri
36 ns before food availability promotes intense appetitive and consummatory behaviors that persist for t
37 H) is a neuroanatomical region essential for appetitive and consummatory behaviors, but whether indiv
38 rgic (Vgat-expressing) neurons enhances both appetitive and consummatory behaviors, whereas genetic a
39 ssion or mating, proceed through a series of appetitive and consummatory phases that are associated w
40 vity in TH-immunoreactive (TH-ir) neurons to appetitive and consummatory sexual and aggressive behavi
41 ed TH-Fos colocalization in association with appetitive and consummatory sexual behavior expression,
42 vidence for catecholaminergic involvement in appetitive and consummatory sexual behaviors and consumm
43 lar mechanisms underlying reconsolidation of appetitive and drug-rewarded memories, and discuss how t
44 neurons in the LH have been shown to mediate appetitive and feeding-related behaviors.
45 nately aversive, whereas sweet and umami are appetitive and generally attractive to animals.
46 ic and cognitive information to control both appetitive and ingestive behavior.
47 ptin receptor (LepRb) signaling also reduces appetitive and motivational aspects of feeding, and that
48 ons from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) in appetitive and rewarding behavior has been widely studie
49 erest for their roles in motor coordination, appetitive, and aversive behavior, as well as neuropsych
50 ecifically on neuronal ensembles that encode appetitive associations.
51 wo extreme phases differ in aversive but not appetitive associative learning, with solitarious locust
52                                         This appetitive-aversive balance helps to maintain appropriat
53 c strength are hypothesized to contribute to appetitive behavior and addiction.
54 ral hypothalamus (LHA) integrates reward and appetitive behavior and is composed of many overlapping
55                            The NAcc mediates appetitive behavior and is critically modulated by dopam
56 ion, but dissociates from stable conditioned appetitive behavior as this signal returns to preconditi
57 sed behavior and reveals mechanisms by which appetitive behavior can go awry.
58 cells may underlie its inhibitory effects on appetitive behavior for rewarding stimuli.
59 h natural reward, are less responsive during appetitive behavior in familiar conditions, and are inse
60 supports a multitude of functions related to appetitive behavior in humans and animals, and it has be
61  regulation of competing limbic control over appetitive behavior in mice, we hereby examined the effe
62 Performance levels and lipping intensity (an appetitive behavior) both showed that the monkeys' motiv
63 g trait anxiety, contextual fear memory, and appetitive behavior, and is known to be sensitive to str
64 may be a reinforcer that elicits conditioned appetitive behavior, but its reinforcing properties stro
65 ion can be quite variable between studies of appetitive behavior, even within the same species.
66 es associated with hedonic taste evaluation, appetitive behavior, oromotor coordination, and inhibito
67  Although compelling within the framework of appetitive behavior, the view that illicit drugs hijack
68  cortex (IL) in the environmental control of appetitive behavior.
69 s capable of supporting distinct theories of appetitive behavior.
70 volved in stimulant-related learning driving appetitive behavior.
71 ry effects cannot be explained by changes in appetitive behavior.
72 via MOR, within the CeA promote this form of appetitive behavior.
73                               Interestingly, appetitive behavioral responses of wild type flies to he
74                         Importantly, loss of appetitive behavioral responses to fatty acids in IR25a
75                   Both classical and operant appetitive behavioral training enhance feeding, and neur
76 ood restriction conditions, the lack of any "appetitive" behavioral differences, even in pup experien
77 ts in the amygdala that promote and suppress appetitive behaviors analogous to the direct and indirec
78 inct populations of CeA neurons that mediate appetitive behaviors and dissect the BLA-to-CeA circuit
79  the causal role for CeA circuits underlying appetitive behaviors is poorly understood.
80  on a range of conditioned and unconditioned appetitive behaviors known to depend on mesolimbic DA ac
81                                              Appetitive behaviors require complex decision making tha
82 rimary role for these neurons in controlling appetitive behaviors such as foraging that promote the d
83  variety of physiologic functions, including appetitive behaviors, cognitive functions and metabolism
84  dopamine (DA) is phasically released during appetitive behaviors, though there is substantive disagr
85          Silencing neuronal activity reduces appetitive behaviors, whereas inducible activation resul
86 ) CeA neurons define a pathway for promoting appetitive behaviors, while R-spondin 2(+) BLA pyramidal
87 een proposed to be selectively active during appetitive behaviors.
88 viors and dissect the BLA-to-CeA circuit for appetitive behaviors.
89 or a common neural mechanism associated with appetitive behaviors.
90  signaling and examined several aversive and appetitive behaviors.
91 mprise a network likely involved in approach/appetitive behaviors.
92 CeA neurons define a pathway for suppressing appetitive behaviors.
93 iting food-rewarded, but not money-rewarded, appetitive behaviour, suggesting that obesity is associa
94 is consistent with a global sensitization to appetitive behaviours with dopaminergic therapy in vulne
95 tivity among these structures contributes to appetitive behaviours, how projection-specific prefronta
96 utritious content of food, guiding essential appetitive behaviours, preventing the ingestion of toxic
97 mygdala is necessary for innate aversive and appetitive behaviours.
98 and aversive PEs, while memantine diminished appetitive, but not aversive PEs.
99 nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) is crucial for appetitive, but not for aversive, learning in mice.
100 MMP-9 activity in the CeA is crucial for the appetitive, but not for aversive, learning.
101 ecific reward, first exhibiting increases in appetitive calls (50 kHz), then exhibiting increases in
102 reviously shown to potentiate responding for appetitive conditioned reinforcers (CRfs), also regulate
103       Elevating cAMP to equivalent levels as appetitive conditioning also produced plasticity, sugges
104 e trace conditioning procedure, but impaired appetitive conditioning at a 2 s trace interval.
105                                    Olfactory appetitive conditioning enhanced MB odor responses, mimi
106                                        After appetitive conditioning to 1-hexanol, the representation
107 nt protein (GFP) in activated neurons, after appetitive conditioning with sucrose and extinction lear
108 and response-outcome conditioning (a form of appetitive conditioning).
109  Using either of two procedures, aversive or appetitive conditioning, animals were trained to detect
110  block of M4/6 neurons in naive flies mimics appetitive conditioning, being sufficient to convert odo
111 s for each set of MB neurons in aversive and appetitive conditioning.
112 mally associated with competing aversive and appetitive consequences and that interaction between con
113  during the presentation of smoking cues and appetitive control cues, as well as functional connectiv
114 ubcortical sites that can drive aversive and appetitive CRs.
115  neurons displayed increased activity during appetitive (CS-R) versus aversive (CS-S) conditioned sti
116 d CR or not, to show that cells activated by appetitive CSs mainly encode behavioural output, not CS
117 6162 on consummatory (binge-like eating) and appetitive (cue-controlled seeking) behavior motivated b
118 ch this value increases beyond that of other appetitive cues is unknown.
119 tex biased intense bivalent motivation in an appetitive direction by amplifying generation of eating
120 mental transfer in both the aversive and the appetitive domain using acute tryptophan depletion, know
121                    Our results show that the appetitive DPM neuron trace is distinguished from the av
122 dulates striatal dopamine (DA) and regulates appetitive drive and reinforcement learning.
123                                              Appetitive drive is influenced by coordinated interactio
124 ude functionally opposed PFC-->hypothalamus 'appetitive driver' and PFC-->striatum 'appetitive limite
125 tex powerfully and generally suppressed both appetitive eating and fearful behaviors generated by NAc
126 cations in shell, these disruptions generate appetitive eating, but at caudal locations the disruptio
127 ty to obesity was partially mediated by the "appetitive" eating behavior traits (uncontrolled and emo
128 rivation significantly decreases activity in appetitive evaluation regions within the human frontal c
129 acquire prediction signals in the absence of appetitive experience and update them when the value of
130 inly studied by focusing on pure aversive or appetitive experiences.
131 tic mechanisms beyond fear extinction (e.g., appetitive extinction, hippocampal-dependent learning).
132 ase) in the ventral striatum, relative to an appetitive flavor control.
133 vation on central brain mechanisms governing appetitive food desire remains unknown.
134 mNTS LepRb signaling reduces food intake and appetitive food-motivated responding independent of ener
135 thalamus (LH) GABAergic neurons induced both appetitive (food-seeking) and consummatory (eating) beha
136 ecisions about expending physical effort for appetitive foods.
137 n why high intensity sensory experiences are appetitive for some individuals, but not for others, and
138  errors, prevented the destabilization of an appetitive goal-tracking memory in rats.
139 he CA3-CA1 synapse during the performance of appetitive (going to the lever, lever press) and consumm
140 eakfast led to beneficial alterations in the appetitive, hormonal, and neural signals that control fo
141 nificant short-term changes were observed in appetitive hormones after LAGB.
142 ergy expenditure, macronutrient utilization, appetitive hormones, sleep, and circadian phase during d
143 pulating environmental ambience, from mostly appetitive in a comfortable home environment to mostly f
144 requirements for Esr1(+) neurons in both the appetitive (investigative) and the consummatory phases o
145 ded solitarious (transiens) locusts, whereas appetitive learning and prior learned associations were
146 sensory information to determine feeding and appetitive learning behaviors.
147  familiar conditions, and are insensitive to appetitive learning differences expressed in rats reared
148 ion may be caused in part by a disruption of appetitive learning in the corticostriatothalamic circui
149  learning in PWS-IC mice performing a simple appetitive learning task.
150  what extent this interaction is involved in appetitive learning.
151 ve learning and positive emotions motivating appetitive learning.
152 uits is oppositely regulated by aversive and appetitive learning.
153 rning, and pairing odor with food results in appetitive learning.
154 is acutely required during aversive, but not appetitive, learning.
155                                              Appetitive (level changes, genital investigation) and co
156 amus 'appetitive driver' and PFC-->striatum 'appetitive limiter' projections.
157 d behaviourally to disrupt both aversive and appetitive memories.
158  of both punishing (aversive) and rewarding (appetitive) memories.
159                              Here we used an appetitive memory assay in Drosophila [9-11] to investig
160 ard inhibition is required for expression of appetitive memory at all times.
161 mposing MVP2 activity promotes inappropriate appetitive memory expression in food-satiated flies.
162 ovide the inhibitory control of satiety over appetitive memory expression.
163                        Labile and persistent appetitive memory in Drosophila requires output after tr
164 function in Drosophila, that only short-term appetitive memory is reinforced by octopamine.
165 ially activating these neurons also promotes appetitive memory performance in sated flies, indicating
166 te or reduce an aversive memory, or write an appetitive memory, depending on when it is activated rel
167  activation can substitute for sugar to form appetitive memory, even in flies lacking octopamine.
168 requirement during retrieval of aversive and appetitive memory, whereas blocking alphabetac only impa
169  evidence that the intrinsic excitability of appetitive memory-encoding ensembles is regulated differ
170  receptors outside the MB causes deficits in appetitive memory.
171 y, whereas blocking alphabetac only impaired appetitive memory.
172 nt value both contribute to reinforcement of appetitive memory.
173 a passive (Pavlovian) conditioning task with appetitive (monetary gain) and aversive (monetary loss a
174 in volunteers as they performed a concurrent appetitive (money) and aversive (effort) learning task.
175  accumbens (NAc) is imperative for mediating appetitive motivated behaviors, its role in aversive beh
176 intra-vmPFC muOR signaling jointly modulates appetitive motivation and generalized motoric activation
177 pheral-central integration in the control of appetitive motivation and opioid reward.
178 e did not gain more weight or show increased appetitive motivation compared with wild-type mice in a
179           In major depressive disorder (MDD) appetitive motivation is impaired, evident in a reduced
180 2R generates a reward deficiency and altered appetitive motivation that induces compulsive eating and
181                        Aversive learning and appetitive motivation therefore toggle alternate modes o
182 ine and assessed both energy expenditure and appetitive motivation under conditions of diet-induced o
183 ioral inhibition) and approach (a measure of appetitive motivation) at 7 y.
184 ontostriatal neurocircuitry in orchestrating appetitive motivation, we hypothesized that inhibitory t
185 risk-taking were not secondary to changes in appetitive motivation.
186 nsight for the neurobiology and evolution of appetitive motivation.
187  similar intraoperative effects of increased appetitive motivation.
188 teraction with dopamine neurons that control appetitive motivation.
189                      Thus, the satiating and appetitive nature of PVH(MC4R)-->LPBN neurons supports t
190 udies have improved our understanding of the appetitive network by focusing on the paraventricular hy
191 uggest that altered function of higher-order appetitive neural circuitry may contribute to restricted
192 nial magnetic stimulation (TMS) would reduce appetitive neuromodulation in a manner similar to MDD.
193 arisons revealed a TBS-induced inhibition of appetitive neuromodulation, manifest in a diminished sta
194  involved in excitatory conditioning with an appetitive nicotine CS.
195                           In contrast, novel appetitive odor learning is sensitive to inactivation of
196 ure; it fails to rescue brain morphology and appetitive odor learning.
197 int aversive odors in the presence of strong appetitive odors.
198 mutants showed severely impaired learning in appetitive olfactory conditioning that tests flies' capa
199 lecule mediating the octopamine's signal for appetitive olfactory learning and its functional site is
200 tificial activation of dNPF neurons inhibits appetitive olfactory learning by modulating the sugar re
201                                      A novel appetitive olfactory learning test was used to assess le
202  allowed us to determine their necessity for appetitive olfactory learning.
203 neurons mediates the octopamine's signal for appetitive olfactory learning.
204 gar components to form parallel aversive and appetitive olfactory memories, with distinct kinetics, t
205 tectable for the retrieval of an established appetitive olfactory memory.
206 F (sNPF) is required in the Kenyon cells for appetitive olfactory memory.
207 override their prior aversive memory with an appetitive one.
208  paired with reward or shock, elicits either appetitive or aversive behavior.
209 d valence is typically determined by whether appetitive or aversive interneuron populations are activ
210 nate behavioral responses that can be either appetitive or aversive, depending on an animal's age, pr
211 that preferentially encode aspects of either appetitive or consummatory behaviors, but rarely both.
212 ritious and harmful foods, triggering either appetitive or rejective behaviors.
213 ific conditioned inhibitors for two distinct appetitive outcomes.
214 that stimuli predict the absence of specific appetitive outcomes; however, the neural substrates unde
215 omedial prefrontal neurons in mice during an appetitive Pavlovian conditioning task.
216 ribution of NMDARs in the dopamine system to appetitive Pavlovian conditioning.
217 e leaving unaltered the activating effect of appetitive Pavlovian cues.
218                    Next, all rats learned an appetitive Pavlovian discrimination and voltammetric rec
219       Brain histamine is released during the appetitive phase to provide a high level of arousal in a
220 s in preventing pain were consistent with an appetitive prediction error in both groups.
221 ting pain, modulation was consistent with an appetitive prediction error.
222 ine has a well established role in reporting appetitive prediction errors that are widely considered
223 increases ventral striatum aversive (but not appetitive) prediction error signal.
224 oning and interval timing was examined in an appetitive preparation in which presentations of one con
225 vanced age, the extent to which aging alters appetitive processes coordinated by the OFC and the amyg
226  hypoactivation of brain regions involved in appetitive processing, with subjective intensities of cr
227  the amygdala as a key region modulating the appetitive properties of nicotine, and suggest that kapp
228        This methodology is low stress (using appetitive rather than aversive reinforcement), has high
229 gesia.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT In aversive and appetitive reinforcement learning, learned effects show
230 ange after association of an input odor with appetitive reinforcement.
231 ssion determination of both consummatory and appetitive responding for reinforcers.
232 t underwent reward conditioning exhibited an appetitive response in an optogenetic place preference t
233 crucial to turn a defensive response into an appetitive response.
234 ignaling negatively modulates mu-OR-mediated appetitive responses at the level of the AcbSh.
235 ght on the circuitry underlying disorganized appetitive responses in psychopathology; e.g., binge eat
236 muli associated with pain termination elicit appetitive responses like startle attenuation.
237  of these pathways necessary for appropriate appetitive responses to energy state has yielded insight
238 uctose versus glucose on brain, hormone, and appetitive responses to food cues and food-approach beha
239      Many of the brain regions implicated in appetitive responses to food have also been implicated i
240            We have shown previously that the appetitive responses to NaCl are mediated by taste recep
241  area (VTA) dopamine neurons are crucial for appetitive responses to Pavlovian cues, including cue-in
242 ective cue values, as expressed in Pavlovian appetitive responses.
243 n to gastrointestinal hormone, glycemic, and appetitive responses.
244 rturbation engenders disorganized, impulsive appetitive responses.
245 l-weight and obese participants performed an appetitive reversal learning task in which they had to l
246 l vmPFC were persistently more active in the appetitive "reward" block, whereas neurons in dorsal vmP
247 of the ventral striatum (VS) and amygdala to appetitive RL, we tested rhesus macaques with VS or amyg
248                These findings reveal a novel appetitive role for LepRb signaling in the mNTS, a brain
249 butes to specific evolutionary variations in appetitive selectivity across Drosophila species.
250 n outcome-specific conditioned inhibition in appetitive settings.
251 tivate copulation and increase song rate, an appetitive sexual behavior in songbirds, but T action in
252                                           In appetitive situations, rats produce 50 kHz USVs, whereas
253 of the hippocampus and VTA as rats performed appetitive spatial tasks and subsequently slept.
254 of the feeding motor network both manifested appetitive state and controlled expression of orienting
255           Thus, the feeding network embodied appetitive state and toggled approach/avoidance decision
256 pulsive action in a high-arousal, high-drive appetitive state, and that PFC-based opioid systems enac
257                  Such decisions are based on appetitive state, which is the integration of sensation,
258 e orexin homeostatically control arousal and appetitive states, while neurons in the suprachiasmatic
259                                              Appetitive stimuli (sweet: glucose, sucralose; umami: mo
260 alue correlates perfectly with salience when appetitive stimuli are investigated in isolation.
261 a neurons, MORs also moderate motivation for appetitive stimuli within forebrain circuits that drive
262 imals must be able to recognize aversive and appetitive stimuli within the environment and subsequent
263  (vmPFC) plays a critical role in processing appetitive stimuli.
264 e attractive male cues compared to nonsocial appetitive stimuli.
265 tration fundamentally transforms an innately appetitive stimulus into a powerfully aversive one.
266 edonic "liking" responses to the taste of an appetitive sucrose solution.
267 ceptive stimulus effects of nicotine and the appetitive sucrose US (i.e., stimulus-stimulus) rather t
268 ferentially to auditory cues associated with appetitive sucrose versus aversive quinine, indicating t
269 tions extinguished during learning of a cued appetitive task and that behavioral disinhibition follow
270  animals after chronic stress, using FMI, an appetitive task, and RAWM, a nonappetitive task.
271           Enhanced learning was specific for appetitive tasks, as aversive learning was unaffected in
272 proaches that examine learning mechanisms in appetitive tasks.
273 eurons modulate the threshold of response to appetitive tastants.
274 IC or NBM during learning or retrieval of an appetitive taste memory on taste preference in male Spra
275 ral studies have established that Drosophila appetitive taste responses towards fatty acids are media
276  significantly attenuated fMRI activation by appetitive tastes in the midbrain and amygdala.
277 -CA1 synapse presented larger amplitudes for appetitive than for consummatory behaviors.
278 e progression of a social encounter from its appetitive through its consummatory phases, in a scalabl
279 nied by a switch in the reaction to CRF from appetitive to aversive, indicating a diametric change in
280 IL) versus prelimbic regions of rat mPFC, in appetitive trace and locomotor activity (LMA) procedures
281  in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) impaired appetitive trace conditioning at a 2 s trace interval.
282                                 Aversive and appetitive trace conditioning procedures were used to ex
283 hus, although the involvement of the DHPC in appetitive trace conditioning was not found when a gross
284                                      (3) The appetitive trace is expressed in both neurite branches o
285                                      (2) The appetitive trace persists for twice as long as the avers
286 with its activity greatly enhanced after the appetitive training.
287  precentral gyrus were negatively related to appetitive traits (P < 0.05).
288  used to associate BOLD contrast values with appetitive traits and laboratory intake from meals for w
289 explore cross-sectional associations between appetitive traits and meal variables.
290 FinnTwin12 study) to investigate whether two appetitive traits mediate the associations between known
291 ween the brain response to the PS and either appetitive traits or intake.
292 esity may partly exert their effects through appetitive traits reflecting lack of control over eating
293 tly to genetically determined differences in appetitive traits that confer differential susceptibilit
294 R) and low satiety responsiveness (SR) are 2 appetitive traits that have been associated longitudinal
295 flies with odors associated with aversive or appetitive unconditioned stimuli (US).
296 ys: (1) The DPM neurons do not respond to an appetitive US of sucrose by itself, in contrast to their
297 odium depletion to reversibly manipulate the appetitive value of a hypertonic sodium solution while m
298 al mechanism enabling locusts to reassign an appetitive value to an odor that they learned previously
299 e discrimination task with auditory cues for appetitive versus aversive outcomes.
300 ion with particular conditions, notably with appetitive versus aversive stimuli or positive versus ne

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