


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 anisms and disease relevance of such lysosome accumulations are not well understood.
2 er, the components involved in regulation of NM-II activity are not well understood.
3 tical upstream factors contributing to p53 activation in AD are not well understood.
4 ertrophies during pregnancy, but its metabolic adaptations, are not well understood.
5  increase the risk of relapse in recovering cocaine addicts are not well understood.
6  HIV-1 reverse transcription products within infected cells are not well understood.
7 chanisms that organize micron-scale structures within cells are not well understood.
8 features enabling a transcript to act as an effective ceRNA are not well understood and a quantitative model associating
9 y activation, but their relative roles in antiviral defense are not well understood.
10       For arsenic speciation, the inputs for wet deposition are not well understood.
11 olecular mechanisms regulating postnatal tendon development are not well understood.
12                     The causes of this non-responder effect are not well understood due to the cost and complexity of suc
13 eurons, the cellular mechanisms responsible for this effect are not well understood.
14 ration of slow-moving mesenchymal cells such as fibroblasts are not well understood.
15 ions of individual ORAI homologues to CRAC channel function are not well understood.
16 ion proteins and is involved in AML, however, its functions are not well understood.
17 ms that enable STAT5 to access the promoters of these genes are not well understood.
18           However, the mechanisms underlying mutant p53 GOF are not well understood.
19 undance and trophic level during manipulative sheep grazing are not well understood.
20 isms involved and how these domains contribute to infection are not well understood.
21 f persistent TH2 cells and potentiate allergic inflammation are not well understood.
22 ir specific projections and relationship to habenula inputs are not well understood.
23       However, the molecular mechanisms of this interaction are not well understood.
24 abolism to drive tumor growth, but the molecular mechanisms are not well understood.
25                DOM transformations by supraglacial microbes are not well understood.
26 e contributing conditions within the tumor microenvironment are not well understood.
27 chanisms they require for their role in heart morphogenesis are not well understood.
28 chanisms responsible for collective behaviour in mosquitoes are not well understood.
29 als and personal care products (PPCPs) in aquatic organisms are not well understood.
30 bjective/psychological and objective/physiological outcomes are not well understood.
31 ns beyond the reflection of left ventricular (LV) pathology are not well understood.
32 but the dynamics of nonverbal information flow among people are not well understood.
33 chanisms by which it controls vesicle fusion and plasticity are not well understood.
34 the mechanisms and functional significance of this property are not well understood.
35 strongly reduced, but the factors that cause this reduction are not well understood.
36 how this interaction influences the process of wound repair are not well understood.
37                     The determinants of helminth resistance are not well understood.
38              Public health implications of TFA restrictions are not well understood.
39  diabetes mellitus but the mechanisms controlling secretion are not well understood.
40 mechanisms underlying ATII cell proliferation and spreading are not well understood.
41                   Bacterial factors involved in these steps are not well understood.
42 isms that maintain homeostasis upon loss of nutrient supply are not well understood.
43 and avoid clearance by the immune system by mechanisms that are not well understood.
44 testinal tract; however, the underlying mechanisms for this are not well understood.
45 igen specificities of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are not well understood.
46           However, the thermal transport properties in TMDs are not well understood due to the challenges in characterizi
47              Functions for MeCP2 other than transcriptional are not well understood.
48 ents, yet the mechanisms of carotenoid uptake and transport are not well-understood.
49 ted to EGFR and whose biological functions in tumorigenesis are not well understood.
50 s fed high forage rations with different basal forage types are not well-understood.

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