


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 SMNs and partition cells are less frequently apposed.
2 plex in which the active sites are optimally apposed.
3 sensory axons were still bundled and closely apposed.
4 g yeast, these antagonistic processes become apposed.
5            The 5HT3A-labeled glial processes apposed 5HT3A-immunoreactive axonal and dendritic profil
6 lutamate receptors and the properties of the apposed active zones, we investigated receptor localizat
7 ological and physiological properties of the apposed active zones.
8  are confronted with an array of hundreds of apposed active zones.
9 ous chromosomes recombine and become closely apposed along their lengths within the synaptonemal comp
10  channel dimer, the two monomers are closely apposed and interact during a cooperative gating process
11 EEM radius and P&M thickness were similar in apposed and malapposed circumferences.
12  the abaxonal surface of Schwann cell myelin apposes and adheres to the overlying plasma membrane.
13 ncentrations, to the boundary lubrication of apposing articular cartilage surfaces.
14 zed and reduced the work of adhesion between apposing asperities.
15 monstrated an over-representation of closely apposed ATF3 and NF-kappaB binding sites, which was veri
16 ad domains form a symmetric dimer of closely apposed backbones that fold back onto the rod domain, im
17 Pase ARL6/BBS3 drives assembly of a membrane-apposed BBSome coat that promotes cargo entry into cilia
18  protein acts as a lipid coupler between two apposed bilayers and as a lipid "hole-filler," effective
19  HOPS:SNARE recognition and is lost when the apposed bilayers are dissolved in Triton X-100; it is al
20 VAMP) and binary syntaxin and SNAP 25 in the apposed bilayers resulted in a reduction in the height o
21 at enable these proteins to fuse two closely apposed biological membranes.
22 of localized pain-sensory neurons by closely apposed blood vessels.
23 blood, but the cushions function as stoppers apposing blood flow with near constant thickness.
24                               EM-2-ir fibers apposed both serotonergic and nonserotonergic RVM neuron
25  barrier (BBB), which is composed of tightly apposed brain microvascular endothelial cells.
26  dendrites for interaction with UNC-5 on the apposing branch to induce mutual repulsion.
27 We found that the orexin neurons are heavily apposed by axon terminals of glutamatergic and GABAergic
28 jority of filopodia and elongated spines are apposed by axon terminals.
29 es of such dura/light-sensitive neurons were apposed by axons originating from retinal ganglion cells
30 e PSDs of asymmetric synapses, in most cases apposed by cortical terminals.
31  RVM neurons), they appear to be selectively apposed by EM-2-ir fibers.
32 ated on parts of the plasma membrane tightly apposed by glial processes.
33  labelling were observed in surface membrane apposed by glial processes.
34 where Necl-1 and -2 on the axon are directly apposed by Necl-4 on the Schwann cell; all three protein
35 of vessel length in rostral areas of the RMS apposed by neuroblasts.
36 s, in which single release sites of rods are apposed by one to three postsynaptic densities (PSDs).
37 rs of nascent postsynaptic apparatus are not apposed by presynaptic nerve terminals.
38       Both alpha- and gamma-motoneurons were apposed by S- and F-type synaptic boutons, whereas only
39  neurons have fewer than 35% of their somata apposed by terminals, whereas type II cells have greater
40 focal analysis revealed that CRH neurons are apposed by vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGLUT2)-co
41 wing culture, mechanical integration between apposed cartilage blocks was assessed by measuring adhes
42 e receptors (RyRs) at sarcoplasmic reticulum apposing CaV1.2 channels at t-tubules.
43         Tetrameric H-stalks may be lodged in apposed cavities of two F-trimers.
44 croglia accumulating near senile plaques and apposing CB(1) cannabinoid receptor-positive presynapses
45 ine kinase by ephrin-A1 ligands presented on apposed cell surfaces plays important roles in developme
46 ail interaction between EC1-EC4 domains from apposed cell surfaces, possibly forming a zipper-like pr
47 ed with clathrin-mediated endocytosis in the apposed cell.
48                           GJ channels bridge apposing cell membranes to mediate the direct transfer o
49 distinct from two-dimensional binding across apposing cell membranes.
50 merization of cadherin proteins presented on apposing cell surfaces.
51  ephrinA1 from a supported membrane into the apposing cell using a quantitative three-dimensional flu
52 ilic binding to another PTPmu molecule on an apposing cell was not possible, resulting in an accumula
53 d ephrinA1 is expressed on the surface of an apposing cell) provides a mechanism by which the recepto
54  formed when two hemichannels (connexons) of apposed cells dock head-on in the extracellular space.
55 connexosomes) in the cytoplasm of one of the apposed cells that are degraded by autophagosomal and, p
56 forms cell surface trimers that bind between apposed cells to form hexamers.
57 ease EPSC activity, we observed that closely apposed cells were more likely to exhibit synchronized E
58 embly, including matching of FP membranes in apposed cells, reduction in the separation between FP me
59 -cell interaction by binding to integrins on apposing cells (in trans).
60 pressed by the same cell and is presented to apposing cells expressing the IL-15Rbeta/gammaC complex.
61                      Direct communication of apposing cells is realized by two adjacent hemichannels,
62 embrane, and move from infected cells toward apposing cells on actin-filled membranous protrusions or
63 mbrane and egress from infected cells toward apposing cells on actin-filled membranous protrusions.
64 red on two-dimensional (2D) membranes of the apposing cells.
65 t in trans when expressed on the surfaces of apposing cells.
66 and adhesion and merger of membranes between apposing cells.
67 olecules must reach across the space between apposing cells.
68 raction with ganglioside binding proteins on apposing cells.
69 chored on two-dimensional (2-D) membranes of apposing cells.
70 ired connexons, with one each contributed by apposing cells.
71 ands (Delta-like1, Jagged1) cluster in their apposed central-supramolecular-activation-clusters (cSMA
72         We then asked if 5-HT-positive axons appose cholinergic neurons associated with motor functio
73  (0.57+/-0.34 mm) was larger than within the apposed circumference (0.16+/-0.18 mm; P=0.0004).
74 ove in a coordinated fashion to form closely apposed clusters in the ER and plasma membranes, thereby
75  of osteochondral blocks from each core were apposed, compressed 15%, and subjected to relative later
76 mples then transitioned to extended, tightly apposed contact zones where the two proximal membrane le
77 rms ectopic disulfide bonds in trans between apposed Cys(34) side chains that retard wrapping during
78              A disulfide bond formed between apposing cysteines ligates two C termini, serving as the
79 sicular membrane leaflet and not between the apposed cytoplasmic leaflets.
80         ERbeta-ir was in glial profiles that apposed DCX-labeled perikarya and dendrites.
81 ith the constraint that they are embedded in apposed deformable membranes linked to a cytoskeletal co
82 amic acid decarboxylase (GAD)-IR in profiles apposing DMV neurons only after stimulation of the cAMP-
83 emical studies revealed that nerve terminals apposing DMV neurons showed immunoreactivity to mu-opioi
84 ptors were colocalized on GABAergic profiles apposing DMV neurons; the number of colocalized profiles
85  mediates a 30% stronger interaction between apposing E-cadherin molecules than when it cannot bind t
86                                   By closely apposing each other, the ER may serve as a direct and pr
87  moves in an ameboid fashion through tightly apposed endothelial borders and, in some cases, through
88 n which the leukocyte crawls between tightly apposed endothelial cells, is a unique and complex proce
89 ive from imaginal discs, which are sacs with apposed epithelial sheets, the disc proper (DP) and the
90  Additionally, VAChT-IR presynaptic profiles apposed ERalpha-IR dendritic spines, presynaptic profile
91           This finding suggests that closely apposed factor binding sites, situated within compact ci
92        This study investigated the fusion of apposing floating bilayers of egg L-alpha-phosphatidylch
93  thin sheath of F-actin is induced along the apposing founder cell membrane.
94     The FCM-specific actin focus invades the apposing founder cell with multiple finger-like protrusi
95                                      Closely apposed genes in a head-to-head orientation share the sa
96  were visualised propagating between closely apposed glia and from glial cell processes to the soma (
97 nfirmed that alpha6 was expressed by closely apposed glia.
98 havbeta8 localizes to mesangial cells, which appose glomerular endothelial cells and maintain glomeru
99  increases the probability that mitochondria appose GLT-1 particles within astrocyte processes, witho
100 lease sites including active zones and their apposed glutamate receptor clusters--and the whole synap
101  neuron dendrites, and the density of fibers apposing GnRH neurons was even greater in PNA mice (56%)
102 een separated heads as compared with closely apposed heads (energy difference of 0.24 kT (where k is
103 rdinated by two His residues from diagonally apposed helices.
104 l containing one V(j)-sensitive gate in each apposed hemichannel (aHC); aHC open probability was a Bo
105 g of one hemichannel depends on the state of apposed hemichannel.
106 ion to) release of structured water from the apposed hydrophobic surfaces.
107  transmission EM revealed a lack of "closely apposed" inner and outer membranes, and the accumulation
108 multiple protein-specific strata: a membrane-apposed integrin signalling layer containing integrin cy
109 lt-bridge or hydrogen-bond interactions with apposing JAM-A monomers abolishes the capacity of JAM-A
110             We hypothesize that TBs link the apposed junctional membranes together at a fixed distanc
111 the endoplasmic reticulum to plasma-membrane-apposed junctions, where it recruits and gates open plas
112 iculum (SR) via local interaction of closely apposed L-type Ca(2+) channels (LCCs) and ryanodine rece
113 investigated zipping dynamics and found that apposing leading edge cells come together at their apica
114 ecome glassy, and diffusion of lipids in the apposed leaflets becomes coupled across the water layer,
115 nt regions of asymmetric lipid bilayers with apposed leaflets composed of typical inner leaflet lipid
116 smatch, in which the initial response of the apposed leaflets upon quenching is to increase local asy
117 ons, thrombogenicity increased compared with apposed, length-matched controls (1.58-fold, P=0.001; an
118           Surface force measurements between apposed lipid bilayers displaying the extracellular doma
119 ion requires the alignment and fusion of two apposed lipid bilayers.
120 disruptions also relies on the fusion of two apposed lipid bilayers.
121 d-linked donor and acceptor molecules in two apposing lipid bilayer membranes is used to resolve topo
122  interfaces in the transport of water across apposing liquid menisci in osmosis membranes comprising
123 t spatial registration of all domains on the apposed membrane leafs.
124 ues where they dock with hemichannels in the apposed membrane to form cell-cell channels and, simulta
125 g factors, that is, they physically link two apposed membranes before intracellular membrane fusion.
126 ed force that mimicked the repulsion between apposed membranes being forced to fuse.
127  The Vam7p N-domain catalyzes the docking of apposed membranes by promoting transinteractions between
128 igate the distinct binding factors needed on apposed membranes for Rab effector-dependent tethering.
129 at a ring-shaped microdomain surrounding the apposed membranes of each docked vacuole, where fusion w
130 ins assemble into a "vertex ring" around the apposed membranes of tethered vacuoles before catalyzing
131 rans-SNARE complexes (SNAREs anchored to two apposed membranes).
132 RE domains from R- and Q-SNAREs, anchored to apposed membranes, assemble into four-helix coiled-coil
133 gomerizes, and inserts apolar loops into the apposed membranes, locally disturbing the lipid bilayer
134 ualize the two membrane leaflets and tightly apposed membranes, lying as close as 1.1 nm apart, by tu
135 ws regulated sterol transfer between closely apposed membranes, such as organelle contact sites.
136 bes but also on the stabilization of tightly apposed membranes, which are intermediate states in the
137 h their hydrophobic anchors spanning the two apposed membranes.
138 pathway at contact sites between two closely apposed membranes.
139 ally contacted cell by fusion of the closely apposed membranes.
140 on involves the regulated coalescence of two apposed membranes.
141 t distance of approximately 9 nm between the apposed membranes.
142 ARE proteins in a trans-complex, anchored to apposed membranes.
143 d microdomains around the periphery of their apposed membranes.
144 in-lipid interactions assist in bridging the apposing membranes before fusion.
145 al interactions between receptor clusters in apposing membranes could also be present in wild-type E.
146 assembly of coiled-coil domains arising from apposing membranes.
147 sed at endoplasmic reticulum (ER) subdomains apposing mitochondria [i.e., the mitochondria-associated
148 est that H-bonding between beta-strands from apposed molecules is likely responsible for the tight cy
149 y is able to prevent phase separation in the apposed monolayer.
150 on is able to induce phase separation in the apposed monolayer.
151 tribution showed that in each unit cell, two apposed monolayers merged across the water layer and dev
152                  Alpha helix 1 and 1' of the apposing monomers form a solvent-accessible pocket at th
153 7% of VAChT-ir presynaptic profiles directly apposed MOR-ir axons and terminals, and there were almos
154 inal and central domain elements are closely apposed near the FKBP binding site within the RyR1 three
155 s was closely matched by activity in closely apposed nerve varicosities, suggesting EGCs were not onl
156 how that cell protrusions emanating from the apposed neural fold tips, at the interface between the n
157  less clear, activated microglia can closely appose neuronal cell bodies and displace axosomatic pres
158                                     Thrombus apposed on stents creates large variations in drug uptak
159 roduces distinct patches of polymerized coat apposed onto the lipid bilayer.
160  concentrate in a ring at the vertex between apposing organelle membranes, the encircled area of memb
161 IP in vitro and in vivo requires two closely apposed pairs of BRCT domains at the C-terminus of hPTIP
162 leading to the formation of a set of closely apposed paranodal loops.
163                       Of the plasma membrane-apposed particles, more than 90% were extrasynaptic; few
164 ceptor and Th-Notch ligands cluster in their apposed peripheral-SMAC (pSMAC).
165 tection of DPP in the lumenal cavity between apposed peripodial and columnar cell layers of both wing
166 orm where invaginated atrial siphon ectoderm apposes pharyngeal endoderm.
167  pore is a "Phe clamp," a heptad of narrowly apposed Phe residues (Phe-427), that catalyzes the unfol
168 rated by secretory lysosome fusion with bone-apposed plasma membrane.
169 d particles were localized at focal sites on apposed plasma membranes of cortical and thalamic dendri
170 r arrest in the mating reaction with tightly apposed plasma membranes.
171 lization of synaptic clusters that precisely appose post- to presynaptic elements.
172 tes that extrasynaptic fusion sites can have apposed postsynaptic specializations, suggesting that mo
173                     Ectopic contacts contain apposed pre- and postsynaptic specializations, albeit wi
174  axons unaided but may regenerate axons into apposed predegenerated peripheral nerve grafts (PNGs).
175                                          The apposed presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes at this l
176 oting enhanced neurotransmitter release from apposed presynaptic terminals.
177 e transporter showed that cholinergic fibers apposed putative cortically projecting GABAergic neurons
178 , we found that ArcN NPY/AgRP fibers closely appose PVN and DMH presympathetic neurons.
179  malapposed radius was greater than for each apposed radius (P<0.05 for all comparisons).
180 on, creating energy barriers between closely apposed rafts.
181 e found for residues L17 and V18 and for the apposed residues L34 and V36, suggesting cavities or cha
182 nterface through charge reversal mutation of apposed residues reduces oligomerization while introduct
183 longitudinal T-tubules triggers release from apposing ryanodine receptors in KO, partially compensati
184 g t-tubules, where L-type Ca channels (LCCs) appose sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca release channels (
185 ad higher risk of delayed coverage than well-apposed segments (relative risk 2.37, 95% confidence int
186 ISA segments is delayed with respect to well-apposed segments.
187  its sensor migrate independently to closely apposed sites of interaction in the ER and the plasma me
188 n the draining LN, HEV, and LV were directly apposed; some vessels appeared to express both PNAd and
189 y, EM2 and glutamate-containing varicosities appose spinal neurons that express MOR along with mGluRs
190 PX2-CT blocks pole segregation, resulting in apposing spindle poles with no evident displacement of A
191 med the lack of intact presynaptic terminals apposing spines on mature cells and on newborn neurons.
192 hat binding interactions between proteins on apposing stacked membranes of OSER structures were not o
193 arrays in vitro causes linker DNA to form an apposed stem motif, stabilizes extensively folded second
194 ated attachment between glycan components of apposed stereociliary membranes.
195 one monomer and Glu(195) of a monomer in the apposing strand potentially fosters cross-strand stabili
196 of double-layered struts and inappropriately apposed struts at the bifurcation level in 3 of 5 cases.
197 is approach revealed a growth spurt of added apposed surface area (ASA)>200 mum2/d centered on a sing
198 ched to the end of the AFM cantilever and an apposing surface expressing ICAM-1.
199 because all gp120-gp41 spikes on the closely apposed surfaces of cross-linked viruses should be incap
200 ng partners are respectively anchored to two apposing surfaces (i.e., two-dimensional (2D) parameters
201 ction forces and dynamics between asymmetric apposing surfaces (including end-functionalized polymers
202 rces and binding dynamics between asymmetric apposing surfaces in terms of their chemical structure a
203 the desirable effect of preventing fusion of apposing surfaces of articulating cartilage, but has the
204 s foreign and do not merge together, whereas apposing swarms of clonal isolates merge with each other
205 sses revealed thin extensions, many of which appose synaptic profiles.
206 rofiles were significantly more likely to be apposed than nonserotonergic profiles.
207  membrane regions of neighbouring cells that appose the dorsal side of the mother, which later forms
208 id receptor-immunoreactive varicosities that appose the postsynaptic membrane of these neurons.
209 nnels move from the juxtaparanodal region to appose the remaining heminodes.
210 x1 and positive elongation factor b (P-TEFb) appose the silencer and enhancer in CD4-negative thymoma
211  processes of nitrergic interneurons already apposed the somata and dendrites of SMI-32 labeled neuro
212 osome apparently causes a rearrangement that apposes the BCL9/B9L C-terminus to TCF.
213 nts (i.e., Caspr, contactin, and NF155), and apposes the inner mesaxon of the myelin sheath.
214 nally, microglial cells were frequently seen apposing the cell bodies and dendrites of auditory neuro
215 , however, within the neuropil and sometimes apposing the excitatory synapses.
216 iated with a conformational change, in vivo, apposing the promoter with its remote regulators, consis
217 n layer of peripodial epithelium (PE) and an apposing thickened layer of pseudostratified columnar ep
218 ntact the plaque of acetylcholine receptors, apposing this surface as closely as the nerve, limiting
219 nd ECM and (2) with or without GF with cells apposed to a known pro-motility ECM.
220 o a greater extent than LVN neurons that are apposed to a PNG.
221    The synapse is composed of an active zone apposed to a postsynaptic cluster of neurotransmitter re
222  found in the vasculature but rather closely apposed to and surrounding the outside of blood vessels,
223 l and pathological stimuli when they are not apposed to another hemichannels and face the external mi
224  the top of transmembrane (TM) 1, is closely apposed to Arg-271 at the top of TM2 in the neighboring
225                 SOM axon terminals that were apposed to axon initial segments of pyramidal neurons la
226          These GlyRalpha4-only clusters were apposed to bassoon immunoreactivity and hence synaptical
227 ns and LC noradrenergic neurons but were not apposed to cholinergic neurons in the LDT.
228                      These foci were closely apposed to cis-Golgi sites marked by PfGRASP-GFP, and up
229 es hundreds of such individual release sites apposed to clusters of glutamate receptors.
230 presynaptic specializations were present and apposed to clusters of postsynaptic glutamate receptors.
231                         Pericytes, which are apposed to CNS capillaries and contain contractile prote
232 nd VGLUT2 labeled varicosities were observed apposed to dDpMe-labeled axon fibers indicating both exc
233 vated lung epithelial cells that are closely apposed to deposited pathogens are ideally positioned fo
234                      NG2(+) glia are closely apposed to developing cerebral vessels by being either p
235 ay, E, 12.5 to 18.5) when the RPE is closely apposed to developing RGC precursors.
236 mentary to B1R mRNA, stringently washed, and apposed to film and emulsion.
237 active for the glycine transporter 2 or were apposed to gephyrin but did not contain the GABA-synthes
238 -ir in tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons apposed to hcrt/orx fibers increases during copulation.
239 myocardium survives and forms grafts closely apposed to host myocardium.
240 ose regions of motor nerves and were closely apposed to ICC-IM but not smooth muscle.
241 he endothelial borders, which remain tightly apposed to it during transit.
242 ur when a functional presynaptic terminal is apposed to it.
243 or tryptophan hydroxylase (TpOH) are tightly apposed to large arteries in the rat medulla.
244 mal, with the rough face of the sterol rings apposed to methyl-rich TM residues.
245 aled that at least half of the TH cells were apposed to microvessels at these ages, and many of these
246 f the ER is a lipid raft-like domain closely apposed to mitochondria in such a way that the 2 organel
247 les occurs at regions of ER that are closely apposed to mitochondria.
248 enlargement occurred only for those synapses apposed to motor neuron dendrites rather than to somata.
249 e dorsal brainstem and form synapses closely apposed to neurons that initiate the startle response.
250 leolinus is an RNA-rich compartment, closely apposed to or embedded within the nucleolus.
251 egion of interest is microscopic and closely apposed to other tissues regions.
252 disc-like domains of Kv2.1-IR are invariably apposed to presynaptic cholinergic C-terminals.
253 tain AMPA- and NMDA-type glutamate receptors apposed to presynaptic specializations.
254 ers and increased the proportion of clusters apposed to presynaptic terminals.
255 sion when it was on R-SNARE proteoliposomes, apposed to Q-SNARE proteoliposomes bearing PI(3)P.
256 in both control and reeler mice were closely apposed to radial glial fibers in the ventrolateral spin
257 set assumed elongated migratory morphologies apposed to radial nestin-positive fibers running through
258 eriments demonstrated that CRN terminals are apposed to retrogradely labeled reticulospinal neurons i
259                                        Where apposed to retroperitoneum, 2 mesothelial layers separat
260 -positive structures were frequently closely apposed to sGC-positive structures, suggesting that in t
261 uble-labeled BDA/VGAT varicosities were seen apposed to small somata labeled for glutamate consistent
262 inal and auditory nerves, respectively) were apposed to somata or were localized to dendritic segment
263 ss of supra-descemet's fluid and DM appeared apposed to stroma.
264 s) and unusual compartments (centrosomes and apposed to subdomains of the mitochondrial network).
265                         ICC-DMP were closely apposed to substance P-containing nerve fibres.
266 iated with clusters of gephyrin and GABA(A)R apposed to synaptic terminals, but these synapses did no
267 ss common Orx varicosities were occasionally apposed to TH- or GABA-labeled dendrites without synapsi
268 different, unknown, set of vesicles, closely apposed to the cortical granules in the egg cortex.
269 stem we found TH and 5-HT reactivity closely apposed to the dendritic processes of the nucleus of the
270 since other presynaptic components are still apposed to the entire postsynaptic specialization.
271               Two interior layers of density apposed to the inner leaflet of the viral lipid bilayer
272 h VTA projecting neurons and were frequently apposed to the latter.
273  nor is it present in presynaptic structures apposed to the motoneurone.
274 a role in this process because it is tightly apposed to the node and covers the outer surface of the
275                More than 80% of the labeling apposed to the plasma membrane is extrasynaptic.
276 btypes was intracellular, whereas 30-40% was apposed to the plasma membrane.
277 expressed intracellularly, whereas 30-60% is apposed to the plasma membrane.
278 n cell bodies, with large, flat ER cisternae apposed to the PM, sometimes with a notably narrow lumen
279  whereas axotomized neurons whose axons were apposed to the PNG showed diminished expression of many
280                                              Apposed to the presynaptic density, this spherical or fl
281 files and TH-labeled axons were occasionally apposed to the same dendrites, but synaptic specializati
282 ct regions of the cell that are more closely apposed to the substrate.
283 ll cycle, dividing cells were not so tightly apposed to the ventricular margin, and an excessive prop
284 pecifically along the path of glial end feet apposed to the vessel wall.
285 erminals change similarly to be varicosities apposed to these islands.
286 AP-1A-positive TGN elements and more closely apposed to transferrin receptor-positive recycling endos
287 ke structures formed in response to Kal7 are apposed to vesicular glutamate transporter 1-positive, b
288 arallel, Renshaw cell postsynaptic densities apposed to VGLUT1-IR synapses became smaller in adult co
289 sionally trapped at synapses where they form apposed trans-synaptic adhesive structures.
290           BDA-labeled terminals were closely apposed upon HRP retrogradely labeled somata and dendrit
291 in PeF-LH and from rRPa neurons with closely apposed, varicose orexin fibers, as well as a direct, or
292 es that both epithelial networks are closely apposed, we found that a patent luminal interconnection
293 endent manner, causes mitochondria to become apposed with a uniform gap.
294 branes (MAM), where mitochondria are closely apposed with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
295                    These neurons are closely apposed with those of insulin-producing neurons, suggest
296 i of neighboring L2 molecules can be closely apposed within the capsid was supported using bimolecula
297  symmetric, inhibitory-type synapses or were apposed without recognized junctions.
298 immunoreactive dendrites either were closely apposed, without forming detectable synapses, or were se
299 inent eschar, and increased distance between apposing wound edges.
300 s arrest with their plasma membranes tightly apposed yet unfused.

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