


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rmation of elaborate penetration structures (appressoria).
2 were severely curved, and 20% of them formed appressoria.
3 y coimmunoprecipitation assays in developing appressoria.
4 s of specialized infection structures called appressoria.
5 utants were nonpathogenic and failed to form appressoria.
6 nation of Bgh conidiospores and formation of appressoria.
7 i produce specialized infection cells called appressoria.
8 exerted by the appressorium turgor in mature appressoria.
9 d with the percentage of conidia that formed appressoria.
10 zation, and caused the formation of abnormal appressoria.
11 nals by germination and differentiation into appressoria.
12 chanism regulating induction and function of appressoria.
13 aging showed the mutant could produce normal appressoria and enter host cells but failed to develop,
14       pmk1 mutants of M. grisea fail to form appressoria and fail to grow invasively in rice plants.
15 thesis is required for cell wall rigidity in appressoria and fast-growing necrotrophic hyphae, its ri
16  fungi use infection structures (IFSs, i.e., appressoria and infection cushions) to penetrate host cu
17 otein fusion proteins were expressed only in appressoria and localized in the cytoplasm.
18 ucan contents were detected in cell walls of appressoria and necrotrophic hyphae.
19               Although urediniospores formed appressoria and penetrated into epidermal cells of M. tr
20 ted cysts from the mutants failed to develop appressoria and were unable to infect plants; however, t
21                                   Functional appressoria are formed by pth11 mutants at 10 to 15% of
22 ression was highly induced during on-cuticle appressoria development as compared to vegetative (mycel
23 esis increased cell wall elasticity, and the appressoria exploded.
24  to be normal in ETF and ETFDH mutants, most appressoria failed to penetrate the host epidermis due t
25                              Germination and appressoria formation rates for the DeltaMakatG1 mutant
26 defect in vegetative growth, conidiation, or appressoria formation, but they were reduced in appresso
27 by an oomycete pathogen, with the absence of appressoria formation.
28 h cutin are sufficient to promote hyphopodia/appressoria formation.
29                                              Appressoria formed by the mst12 mutant developed normal
30                                     However, appressoria formed by these transformants failed to pene
31 of the germ tube, and formation of up to six appressoria from a single spore.
32                Cks1 mutants are able to form appressoria from hyphal tips, but these are unable to re
33 , overexpression of MoGSK1 produced deformed appressoria in M. oryzae.
34  resulted in the loss of its ability to form appressoria in response to the host's signals and a loss
35 e initial invasion, and this is analogous to appressoria, infection structures of pathogenic fungi an
36                   Organization of F-actin in appressoria is disrupted by application of antioxidants,
37                                           In appressoria of RNAi strains, downregulation of beta-1,3-
38 so was detected in the vegetative hyphae and appressoria of transformants expressing the MST7(S212D T
39 ansformants lacking MAC1 were unable to form appressoria on an inductive surface and were unable to p
40                            It failed to form appressoria on artificial surfaces and was non-pathogeni
41 ast, the Momcm1 or mst12 mutant did not form appressoria on hydrophilic surfaces.
42 and Deltatrx1 Deltatrx2 mutant rarely formed appressoria on hyphal tips and were defective in invasiv
43 at C. gloeosporioides spores formed multiple appressoria on normally ripening tomato that produces et
44                         Initial formation of appressoria on the rice leaf surface requires an S-phase
45 mutant of M. oryzae could develop functional appressoria, penetrate host cells and undergo the morpho
46                                              Appressoria produced by Deltatps1 did not develop full t
47 hormone, ethylene, to germinate and form the appressoria required for infection of the host.
48 sing specialized infection structures called appressoria that differentiate from the tips of fungal h
49                                      The few appressoria that succeeded in penetration were severely
50                                    In mature appressoria, the mutant lacked vertical microtubules obs
51 ly nonpathogenic because of the inability of appressoria to penetrate plant cell surfaces, suggesting
52 laborates specialized infection cells called appressoria to penetrate the tough outer cuticle of the
53 morphogenesis and lead to an ability to form appressoria under conditions inhibitory to the wild type
54  of attempted penetration by invading fungal appressoria, where the transporter shows strong focal ac
55 n of specialized infection structures called appressoria, which are used to breach the leaf cuticle a

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