


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 voltage of the PZT-LSMO Schottky barriers on applied magnetic field.
2 conductor La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO4 (x = 0.163) in an applied magnetic field.
3 quantum mechanics can be tuned by varying an applied magnetic field.
4 ble high sensitivity of the structure to the applied magnetic field.
5 lation using injected current rather than an applied magnetic field.
6 al symmetry has been broken by an externally applied magnetic field.
7 netic state as a function of temperature and applied magnetic field.
8 ion electron microscopy as a function of the applied magnetic field.
9  changes to the Fermi surface induced by the applied magnetic field.
10 ich trap superconducting vortices induced by applied magnetic field.
11 ns depends on the magnitude and direction of applied magnetic field.
12  collective directions for the Fe moments by applied magnetic field.
13 he sensitivity of the yield of (3)*TPD to an applied magnetic field.
14 al's electrical resistance in response to an applied magnetic field.
15 tion of the magnitude and orientation of the applied magnetic field.
16 an be fine-tuned by the exchange-bias and an applied magnetic field.
17 en repeatable magnetization reversal with no applied magnetic field.
18 on signal exhibits a sharp dependence on the applied magnetic field.
19 lly aligned parallel to the direction of the applied magnetic field.
20 olecule magnet behavior in the absence of an applied magnetic field.
21 ariation in the electrical resistivity under applied magnetic field.
22 far in bilayer graphene in the absence of an applied magnetic field.
23 eaks in the density of states produced by an applied magnetic field.
24 tic gradient concentrators for an externally applied magnetic field.
25 s transport properties in the presence of an applied magnetic field.
26 hown by variable-temperature measurements in applied magnetic field.
27 rage alignment of each helix relative to the applied magnetic field.
28 duced inside the superconducting state by an applied magnetic field.
29  phase gradients created in the leads by the applied magnetic field.
30 ization imprint that are both actuated by an applied magnetic field.
31 lectrical current that is proportional to an applied magnetic field.
32 high-Tc superconductor in the presence of an applied magnetic field.
33 and easily manipulated using temperature and applied magnetic fields.
34       Precession frequencies exceed 2 THz in applied magnetic fields.
35 with various optical responses to externally applied magnetic fields.
36 eaus, and exotic spin states with increasing applied magnetic fields.
37 miconductor band structure in the absence of applied magnetic fields.
38 high engineering critical current density in applied magnetic fields.
39 n-magnetic semiconductors, in the absence of applied magnetic fields.
40  that specific variations of temperature and applied magnetic fields allow us to make FDy parallel to
41 measured as a function of orientation of the applied magnetic field allowed us to quantify the magnit
42  wall senses and that can be measured by the applied magnetic field amplitude along the nanowire wher
43                                     Using an applied magnetic field and an advancing oxygen gradient,
44 ch requires zero electrical resistance in an applied magnetic field and depends on vortex dynamics, a
45 rational in the presence of large externally applied magnetic fields and functions even for electroni
46  our detection method requires no externally applied magnetic fields and the associated fabrication i
47 , the resistance increases in response to an applied magnetic field) and only weakly temperature-depe
48 evolution with changing electron density and applied magnetic field, and present two possible models
49 pid excursions, opposite the direction of an applied magnetic field, and slower returns along the dir
50 ization vector as a function of temperature, applied magnetic field, and varying angle in Sr4Ru3O10.
51  this quantum many-body effect induced by an applied magnetic field are rare.
52 ements of the magnetization as a function of applied magnetic field at 2 K for Na4MnU6F30 confirmed t
53 rature, pressure, impurity concentration and applied magnetic field, but, surprisingly, there have be
54 etection limits and decrease assay times, an applied magnetic field can be used to promote target bin
55                   Light irradiation under an applied magnetic field enables fully reversible switchin
56 tic hyperfine structure in the absence of an applied magnetic field, excluding the possibility that i
57                                      At zero applied magnetic field, extremely rapid (300-600 GHz) sp
58  Bp, these resonances are insensitive to the applied magnetic field; for fields in excess of Bp, the
59 is typically dictated by the strength of the applied magnetic field gradients, resulting in hard reso
60 ity of manipulating magnetic systems without applied magnetic fields have attracted growing attention
61 ing the axis of rotation with respect to the applied magnetic field in a spinning liquid crystalline
62 der of (H/2) x 10(11) cm(-2), where H is the applied magnetic field in tesla.
63                           Rapid switching of applied magnetic fields in the kilohertz frequency range
64 quencies as a function of the inverse of the applied magnetic field, incommensurate order leads to th
65 y with a nitrogen-vacancy defect using small applied magnetic fields, inducing significant nitrogen-v
66 f cobalt nanocontacts as the direction of an applied magnetic field is varied.
67 Fe(Te0:9Se0:1) are remarkably insensitive to applied magnetic field, leading to predictions of upper
68        The lifting of this protection by the applied magnetic field leads to a very large magnetoresi
69          An analysis of the data obtained in applied magnetic fields leads to the assignment of the s
70     Magnetic, wild-type cells swimming in an applied magnetic field more quickly migrate away from th
71       Variable temperature magnetization and applied magnetic field Mossbauer spectroscopy studies re
72  10(5) A/cm2 to 2 x 10(6) A/cm2 at 5 K in an applied magnetic field of 10 kilooersteds (1 oersted = 8
73        Neutron diffraction has shown that an applied magnetic field of 5 T is sufficient to induce sa
74 it was measured by magnetometry at 5 K in an applied magnetic field of 5 T.
75 on-local magnetoresistance of >90,000% in an applied magnetic field of 9 T at 300 K in few-layer grap
76 covery of novel multiple sign changes versus applied magnetic field of the MR in the cubic intermetal
77 c structure in GdPd3 is highly fragile since applied magnetic fields of moderate strength significant
78                               The effects of applied magnetic fields on the traveling wave formed by
79  micrometre-distance displacement without an applied magnetic field or any other external stimuli can
80  field flow fractionation, which utilizes an applied magnetic field oriented orthogonal to the capill
81       The range in pressure, temperature and applied magnetic field over which we observe an anomalou
82 ges as high as 5.6% under only 1.3 T, or 3 T applied magnetic fields, respectively.
83 nt perpendicular to the heat current and the applied magnetic field, resulting in the thermal Hall ef
84 magnetocaloric effect (MCE) as a function of applied magnetic field reveals isothermal entropy change
85 ing of the fourfold degeneracy in very large applied magnetic fields, separating the quartet into int
86 oto detector signal vs. the frequency of the applied magnetic field show a characteristic peak due to
87                                   Studies in applied magnetic fields show that the spins of sites a a
88    The dependence of the (3.)PDI yield on an applied magnetic field shows a resonance, which gives th
89 ter/unit Tesla, K(NAA) in the absence of any applied magnetic field strength would be 32.
90 at improvement is equivalent to doubling the applied magnetic field strength, without loss in signal-
91 tor, in which the control over an externally applied magnetic field suffices to create and manipulate
92 by thermal fluctuations can be studied using applied magnetic fields that are sufficiently strong to
93 abatic temperature following a change in the applied magnetic field, that is, the magnetocaloric effe
94  current is then reduced towards zero in the applied magnetic field, the magnetization can reliably f
95 In contrast to a superconductor in a uniform applied magnetic field, the nucleation of the supercondu
96 el the ESR spectra observed in an externally applied magnetic field to enable dc magnetometry in solu
97 oscopy at temperatures as low as 10 mK in an applied magnetic field to study the top layer of multila
98  on suppression of superconductivity by high applied magnetic fields, together with complementary spe
99  1.X, were recorded between 4.2 and 200 K in applied magnetic fields up to 8.0 T.
100 to reorient the antiferromagnet spin-axis in applied magnetic fields via the exchange spring effect.
101                                     Under an applied magnetic field, we observe that the helical grou
102  Magnetic labels magnetized by a homogeneous applied magnetic field weaken and strengthen the applied
103 ow rate and the strength and gradient of the applied magnetic field were the key parameters in contro
104  excellent retention of this current in high applied magnetic fields were achieved in the thick films
105            This crossover is destroyed by an applied magnetic field which suggests a magnetic origin
106 loading forces by adjusting the magnitude of applied magnetic field, which is very important for stud
107 isplays a large, nearly linear increase with applied magnetic field without saturation to the highest
108 ulsive to attractive by tuning an externally applied magnetic field yields detailed information on th

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