


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ways; and mechanisms of penetration from the appressorium.
2 ialized cell necessary for pathogenesis, the appressorium.
3  a specialized infection structure called an appressorium.
4 olves development of a specialized cell, the appressorium.
5 (2) differentiation of the germ tube into an appressorium.
6 mental processes in the differentiation into appressorium: (1) polarized cell division, with the pref
7 ttaches to the surface and swells to form an appressorium, a uniquely organized infection structure.
8 stic shell that can explain the shape of the appressorium, and its ability to maintain that shape und
9 t, the exocyst specifically assembles in the appressorium at the point of plant infection.
10  allele in mst50 complemented its defects in appressorium but not lesion formation.
11  were localized to the growing germ tube and appressorium, but E(GSH) was highly reduced and tightly
12  a toroidal F-actin network assembles in the appressorium by means of four septin guanosine triphosph
13 lycerol accumulation and melanization of the appressorium cell wall collectively drive turgor-mediate
14 c intervention during mitosis prevented both appressorium development and conidium death.
15 periments indicated that Pth11p can activate appressorium differentiation in response to inductive su
16 t the cell cortex as an upstream effector of appressorium differentiation in response to surface cues
17 091-5-8 are nonpathogenic due to a defect in appressorium differentiation.
18 g2p deletion mutant (DeltaClg2p) had altered appressorium formation and conidial morphology and produ
19 urther understand the regulation of Clg2p in appressorium formation and conidial morphology, and its
20 orescent reporters during spore germination, appressorium formation and infection.
21  role for a MAP kinase that is essential for appressorium formation and infectious growth in Magnapor
22 ogen-activated protein kinase gene regulates appressorium formation and infectious hyphae growth in t
23 st7-Pmk1 MAP kinase pathway is essential for appressorium formation and invasive growth.
24 te the Pmk1 MAP kinase that is essential for appressorium formation and invasive growth.
25 (MAP) kinase1 (PMK1) kinase is essential for appressorium formation and invasive growth.
26 ous ethylene was required to induce multiple appressorium formation and lesion formation.
27 d with Clf through its RA domain to regulate appressorium formation and pathogenicity, whereas the Cl
28 rst burst in gene expression correlated with appressorium formation and penetration of epidermal cell
29 cal roles in activating the Pmk1 cascade for appressorium formation and plant infection in M. grisea.
30  Pmk1 and Mps1 MAP kinases are essential for appressorium formation and plant infection in Magnaporth
31 effect on the expression of MST7 but blocked appressorium formation and plant infection.
32 1 MAP kinase (MAPK) cascade is essential for appressorium formation and plant infection.
33 teraction with Mst7, deletion of RAD reduced appressorium formation and virulence on rice (Oryza sati
34 e partially rescued the defects of Momsb2 in appressorium formation and virulence.
35 rthermore, although conidium germination and appressorium formation appeared to be normal in ETF and
36 ompletely inhibited conidial germination and appressorium formation at a concentration of 3 microM, i
37      That the ethylene induction of multiple appressorium formation could be relevant to postharvest
38 es cerevisiae alpha-factor pheromone blocked appressorium formation in a mating type-specific manner
39 do, and banana fruits induce germination and appressorium formation in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
40             Ethylene induced germination and appressorium formation in the Colletotrichum sp. penetra
41                cAMP is involved in signaling appressorium formation in the rice blast fungus Magnapor
42      Both were expressed specifically during appressorium formation in the wild-type strains, but nei
43                                              Appressorium formation is a key step in the infection cy
44 nificantly when self-inhibition of M. grisea appressorium formation occurred because of high conidial
45  strain contained an activity that inhibited appressorium formation of mating type MAT1-2 strains.
46 g hormone, ethylene, trigger germination and appressorium formation of the avocado pathogen Colletotr
47  The frequency and timing of germination and appressorium formation on host plants were similar betwe
48                                              Appressorium formation plays a critical role in Magnapor
49 suggests that calmodulin gene expression and appressorium formation require surface attachment.
50  high correlation between GFP expression and appressorium formation strongly suggests that calmodulin
51 MST12 have overlapping functions to suppress appressorium formation under non-conducive conditions.
52 ntain chemicals that inhibit germination and appressorium formation until they are well dispersed in
53                                              Appressorium formation was restored in the presence of e
54 as introduced into the mst7 or mst11 mutant, appressorium formation was restored in the resulting tra
55 e attachment of conidia, GFP expression, and appressorium formation without affecting germination.
56           Abundant Mr-OPY2 protein initiates appressorium formation, a prerequisite for infection, wh
57 ) catalytic subunit gene, CPKA, do not block appressorium formation, and mutations in the adenylate c
58 (20 microM), inhibited (50%) germination and appressorium formation, blocked melanization, and caused
59 s dispensable for growth, morphogenesis, and appressorium formation, divergent catalytic subunit gene
60 regions of MoMsb2 have distinct functions in appressorium formation, penetration and invasive growth,
61 11 mutant, the mst50 mutant was defective in appressorium formation, sensitive to osmotic stresses, a
62  absence of Mst11 and improper regulation of appressorium formation, the direct interaction between M
63 c region of MoMsb2, although dispensable for appressorium formation, was more important for penetrati
64 derstand the cellular mechanisms involved in appressorium formation, we have cloned a gene (MAC1) enc
65 still responsive to cAMP for early stages of appressorium formation, which suggests Pmk1 acts downstr
66 growth, conidiation, sexual development, and appressorium formation.
67 pholipase C, inhibited (50%) germination and appressorium formation.
68 hibition of melanization but did not restore appressorium formation.
69  both growth and morphogenesis as well as in appressorium formation.
70 Previously, it was found that cAMP regulates appressorium formation.
71 st11-Mst7-Pmk1 cascade that is essential for appressorium formation.
72 ess in plant pathogens for the initiation of appressorium formation.
73 tative docking region of Pmk1 also abolished appressorium formation.
74 interaction is enhanced or stabilized during appressorium formation.
75 tween Mst7 and Pmk1 was detected only during appressorium formation.
76  strain but not in mst50 stimulated abnormal appressorium formation.
77 ntial for its interaction with Mst11 and for appressorium formation.
78 h the mutant is capable of normal growth and appressorium formation.
79 ble to induce spore germination and multiple appressorium formation.
80 rphology, conidial germination, and in vitro appressorium formation.
81 mental cues that signal germ-tube growth and appressorium formation; mechanisms for sensing environme
82  be necessary to induce infection structure (appressorium) formation in many phytopathogenic fungi.
83 disruption of these genes did not affect the appressorium-forming ability and did not cause a signifi
84 cent studies of M. oryzae and other relevant appressorium-forming fungi which shed light on how glyce
85        The combined effects result in failed appressorium function and decreased pathogenicity.
86 generation of acetyl CoA pools necessary for appressorium function and rapid elaboration of penetrati
87                            The impairment of appressorium function in Deltapth2 was associated with a
88  transferase (CAT) activity is necessary for appressorium function, and in particular, for the elabor
89                                          The appressorium generates enormous turgor by accumulating g
90 tiate into an infection structure called the appressorium in order to penetrate into their hosts.
91 tiate into an infection structure called the appressorium in order to penetrate their hosts.
92  leaf and forms a dome-shaped structure, the appressorium, in which enormous pressures are generated
93 penetrate the host surface by mycelia-formed appressorium-like structures, consequently resulting in
94 nd undergo early differentiation events, but appressorium maturation is impaired.
95                                              Appressorium-mediated infection requires septin-dependen
96                       MST12 is essential for appressorium-mediated penetration and infectious growth
97 xynaphthalene (DHN)-melanin biosynthesis and appressorium-mediated penetration were retained substant
98 conserved CDK-binding partner, essential for appressorium-mediated plant infection by the rice blast
99 ase-mediated signaling are both critical for appressorium morphogenesis and function.
100 ncoded by PTH11 (Pth11p) is not required for appressorium morphogenesis but is involved in host surfa
101                            The single-celled appressorium of M. grisea acts as a vessel for the gener
102 roph sequentially differentiates a melanized appressorium on the cuticle and biotrophic and necrotrop
103           The Momcm1 mutant was defective in appressorium penetration and formed narrower invasive hy
104 st12 is a transcription factor essential for appressorium penetration and invasive growth.
105 ed in defects in hyphal growth, conidiation, appressorium penetration and pathogenicity, which is sim
106 or the initial stages of infection following appressorium penetration, and Gas2 is required for effic
107 vated protein kinase, Mps1, is essential for appressorium penetration.
108 nd phosphatidylinositide interactions at the appressorium plasma membrane.
109 e-regulated F-actin dynamics to organize the appressorium pore and facilitate entry of the fungus int
110 t organization of the exocyst complex at the appressorium pore is a septin-dependent process, which a
111 ganizes a heteroligomeric septin ring at the appressorium pore, required for assembly of a toroidal F
112 lize specifically in a ring formation at the appressorium pore.
113 ted assembly of the exocyst is necessary for appressorium repolarization and host cell invasion.
114                                 By contrast, appressorium repolarization involves a novel, DDR-indepe
115            We found that the formation of an appressorium required, sequentially, the completion of m
116 phytopathogens into the infection structure, appressorium, requires contact with a hard surface and h
117  a specialized infection structure called an appressorium that is crucial for host plant penetration.
118 fection structure for plant penetration, the appressorium, the formation and growth of which are regu
119 es was arrested after formation of the first appressorium: the underlying host epidermal cell collaps
120 ressure within a specialized cell called the appressorium to breach the surface of host plant cells.
121 independent S-phase checkpoint, triggered by appressorium turgor generation and melanization.
122 directing the physical forces exerted by the appressorium turgor in mature appressoria.
123 of glycerol in the rice blast fungus and how appressorium turgor is focused as physical force at the
124 light on how glycerol is synthesized and how appressorium turgor is regulated.
125         Our data indicate that generation of appressorium turgor pressure and formation of the penetr
126 cts in endocytosis and F-actin organization, appressorium turgor pressure generation, and host penetr
127  that penetration requires remodeling of the appressorium wall through an Mps1-dependent signaling pa
128 rates a specialized infection cell called an appressorium, which breaches the cuticle of the rice lea
129 yzae elaborates a specialized cell called an appressorium, which is used to breach the tough outer cu
130 ops a pressurized dome-shaped cell called an appressorium, which physically ruptures the leaf cuticle
131 cts plants with a specialized cell called an appressorium, which uses turgor to drive a rigid penetra
132 cts plants with a specialized cell called an appressorium, whose development is tightly regulated by

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