


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y on the {100} facets is responsible for the arresting of {100} growing facets.
2                                Translational arrest of 5'-TOPs via 4EBP1/2 restricts RVFV replication
3 identify slow slip immediately following the arrest of a fast front as a phenomenon sufficient for th
4                           Furthermore, polar arrest of a replication fork still occurs in the absence
5                                  We show the arrest of A549 cells in the G(1) phase of cell cycle in
6 n Rpl22 causes a selective and p53-dependent arrest of ab T cell progenitors at the b-selection check
7                      Our cocktail induces an arrest of actin dynamics that initiates within seconds a
8 nd explains how chi recognition leads to the arrest of AddAB (and RecBCD) translocation that is obser
9  addition, MMSET knockdown led to cell-cycle arrest of adherent MM cells and reduced the ability of M
10 mutations in mice that caused cell-intrinsic arrest of adult B lymphopoiesis.
11 ne of these genes, TC004091, resulted in the arrest of adult eclosion.
12 CFC methods vary in their sensitivity to the arrest of adult neurogenesis.
13 xperiments, the net result appears to be the arrest of aggregation in an early, non-fibrillar aggrega
14        Dauer larvae are characterized by the arrest of all progenitor cell lineages at a stage equiva
15 ound mutant mice exhibit early developmental arrest of all tooth germs.
16  of cholinergic cells drives the coordinated arrests of all cilia.
17 llular arginine concentrations, resulting in arrest of AML blast proliferation and a reduction in AML
18 r deflection or motor activity led to a near arrest of angiogenesis in barrel, auditory and motor cor
19 ndings that nutrient deprivation leads to G2 arrest of animal germline stem cells, suggest that carbo
20                         This is the earliest arrest of any Cyclin known and places Cyclin B1 with cdk
21  maturation factors, resulting in a complete arrest of apoptotic-cell degradation.
22                     Here we show that growth arrest of AREG-silenced keratinocytes occurs in G2/M and
23  ceramide levels and induce G(0)/G(1) growth arrest of asynchronous MCF-7 cells.
24                                The prolonged arrest of ATR mutant cancer cells did not involve the at
25                              Pulse chase and arrest of autophagy at the pre-proteolysis stage reveal
26 e required for early B cell development, the arrest of B cell development does not result from disrup
27  and abrogated the IL-17-induced chemotactic arrest of B cells in response to CXCL12.
28  study, we characterized rabbit BM after the arrest of B lymphopoiesis and found a dramatic increase
29  adult rabbit BM does not solely explain the arrest of B lymphopoiesis.
30 hese enzymes destabilizes them, which causes arrest of bacterial growth.
31           Here, we show that BfiSR-dependent arrest of biofilm formation coincided with reduced expre
32 tion causes the slow down and eventually the arrest of biomass growth.
33                                Developmental arrest of Blimp1/Prdm1 mutant embryos at around embryoni
34 sion of the tumour vasculature, resulting in arrest of blood flow and subsequent collapse of tumours,
35 vestigated whether the same mechanism causes arrest of both DNA transactions.
36 n through Stk11 (Lkb1) loss abrogates growth arrest of Braf(V600E) melanocytic nevi, but is insuffici
37 rtical arterioles severe enough to result in arrest of capillary perfusion.
38  and Bmp4 signals and suffices to rescue the arrest of cardiac differentiation caused by loss of RBPJ
39 ong 5272 adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest of cardiac etiology not observed by responding em
40 ortality existed for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest of cardiac origin only (p for interaction = 0.05
41 ctors, especially in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest of cardiac origin.
42                                              Arrest of cardiomyocyte contraction either by troponin T
43                            The proliferation arrest of cardiomyocytes is accompanied by binucleation
44 machineries for the proliferation and growth arrest of cardiomyocytes is imperative.
45 mage response (DDR) and permanent cell cycle arrest of cardiomyocytes.
46 e upstream signal that results in cell-cycle arrest of cardiomyocytes.
47 ubility could be one of the main factors for arrest of caries lesions treated with SDF.
48 vival, growth advantage, and differentiation arrest of CD34+ progenitors from patients in CML blast c
49  disruption of morphogenesis results from an arrest of cell convergence in the anterior neural plate.
50  dramatic accumulation of c-Jun and p21Cip1, arrest of cell cycle at G(2)/M, selective apoptosis of p
51 us recombination repair pathway and (ii) the arrest of cell cycle at the G2/M checkpoint.
52 bition did not prevent the cisplatin-induced arrest of cell cycle in S phase, nor did it induce de no
53                                    9f caused arrest of cell cycle of MCF-7 and HL-60 cells at G0/G1 p
54 treated and NSC 724998-treated cells show an arrest of cell cycle progression in both S and G(2)-M an
55 ntrosome duplication and cohesion as well as arrest of cell cycle progression.
56                       This RelA/p65-mediated arrest of cell death led to enhanced OC differentiation.
57                                              Arrest of cell differentiation is one of the leading cau
58  protein expression levels can increase upon arrest of cell growth and division, which we confirm exp
59 ated heterotrimeric G protein leading to the arrest of cell growth in the G1 phase to prepare cells f
60 on of either of these two genes leads to the arrest of cell growth, and it induces a response that in
61 Cell senescence is a process of irreversible arrest of cell proliferation and plays an important role
62 y excised upon Cre expression, leading to an arrest of cell proliferation and pronounced enhancement
63 when disk boundary reaches the threshold the arrest of cell proliferation throughout the disk is indu
64 cs the events triggered by FGF4 deprivation: arrest of cell proliferation, formation of giant cells,
65        The permanent and irreversible growth arrest of cell senescence is a central paradigm of aging
66 fsK is activated by signals generated by the arrest of cell wall synthesis and directly communicates
67  through nutrient depletion, or the specific arrest of cell wall synthesis, sensitized cells for LytA
68 Pdr1 by Zuo1 or Ssz1 causes premature growth arrest of cells during the diauxic shift, as they adapt
69 s study, we show that TFII-I promotes growth arrest of cells in a signal-dependent manner.
70  loss of a functional vacuole and a specific arrest of cells in early G1 phase.
71 ERK1/2 leads to cell cycle dysregulation and arrest of cells in G(0)/G(1) phase subsequently leading
72  a dose-dependent induction of apoptosis and arrest of cells in G(2)-M phase.
73 ormation, formation of mitotic spindles, and arrest of cells in mitotic phase.
74 osphorylated, pheromone triggers an aberrant arrest of cells outside G1 either in the presence or abs
75  autophagy pathway causes the permanent G2/M arrest of cells with a single DSB that is reflected in t
76 ional phenotypes such as embryo lethality or arrest of cellulose production but any1 plants are viabl
77 nhibitor cilostamide, causes profound growth arrest of chemoresistant KM12C colon cancer cells.
78 ibroblast growth factor (FGF)-induced growth arrest of chondrocytes is a unique cell type-specific re
79 eover, as Cx-43 has been shown to facilitate arrest of circulating tumor cells at the vascular endoth
80 ium." The disorder results from intrauterine arrest of compaction of the loose interwoven meshwork of
81                Metformin induces significant arrest of cystic growth in both in vitro and ex vivo mod
82 amil, an amiloride analog, caused cell cycle arrest of D54-MG cells in G(0)/G(1) phases (by 30 and 40
83 2G2019S disrupts this function, delaying the arrest of damaged mitochondria and consequently slowing
84      In contrast with an early developmental arrest of dek1 buds, dek1loop develops aberrant gametoph
85 ted within species and also confirm that the arrest of development does not tend to occur preferentia
86 d myeloid cells of microglial phenotype, and arrest of disease development.
87 hogenic follicular T(H) and T(H)17 cells and arrest of disease progression.
88 e involves recovery from checkpoint-mediated arrest of DNA replication.
89 eplication protein A phosphorylation and the arrest of DNA synthesis following UV irradiation.
90 e in vivo following a DNA damage-independent arrest of DNA synthesis showing that loss of DnaE-GFP fo
91 nd centriole engagement during premeiotic G2 arrest of Drosophila male meiosis.
92 in the stromal compartment, resulting in the arrest of embryo growth and early pregnancy loss.
93                    Ablation of Cdk1 leads to arrest of embryonic development around the blastocyst st
94 ion (DeltaN-Zfp36l2) leads to two-cell stage arrest of embryos derived from the homozygous mutant fem
95                Our data indicate that growth arrest of endoreplicating cells is primarily attributed
96 impaired retinoid signaling resulted from an arrest of entry of the undifferentiated spermatogonia in
97 verse biological processes, including growth arrest of epithelial cells and proliferation of fibrobla
98 initiates development by releasing the prior arrest of female meiosis, degrading certain maternal mRN
99  surface results in the rapid pili-dependent arrest of flagellum rotation and concurrent stimulation
100 flowering to seed maturation caused an early arrest of floral development and sterility.
101  tissue on the inflorescence stem, and early arrest of floral meristems and floral organ primordia.
102 eletion of Flcn recapitulates the pro-B cell arrest of Fnip1(-/-) mice.
103  recombinant protein, resulted in a complete arrest of folliculogenesis in mice.
104  formed in mab1 (RNAi) mutants leading to an arrest of further germline development.
105                    PK4 activity leads to the arrest of global protein synthesis in schizonts, where o
106 lls with these inhibitors is associated with arrest of growth, induction of late apoptosis/necrosis,
107  abnormal cell division, leading to an early arrest of GSC differentiation.
108 Depletion of Krox20 lineage cells results in arrest of hair growth, confirming the critical role of K
109 wn also inhibited the Ca2+(o)-induced growth arrest of HEKs and the Ca2+(o)-induced expression of ker
110 e first time that HNE caused G2/M cell cycle arrest of hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 (p53 wild type)
111 ) have excessive endogenous RA, resulting in arrest of hf growth at the hair germ stage.
112  Brussels sprouts, induces a G(1) cell-cycle arrest of human breast cancer cells, although the direct
113 or E6 binding to p300/CBP in blocking growth arrest of human keratinocytes in the presence of interfe
114 ndent kinase inhibitor responsible for G0/G1 arrest of human melanoma cells grown on fibrillar collag
115 or D-1MT can efficiently reverse IDO-induced arrest of human T-cell proliferation has not been clarif
116 i-inflammatory mechanism of P3G involves the arrest of IkB-alpha activation and reduction in JNK(MAPK
117       Interestingly, p40 was involved in the arrest of IL-12 receptor (IL-12R) IL-12Rbeta1, but not I
118 recurrently evolving trigger for the meiotic arrest of interspecific F1 hybrids.
119            In this study, we report that the arrest of KRas-driven cancer cells in S-phase upon Q dep
120  a developmental delay and 100% lethality by arrest of larval development at the third instar.
121 rescue the primary and lateral root meristem arrest of latd mutants.
122    The plant-fungus interaction leads to the arrest of lateral root growth with simultaneous attenuat
123             With advancing gestation, growth arrest of left heart structures became evident in fetuse
124 nst atherosclerosis by causing proliferation arrest of lesional macrophages, suggesting that drugs ta
125 s leukemia stem cells and induces cell-cycle arrest of leukemia cells.
126 genetic subtypes, one shared hallmark is the arrest of leukemic myeloblasts at an immature and self-r
127 n macrophages in non-antiviral states and an arrest of lipid metabolic pathways in macrophages at ant
128 new hypothesis that HCC arises by maturation arrest of liver stem cells.
129 treatment triggers a stringent G1 cell cycle arrest of LNCaP (lymph node carcinoma of the prostate) h
130                 Gait freezing is an episodic arrest of locomotion due to an inability to take normal
131  therapeutic approach for the prevention and arrest of lymph node metastasis.
132 ass of multi-target inhibitor leading to the arrest of M. tb growth through a cumulative inhibition o
133 abortion of female carpels in the tassel and arrest of male stamens in the ear.
134 3) in the mammary gland have two phenotypes: arrest of mammary alveolar/lobular development and mamma
135 o phenotypes exhibited with 100% penetrance: arrest of mammary alveolar/lobular development and mamma
136 stimulated proliferation and reversed growth arrest of mammary epithelial cells negatively affecting
137 ll-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) induces growth arrest of many cell types.
138                       We determined that the arrest of maturation of ILT4-positive DCs by HLA-G ligan
139  as a major component of ATRA-induced growth arrest of MCF-7 cells and identify S6K as a novel downst
140 ypothesized that the monocytes assist in the arrest of MDA-MB-231 on the endothelium.
141 eptual paradigm for understanding the growth arrest of melanocytic nevi in vivo termed stable clonal
142  limits are invariably governed by the local arrest of microscopically small cracks at microstructura
143 hand motifs of Miro mediate Ca(2+)-dependent arrest of mitochondria and elucidate the regulatory mech
144                           The Ca(2+)-induced arrest of mitochondrial motility was also promoted by Mi
145  of cell size, and demonstrate that complete arrest of mitosis occurs when cell area falls below a cr
146 duces premature cell differentiation and the arrest of mitotic activity in the root apical meristem,
147 he G2/M phase of the cell cycle, with stable arrest of mitotic progression.
148                                    Since the arrest of Mlh1(-/-)Rec8(TEV/TEV) oocytes is alleviated b
149 sion of MLL-AF6 target genes, and cell cycle arrest of MLL-AF6-transformed cells.
150 oietic cells, have both been associated with arrest of monocyte-derived dendritic cell (DC) different
151 vascular flow model, KYNA triggered the firm arrest of monocytes to both fibronectin and ICAM-1, via
152  and docetaxel (20 mg/kg i.p.) led to growth arrest of most tumors as shown by an inhibition of tumor
153 mbrane, and these changes correlated with an arrest of motility at the cell edge.
154           Deficiency of CD11c decreased firm arrest of mouse monocytes on vascular cell adhesion mole
155  only marginally decreased Ccl2-induced flow arrest of myeloid cells.
156 ression, and that Ascl1 can rescue the early arrest of neural development in the absence of Neurog2.
157 r surface triggered beta2 integrin-dependent arrest of neutrophils rolling on selectins but impaired
158 evelopmentally compromised somatic cells and arrest of newly hatched larvae.
159 ared with a group of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest of nonneurological origin.
160 expression of Skp2 rescues the proliferative arrest of Nor1-deficient VSMC.
161 xic molecules that selectively induce growth arrest of normal cells in the G1 phase while inducing a
162  inherited genetic variation contributing to arrest of normal lymphocyte development, facilitating le
163  chromosomes at the nuclear periphery and an arrest of nuclear envelope breakdown.
164 wborns initiates degeneration and maturation arrest of oligodendrocyte lineage and that BMP inhibitio
165       This ordering follows from the kinetic arrest of oligomer association into long-lived partially
166  infertility in D. sechellia due to maternal arrest of oogenesis.
167 not affect optic vesicle position but caused arrest of optic cup formation.
168 KK complex in osteoclast precursors, causing arrest of osteoclastogenesis and apoptosis.
169 omicron suggests that Oxe may mediate growth arrest of other anaerobes in oxygenated environments.
170 xo1 was biochemically inactive and led to an arrest of otoconia genesis, characterized by a complete
171 reviously, we found that cAMP-induced growth arrest of PC12 and NS-1 cells requires Epac2-dependent a
172  signaling in the PSM result in an immediate arrest of periodic WNT activation, whereas NOTCH-depende
173 erculosis inhibition of Rab7 acquisition and arrest of phagosomal maturation depends on Rab22a.
174  activity indicative of a role in this early arrest of phagosome maturation.
175 d persons could lead to global translational arrest of physiologically relevant enzymes and proteins,
176 t cells of the mouse placenta causes a fatal arrest of placental morphogenesis.
177 hesion, which are likely responsible for the arrest of plaque growth and improvement of vascular mech
178 tion of Gbeta1 but not Gbeta4 resulted in an arrest of pLLP migration.
179 ifers is a barrier to fertilization in which arrest of pollen tube development is mediated by allele-
180 g documentation during the first 96 hrs post arrest of "poor" prognosis, diagnostic tests for neuropr
181  or age >/=18 years) who had a non-traumatic arrest of presumed cardiac cause and met initial and fin
182 enrolled 950 unconscious adults with cardiac arrest of presumed cardiac cause from 36 intensive care
183 ll 939 patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest of presumed cardiac cause that had been included
184 nscious adults after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest of presumed cardiac cause to targeted temperature
185 nscious survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest of presumed cardiac cause, hypothermia at a targe
186 5, we included adult out-of-hospital cardiac arrest of presumed cardiac pathogenesis.
187                  Survival of out-of-hospital arrest of presumed primary cardiac origin improved from
188  senescence is an irreversible proliferation arrest of primary cells and an important tumor suppressi
189  were downregulated during the proliferative arrest of primary human keratinocytes and HeLa cells, an
190 thors analyzed 8,216 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests of primary cardiac etiology during the years 200
191 uce S-phase-specific cytotoxicity due to the arrest of progressing replication forks.
192 independent progression of cell identity and arrest of progression by signals facilitates accurate pa
193                                              Arrest of progressive cerebral demyelination and prevent
194          Although IFN-gamma is essential for arrest of progressive tuberculosis, it is insufficient f
195  embryonic rat brains, we observe cell cycle arrest of proliferating neural progenitors at three dist
196              Cellular senescence is a stable arrest of proliferation and is considered a key componen
197 both thermal deactivation and solvent-driven arrest of protein motions in the crystal.
198  pathway toward catastrophe by promoting the arrest of protofilament elongation.
199 ts of aristolochic acid are linked to growth arrest of proximal tubular epithelial cells; however, th
200 cell death (PCD) that is associated with the arrest of Pst growth.
201 107 dephosphorylation and FGF-induced growth arrest of RCS (rat chondrosarcoma) chondrocytes.
202 t affect DNA integrity both directly and via arrest of replication fork progression and that the phos
203 on catalyzed by RNA polymerase I (pol I) and arrest of replication forks approaching the Ter sites fr
204  as inhibition of this enzyme results in the arrest of replication of PI4K IIIbeta-dependent viruses.
205 b does not mediate the initial proliferative arrest of retinal neurons, but may indirectly induce arr
206  a failure of the teeth to erupt and with an arrest of root development.
207 riptional activation (abi3-1) indicated that arrest of root growth by 9-NAE-H(P)OD requires an intact
208 etrant phenotype characterised by a complete arrest of RP development, with lack of Lhx3/Lhx4 express
209 ironments, some of which may favour a growth arrest of Salmonella facilitating immune evasion and the
210 cells (SCs) during development results in an arrest of SC differentiation.
211 SCs have failed secondary to early embryonic arrest of SCNT embryos.
212  Using optical tweezers, we demonstrate that arrest of SecM-stalled ribosomes can indeed be rescued b
213 mal beta-oxidation as shown by developmental arrest of seedlings germinated without sucrose, accumula
214 gene expression and ultimately leading to an arrest of segmentation.
215 ic plants consists of three major processes: arrest of shoot apical meristem, organ senescence, and p
216 or (EGFR) are required to promote cell cycle arrest of specified cells and antagonize S-phase entry i
217 sis of meiotic spermatocytes and postmeiotic arrest of spermatid differentiation.
218        Loss of PTIP led to the developmental arrest of spermatocytes, testicular atrophy, and inferti
219 e male knockout mice were sterile due to the arrest of spermatogenesis at an early round spermatid st
220 ferous epithelium, which led to the complete arrest of spermatogenesis at step 13.
221 cesses: disengagement of the spindle halves, arrest of spindle elongation, and initiation of interpol
222                           Here we report the arrest of spontaneous seizures using a real-time, closed
223 which creates in turn, the potential for the arrest of spontaneous ventilation, especially in unmonit
224 ot CCL27/CTACK, was sufficient to induce the arrest of SS cells in the microvasculature.
225  situation (zip1Delta), Pch2 mediates robust arrest of stalled recombination complexes, likely via nu
226 ize sex determination pathway results in the arrest of stamen in ear spikelets and the abortion of pi
227 tant mice exhibited formation and subsequent arrest of supernumerary tooth germs that correlated with
228 ratinocytes is counterbalanced by the growth arrest of suprabasal keratinocytes in the stratified epi
229 ized throughout the axon and phenocopied the arrest of sybII retrieval in synaptophysin knock-out cul
230 w that genetic ablation of GLUT4 leads to an arrest of synaptic vesicle recycling during sustained AP
231                             We show that the arrest of synaptogenesis is not a secondary consequence
232 nalysis of T cell maturation confirmed early arrest of T cell differentiation at the T cell progenito
233 in of 76 kDa (SLP-76), for example, cause an arrest of T cell positive selection, whereas a synthetic
234 T is also critical in overcoming IDO-induced arrest of T-cell proliferation.
235 1MT does not effectively restore IDO-induced arrest of T-cell proliferation.
236 nt to promote prolonged TGF-beta1-induced G2 arrest of TECs, limiting the cells' potential for repair
237 inhibits ovarian cancer cells by inducing G1 arrest of the 3+Ecad- subpopulation through the inductio
238 competitive, originating from conformational arrest of the binding sites, and that the five alpha7 su
239  SHP-2 mutations are coupled with a delay or arrest of the cardiac cell cycle in M-phase and a failur
240                Compound 2j determined a G2/M arrest of the cell cycle and also activated a strong apo
241 roliferation as a result of a G(1)-->S phase arrest of the cell cycle and increased apoptosis in resp
242 ulation of anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-XL, an arrest of the cell cycle at the G0/G1 phase, and eventua
243               As this inhibition may lead to arrest of the cell cycle in G2, these findings provide a
244 spholipase C-mediated signaling pathway, and arrest of the cell cycle in the stressed ovary at 1 d af
245                     DDR involves a temporary arrest of the cell cycle to allow for the repair of the
246 al episome stability and abrogated sub-G1/G1 arrest of the cell cycle while increasing the efficiency
247 s and that this activity involves G(2)-phase arrest of the cell cycle with a distinctive increase in
248 hat by imposing an anoxia-induced reversible arrest of the cell cycle, the cells are prevented from e
249  not cause obvious damage to cellular DNA or arrest of the cell cycle.
250 f T cell receptor-proximal signaling and the arrest of the cell cycle.
251  of p16(INK4a) and p21(Waf1); (iii) G1-phase arrest of the cell cycle; and (iv) decreases in mRNA and
252                     It is well accepted that arrest of the cell division in the epimastigote stage, b
253  (N+C)-LP was also able to induce cell cycle arrest of the cells, specifically in the G1 phase thereb
254  in vivo but surprisingly also causes growth arrest of the cells.
255 g the imprinted FWA promoter overcomes cycle arrest of the central cell in the Arabidopsis female gam
256 ion causing deafness resulting from a growth arrest of the cochlea duct at day 13.5 of embryonic deve
257 ntal part of this regulation consists in the arrest of the cycle at particular points to ensure the c
258 triggers a durable p38- and p53-dependent G1 arrest of the daughter cells despite normal division of
259  signaling in the mouse PSM, resulting in an arrest of the dynamic cyclic gene expression and ultimat
260 to clinical practice may help to achieve the arrest of the epidemic of allergies and chronic airways
261 Inactivation of Eya1 in mice causes an early arrest of the inner ear development at the otocyst stage
262 /ncko)) both exhibit bud-stage developmental arrest of the mandibular molar tooth germs while their m
263  region of the M mRNA leads to translational arrest of the mRNA.
264                        Uniform translational arrest of the nascent chains is achieved using a stallin
265 1B-mediated phosphorylation is necessary for arrest of the oocyte at G2-prophase, but it is unclear w
266  PGC' phenotype as a result of G2 cell cycle arrest of the P4 blastomere.
267 ia as their selective inhibition leads to an arrest of the parasite's growth and cures malaria in a m
268                             rBbKIm caused an arrest of the PC3 cell cycle at the G0/G1 and G2/M phase
269            Further analysis revealed a G0/G1 arrest of the phase cell progression and apoptosis, link
270 2,3 mutants varies among shoot systems, with arrest of the primary vegetative shoot meristem occurrin
271 arameters showed substantial and significant arrest of the progressive time course of disease with tr
272  not decreased by aphidicolin-induced growth arrest of the target cells.
273                                              Arrest of the tetraploid cell cycle is therefore potenti
274 esult in a hypoxia-induced quiescence (G0/G1 arrest) of the cancer cells, making them resistant to ke
275  and function (specifically, induction of G2 arrest) of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-
276 vity was known for 42% of patients with home arrest; of these, 52% were determined to be asleep at ti
277 ere 7235 adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; of these, 5505 met inclusion criteria.
278 derives from the compaction process, yet the arrest of this process can still be compatible with life
279                                Developmental arrest of thymocytes is prevented by the introduction of
280         Alone, 9H10 monotherapy reversed the arrest of TILs with carcinoma cells in vivo.
281 nterior clefting of the secondary palate, an arrest of tooth development at the bud/early cap stages,
282 ither gene exhibit cleft palate and an early arrest of tooth formation.
283 s of these antibiotics leads to preferential arrest of translation at defined sites, resulting in red
284 inferred initiation sites after drug-induced arrest of translation initiation, validating many of the
285  a cell-free translation system resulting in arrest of translation when the corresponding codon enter
286 ences as a composite structure that provokes arrest of translation.
287  chaperones in the endoplasmic reticulum and arrest of transport along the secretory pathway with div
288       Notably, inhibition of CCR8 led to the arrest of tumor cells in the collecting lymphatic vessel
289 lls in the G1 phase while inducing a mitotic arrest of tumor cells resulting in selective killing of
290 ion led to more significant cell cycle G0/G1 arrest of tumor cells.
291 phage phenotype, and assists TRXR1-regulated arrest of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-induci
292        Knockdown also resulted in the growth arrest of tumor xenografts.
293                                           On arrest of tumour cell proliferation with TMZ, pulse-chas
294 y slows proliferation and induces cell cycle arrest of various cell lines.
295  syncytiotrophoblast layers, resulting in an arrest of vascular branching morphogenesis.
296  demonstrate that the TGFbeta-induced growth arrest of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is associ
297 ectedly, the rapamycin hypersensitive growth arrest of vip1-1 cells was dependent on the presence of
298 inhibition of this PI4K isoform leads to the arrest of viral replication.
299 ed biological activity as measured by growth arrest of whole cells in response to alpha factor.
300 cid (ACC) of the Glc-dependent developmental arrest of wild-type Arabidopsis seedlings requires the H

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