


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  to the hexasaccharide fragment of cell wall arabinan.
2 ved in other ABNs with preference for linear arabinan.
3 to a trisaccharide fragment of mycobacterial arabinan.
4 mplicated in the biogenesis of the cell wall arabinan.
5 model to study the biosynthesis of cell wall arabinan.
6 A), resulted in a complete loss of cell wall arabinan.
7 d that also exuded a guttation fluid rich in arabinan.
8 ybrid was of AG kind rather than LAM type of arabinan.
9  after extensive loss of the highly branched arabinans.
10 sults are consistent with NaARADL1 having an arabinan (1,5)-alpha-arabinosyltransferase activity.
11 ults show that this novel pyranosic sulfated arabinan Ab1 exerts its anticoagulant activity by a mech
12              A highly sulfated 3-linked beta-arabinan (Ab1) with arabinose in the pyranose form was o
13 fraction containing a linear (1-->5)-alpha-L-arabinan and a linear (1-->3)-(1-->4)-alpha-D-glucan was
14 ovalently linked complex of mycolic acids, D-arabinan and D-galactan (mycolylarabinogalactan, mAG), w
15 ramolecule that contains rhamnogalacturonan, arabinan and galactan as structural elements.
16 virulence factors; biosynthesis of cell-wall arabinan and peptidoglycan; DNA repair; sterol metabolis
17 In contrast, the binding of LM16 to branched arabinan and to cell walls is increased by arabinofurano
18 l antibodies that are directed to 1,5-linked arabinans and related polymers.
19 ure that is rich in pectic homogalacturonan, arabinan, and xyloglucan.
20 i)cellulolytic enzymes and reduced growth on arabinan, arabinogalactan and xylan.
21 to ARABINAN DEFICIENT1 (AtARAD1), a presumed arabinan arabinosyltransferase from Arabidopsis (Arabido
22 grown M. leprae is apparently simpler in its arabinan architecture with a high degree of exposed, non
23 ethyl-esterified pectic homogalacturonan and arabinan are abundant in syncytial cell walls; galactan
24  homogalacturonan and pectic (1-->5)-alpha-L-arabinan are present in cotyledon cell walls throughout
25 art from critically showing that the smaller arabinans are mostly devoid of the linear terminal motif
26 d l-arabinosyl residues and longer chains of arabinan as demonstrated with the use of arabinan-degrad
27                    Analysis of the number of arabinans attached to the mannan core of LM in two other
28 idues and side chains that include alpha-1,5-arabinans, beta-1,4-galactans, and arabinogalactans.
29          Identification of genes involved in arabinan biosynthesis entailed the use of ethambutol (EM
30         An Emb-sensitive cell-free assay for arabinan biosynthesis shows that overexpression of embAB
31  inhibition leads to inhibition of cell wall arabinan biosynthesis.
32 osis drug ethambutol inhibits other steps in arabinan biosynthesis.
33 alpha-L-arabinofuranoside, arabinoxylan, and arabinan but not for p-nitrophenyl alpha-L-arabinopyrano
34 taiotaomicron experiences the BT0366 inducer arabinan but not when grown in the presence of glucose.
35 are known to be involved in the synthesis of arabinan but their biochemical functions are not underst
36 were formed and initiation and elongation of arabinan can occur either on the 5-arm or 3-arm of the b
37 us, these studies suggest that only a single arabinan chain attached near the middle of the mannan co
38           For the first time a full range of arabinan chains as large as 18-22 Araf residues and beyo
39 sidues, (ii) the exact site of attachment of arabinan chains in AG, and (iii) DPA is the only Araf su
40 mycolyl arabinogalactan highlighted by three arabinan chains of 31 residues each.
41  branching structure of LM and the number of arabinan chains on the mannan backbone in LAM remain.
42 icotiana alata pollen tubes contain a linear arabinan composed of (1,5)-alpha-linked arabinofuranose
43                                            D-Arabinans, composed of D-arabinofuranose (D-Araf), domin
44         When chondroitin sulfate is added to arabinan-containing cultures, BT0366 phosphorylation and
45               In contrast to the decrease in arabinan content, the loss of the rhamnogalacturonan I b
46 age, and the distal cell walls had decreased arabinan content.
47 ghly branched arabinofuranose residue in the arabinan core.
48 LAM) with a marked reduction of their linear arabinan (corresponding mainly to the inner Araf-alpha(1
49 -like sequence, which we have named N. alata ARABINAN DEFICIENT-LIKE1 (NaARADL1), accumulate in vario
50                        A sequence related to ARABINAN DEFICIENT1 (AtARAD1), a presumed arabinan arabi
51  of GH43 ABNs and provide new strategies for arabinan degradation.
52  of arabinan as demonstrated with the use of arabinan-degrading enzymes.
53 l-recognized importance of the mycobacterial arabinan, delineation of the arabinosylation process has
54 mb also affected the general biosynthesis of arabinan destined for both AG and LAM, resulting in seve
55  donor to then be used in the buildup of the arabinan domains of AG and LAM.
56 ating the recognition of a longer linearized arabinan epitope.
57    Carbohydrate-specific antibodies detected arabinan epitopes at the tip and along the shank of N. a
58 to the three major RG-I structural elements (arabinan, galactan and the rhamnogalacturonan backbone)
59 olymers and increasing the extractability of arabinans, galactans, arabinogalactan proteins and manna
60 of these steps, the lipid-linked-LU-galactan-arabinan has been partially characterized in terms of it
61 etails of the mycolic acid attachment to the arabinan have remained unknown.
62 oelectric focusing based apparently on their arabinan heterogeneity.
63 tic polysaccharide rhamnogalacturonan I, the arabinan in N. alata pollen tubes is considered free, as
64 RADL1 in Arabidopsis led to plants with more arabinan in their walls and that also exuded a guttation
65 een guard cell size and DNA content, lack of arabinans in cell walls, and perpetually open pores are
66                                        The D-arabinans in Mycobacterium are essential, extraordinaril
67                            The mycobacterial arabinan is an elaborate component of the cell wall with
68 acterial cell wall, including peptidoglycan, arabinan, linker unit galactan, and lipoarabinomannan.
69  the context of truncated or less elaborated arabinan, may contribute to selective recognition by T c
70                                Less sulfated arabinans obtained from the same seaweed have less or no
71 tive loss of highly branched (1-->5)-alpha-L-arabinans occurs after ripening and in advance of the lo
72        The selective loss of highly branched arabinans occurs during the overripening of apples of fo
73 usly we have shown that the synthesis of the arabinan of AG is affected by embA or embB disruption.
74 for the polymerization of arabinose into the arabinan of arabinogalactan, and that overproduction of
75 mannose residues; in some other species, the arabinan of LAM is not capped or is capped with inositol
76 mass spectrometry analyses revealed that the arabinan of the 'LAM' formed in the hybrid was of AG kin
77              Emerging data indicate that the arabinans of AG and LAM are distinguished by virtue of t
78 previously shown to inhibit the synthesis of arabinans of both the cell wall arabinogalactan (AG) and
79  is involved in the biosynthesis of singular arabinans of LAM.
80                                          The arabinans of the mycobacterial cell wall are key structu
81 y 62 (GH62), hydrolyzes arabinoxylan but not arabinan or arabinogalactan.
82 ilization at RT than the enzymes involved in arabinan or galactan disassembly.
83 nosyltransferases (Emb) that are involved in arabinan polymerization.
84                          We demonstrate that arabinans present in different constituents of plant cel
85                        In addition, an inner arabinan region of 14 linear alpha-1,5 arabinofuranosyl
86 ed an endogenous arabinase to solubilize the arabinan region of the cell wall and have shown using ma
87 rabinofuranoside backbone of plant cell wall arabinans releasing arabino-oligosaccharides and arabino
88                The unbranched (1-->5)-linked arabinans remain associated with the major pectic polyme
89 berculosis, and modification of the terminal arabinan residues of this compound with mannose caps (pr
90 bodies binds strongly to isolated sugar beet arabinan samples in ELISAs.
91  beta1,2-arabinobiose (Ara2) from sugar beet arabinan (SBA), and beta1,2-Ara2 and alpha-1,2-galactoar
92 -galactan chain and in the proportion of the arabinan side chain.
93   The results reveal the high debranching of arabinan side chains of RG I as compared to the galactan
94 ogalacturonans and rhamnogalacturonan-I with arabinan side-chains ( approximately 55-60%), as well as
95 cant revision of the structural model of LAM-arabinan since its first description a decade ago but al
96 nd relate both to the probable processing of arabinan structural elements and the differing mechanica
97 ibodies that can detect differing aspects of arabinan structures within cell walls.
98  of EmbC resulted in marked reduction of LAM-arabinan synthesis and accumulation of an unknown interm
99 ing arabinose, perhaps in the early stage of arabinan synthesis in lipoarabinomannan.
100 [14C]ribosyl-P-P as a donor of [14C]Araf for arabinan synthesis, we now demonstrate sequential synthe
101 sis agent that is known to inhibit cell wall arabinan synthesis.
102 ow for the presentation of a unique model of arabinan synthesis.
103 al inhibition of the synthesis of the linear arabinan terminal motif, which constitutes a substantial
104  of the mannose residues on the non-reducing arabinan termini and the basis of much of the interactio
105 ich constitutes a substantial portion of the arabinan termini in LAM but not of AG.
106 np motifs that functionalize the nonreducing arabinan termini of LAM (ManLAM) in Mycobacterium tuberc
107 but a single Manp residue on the nonreducing arabinan termini of LAM and also a complete absence of a
108         In M. tuberculosis, the non-reducing arabinan termini of the LAM are capped with alpha1-->2 m
109 ined concanavalin A reactivity, and that the arabinan termini were capped with a single mannose resid
110 l anchor followed by a mannan followed by an arabinan that may be capped with various motifs includin
111 transferases involved in the biosynthesis of arabinans unique to the mycobacterial cell wall.
112 inked d-Araf units observed in wild type LAM-arabinan was largely retained in the proline motif mutan
113 id showed that a soluble, linear alpha-(1,5)-arabinan was the most abundant polymer present.
114  that the fraction PTW consisted of a linear arabinan with (1-->5)-linked alpha-l-arabinofuranosyl un
115 dicate the antibodies bind differentially to arabinans with the binding of LM6 and LM17 being effecti

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