1 Our findings
argue against a central brain motor-compensatory mechani
2 oncentrations less than or equal to 17 mug/L
argue against hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy incompatib
3 h some argue in favor of bistability, others
argue against it.
4 ptor stoichiometry and quantitative analyses
argued against a reversible binding interaction that sim
5 This
argues against recycling models and in favor of pulling
6 ylogenetically matched, nonresistant species
argues against tolerance to disruption of genome structu
7 hroblasts, which do not have a constriction,
arguing against a contractile ring-based nuclear expulsi
8 piration during beta-adrenergic stimulation,
arguing against intracrine control of respiration by NO
9 The mutant has no growth defect,
arguing against ongoing restriction of its own DNA.
10 treated animals compared to control animals,
arguing against their contribution to the viral effects
11 This is significant as auPR curves are
argued as suitable metric for comparison for imbalanced
12 tools and whole-genome sequencing data, and
argue for a better integration of population genetics fi
13 er dissect the folk concept of "contempt" to
argue for a functionally integrated model of attitudes a
14 of such a functional gradient, other studies
argue for a lesser degree of specialization within PFC.
15 Our findings
argue for a novel model in which human B cells promote s
16 Our findings therefore strongly
argue for a priming mechanism at the photoreceptor ribbo
17 We
argue for combining data- and hypothesis-driven methods
18 in the absence of environmental filters, and
argue for evolutionarily informed forecasts of invasive
19 ical distance from visual cortical input and
argue for increasingly modified functional microcircuits
20 ms across the tree of life have been used to
argue for its antiquity and its optimality.
21 e recent history of genetic epidemiology and
argue for retaining statistical testing as an important
22 We
argue for revisiting methylation enrichment methods that
23 The results
argue for the common neural substrate of RSNs and encour
24 These findings
argue for the prescription of HCV therapy in coinfected
25 espondences are pervasive and detailed; they
argue for the presence of rods and cones very early in t
26 In particular, we
argue for the utility of more standardized data collecti
27 Alternatively, the searchlight hypothesis
argues for a role in focal attentional modulation throug
28 radigm beyond routine clinical AF management
argues for change in the delivery of care to patients wh
29 Application of the method across datasets
argues for its competitive predictive ability (AUC of 0.
30 nts in an N6-LS-monotreated animal, however,
argues for the need to maximize breadth and antiviral ef
31 We extend their model by
arguing for a perspective that includes not only context
32 maintains its ability to bind mitochondria,
arguing for a role for Actr10 in dynactin-mitochondria i
33 s of fO2 of Archean magmas are not this low,
arguing for alternative explanations for the oxygenation
34 cell transfer or immune checkpoint blockade,
arguing for an adaptive resistance mechanism.
35 P2 antibody prevents long-term potentiation,
arguing for previously unknown roles for TIMP2 in normal
36 d performance for difficult discriminations,
arguing for temporal integration.
37 presence of fewer GR recognition sequences,
arguing for the existence of additional mechanisms that
38 partially restored T cell alloproliferation,
arguing for their involvement in the immunosuppressive e
39 We
argue further that this feature of atrial cells leads to
40 We
however, that another equally important approach
41 Although some
argue in favor of bistability, others argue against it.
42 In this Personal Viewpoint essay, we
argue in favor of expanding one such pilot project-the C
43 Our results therefore strongly
argue in favor of local immune remodeling at the onset o
44 ly, creating an opportunity that, as we will
argue in this Perspective, is well suited to the sensibi
45 e large expansion of reconstituted gene sets
argues in favor of an expanded omnigenic model view on t
46 Kepp
argues in his Comment, among other concerns, that the at
47 Our data
argue injury signals received by Draper at the membrane
48 a model of aquatic foraging in theropods and
argue instead that an enhanced degree of facial sensitiv
49 We
argue instead that the epithelial cells-especially in th
50 y to be embedded in "intuitive theories." We
instead, that knowledge is grounded in exemplar-b
51 plausible model of our findings, which they
argue is based on neuronal fatigue.
52 We
argue kinematics coevolve with the secondarily terrestri
53 zes two phases of STAT1 activation, which we
argue molecularly links the biological changes that occu
54 Lake et al.
argue persuasively that modelling human-like intelligenc
55 As Branigan & Pickering (B&P)
structural priming has important implications for
56 We
argue that (1) analogical comparison processes are centr
57 As evidenced by the evolution of ART, we
argue that a combination of immune-based strategies will
58 We
argue that a flat model that directly selects between fi
59 We
argue that a focus on structural racism offers a concret
60 n and developmental mechanisms at the relays
argue that a general strategy is in operation.
61 Our results
argue that a non-genetic biological mechanism underlies
62 Here I
argue that a similar priority focus on empowerment of al
63 We
argue that a theory of human intelligence has to incorpo
64 of size structure in animal populations, we
argue that accounting for size-specific temperature effe
65 s used to direct collagen mineralization, we
argue that additional types of long-range non-electrosta
66 We
argue that aDNA analyses add new and additional perspect
67 We
argue that air pollution studies that are more scientifi
68 We
argue that although several brain regions and circuits r
69 We
argue that Anna Karenina effects are a common and import
70 Our data
argue that apical contractility gradients are important
71 Christopher Millett and colleagues
argue that artificially sweetened beverages should not b
72 Gervais & Fessler
argue that because contempt is a sentiment, it cannot be
73 Leibovich et al.
argue that because it is impossible to isolate numerosit
74 In this article, we
argue that better understanding biological brains could
75 d plant BGCs are not genuine SM pathways and
argue that BGCs are not a hallmark of plant specialized
76 recent findings on the nature of boredom, I
argue that boredom is a potentially useful emotion in ar
77 More generally, we
argue that bvFTD constitutes a disease model to study th
78 Thus, we
argue that call rate (amplification success) can be used
79 We
argue that caudate microstimulation can differentially i
80 We also
argue that causal cognition may be more general than soc
81 Here we
argue that combined advances in genome editing, stem cel
82 Here, I
argue that computational thinking and techniques are so
83 at items are essential in visual search, and
argue that computer vision - especially deep learning -
84 ing of the Embracing factor of the model, we
argue that consumers can have similar responses to nonfi
85 Gervais & Fessler
argue that contempt is a natural kind and that its exper
86 he complex heterogeneity of malignancies and
argue that customized combination therapies will be esse
87 We also
argue that demonstrating genetic association to imaging-
88 In this Feature article we
argue that development of mass spectrometers with increa
89 ss here various aspects of GRN evolution and
argue that developmental system drift (DSD), in which co
90 Collectively, our data
argue that DHX15 enhances AR transcriptional activity an
91 We
argue that differences in health, behavior, or impaired
92 We
argue that due to structure of its diagrammatic expansio
93 Recent studies
argue that during the Last Interglacial (MIS 5e, approxi
94 We
argue that each song type is unique to a population and
95 These findings
argue that early treatment of patients with HCU with PEG
96 We
argue that ecoinformatics research methods and tradition
97 We
argue that emotions may implement such metareasoning app
98 Furthermore, we
argue that entorhinal grid cells encode a low-dimensiona
99 We
argue that episodic memory should be understood as a dis
100 However, we
argue that eustatic changes influenced the demographic e
101 We
argue that evidence of causality should be gauged by a c
102 We
argue that focusing on non-symbolic ratio processing abi
103 We further
argue that futurity and restraint are life history varia
104 We
argue that G&F would do better to identify each sentimen
105 We
argue that Heinz Werner's classical research on the phys
106 Thus, we
argue that highland Silk Road networks (from 750 m to 4,
107 However, we
argue that highly efficient skills (i.e., fluent and hig
108 We
argue that hormonal signaling is important for regulatin
109 new shipping opportunities in the Arctic, we
argue that human interests are better served by increase
110 We
argue that human-like machines should be designed to mak
111 istory strategies observed among species and
argue that individual differences should be accounted fo
112 We
argue that it is a widespread phenomenon for soil system
113 In contrast, Jacobson et al.
argue that it is feasible to provide "low-cost solutions
114 Leibovich et al.
argue that it is impossible to control for all continuou
115 Perspective, Jane Norman and Phillip Bennett
argue that it is time to explore alternatives to progest
116 o investigate linguistic representations and
argue that it overcomes several purported deficiencies o
117 We
argue that landscape management, which recognizes local
118 We further
argue that leopards may select smaller-sized prey than p
119 We
argue that LFA-1 contact with a cognate ligand, such as
120 We
argue that limiting these sources of variability and inv
121 These data
argue that many distant domains in the rRNA can assemble
122 We
argue that mechanistic premises of "item-based" theories
123 We
argue that melting and vaporization on precursor bodies
124 We
argue that mesic microenvironments will act as species-s
125 We
argue that metabolic engineering for producing the secon
126 Here, we
argue that microglia play an overall neuroprotective rol
127 Together these observations
argue that Mlh1-Mlh3 may not act like a canonical, RuvC-
128 hat the empirical record is inconclusive but
argue that model-based data analysis does offer a way to
129 We
argue that models should treat soil moisture within a th
130 These data collectively
argue that mutations perturbing SCO1 function have tissu
131 Collectively, our results
argue that MYC mediates its oncogenic effects in part by
132 We
argue that natural selection operates on emotional and c
133 We
argue that negative emotions are an important resource f
134 We
argue that neither ice sheet dynamics nor CO2 change in
135 In this article, we
argue that network theory combined with functional ecolo
136 In sum, this review will
argue that neural-glial interactions represent an import
137 detected before markers of inflammation, we
argue that old, age-associated, aggregated proteins in n
138 nicotine as human smokers are exposed to, we
argue that our model mimics human male reproductive effe
139 We
argue that our work provides a framework for how biophys
140 ent on the our recent Report, Nakamura et al
argue that our x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) an
141 We
argue that parallels between infants' numerical discrimi
142 We
argue that possible magnesium isotope fractionation duri
143 I
argue that prejudice is an affective representation of a
144 Finally, we
argue that primary sequence analysis and structural mode
145 In this Personal View, we
argue that resistance concerns should not forestall use
146 We
argue that reversals may not represent aging-related neu
147 We
argue that Saharan warming intensifies convection within
148 We
argue that scientists can play an important role in faci
149 Herein we
argue that selecting controls regardless of respiratory
150 Furthermore, we
argue that shedding light on the interplay between numbe
151 We
argue that slum health should be promoted as a topic of
152 We
argue that SML approaches could overcome and even bypass
153 sed on data from plant and animal models, we
argue that specific RLKs could be components of the ROS
154 We
argue that structural and functional features of real ce
155 They further
argue that structural priming provides a powerful tool t
156 We
argue that such a transition can be described in mathema
157 Our results
argue that surveys of eelgrass genetic structure and div
158 Here, we
argue that sustainable management of seaweed aquaculture
159 These data
argue that TBI elicits pathological spine remodeling tha
160 These results
argue that TbSmee1 is necessary for maintaining HC morph
161 Leibovich et al.
argue that that none of the experiments they review real
162 We
argue that the 'biodegradable' end-product does not nece
163 Finally, we
argue that the ability to shift from an inflammatory att
164 Here, we
argue that the action of oxytocin is not restricted to t
165 We
argue that the aetiological and mechanistic distinctions
166 In their comment, Bui et al
argue that the approach we described in our report is va
167 We further
argue that the basis of the toxicity is related to the a
168 We
argue that the choice of control group and its justifica
169 We
argue that the CLASH model makes a number of questionabl
170 In this review, we
argue that the colorful world of EESs has been too long
171 For popular movies, we
argue that the consideration of their construction is pr
172 Jan Hontelez and colleagues
argue that the cost-effectiveness studies of HIV treatme
173 Wilson and co-authors
argue that the data instead reflect control of Li behavi
174 We
argue that the data support a further, and hitherto unre
175 We
argue that the domestication of TE proteins may often be
176 We
argue that the EGFR allows HCMV to regulate the cellular
177 I
argue that the Embracing factor cannot be adequately con
178 Here we
argue that the emergence of these tracks coincides with
179 Leibovich et al.
argue that the evidence in favor of a perceptual mechani
180 We
argue that the evidence now overwhelmingly favours an ap
181 I
argue that the existing framework for grass inflorescenc
182 Here we
argue that the experience of pain is no different; it is
183 erdin as a pattern recognition molecule, and
argue that the experimental conditions used to test this
184 We
argue that the field of extracellular vesicle (EV) biolo
185 l abstraction, not a cognitive trait, and we
argue that the former does not warrant inferences about
186 We
argue that the functional traits of each woody flora, sp
187 We
argue that the generally higher wealth disparities ident
188 We
argue that the increasingly computational nature of soci
189 We
argue that the inherent genetic properties of TEs and th
190 These results
argue that the Kv1.1 subunit is not necessary for subthr
191 In conclusion, we
argue that the latent reservoir has important, and hithe
192 We
argue that the MD may be required for amplifying and sus
193 We
argue that the model can account for more phenomena in t
194 We
argue that the multiscale coordination of numerous key e
195 We
argue that the observed growth acceleration after weanin
196 tion similar to mass drug administration, we
argue that the observed repertoire structure matters for
197 iation associated with the GW170817 event to
argue that the observed source is a kilonova.
198 noses with mathematical models, Doehl et al.
argue that the patchy landscape of parasites in the skin
199 Kumanan Rasanathan and colleagues
argue that the potential of multisectoral collaboration
200 Hulleman & Olivers (H&O)
argue that the primary unit in search should be fixation
201 We
argue that the second-site mutations independently inhib
202 mation capture (Hi-C) data have been used to
argue that the small, highly constrained budding yeast c
203 We
argue that the strong heterogeneity of SCU induced by gB
204 Based on our observations, we
argue that the subglacial environment is the primary sou
205 We
argue that the target authors focus too much on adaptive
206 As the era of mass incarceration peaks, we
argue that the time is ripe for renewed interest in inma
207 the younger new species ( 75.1-74.4 Ma), we
argue that the two forms most likely represent a single
208 We
argue that the vmPFC is a core element of a network that
209 ls to the evolution of sexual dimorphism and
argue that their approach can aid our understanding of a
210 We
argue that their representation of the evidence is incom
211 We
argue that theoretical approaches of the quantum transpo
212 model, Hulleman & Olivers (H&O) effectively
argue that theories of visual search need an overhaul.
213 addiction, and despite growing evidence, we
argue that there is currently insufficient human data to
214 tor benefits from the polluting activity, we
argue that there is incentive to focus compensation on l
215 Here we
argue that these and related experiments raise more foun
216 We
argue that these changes are associated with a regional
217 Specifically, we
argue that these machines should (1) build causal models
218 Here I
argue that these phenomena are inextricably linked and r
219 We
argue that these results may have important implications
220 We
argue that these savings should be invested to increase
221 sleep, and noninvasive imaging measures, we
argue that these should be incorporated more to enhance
222 We
argue that they make unrealistic assumptions about the c
223 We
argue that this affects whether task allocation mechanis
224 Based on molecular dynamics simulations, we
argue that this behavior reflects the more favorable pac
225 We
argue that this conclusion is premature: The experience-
226 We
argue that this decline in contempt, as reflected in cul
227 strategy, as seen in modern Tanaidacea, and
argue that this form of parental care may have played a
228 nment is largely dictated by temperature, we
argue that this group of pathogens represents an importa
229 We
argue that this hypothesis cannot be reasonably tested i
230 We
argue that this instability is induced by endogenous aco
231 oceanographic, historical, and field data to
argue that this is a cliff-top storm deposit (CTSD).
232 We
argue that this method extends nicely beyond syntax to t
233 We
argue that this research is vital in underpinning the kn
234 Supported by measurements we
argue that this trade-off yields an optimal Cand1 concen
235 Here, I
argue that understanding the nano-scale organization of
236 We
argue that unexpected events interrupt action and impact
237 In the light of this empirical puzzle, I
argue that Van Lange et al.'s CLASH model would benefit
238 Van Lange et al.
argue that variations in climate explain cross-societal
239 In this Series paper, we
argue that violence against women is also a prominent pu
240 We
argue that visual attention and number word knowledge in
241 We
argue that while these correlations cannot be used to in
242 We
argue that whole-genome surveillance of S. aureus popula
243 We
argue that wild rice populations should be considered a
244 ow geese and Yersinia pestis in coyotes), we
argue that with careful experimental and surveillance de
245 Goldin-Meadow & Brentari (G-M&B)
argue that, for sign language users, gesture - in contra
246 We build on this spatial concept of slums to
argue that, in all low-income and-middle-income countrie
247 We
argue that, similar to human GWASs, it is important to u
248 It is
argued that (1) this represents an untapped source of ph
249 Although it has been
argued that a gas hydrate gun could trigger abrupt clima
250 It could be
argued that all off-label use of any agent should be dee
251 In particular, it is
argued that behavioral criteria for the application of D
252 mulation methodologies; however, it has been
argued that continuum models cannot reproduce the distor
253 Recent neurobiological models of memory have
argued that large-scale neural oscillations are reinstat
254 Researchers have
argued that listeners are more sensitive to approaching
255 It has been
argued that lysogeny is favoured in phages at low host d
256 Previous studies have
argued that melange may suppress calving by exerting a b
257 It has been
argued that NAO-related variability can be used an as an
258 It has been
argued that normalization of prefrontal cortical activit
259 It has been
argued that ordered network structures may increase the
260 Scientists and policy-makers have long
argued that public investments in science have practical
261 It is
argued that radiative cooling by water vapor plays an im
262 More recently, researchers have
argued that sign is no different from spoken language, w
263 losophers of science and methodologists have
argued that the ability to repeat studies and obtain sim
264 Researchers across several disciplines have
argued that the characteristics of neighborhood environm
265 More recently, it has been
argued that the correlation instead may originate in rec
266 In our target article, we
argued that the positive results of neonatal imitation a
267 s of Social Perception and Social Reality, I
argued that the social science scholarship on social per
268 It has been previously
argued that the study of the link between brain and beha
269 It is
argued that the use of simplified approaches without pro
270 hought to be automatic, recent theories have
argued that there is a key role for motivation in modula
271 It can also be
argued that these performance profiles mirror and provid
272 It is
argued that they incorrectly extracted the extracellular
273 ll make our country safer, while others have
argued that this executive order will result in the weak
274 or externalize moral demands, and it is then
argued that this salient feature of our moral cognition
275 Compelling evidence
argues that full transformation involves loss of growth
276 nslation initiation at noncanonical TISs and
argues that further studies are required for elucidation
277 ry in silico, in vitro, and in vivo analysis
argues that interface add-ons are a practical and widesp
278 In sum, our work
argues that Msp1 selects its substrates on the basis of
279 he regional distribution of elevated TSPO VT
argues that the autoimmune/neuroinflammatory theories of
280 The social brain hypothesis
argues that the need to deal with social challenges was
281 line with former research, the present study
argues that the widespread brain network for number proc
282 The West, Brown, Enquist (WBE) model
argues that these two principles (space-filling and ener
283 oth mRNA and protein, were balanced, thereby
arguing that a cis-regulatory effect of the expanded CAG
284 reased by F8-TNF plus doxorubicin treatment,
arguing that cognate CD8(+) T cells contributed to tumor
285 and empirical basis of these two assertions,
arguing that contempt, like many other emotions, can be
286 their origins are unknown, with some studies
arguing that encoding operations are disturbed and other
287 lls similarly inhibited EMT and induced MET,
arguing that HCMV induces an epithelium-like cellular en
288 nimal communication, with prominent theories
arguing that it played a critical role in the evolution
289 onal specificity and connectivity, with some
arguing that it serves as a domain-general, rather than
290 I close by
arguing that research on the contextual effects of forec
291 rimental studies have supported this view by
arguing that social influence undermines the wisdom of c
292 We challenge this division of labor by
arguing that structural priming provides an implicit met
293 y on Branigan & Pickering (B&P), we start by
arguing that the authors implicitly adopt several assump
294 o one another subsequent to internalization,
arguing that they bud continuously from stable subdomain
295 We
argue this is because the folk affect concept "contempt"
296 stic X-ray response at the K-edge, which was
argued to be a probe of the charge order, is theoretical
297 observed in humans [1, 3, 5-7, 14] is often
argued to be continuous across primates [4, 15], it was
298 High allelic diversity in HLA is
argued to be maintained by balancing selection, such as
299 enous danger signals that have recently been
argued to facilitate neuroinflammation under various con
300 Fairness has long been
argued to govern human behavior in a wide range of socia