


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ecades (41-year mean of 707 [range, 537-983] applicants).
2 nd offered more career mentoring to the male applicant.
3 ent and hireable than the (identical) female applicant.
4 e an equitable computerized match system for applicants.
5             MD/PhDs were the most successful applicants.
6 d the use of gendered language favoring male applicants.
7 higher application success rates than female applicants.
8 s in the United States to evaluate potential applicants.
9 doctoral periodontal programs to help select applicants.
10 applicants tend to be much sicker than never-applicants.
11 n = 402), and represented 70% of all 2008 QE applicants.
12  1 vs. 34 applicants [15%] in search 2 vs. 4 applicants [1.8%] in search 3).
13 used (56 applicants [25%] in search 1 vs. 34 applicants [15%] in search 2 vs. 4 applicants [1.8%] in
14 ions varied depending on the search used (56 applicants [25%] in search 1 vs. 34 applicants [15%] in
15 er 100 000 person-years) and 24 HIV-negative applicants (36 per 100 000 person-years) died of suicide
16 er for US seniors (83%) than for independent applicants (41%; P < 0.001).
17                              The majority of applicants (72%, 2486/3435) matched in ophthalmology.
18                                Of the 17 357 applicants accepted, 2179 (12.6%) were members of underr
19  options, and the epidemiology of HCV in the applicant/accession and overall force populations.
20 udents, as determined by the distribution of applicants across selected specialties, changed signific
21                        There were 333 unique applicants among the 440 Electronic Residency Applicatio
22             Rank lists were submitted by 622 applicants, among whom 458 (74%) matched.
23 ity among 4147 HIV-positive military service applicants and 12437 HIV-negative applicants disqualifie
24  officer, which includes providing advice to applicants and grantees, making funding recommendations,
25                       This study will inform applicants and program directors about applicants to the
26 owship Match process was designed to provide applicants and program directors with an opportunity to
27                  With either algorithm, both applicants and programs can be advised that trying to ge
28 le strategic behavior are very rare for both applicants and programs under either algorithm.
29 gment about the impact of this difference on applicants and programs.
30 n to study prospectively a cohort of welfare applicants and recipients 18 to 64 years of age who abus
31 mber of first- and second-time NIH R01 grant applicants and recipients by academic degree and by rese
32 tudinal, comparative study of all first-time applicants and recipients of NIH R01 grants between 1964
33 cognized as being a bad situation for fellow applicants and reflected poorly on the specialties of mi
34         Both algorithms make it sensible for applicants and residency programs to arrange their ROLs
35 fluence on prehire (e.g., the quality of job applicants) and posthire (e.g., new employee retention)
36  data may be useful for policy makers, grant applicants, and authors.
37 ed included those on medical school faculty, applicants, and students; curriculum hours devoted to ne
38 tification has decreased, the quality of the applicants appears to have improved and the number of IM
39                              The majority of applicants applying for an ophthalmology residency posit
40 centage points and black or African-American applicants are 13 percentage points less likely to recei
41 ification problem in two settings: U.S. visa applicants are checked against a list of visa holders to
42 d HIV-negative (RR, 1.67; 95% CI, 1.07-2.48) applicants are marginally higher than those for the US g
43 wly rejected and narrowly approved immigrant applicants are similar on all confounding characteristic
44 ions submitted to NIH were classified by the applicant as involving human subjects or not (LOR).
45          Faculty participants rated the male applicant as significantly more competent and hireable t
46 the influx of international medical graduate applicants at the very first level: the request for an a
47 l benchmark, we find that the effects of the applicant attributes estimated from the survey experimen
48 ation essays is more common in international applicants but was found in those by applicants to all s
49                                  In a Match, applicants can choose the programs that best suit their
50 applicant database was reviewed to determine applicant characteristics and match outcomes.
51  population and the official descriptions of applicant characteristics that voters received before ea
52 itutes of Health policy requiring that grant applicants consider sex as a biological variable in the
53 H retooling funding mechanism for such grant applicants, creates a concerning risk that talented and
54 The Ophthalmology Residency Matching Program applicant database was reviewed to determine applicant c
55 e from 1995), while the number of first-time applicants decreased 1% from 1995.
56 from 1994; however, the number of first-time applicants decreased slightly (0.6%).
57                                    Seventeen applicants did not match to a program.
58 ry service applicants and 12437 HIV-negative applicants disqualified from military service due to oth
59  Post match polling of program directors and applicants documented a high degree of compliance, usabi
60 representing approximately 20% of fellowship applicants during 2009-2010, were rated.
61                               Accounting for applicant education, applicant gender, study method, occ
62                                The number of applicants entering decreased from 43 016 in 1997-1998 t
63 1.6, 95% CI 7.0-19.3; p<0.0001) and being an applicant for settlement and dependant visas (1.3, 1.0-1
64                                 There were 2 applicants for every acceptance, and the academic qualif
65 mittees address the glut of highly qualified applicants for faculty positions by experimenting with n
66 aintain that NRMP procedures virtually force applicants for house officer positions to forfeit their
67  a population-based cross-sectional study of applicants for long-term visas who were screened for tub
68 eudoisochromatic plate (PIP) results in 1446 applicants for pilot training.
69 ries describing hypothetical female and male applicants for tenure-track assistant professorships who
70                                              Applicants for the class entering in 1995 numbered 46 59
71                          The total number of applicants for the class entering in 1996 was 46968 (0.8
72                                    The 43020 applicants for the class entering in 1997 represents an
73                                  The 37, 092 applicants for the class entering in 2000 represented a
74                                   The 34,859 applicants for the class entering in 2001 represented a
75  bias against international medical graduate applicants for U.S. residency training positions in psyc
76 onal Organization for Migration screened all applicants for UK visas aged 11 years or older who inten
77                                      Because applicants for US asylum are not linked to prompt medica
78                               A total of 248 applicants formally applied to MISFC programs and 130 pa
79                                The number of applicants from underrepresented minority groups decreas
80          Accounting for applicant education, applicant gender, study method, occupational groups, and
81                                         Most applicants had research experience (93.0%) and publicati
82 for journals have been promulgated and grant applicants have been asked to address the rigor and repr
83 on financial disclosure of authors and grant applicants have divided editors and scientists who disag
84 and with equal gender distribution among the applicants (i.e., life sciences and social sciences).
85                   Women constituted 43.4% of applicants in 1998, slightly more than the 42.5% in 1997
86             There were 38,529 medical school applicants in 1999, a 6% decrease from 1998.
87 presented a 9.5% decrease from the number of applicants in 1999-2000.
88 presented a 3.7% decrease from the number of applicants in 1999.
89                                              Applicants in Europe are left with few options for the p
90 ol of high-quality plant science related PhD applicants in the UK and has had a positive impact on st
91 prospective postdoctoral periodontal program applicants in the United States.
92 ng on brand and generic name; approval date; applicant; indication; PRO labeling describing treatment
93 iates were taken from the AAMC's Student and Applicant Information Management System database and the
94  affect the matches of only a small group of applicants (&lt;0.1%).
95                              The majority of applicants match at a residency program within the same
96             Approximately 60% (1442/2486) of applicants matched to the same geographic region as thei
97  residents, subspecialty trainees, residency applicants, medical school graduates, and U.S. populatio
98 ican Board of Surgery qualifying examination applicants (N = 976).
99 lds of computer science and business, patent applicants now seek to protect certain aspects of their
100  format and ordinal scale were used to query applicants on demographics, career plans, and the import
101 rogram application were sent by two resident applicants--one international medical graduate and one g
102 ld underlie, for example, preferring one job applicant over another.
103 illed, and, more important, in the number of applicants, particularly from the pool of international
104 hin the pool of NIH-funded investigators and applicants, particularly in the growing field of stem ce
105                   Female and ethnic minority applicants placed greater importance on the diversity of
106                                              Applicants planning a post-residency fellowship or an ac
107 ing program director, characteristics of the applicant pool and existing trainee recruits, characteri
108 inst H-1B sponsorship may limit GSPs' I-USMG applicant pool and restrict I-USMGs' surgical training o
109 ization, and sex distribution changes in the applicant pool, the relative competitiveness for general
110                                              Applicants' profiles were systematically varied to disgu
111 tions by the 2 algorithms do better when the applicant-proposing algorithm is used; the opposite is t
112 isting NRMP algorithm and the newly designed applicant-proposing algorithm perform similarly.
113        The NRMP's recent decision to use the applicant-proposing algorithm starting in 1998 reflects
114 ing matching algorithm with a newly designed applicant-proposing algorithm.
115 ograms increased 88.7%, as did the number of applicants ranked.
116              Characteristics associated with applicant ranking by the GSR program (top 5 vs 6-20) and
117                                              Applicants rated educational and interpersonal factors a
118 ender, and marital status did not affect how applicants rated factors.
119 ead of narratives, and 127 faculty rated one applicant rather than choosing from a mixed-gender group
120 on for work groups, person-organization fit, applicant reactions to selection procedures, and researc
121 stems can be used, (j) improved insight into applicant reactions, and (k) improved decision-maker acc
122 ial prediction, adverse impact, utility, and applicant reactions; emerging topics on team selection a
123                                         Male applicants received significantly more competitive "qual
124 employer characteristics, we find that black applicants remain 10 percentage points less likely than
125 vestigators with an MD only as NIH R01 grant applicants remained remarkably stable over 4 decades (41
126                                          224 applicants reported 634 articles; 630 (99%) were verifie
127                    After controlling for the applicant's educational background, country of origin, t
128 tent in an essay cannot be used to infer the applicant's intent and is not sensitive to variations in
129  correlations are reported between midwifery applicant's MMI scores and end of Year One practice outc
130        These and other topics (e.g., the job applicant's perspective) are discussed in terms of their
131 80% detected; 20% missed) due in part to the applicant's prior experience and/or pretest preparation.
132 U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 applicant's self-identified race or ethnicity and the pr
133 gnosis and linkage to care; initiation of an applicant screening program will require ongoing evaluat
134  of the Department of Defense for a military applicant screening program.
135                                              Applicant screening will reduce chronic HCV infection in
136 updated to take account of changing needs of applicants, such as growth in the number of couples who
137 ndings against recipients because disability applicants tend to be much sicker than never-applicants.
138                             Among first-time applicants, those with an MD consistently had less succe
139 response to identify factors that caused the applicant to rank a program lower than other programs or
140 lly validated, and the study was confined to applicants to 1 institution.
141 plication Service files of the top 20-ranked applicants to 22 GSR programs.
142          Data were collected in two streams: applicants to A) The September 2014 and 2015 Midwifery S
143 , requiring obligations of both programs and applicants to achieve success, ensure uniformity, and st
144 ational applicants but was found in those by applicants to all specialty programs, from all medical s
145        Specifically, IMGs constituted 76% of applicants to IMG-dependent programs and only 14% of app
146                                The number of applicants to medical school declined for the second con
147              This made it difficult for some applicants to meet the organization's dual aims of scien
148 ces included the training characteristics of applicants to NIH who were funded or not.
149 ts to IMG-dependent programs and only 14% of applicants to non-IMG-dependent programs.
150 nform applicants and program directors about applicants to the GSR program.
151                Retrospective cohort study of applicants to US medical schools for the 2011-2013 enter
152                          While the number of applicants to US medical schools has continued to declin
153                                        Among applicants to US medical schools, those with MCAT scores
154                                              Applicants underwent a chest radiograph, and any with re
155                                The number of applicants vastly outnumbers the available academic facu
156                             The HIV-positive applicants were 92% male, 37% white, and 56% black.
157                             All recertifying applicants were clinically active.
158                        Matched and unmatched applicants were compared and stratified by predictor var
159         Identifiers and HIV status of living applicants were known only by the Department of Defense.
160                                              Applicants were more likely to match at a program in the
161                                              Applicants were required to submit a 500 words essay rel
162                                 476 455 visa applicants were screened, and the crude prevalence of ba
163                Most (but not all) of the few applicants who are matched to different positions by the
164  of 10 HIV-positive and 2 of 24 HIV-negative applicants who died of suicide.
165 e rates were not significantly different for applicants who had MCAT scores obtained with standard vs
166  1 scores were 239 +/- 14 and 223 +/- 18 for applicants who were matched and unmatched, respectively;
167                           The number of 1997 applicants who were members of underrepresented minority
168 plicants with an MD and a PhD (MAP, 43%) and applicants with a PhD only (39%).
169 to propose clinical research (MAP, 67%) than applicants with an MD and a PhD (MAP, 43%) and applicant
170                                   First-time applicants with an MD only who proposed clinical researc
171                                   First-time applicants with an MD were much more likely to propose c
172 experiments, 144 faculty evaluated competing applicants with differing lifestyles (e.g., divorced mot
173        CVD was detected in 49 (3.4%) of 1446 applicants with hereditary red-green (protan or deutan)
174                                The number of applicants with misrepresented citations varied dependin
175 ompetitive programs were more likely to rank applicants with publications, research experience, Alpha
176 rom all medical school types, and even among applicants with significant academic honors.
177 2 algorithms are small: fewer than 1 in 1000 applicants would have received a different match.

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