


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean.
2  characterizes commutator ideals in terms of arithmetic means.
3 = 1.5% of hsp65 sequences) and M. abscessus (arithmetic mean = 0.006% of hsp65 sequences).
4 were detected at low numbers: M. hemophilum (arithmetic mean = 1.5% of hsp65 sequences) and M. absces
5 e, Israel) and dated to 54.7 +/- 5.5 kyr bp (arithmetic mean +/- 2 standard deviations) by uranium-th
6 an = 85.7% of hsp65 sequences) and M. aurum (arithmetic mean = 6.5% of hsp65 sequences), are generall
7 ies located underneath corrosion tubercules (arithmetic mean = 67.5% of the community).
8  Mycobacteria present, M. frederiksbergense (arithmetic mean = 85.7% of hsp65 sequences) and M. aurum
9 ut the extent of peak distribution, like the arithmetic mean (A(o)) of NNDs, as well as about the hom
10   The extent of peak spreading, described by arithmetic mean (A(s)), gives an appreciation of the eff
11 HM) is mentioned in textbooks along with the arithmetic mean (AM) and the geometric mean (GM) as thre
12 ined using unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean analysis (UPGMA) of the micronutrient co
13 tching and unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean analysis, which may be applicable to oth
14                                     Weighted arithmetic means and the prevalence of 25(OH)D above or
15 n*/standard error serum creatinine level and arithmetic mean calculated glomerular filtration rate (+
16 ferent visual field locations, linear units (arithmetic mean) can more closely approximate mean gangl
17                             For example, the arithmetic mean concentration of 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlo
18                                    The Prior Arithmetic Mean estimator, the Posterior Harmonic Mean e
19 wer variance in fitness at the cost of lower arithmetic mean fitness.
20 iance in fitness at the expense of a lowered arithmetic mean fitness.
21        We obtain cancellation properties for arithmetic means: for principal ideals, a necessary and
22 lared to be the one for which the sum or the arithmetic mean is maximized.
23 y safety endpoint was the superiority of the arithmetic mean maximum decrease in haemoglobin concentr
24                                          The arithmetic mean mRNA signal intensity for these genes wa
25                                  Neither the arithmetic mean nor the geometric mean (based on a simpl
26  geometric standard deviation of 4.2, and an arithmetic mean of 1.72 kg/h.
27 scrimination (area under the ROC curve, AUC, arithmetic mean of sensitivity and specificity) was achi
28                                          The arithmetic mean of serum concentrations of gamma-tocophe
29  assumed for the reorienting particle is the arithmetic mean of the crystallographic packing radius a
30 n of nonemitting well pads, we find that the arithmetic mean of the well pads sampled in this study i
31 lts considering the response in terms of the arithmetic means of the peak areas.
32                                              Arithmetic means of VOCs in this study were 2-5 times lo
33                       We study properties of arithmetic mean operations on ideals, e.g., we prove tha
34 e by its sequence length and then taking the arithmetic mean over genes of these ratios.
35 4; however, most confidence intervals of the arithmetic means overlapped.
36 emma (IPD) is usually analysed by evaluating arithmetic mean pay-offs in an ESS analysis.
37 ensity-dependent manner and that an allele's arithmetic mean relative growth rate is greater than one
38                                              Arithmetic mean residential PNC scattered around the med
39 sis by the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic means resolved the 30 observed unique Borreli
40 ained from the eigensystem SV=VLambda of the arithmetic mean S of all pairwise quotients A(i)A(j)(-1)
41                                          The arithmetic mean score for the item "Likelihood of your r
42 mean */SE serum creatinine concentration and arithmetic mean +/- SE Cockroft-Gault creatinine clearan
43  mean*/SE serum creatinine concentration and arithmetic mean+/-SE calculated glomerular filtration ra
44                                          The arithmetic mean (+/-SEM) of serum concentrations of alph
45                                          The arithmetic mean serum concentrations of several PCB cong
46                               Similarly, the arithmetic mean serum concentrations of tri- to hexaBDEs
47              Even though TFT gets the larger arithmetic mean, the variance of its pay-off is also lar
48 w well the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) and neighbor-joining (NJ) trees
49 parsimony, Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean (UPGMA) and Neighbor-Joining algorithms.
50 e considered mean choroidal thickness as the arithmetic mean value of the 9 ETDRS sectors.
51 rquartile range, <486-38 120 copies/mL), and arithmetic mean VL was 64 064 copies/mL.
52 ry) mammalian dataset, a questionable use of arithmetic means with highly skewed data, and important

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