


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , mixed-linkage beta-glucan, glucomannan and arabinoxylan).
2  bacterium Bacteroides intestinalis on wheat arabinoxylan.
3 enzymes that degrade the cell wall component arabinoxylan.
4 , potentially for binding highly substituted arabinoxylan.
5 ove the alpha-L-arabinosyl substituents from arabinoxylan.
6 binofuranosidase activity, specifically with arabinoxylan.
7 assigned function were also induced on wheat arabinoxylan.
8  was shown previously to specifically target arabinoxylans.
9  and are necessary for complete breakdown of arabinoxylans.
10 pectively), or with exogenous feruloyl-[(3)H]arabinoxylans.
11 nserved strategy for energy acquisition from arabinoxylan, a component of human diets.
12  thermophilic enrichments on insoluble wheat arabinoxylan, a hemicellulosic substrate, suggesting a c
13 lus wood and Pinus pinaster wood (containing arabinoxylan, acetylated glucuronoxylan and acetylated g
14             Cross-linking of [(14)C]feruloyl-arabinoxylans also occurred in vitro, in the presence of
15  Cultivars having higher total and insoluble arabinoxylans also resulted in lower flour yields (R=-0.
16 in the XX domain is essential for binding to arabinoxylan, although protein structural analyses may b
17 ndicated that the content and composition of arabinoxylan and beta-glucan were more stable in the old
18 tions of the major dietary fibre components, arabinoxylan and beta-glucan, in semolina and wholemeal
19 uction of enzymes involved in degradation of arabinoxylan and catabolism of the released l-arabinose
20 mponents concentrated in the bran (e.g. TDF, arabinoxylan and cellulose).
21 to reduced potential of DeltaxlnR to secrete arabinoxylan and cellulose-degrading enzymes and indicat
22 ral integrity was lost and water extractable arabinoxylan and damaged starch content were practically
23 n in the cleavage of ferulic acid's bonds to arabinoxylan and pectin where the ferulic acid moieties
24 he normal flour, the dough contained starch, arabinoxylan and protein, which were isolated from rye w
25       Upon grain imbibition, mobilisation of arabinoxylan and starch spreads across the endosperm fro
26  with LAB decreases the rate of loss of both arabinoxylan and starch, and retards the spread of both
27                               High intake of arabinoxylans and fructans could be accomplished with co
28 for p-nitrophenyl alpha-L-arabinofuranoside, arabinoxylan, and arabinan but not for p-nitrophenyl alp
29                     Many human diets contain arabinoxylan, and the ease of genome sequencing coupled
30  5 (GH5) was used to hydrolyse wheat and rye arabinoxylan, and the product profile showed that it pro
31 nent, whereas hemicelluloses (xyloglucan and arabinoxylan) apparently did not contribute to polypheno
32 deoxy-1, 4-imino-l-arabinitol (LAB) inhibits arabinoxylan arabinofuranohydrolase (AXAH) but does not
33                 The enzyme is, therefore, an arabinoxylan arabinofuranohydrolase (AXH).
34                                              Arabinoxylans are constituents of the human diet.
35 the arabinogalactan (AG) of the AGP and with arabinoxylan attached to either a rhamnosyl residue in t
36  such as (1,3:1,4)-beta-D-glucan (betaG) and arabinoxylan (AX) and bile salt (BS) or diluted porcine
37                  Low enzyme levels increased arabinoxylan (AX) and starch retention on the sieves, du
38 0.63-0.16 mM) on the rheological behavior of arabinoxylan (AX) aqueous solutions was investigated.
39 nges in structure, solubility and content of arabinoxylan (AX) was determined.
40 aestivum) starchy endosperm are dominated by arabinoxylan (AX), accounting for 65% to 70% of the poly
41 y endosperm cell wall, which is dominated by arabinoxylan (AX), accounting for 70% of the cell wall p
42 dding crude (E1) and partially purified (E2) arabinoxylans (AX) from wheat bran to partially replace
43                                              Arabinoxylans (AXs) are major components of graminaceous
44                                          The arabinoxylan backbone is decorated with arabinose side c
45       Thus, GT61 proteins play a key role in arabinoxylan biosynthesis and therefore in the evolution
46 igns of (incipient) protein, beta-glucan and arabinoxylan breakdown.
47 oside hydrolase family 62 (GH62), hydrolyzes arabinoxylan but not arabinan or arabinogalactan.
48 to protons of bran-related compounds such as arabinoxylan, cellulose, and lipids.
49  the local movement and stress relaxation of arabinoxylan-cellulose networks within the wall by nonco
50 orescent-stained antibodies that bind to the arabinoxylan chains.
51                  The soluble beta-glucan and arabinoxylan content of cultivars ranged from 2.0% to 2.
52 ch (SDS) and insoluble beta-glucan and total arabinoxylan content was observed.
53                      No differences in total arabinoxylan content were observed but the modern variet
54 vels of total beta-glucan, 39.8-68.6% higher arabinoxylan content, 11.0-60.9% higher total anthocyani
55 n vitro" mainly attacked water-unextractable arabinoxylan contributing to beneficial effect in bread
56 On the other hand highly soluble, hydrolyzed arabinoxylan could be used at a higher level (6%) togeth
57       However, the mechanisms and control of arabinoxylan cross-linking in vivo are unclear.
58              Both products released by flour arabinoxylan degradation and bread quality were investig
59                                 The front of arabinoxylan degradation precedes that of starch degrada
60 ly up-regulated genes during growth on wheat arabinoxylan, depolymerizes the polysaccharide into its
61 nsight into solubilisation mechanisms of rye arabinoxylans during breadmaking is important for unders
62 howed decreased immunolabeling for xylan and arabinoxylan epitopes and approximately 50% decreased ce
63                                De-esterified arabinoxylans failed to cross-link, supporting a role fo
64 re determined in complexes with the feruloyl-arabinoxylans FAXX and FAX(3), respectively.
65 the xylanolytic enzymes completely hydrolyze arabinoxylans found in human diets.
66 presence especially of high molecular weight arabinoxylan fragments in the final beer.
67 he cleavage sites of starch, beta-glucan and arabinoxylan fragments were identified, showing differen
68 ure, it is hypothesised that the presence of arabinoxylan hinders the proteins from forming a coheren
69                                          The arabinoxylan hydrolysates obtained with the GH5 enzyme s
70              Despite the importance of grass arabinoxylan in human and animal nutrition and for bioen
71 f barley mixed linkage beta-glucan and wheat arabinoxylan in retarding the transport of bile.
72  varieties had higher proportions of soluble arabinoxylan in wholemeals and of beta-glucan in semolin
73 ppendages; however p-coumarates also acylate arabinoxylans in grasses.
74 amounts of pCA acylating arabinosyl units on arabinoxylans in these PMT mutant plants remained unchan
75 onic Bacteroidetes with potential to ferment arabinoxylans include Bacteroides intestinalis.
76                                          The arabinoxylan is highly branched, primarily with double b
77                          Further addition of arabinoxylan leads to excessive water absorption, result
78         However, an increase in the K(m) for arabinoxylan led to a 3-fold decrease in catalytic effic
79  cross-linking rate of soluble extracellular arabinoxylans, monitored on Sepharose CL-2B, peaked sudd
80 lectrophoresis reveals that Xyn10C-XBD binds arabinoxylans more tightly, which is more apparent when
81  resulting oligosaccharides along with known arabinoxylan oligosaccharide standards suggests that a p
82 onation on the antioxidant capacity (AOC) of arabinoxylan oligosaccharides (AXOS) obtained from wheat
83 copy indicated complete de-esterification of arabinoxylan oligosaccharides from wheat bran.
84                                              Arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides (AXOS) are a new class of
85 omes of P. bryantii cultured on either wheat arabinoxylan or a mixture of its monosaccharide componen
86 -wheat breads supplemented with either wheat arabinoxylan or oat beta-glucan.
87  The existence of this wall structure, named ARABINOXYLAN PECTIN ARABINOGALACTAN PROTEIN1 (APAP1), is
88  by the enzymatic or mild acid hydrolysis of arabinoxylans present in cereal bran, and are usually co
89 lpha-1,2-galactoarabinose (Gal-Ara) from rye arabinoxylan (RAX).
90                                The levels of arabinoxylan required for bread preparation depended on
91 e pentosyl and feruloyl groups of endogenous arabinoxylans, respectively), or with exogenous feruloyl
92 ecies that share with grasses high levels of arabinoxylan, responded preferentially to alpha-expansin
93 fructooligosaccharides, and sorghum and corn arabinoxylans significantly promoted one single Prevotel
94 syltransferase, which has been implicated in arabinoxylan substitution.
95               Image analysis proves that the arabinoxylan surrounds the proteins, negatively affectin
96 ity, and resilience and yielded a prebiotic (arabinoxylan) that allowed targeted manipulation of the
97 e content of beta-glucans (up to R=0.77) and arabinoxylans (up to R=0.80) in bran and refined flour f
98 licable level of poorly soluble cross-linked arabinoxylan was 3%, as higher amounts of this preparati
99 losely resembling typical rye bread, even if arabinoxylan was modified (by cross-linking or hydrolysi
100 ified ethanol precipitated water-extractable arabinoxylans (WE-AX) and residual unextractable counter
101                                 Fructans and arabinoxylans were the most significant fibre fractions
102                               In the case of arabinoxylans, which are the main components of hemicell
103  linked to cell wall polysaccharides, mainly arabinoxylans, which cross-link with each other and with
104 um) is a mixture of rhamnogalacturonan I and arabinoxylan with novel side group substitutions.
105                The role of water extractable arabinoxylan with varying molar mass and structure (cros
106 ry cell walls of grasses and cereals contain arabinoxylans with esterified ferulate side chains, whic

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