


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 als, ethanol and ethyl aromatics, and methyl aromatics.
2 bons and higher molecular weight substituted aromatics.
3  troublesome with methylenedioxy substituent aromatics.
4 e contributions of some of the alpha-subunit aromatics.
5  CalNex, about 5 times that from single-ring aromatics.
6 he biotic and abiotic hydrodehalogenation of aromatics.
7 edicted to be preferred for most fluorinated aromatics.
8 ortho borylations for a range of substituted aromatics.
9  more than 60wt% yield of low-molecular-mass aromatics.
10 rapping (TMT) to a series of key fluorinated aromatics.
11 y and completely degraded DOSS, alkanes, and aromatics.
12 w the specificity of preferring alkenes over aromatics.
13 tive to other known borepin-based polycyclic aromatics.
14  cyclohexene and related cyclic olefins into aromatics.
15 O, allowing the halogenations of deactivated aromatics.
16 f two isomeric borepin-containing polycyclic aromatics.
17 ains less lignin and less nitrogen bonded to aromatics.
18  molecular nanostructures of hexasubstituted aromatics.
19 actions between the nitronium ion and the pi-aromatics.
20 acceptors, acylating reagents, and activated aromatics.
21 and electronic structures of these nonplanar aromatics.
22 onolefinic byproducts, including alkanes and aromatics.
23 produce as much or more SOA than single-ring aromatics.
24 g indoles, anilines, and other electron-rich aromatics.
25  this strategy in the preparation of (hetero)aromatics.
26 for larger 2D N-substituted polyheterocyclic aromatics.
27 lysis, focusing mainly on other heterocyclic aromatics.
28 a multitude of commercially used halogenated aromatics.
29 with higher octane rating, 91, contained 35% aromatics.
30 and tertiary boronic esters to electron-rich aromatics.
31                             Three urea-based aromatics 1-3, each with distinct steric and electronic
32  of these families, i.e., o- and p-xylene as aromatics, 1-octene as an alkene, and n-octane as an alk
33 y of guests including alkanediamines (6-12), aromatics (14-32), amino acids (33-36), and nucleobases
34 s of the corresponding bis(1-chloronorbornyl)aromatics 2 are also obtained from preparative-scale rea
35     A wide range of per- and polyfluorinated aromatics (21 examples), including C6F6, C6F5CF3, C6F5CN
36 tions (DMSO, t-BuOK) with 1,2-bis(halomethyl)aromatics 6-15 to yield 4a-d and 16-24, which contain a
37 for the former and 50.0% for the latter) and aromatics (93.5% for the former and 74.2% for the latter
38                                    Among the aromatics, a strong bias toward Trp is clear, such that
39 s, branched alkanes, saturated cycloalkanes, aromatics, aldehydes, hopanes and steranes, and metals i
40 f UDOM contained more carbohydrates, amides, aromatics/alkenes and aliphatics, while smaller fraction
41             The method is general: alcohols, aromatics, amines, and phosphonates were all found to de
42 tribution of pure hydrocarbons (particularly aromatics and aliphatics) of the engine exhaust decrease
43  present in the reacting mixture, leading to aromatics and alkanes.
44 th previous work on the functionalization of aromatics and alkenes by Pd(II) salts.
45 hina, and the ambient VOCs were dominated by aromatics and alkenes.
46  by ProGolem detect interactions mediated by aromatics and by planar-polar residues, in addition to l
47 arger than the contribution from single-ring aromatics and comparable to that of polycyclic aromatic
48 erivatives, terpenes, alkyl ethers, ketones, aromatics and cyclic alkyl derivatives.
49 ion of carbon-based feedstocks into olefins, aromatics and gasoline.
50                        Various electron-rich aromatics and heteroaromatics are useful scaffolds in th
51  and selective reduction of nitro-containing aromatics and heteroaromatics can be effected in water a
52 ction with an array of pendent electron-rich aromatics and heterocycles thus efficiently providing cy
53 d process is more effective for deborylating aromatics and is generally more effective in the monodeb
54 liphatic enol (devoid of conjugated or bulky aromatics and lacking a 1,3-diketone structural motif kn
55 rvive in sites contaminated with chlorinated aromatics and may be useful for in situ bioremediation.
56 play a role in the metabolism of halogenated aromatics and of short, medium, and long chain fatty aci
57 s significantly increased, whereas condensed aromatics and tannins significantly decreased for the de
58    Specific systems such as the oxidation of aromatics and the current state of knowledge on OH-regen
59      The possible mechanistic roles of these aromatics and the further use of yeast genetics to disse
60                     The list of heterocyclic aromatics and the mass spectral library generated in thi
61 tively sensitive nature of the electron-rich aromatics and the paucity of commercial sources pose som
62     Biodiesel use led to minor reductions in aromatics and variable changes in carbonyls.
63 group fractions (including acids, carbonyls, aromatics, and aliphatics) were calculated to characteri
64 ses of odorants: pheromones, monoterpenoids, aromatics, and aliphatics.
65  wide range of NMHCs (alkanes, cycloalkanes, aromatics, and bicyclic hydrocarbons) are released at pa
66 otable compatibility with functional groups, aromatics, and certain heteroaromatic substituents.
67 ples include long-chain alkanes, halogenated aromatics, and cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMS).
68 ehyde, dimethyl ether, heavier hydrocarbons, aromatics, and hydrogen is also reviewed.
69 ed from various aromatic hydrocarbons, amino aromatics, and lignin monomers, also to beta-ketoadipate
70 ds in high yields acetals, ethanol and ethyl aromatics, and methyl aromatics.
71 s of hydrocarbons, including liquid alkanes, aromatics, and oxygenates, with carbon numbers (Cn) up t
72 l (SOA) originating from isoprene, terpenes, aromatics, and sesquiterpenes.
73 es, particularly alcohols, carboxylic acids, aromatics, and sulfides.
74 able to support growth, such as methoxylated aromatics, and those that have not yet been tested, such
75                                  Thus, polar aromatics appear to substitute for Trp-281 to allow red
76 ral amines such as aliphatics, benzylics, or aromatics are compatible with our reaction conditions as
77     Long, rigid guests such as p-substituted aromatics are either static or only tumble at elevated t
78                              Polyfluorinated aromatics are essential to materials science as well as
79                                              Aromatics are formed via Diels-Alder cycloaddition with
80                                   The higher aromatics are found to yield carboxymethyl lactones deri
81                                  Halogenated aromatics are one of the largest chemical classes of env
82          A variety of substituted polycyclic aromatics are readily prepared in good to excellent yiel
83            Our study suggests that, although aromatics are the minor component of polyesters, they pl
84                                   Brominated aromatics are used in many different applications but oc
85 carbonyls, aryl carbonyls, and electron-rich aromatics, are viable reaction partners, allowing Michae
86 c pathways for using environmentally derived aromatics as a carbon source.
87  cell assays of strain CBDB1 with brominated aromatics as electron acceptors.
88 e evolved the ability to utilize chlorinated aromatics as terminal electron acceptors in an energy-ge
89 e to the D4-F2.61V mutation are sensitive to aromatics at position 2.60 (D4-L2.60W, 7-20-fold increas
90                        The possible roles of aromatics at the end of the sixth transmembrane helix ar
91 tion of a series of borepin-based polycyclic aromatics bearing two different arene fusions.
92 xidation from the hydrosilane, electron-rich aromatics benefit from silane activation via oxidation t
93  exergonic electron transfer between neutral aromatics (benzenes and biphenyls) and their radical cat
94 zed, resulting in a decline in saturates and aromatics, but increases in resins and asphaltenes.
95 ol vinyl boronic ester and allyl-substituted aromatics by cross metathesis is reported.
96 tion of a wide range of low molecular weight aromatics by MWCNTs.
97  through the direct C-H functionalization of aromatics by the C-C coupling of halogen-free (hetero)ar
98 ral pathways for the anaerobic catabolism of aromatics by this strain.
99 catalytic processes, including alkylation of aromatics, catalytic cracking, methanol-to-hydrocarbon p
100 rmed when hydroxyl- and chlorine-substituted aromatics chemisorbed on Cu(II)O and Fe(III)(2)O(3) surf
101 er temperatures, the formation of oxygenated aromatics competes with the formation of CO(2), implying
102 (v/v) to 1.18% (v/v) while keeping the total aromatics constant.
103                In particular, lignin-derived aromatics containing guaiacol and veratrole motifs were
104  increased by up to 60% with increasing fuel aromatics content and decreasing engine thrust.
105 , and black carbon emissions with increasing aromatics content for all seven vehicles tested.
106                                          The aromatics content was varied from 17.8% (v/v) in the nea
107 luding oxygen content, hydrogen content, and aromatics content.
108                            Only three of the aromatics contribute significantly to DeltaGB1 at the ad
109                                  Alkenes and aromatics contributed to the largest fractions of photoc
110 -methoxycatechol (all proxies for oxygenated aromatics derived from benzene, toluene, and anisole) re
111   Although the signals of these heterocyclic aromatics diminished with distance, some were detected a
112 , pi-conjugated, boron-containing polycyclic aromatics, DTBs are promising building blocks for the ne
113 antly higher rates and higher selectivity to aromatics, due to lower activation barriers over the sol
114        Organic molecules ranging from simple aromatics (e.g., aniline and chlorobenzene) to the much
115 se influences the regiospecific oxidation of aromatics (e.g., from o-cresol, M180H forms 3-methylcate
116 es of alkanes, alkenes, aldehydes, alcohols, aromatics, esters, and ketones with high speed and high
117                                  The (hetero)aromatics evaluated were divided in different categories
118 matizing spirocyclization of alkyne-tethered aromatics far more effectively than the analogous unsupp
119 borepins (DTBs), boron-containing polycyclic aromatics featuring the fusion of borepin and thiophene
120  analysis by FID, paraffins, naphthenes, and aromatics form distinct two-dimensional separated groups
121 fuels with higher carbon numbers and/or more aromatics formed more SOA than fuels with lower carbon n
122 tential oxygenates as well as certain of the aromatics found in gasoline.
123  especially applicable to the oxygenates and aromatics found in gasolines.
124                              The toxicity of aromatics frequently limits the yields of their microbia
125                                 Removing the aromatics from ACSH with R. palustris, allowed growth of
126 nvironment, R. palustris removes most of the aromatics from ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX) treated co
127 obtaining large sulfur-containing polycyclic aromatics from thienyl precursors through iron(III) chlo
128  (methanogenesis), and cat23 (oxygenation of aromatics) genes in column cores suggested more extensiv
129 l)benzotriazoles with hetero- and benzenoid- aromatics give alpha-amino ketones that can be reduced b
130 ethylated Fc, contrary to non-organometallic aromatics giving mixtures of HO and MeO derivatives.
131 all vehicle/fuel combinations with the total aromatics group being a significant contributor to the t
132             Substitution for either of these aromatics had no effect on duplex probe recognition.
133     Unlike with other oxidants such as nitro-aromatics, halocarbons do not cause additional surface r
134 g of secondary alkylzinc reagents to (hetero)aromatics has been achieved with high selectivity with P
135 er-catalyzed Finkelstein reaction of (hetero)aromatics has been developed using continuous flow to ge
136  of secondary and tertiary boronic esters to aromatics has been investigated.
137 ucidation of the role of CBM and active site aromatics has been obscured by a complex multistep mecha
138 H bond cleavage over a wide range of (hetero)aromatics has been performed in an attempt to quantify t
139                                        These aromatics have counterparts in most TRP subfamilies.
140 es of such a system, known as 'electron-rich aromatics', have been studied in detail for a long time.
141                        The same heterocyclic aromatics identified in snow, lake sediments, and air we
142 ed as building blocks similar to alkenes and aromatics in a petroleum refining complex.
143 e activated carbon dioxide reacting with the aromatics in a typical electrophilic substitution.
144 sified as aliphatic, aromatic, and condensed aromatics in approximately equal measure, while aliphati
145 o investigate the orientation of overcrowded aromatics in films with submonolayer coverage.
146 tend the pi-conjugation of readily available aromatics in one-dimension is of significant value.
147                              The fluorescing aromatics in OSPW were proposed to be an important contr
148 ependent on the ratio of NO2(-) to activated aromatics in solution.
149                It appears that the conserved aromatics in the four locations have conserved functions
150 on accepting quinones and possibly condensed aromatics in the high-HTT chars.
151 oA pathway prevents total degradation of the aromatics in the hydrolysate, and instead allows for bio
152    This highlights the importance of suberin aromatics in the polymer's function.
153           Halogenated homo- and heterocyclic aromatics including disinfectants, pesticides and pharma
154 tobacterium dehalogenans can use chlorinated aromatics including polychlorinated biphenyls as electro
155 o the stationary phase; the hydrogen-bonding aromatics increase the rotational order of homogeneously
156 ential of such reactions in the formation of aromatics increased at a regular pace in the last few ye
157 r biological transformation of this suite of aromatics into selected aromatic compounds potentially r
158 mechanisms for the aqueous dehalogenation of aromatics involving nucleophilic aromatic substitution w
159                          The biosynthesis of aromatics is compromised in cue1, and the reticulate phe
160                   Because nitrogen bonded to aromatics is not readily plant-available, this observati
161 ng four compound classes (alkanes, alcohols, aromatics, ketones), and retention orders were objective
162 h decreased secondary structure, exposure of aromatics, loss of two coppers, and reduced oxidase acti
163 >/=80%) with low abundances of n-alkanes and aromatics (<5%), similar to "fresh" lubricating oil.
164 mation; [M](+*) for alkanes, ketones, FAMEs, aromatics, [M-H](+*) for chloroalkanes, and [M-H2O](+*)
165 lid soil components with a preference toward aromatics (mainly lignin).
166 d TRPML, suggesting that gate anchoring with aromatics may be common among many TRP channels.
167 obicity of chloro- versus methyl-substituted aromatics may partly explain the general preference for
168 is able to oxidize phenolic and non-phenolic aromatics, Mn(2+), and different dyes.
169 erogen (kerogen prefers and sorbs polars and aromatics more than saturates, leading to splitting of o
170 demonstrates a strict specificity for planar aromatics, nonplanar (+/-)-trans-7,8-dihydroxy-7,8-dihyd
171               For chlorinated and brominated aromatics, nucleophilic addition ortho to carbon-halogen
172                                          The aromatics-off mutant formed dimers and monomers but no t
173 top (lacking 41 C-terminal residues) and the aromatics-off mutants.
174                         The seven mutations (aromatics-off) were incorporated into the complete BChE
175                                          The aromatics-off/C571A mutant yielded only monomers.
176 e formed by the chemisorption of substituted aromatics on metal oxide surfaces in both combustion sou
177 orption interactions of low molecular weight aromatics on MWCNTs.
178  restricting the accessible conformations of aromatics on the surface.
179                       Furthermore, conserved aromatics one alpha-helical turn downstream from this po
180 on of biomass-derived furans and alcohols to aromatics over zeolite catalysts.
181                           Commonly monitored aromatics (parent and alkylated-polycyclic aromatic hydr
182 detection of Raman signals from coat protein aromatics, particularly tryptophan (W26) and tyrosine re
183                    Selectivity to oxygenated aromatics peaks at 350 degrees C while the catalyst is i
184 acement methods and is applicable to (hetero)aromatics, peptides, pharmaceuticals, common monosacchar
185          By linking the ortho-carbons of the aromatics positioned at C-4 and C-5, a fused framework i
186 nophile in this one-pot synthesis, makes the aromatics production much simpler and renewable, circumv
187                                        These aromatics provide anisotropic shielding to guests, and a
188 trostatic potential surfaces of the relevant aromatics provide useful guidelines for predicting catio
189 ron-rich heteroaromatics and 6-membered ring aromatics provided they had donor groups in the meta pos
190 me that the cyclotrimerization of acetyls to aromatics provides a promising approach to 2D conjugated
191 r acids, organic phosphates, hydroxyl acids, aromatics, purines, and sterols as methoximated and trim
192 ionations of eight pure oils into saturates, aromatics, resins, and asphaltenes (SARA), followed by e
193       Second, the DeOC containing saturates, aromatics, resins, and asphaltenes (SARA), was partially
194  indicated that the oxidation of fluorescing aromatics resulted in the opening of some aromatic rings
195                                        These aromatics-rich MOFs exhibit an exceptionally high hydrog
196  frameworks (MOFs) were constructed based on aromatics-rich octa-carboxylate ligands and copper paddl
197 the pi-basic pyrene with polarized push-pull aromatics should afford more powerful CPP activators.
198 k of dynamically coupled residues, with some aromatics showing increases in flexibility, which partia
199 ing acetylides, allyl silanes, electron-rich aromatics, silyl enol ethers, and silyl ketene acetals.
200   We used rheology to show that other planar aromatics, some cationic and one neutral dye (methylene
201  results highlight the fact that fluorinated aromatics stand distinct from their chloro- and bromo- c
202  primarily of highly substituted single ring aromatics, substituted furan/pyran moieties, highly bran
203                The VOCs studied here include aromatics such as benzene (1.03 pptv/ppbv CO), toluene (
204 ctly grafted, while unsubstituted polycyclic aromatics such as pyrene and perylene have been linked v
205 roups: ketones, aldehydes, amines, alcohols, aromatics, sulfur-containing compounds, phenyls, phenols
206 was formulated to meet a 35% by volume total aromatics target but with a higher octane number.
207  fuels were blended to meet a range of total aromatics targets (15%, 25%, and 35% by volume) while ho
208 ethionine, lysine, isoleucine, arginine, and aromatics, tend to promote stronger cooperative interact
209  include aliphatic hydrocarbons, single ring aromatics, terpenes, chlorinated solvents, formaldehyde,
210  the samples tend to be relatively poorer in aromatics than are meteorites and interplanetary dust pa
211 ncy have identified a variety of chlorinated aromatics that constitute a significant health and envir
212 ituted piperidines and substituted monocylic aromatics that mimic the delta-opioid receptor-ligand bi
213 cceptors; however, attached to electron-poor aromatics, they turn into quite strong donors.
214 any aerobic organisms degrade lignin-derived aromatics through conserved intermediates including prot
215 onger spacer arms that permit their tethered aromatics to adopt alternative orientations in the bindi
216 ligomers by covalently attaching overcrowded aromatics to each other.
217 d oxalic acids confirms the potential of oxy aromatics to produce light-absorbing aqueous secondary o
218 of structurally diverse monocyclic and fused aromatics to the corresponding primary and N-alkyl aryla
219 icles are a potential source of heterocyclic aromatics to the local environment, but other oil sands
220 d provides an example of how the toxicity of aromatics toward microbes can be circumvented by interfa
221 g relatively few interactions with conserved aromatics (Trp672 and Phe673) that are critical for 4E10
222 t defluorination of poly- and perfluorinated aromatics under oxidative conditions catalyzed by the mu
223 ed as solvent for electrophilic nitration of aromatics using a variety of nitrating systems, namely N
224 fication and ring opening of the single-ring aromatics vanillate and 3-O-methylgallate, which are com
225 r the detection of high explosives and other aromatics via a fluorescence quenching and enhancement m
226  application to oxidative cross-couplings of aromatics via decarboxylative/C-H or double decarboxylat
227 rmal aromatic C-H insertion on electron-rich aromatics was also achieved.
228                The selectivity towards C2 or aromatics was manipulated purposely by adding H2 into or
229 erial strain that metabolizes lignin-derived aromatics, was previously available.
230  guest molecules as opposed to planar, rigid aromatics, was synthesized via the Weak-Link Approach.
231 imuli, while carboxylic acids and aliphatics/aromatics were comparatively less effective in eliciting
232      Relative concentrations of heterocyclic aromatics were estimated and were found to decrease with
233 idation, two-ring and three-ring fluorescing aromatics were preferentially removed at doses <100 mg/L
234 oved at doses <100 mg/L Fe(VI), and one-ring aromatics were removed only at doses >/=100 mg/L Fe(VI).
235 yproducts, that is, alkenes, oxygenates, and aromatics, were not present in significant amounts.
236  The chemistry works best with electron-rich aromatics, which is in agreement with the idea that thes
237 y free of diaryl ketones by carboxylation of aromatics with a carbon dioxide-Al(2)Cl(6)/Al system at
238 thway provides insight into the reactions of aromatics with Ca that are relevant in the areas of cata
239 ronic esters can be coupled to electron-rich aromatics with essentially complete enantiospecificity.
240 otifs were also incorporated into polycyclic aromatics with five or six rings in the main backbone, a
241 amination of a variety of simple and complex aromatics with heteroaromatic azoles of interest in phar
242 ion is mandatory for label-free detection of aromatics with high sensitivity.
243 -interface membrane-proximal external region aromatics with hydrophobic residues of the transmembrane
244  result from the interaction of the oxidized aromatics with metal ion centers.
245 omatics with triethylsilane and nitration of aromatics with metal nitrate.
246                               Methylation of aromatics with the (CH3)3O+CF3SO3- in CF3SO3H and 2CF3SO
247  ionic hydrogenation of various ketones, and aromatics with triethylsilane and nitration of aromatics

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