


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hase of the measured current relative to the applied voltage.
2 ular contractions match the frequency of the applied voltage.
3 rrent and volumetric flow rate dependence on applied voltage.
4 ominant exciton type can be switched with an applied voltage.
5  states in response to a trigger, such as an applied voltage.
6 ndent) phenomenon that is independent of the applied voltage.
7 is and DEP by adjusting the magnitude of the applied voltage.
8  that the peak area varied linearly with the applied voltage.
9  switch is very fast and proportional to the applied voltage.
10 e way with high precision by controlling the applied voltage.
11 ven through an alpha-hemolysin channel by an applied voltage.
12 10 different conditions of concentration and applied voltage.
13 n NMR spectra are obtained for every 15 s of applied voltage.
14 ten state is observed for many hours without applied voltage.
15 appears to be asymmetric with respect to the applied voltage.
16 oup when the Si-Si bond is ruptured using an applied voltage.
17 by rupturing single molecule junctions under applied voltage.
18 r of the surface is changed as a function of applied voltage.
19 ide (BEGO) sheets, CO2, and current at lower applied voltage.
20 t one direction based on the polarity of the applied voltage.
21 1 kV/m) that can be achieved even with a low applied voltage.
22 tates that persist even in the absence of an applied voltage.
23 en an open and several "closed" states under applied voltage.
24 d, the nozzle-to-substrate distance, and the applied voltage.
25 er capillary tubing with as low as 250 mV of applied voltage.
26 eters, protons can be transferred against an applied voltage.
27 tronic and optical properties by varying the applied voltage.
28 c constants increase with an increase in the applied voltage.
29 analytes through a nanopore as a function of applied voltage.
30 driven through the pore in single file by an applied voltage.
31 ation and wrinkle pattern formation at lower applied voltages.
32 ameters, capillary tip-tissue distances, and applied voltages.
33 NA surface density, salt concentrations, and applied voltages.
34 ted at varied biogas flow rates and external applied voltages.
35 r was maintained over a significant range of applied voltages.
36 l currents under the influence of externally applied voltages.
37 their translocation was studied at different applied voltages.
38 on curve of the BJT sensor is independent of applied voltages.
39 e field when CyElFFF is operated at very low applied voltages.
40  bioreactors (AnEMBRs) operated at different applied voltages (0.7 and 0.9 V) using a new rectangular
41 est catalytic turnover was obtained by using applied voltage -0.6 V vs SCE, O(2), and 100 mM H(2)O(2)
42 olled dissolution in the presence of a small applied voltage (+1.25 V) to release precise quantities
43 anol+2.5% (V/V) di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate, applied voltage: 70V, extraction time: 15min, pH of acce
44 odel of the biological channel, with a fixed applied voltage across the channel.
45 tions of the salt concentration, whereas the applied voltage affects only the off-rate.
46 polymerization has been achieve using light, applied voltage, allosteric effects, chemical reagents,
47 stment of the frequency and amplitude of the applied voltage allows the mass range into which the ini
48                               Increasing the applied voltage also increases the duration of the vesti
49  increase in counterflow rate or decrease in applied voltage, analyte bands broadened, but resolution
50 s of the system, including buffer chemistry, applied voltage, analyte mobility, analyte concentration
51 ional cylindrical capillary under comparable applied voltage and analysis time was made, and the resu
52  internal resistance based on the history of applied voltage and current.
53                                The effect of applied voltage and deposition time on the structure and
54 ansport control via changing polarity of the applied voltage and finds immediate use in extraction, p
55  velocity component that is quadratic in the applied voltage and has a direction that generally diffe
56 tial of a semiconductor superlattice with an applied voltage and magnetic field.
57  and demonstrate pH control as a function of applied voltage and membrane permeability.
58                            The effect of the applied voltage and microdialysis flow rate on device pe
59 cal in obtaining sufficient separation while applied voltage and pH values of the running buffers lar
60 on conditions were optimized on the basis of applied voltage and sample denaturation conditions.
61 duct ratio was analyzed as a function of the applied voltage and the surface chemistry of the dielect
62                               The effects of applied voltage and volumetric flow rates have been stud
63 rasound, as well as other mechanical inputs, applied voltages and magnetic fields.
64 eoretical plates increased linearly with the applied voltage, and at a separation field strength of 1
65         The buffer type, pH, ionic strength, applied voltage, and polymer additive must be optimized
66 ended on the diameter of the pipet used, the applied voltage, and the pipet-surface separation.
67 lectro-optically switchable under a moderate applied voltage, and whose optical properties can be man
68 s of a double-T cross-injector, 10 different applied voltages, and 2 different sample preparation pro
69 a low-frequency branch at low flow rates and applied voltages, and a high-frequency branch and their
70 ex flow patterns with simple arrangements of applied voltages are realized by derivatization of diffe
71 ectively, the membranes experience a greater applied voltage as the central channel becomes more cond
72        The on-rates of chitosugars depend on applied voltages, as well as the side of the sugar addit
73 t, it is seen as an asymmetrical response to applied voltage at otherwise symmetrical conditions; sec
74 f NB (k(NB)) and NSB (k(NSB)) increased with applied voltage between 2 V and 3.5 V (when the initial
75 rep) were focused within a nanochannel using applied voltages between 0.4 and 1.6 V.
76  structure of the electrode as a function of applied voltage bias indicate structural modifications a
77 ably, internalized proteins aligned with the applied voltage bias, and their orientation could be con
78 nd on the direction and the magnitude of the applied voltage bias.
79 s of floating water bridges as a function of applied voltage, bridge length, and position within the
80  pulse size distributions are independent of applied voltage but broaden with increasing pressure app
81                                     Negative applied voltage causes formation of reduced NAB and a hi
82                             The temperature, applied voltage, current, and impedance were recorded du
83  Destruction rates increased with decreasing applied voltage down to approximately -1.2 V vs the stan
84 ase (i.e., the organic solvent content), the applied voltage during sample introduction, and elution
85 lution that depended on the magnitude of the applied voltage, dwell time, and writing speed.
86                                   By varying applied voltage, electrical conductivity, seepage veloci
87 precisely controlled helium backpressure and applied voltage, enable stable flows at 1-2 nL/min.
88 olystyrene (PS) particles and by varying the applied voltages, flow rates, and the width ratios of th
89 ling charges by magnetic fields and spins by applied voltages, for sensors, 4-state logic, and spintr
90 tate and singlet excitons is observed at low applied voltages from high-performing small-molecule bul
91 ely to escape from the vestibule against the applied voltage gradient, while at higher voltages a pol
92                                    At higher applied voltages (>100 V), the SWCNT bundles stretch out
93 The electrical response of neuronal cells to applied voltages has been studied in detail, but less is
94                                    For small applied voltages, hopping transport dominates at all tem
95 on time, silver colloidal concentration, and applied voltage (i.e., flow rate) on the quality of SERS
96 tomographic (CT) guidance by using different applied voltages in four animals that were euthanized im
97 g the current through the device at constant applied voltage indicates the effective mean temperature
98 RS signal is observed upon modulation of the applied voltage, indicating an inherent benefit of such
99 l model in which depolarization caused by an applied voltage induces a change in membrane tension, wh
100 nd oxidation, and to determine the effect of applied voltage, initial concentration, and natural orga
101 e light to cleave water directly, without an applied voltage, into hydrogen and oxygen.
102  in a metal-molecule-metal junction under an applied voltage is critical for understanding molecular
103                      Control of magnetism by applied voltage is desirable for spintronics application
104 y, buffer organic solvent concentration, and applied voltage, is nearly independent of pH, and decrea
105   The effect of some key parameters, such as applied voltage, isoelectric point (pI), bulk pH, and bu
106 t times of 30min and were also a function of applied voltage level.
107 xternal stimuli including chemical reagents, applied voltage, light, and mechanical force.
108 velocities were shown to be dependent on the applied voltage, not on the applied field strength, and
109 amine (TPA) as coreactant generate ECL at an applied voltage of + 1.2V (vs Ag/AgCl) in two different
110                                        At an applied voltage of 0.6 V, the overall energy efficiency
111  of the substrate energy was recovered at an applied voltage of 0.7 V as methane rich biogas (83% CH4
112  required to operate the AnEMBR system at an applied voltage of 0.7 V was significantly less (0.27 kW
113                1103 mmol m(-2) day(-1) at an applied voltage of 0.8 V) with current-capture efficienc
114 mation of gaseous CO is first observed at an applied voltage of 1.5 volts, just slightly above the mi
115 height, 20 mm; length, 180 mm) tested at the applied voltage of 18 kV, experimental total particle co
116 0 and 30 mM of sodium dodecyl sulphate at an applied voltage of 25 kV.
117 tric flow rates of up to 2 microL/min for an applied voltage of 3 kV at a pH of 6.8.
118 00 nm using our current design for a maximum applied voltage of 3 kV.
119  also the effective length and the effective applied voltage of the system.
120 l/mol (50-99% of the theoretical maximum) at applied voltages of 0.2 to 0.8 V using acetic acid, a ty
121                                          The applied voltages of published polymer actuators, however
122 h the increase of the processing time or the applied voltages of the EJM, indicating that surfaces wi
123                                The effect of applied voltage on the NPs separation was studied, and a
124 harge/carrier gas composition and flow rate, applied voltage) on the analysis of model aromatic compo
125  deposition time, colloid concentration, and applied voltage, on the deposition efficiency.
126 ned for optimal performance by adjusting the applied voltage or changing the electrode design.
127                               Increasing the applied voltage or field application time resulted in in
128 o form tree like networks in the presence of applied voltages or currents.
129  into these surface openings by changing the applied voltage over the SICM nanopipette.
130 pulate charged membrane components using low applied voltages over relatively short time scales.
131                              In addition the applied voltage range is low (1.5-5 V), which reduces th
132 ing periods can be formed by controlling the applied voltage, resulting in switchable diffraction ang
133                                     Here, we applied voltage-sensitive dye imaging to brain slices fr
134                               Changes to the applied voltage showed a significant influence on separa
135                   We evaluated the effect of applied voltage, signal frequency, and flow rate of the
136 rial absorber, are modulated externally with applied voltage signals.
137 ation (or valve closing) rate increases with applied voltage, small microfluidic dimensions accelerat
138 al such as gold, resulting in any externally applied voltage source being capacitively coupled to the
139 se time of a 100 nm long origami lever to an applied voltage step is less than 100 mus, allowing dyna
140               Removal of COD was >95% at all applied voltages tested.
141                        In the presence of an applied voltage, the alpha-hemolysin (alpha-HL) protein
142 al wire-in-plate EP showed that, at the same applied voltage, the current WOP-EP emitted 1-2 orders o
143                         In the absence of an applied voltage, the ratio of 3:4 was approximately 10:1
144                              By changing the applied voltage, the strengths and directions of the rad
145 d the breakdown of cell membranes at a lower applied voltage threshold than that required for electro
146 luated each transition rate as a function of applied voltage to examine the energy landscape of the p
147 mpact of manipulating the phase angle of the applied voltage to exert a level of control over the ele
148  to provide mechanical actuation at very low applied voltages, to harvest mechanical energy from smal
149 n products on Li(x)V(2)O(5) as a function of applied voltage under ultra high vacuum (UHV) and at 500
150                                    For small applied voltages (up to approximately 0.3 volt), weak in
151 wn to be self-similar and independent of the applied voltage used to generate the plasma.
152               Tips were electrocoated at low applied voltages using an organic solution of the cathod
153 ere J(V) is the current density (A/cm(2)) at applied voltage V and betai and di are the parameters de
154 g the central channel residence time and the applied voltage (V(app)); these govern the transport of
155   Measurements of current density, J, versus applied voltage, V, showed that tunneling junctions comp
156 ce a total Hamiltonian that is a function of applied voltage, VS positions, and gate radius.
157 and concentration, pH of running buffer, and applied voltage, were investigated to optimize the separ
158  flow formats, permitting the use of smaller applied voltages when the flow is driven electrically an
159 e is twice smaller than the frequency of the applied voltage while its amplitude is limited by 2 mech
160             At an electric exposure dose VT (applied voltage x frequency x pulse width x treatment du
161 lsed amperometric detection mode, where each applied voltage yields a different practical selectivity

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