


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                         This approach takes advantage of a combination of novel chemi
2                                         This approach takes advantage of a current clinical problem (
3                                         This approach takes advantage of a highly efficient diastereo
4                                          The approach takes advantage of a nonenzymatic and chemosele
5                                    This mild approach takes advantage of a tunable HAT catalyst that
6                                         This approach took advantage of a gene-expression survey that
7                                        These approaches take advantage of a previously undescribed, r
8                                          The approach takes advantage of bioorthogonal coupling react
9                                         This approach takes advantage of both the extra stability of
10                                 Our flexible approach takes advantage of highly efficient non-aldol a
11  models to fit the existing data, the second approach takes advantage of methods of physics and engin
12                                         This approach takes advantage of multiplexed sample preparati
13                                          The approach takes advantage of natural Tcrb gene rearrangem
14                                 The proposed approach takes advantage of sandwich assay for high spec
15                                 The stepwise approach takes advantage of simple, versatile, low-cost
16                                   The second approach takes advantage of specific antibody-cell surfa
17                                         This approach takes advantage of synergisms between pharmacol
18                  The strategy of the present approach takes advantage of the combination of label-fre
19                                         This approach takes advantage of the dramatically increased l
20                                          Our approach takes advantage of the dual function of the phe
21           This mild and operationally simple approach takes advantage of the electrophilic character
22                             The experimental approach takes advantage of the fact that okadaic acid (
23                                         This approach takes advantage of the fact that Tas can effect
24                                         This approach takes advantage of the fact that the low input
25                   A separation-of-timescales approach takes advantage of the fact that the sampling l
26                                          The approach takes advantage of the high resolution afforded
27                                          Our approach takes advantage of the metastability of our cat
28                             The experimental approach takes advantage of the resistance of the cell w
29                                    The first approach takes advantage of the strong dependence of the
30      To start unraveling these pathways, our approach takes advantage of the unique spectroscopic pro
31                                   This novel approach takes advantage of the utilization of high sens
32 ect using a dual pharmacological and genetic approach, taking advantage of the recent characterizatio
33                                         This approach takes advantage of two catalytically inactive P

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