


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hoto-oxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid to artemisinin.
2 e storage of phytotoxic compounds, including artemisinin.
3 7' varieties, produce more arteannuin B than artemisinin.
4 re is no consensus on biochemical targets of artemisinin.
5  fundamental to the metabolic engineering of artemisinin.
6 R pathways mitigate protein damage caused by artemisinin.
7  pregabalin, memantine, and the antimalarial artemisinin.
8 f arteannuin B as a new precursor source for artemisinin.
9 d light, and the output is pure, crystalline artemisinin.
10 gence of Plasmodium falciparum resistance to artemisinins.
11  by parasites with reduced responsiveness to artemisinins.
12 ith an antiparasitic profile comparable with artemisinin (1), with no cross-resistance in a resistant
13 al anomalies was similar for first-trimester artemisinin (1.5% [95% CI 0.6%-3.5%]) and quinine exposu
14 tabolites including 22 sesquiterpenes (e.g., artemisinin), 26 monoterpenes, two triterpenes, one dite
15                                              Artemisinin, a sesquiterpene lactone produced by Artemis
16 tion fingerprint with that generated from an artemisinin ABPP equivalent confirms a highly conserved
17 inst drug resistance in comparison with pure artemisinin (AN).
18 ulating gametocytes is needed in areas where artemisinin and ACT resistance is prevalent.
19 zymatic conversion steps are central to both artemisinin and arteannuin X biosynthesis.
20                                              Artemisinin and its derivatives (ARTs) are frontline ant
21 in the network may improve the production of artemisinin and its precursors.
22               To meet the growing demand for artemisinin and make it accessible to the poorest, an in
23 cilitate low-cost production and delivery of artemisinin and other drugs through metabolic engineerin
24 inin-piperaquine failures are caused by both artemisinin and piperaquine resistance, and commonly occ
25 ated with clinical or in vitro resistance to artemisinin, and many African mutations appear to be neu
26 sk of miscarriage associated with the use of artemisinins anytime during the first trimester (n = 37/
27 nce that the final steps in the synthesis of artemisinin are nonenzymatic in vivo.
28 ovide biochemical and cellular evidence that artemisinins are potent inhibitors of Plasmodium falcipa
29                                              Artemisinins are the cornerstone of anti-malarial drugs.
30        The recent emergence of resistance to artemisinin (ART) and its partner drugs in ART-based com
31 dium falciparum relies almost exclusively on artemisinin (ART) combination therapies (ACTs) in endemi
32 asites that have decreased susceptibility to artemisinin (ART) derivatives and ACT partner drugs, res
33                                          The artemisinin (ART)-based antimalarials have contributed s
34                                              Artemisinin (ART)-based combination therapies are the mo
35  Experimental evidence suggests that when an artemisinin (ART)-sensitive (K13 wild-type) Plasmodium f
36  the content of dihydroartemisinic aldehyde, artemisinin, artemisinic acid and arteannuin B content o
37 affected the activity of this pathway toward artemisinin, artemisinic acid, and arteannuin b but also
38             Thus, reports that resistance to artemisinins (ARTs) has emerged, and that the prevalence
39                                    3 days of artemisinin as part of an artemisinin combination therap
40 meric structures, which combine two units of artemisinin, as lead compounds of interest.
41  the recent and rapid decline in efficacy of artemisinin-based combination (MAS3) on the Thailand-Mya
42                                              Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) are recom
43                                              Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) are the f
44                                              Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) are the m
45                                              Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) are the m
46                         The worldwide use of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) has contr
47                                              Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) have been
48 o trials comparing its efficacy with that of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) in Latin
49                       The global adoption of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) in the ea
50  adhering to this recommendation to restrict artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) to positi
51 timalarial chemotherapy, globally reliant on artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), is threa
52 r' drug from another class, and are known as artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs).
53 by the emergence and spread of resistance to artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs).
54                         Prolonged courses of artemisinin-based combination therapies are currently ef
55                   In western Cambodia, where artemisinin-based combination therapies are failing, the
56                                              Artemisinin-based combination therapies are the first li
57       Accumulating evidence of the safety of artemisinin-based combination therapies for the treatmen
58 ne and wide availability of highly effective artemisinin-based combination therapies, it is time to r
59  threatens the long-term clinical utility of artemisinin-based combination therapies, the cornerstone
60 ecting man, have been reduced in part due to artemisinin-based combination therapies.
61 hat this might relate to the introduction of artemisinin-based combination therapies.
62                              The efficacy of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) and rectal a
63 tests, and treat positive malaria cases with artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) and those wh
64                              The efficacy of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for Plasmodi
65                                              Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) has become t
66                                              Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) is the first
67 nosis and treat confirmed malaria using oral artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) or rectal ar
68                            Administration of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) to infant an
69 the current malaria treatment, the so-called Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT).
70 T-positive children able to swallow received artemisinin-based combination therapy (Coartem).
71 ic assessment of the therapeutic efficacy of artemisinin-based combination therapy are warranted.
72 laced sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) with an artemisinin-based combination therapy as the first-line
73 as also associated with a modest increase in artemisinin-based combination therapy coverage (3.56 per
74  and supports a unified treatment policy for artemisinin-based combination therapy for all Plasmodium
75                The combination of MB with an artemisinin-based combination therapy has been confirmed
76 outheast Asia threatens the continued use of artemisinin-based combination therapy in endemic countri
77 commendations to use rapid diagnostic tests, artemisinin-based combination therapy, and rectal artesu
78 c study in Uganda of the most widely adopted artemisinin-based combination therapy, artemether-lumefa
79 ingle low doses of primaquine, when added to artemisinin-based combination therapy, might prevent tra
80  partner drug used in the leading first-line artemisinin-based combination therapy.
81 days, followed by a standard 3-day course of artemisinin-based combination therapy.
82 raquine (DP) is an effective, well tolerated artemisinin-based combination therapy.
83                       Quinine or alternative artemisinin-based combination treatment (ACT) is the rec
84 e the costs of preventive malaria treatment (artemisinin-based combination treatment [ACT]) for all c
85 to pyronaridine-artesunate as an alternative artemisinin-based combination treatment for malaria in s
86                                              Artemisinin-based therapies are the only effective treat
87 omoter variation, DBR2 expression levels and artemisinin biosynthesis capabilities are discussed and
88 gene-terpene network that is associated with artemisinin biosynthesis in self-pollinated (SP) Artemis
89 rted the oral delivery of a non-protein drug artemisinin biosynthesized ( approximately 0.8 mg/g dry
90 evealed that the consequence of blocking the artemisinin biosynthetic pathway is the redirection of s
91 e for a series of oxidation reactions in the artemisinin biosynthetic pathway.
92 split dosing should be incorporated into all artemisinin combination regimen designs.
93                                              Artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs) are used worldw
94           The efficacy of CQ and alternative artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs) for vivax malar
95 western Kenya pre- and post- introduction of artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs) were genotyped
96 um malaria were randomized to receive 1 of 3 artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs) with or without
97 lciparum threatens to reduce the efficacy of artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs), thus compromis
98 (LLINs), indoor residual spraying (IRS), and artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs).
99 nin (or its semisynthetic analogs), known as artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs).
100 measures: early case management with quality artemisinin combination therapies (avoiding artesunate m
101  Unfortunately, more recent remedies such as artemisinin combination therapies have been rendered les
102 ug resistance, causing high failure rates of artemisinin combination therapies in some areas.
103 ion, emerging resistance to partner drugs in artemisinin combination therapies seriously threatens gl
104 nt front-line antimalarial treatments, ACTs (artemisinin combination therapies), the discovery of nov
105 um malaria depends greatly on treatment with artemisinin combination therapies.
106 needed in the face of emerging resistance to artemisinin combination therapies.
107 n-piperaquine has been adopted as first-line artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) for multidrug-resi
108 ne, the partner drug in the local first-line artemisinin combination therapy (ACT).
109    Molecular markers that predict failure of artemisinin combination therapy are urgently needed to m
110                                              Artemisinin combination therapy effectively clears asexu
111 ata of early treatment failures with an oral artemisinin combination therapy in a pre-artemisinin res
112          3 days of artemisinin as part of an artemisinin combination therapy regimen might be insuffi
113                          The benefits of 3-d artemisinin combination therapy regimens to treat malari
114 t of these efforts has been the promotion of Artemisinin Combination Therapy, but despite these effor
115 o first-line antimalarial therapy, including artemisinin combination therapy, chloroquine, and sulfad
116  alongside mass treatment strategies with an artemisinin combination therapy, has been suggested as a
117 artemisinin, is a component of a widely used artemisinin combination therapy.
118 rmation regarding the safety and efficacy of artemisinin combination treatments for malaria in pregna
119                              The efficacy of artemisinin-combination therapy (ACT) continues to be ex
120  compound that could replace the fast-acting artemisinin component and harbor additional gametocytoci
121                            Surprisingly, the artemisinin component typically makes a negligible contr
122 associated with first-line treatment with an artemisinin derivative compared with quinine.
123 rasite clearance in patients treated with an artemisinin derivative or an ACT.
124 ty data in human pregnancies, have prevented artemisinin derivatives from being recommended for malar
125 ong first-trimester pregnancies treated with artemisinin derivatives versus quinine or no antimalaria
126 d onset of action and potent activity of the artemisinin derivatives while exhibiting greatly improve
127              Upon short-term exposure (4 h), artemisinin derivatives, quinine and mefloquine impacted
128 parasite clearance rate after treatment with artemisinin derivatives.
129 ic features that overcome the liabilities of artemisinin derivatives.
130 ts recent developments on different types of artemisinin-derived dimers and their structural and func
131 ant malaria DNA, which confers resistance to artemisinin drugs, was also demonstrated.
132 loss in a sensitivity analysis restricted to artemisinin exposures during the embryo sensitive period
133 tress pathways associated with resistance of artemisinin family anti-malarials, we observe growth inh
134  B (g g(-1) , dry weight, dw) and 0.17-0.25% artemisinin (g g(-1) , dw), the levels of which were sig
135 Youyou Tu for her work on the development of artemisinin has been universally welcomed by the Interna
136 py, but despite these efforts, resistance to artemisinin has begun to emerge.
137                                              Artemisinin has paved the way for the current malaria tr
138 Recent reports that resistance has arisen to artemisinins has caused considerable concern.
139 cribed as 'The discoveries of Avermectin and Artemisinin have revolutionized therapy for patients suf
140 m falciparum parasites that are resistant to artemisinins have been detected in Southeast Asia.
141                                Resistance to artemisinins, however, has emerged in Southeast Asia.
142 ore effective than a comparable dose of pure artemisinin in a rodent malaria model.
143 role in the biosynthesis of the antimalarial artemisinin in Artemisia annua.
144 hat WP overcomes existing resistance to pure artemisinin in the rodent malaria Plasmodium yoelii.
145 rican allele, was found to be susceptible to artemisinin in vitro on a ring-stage survival assay.
146 proaches half the concentration observed for artemisinin in wild-type plants, demonstrating high-flux
147 elling exercises, that twice daily dosing of artemisinins increases malaria parasite killing and so c
148                                              Artemisinin-induced dormancy is a proposed mechanism for
149                    In nonimmune populations, artemisinin-induced P. falciparum clearance is related t
150   Antimalarial immunity correlates with fast artemisinin-induced parasite clearance and low pitting r
151 thway for artemisinic acid, the precursor of artemisinin, into the high-biomass crop tobacco.
152                                              Artemisinin is an important antimalarial drug, but, at p
153                                              Artemisinin is highly effective against drug-resistant m
154                          The primary cost of artemisinin is the very expensive process used to extrac
155 n resistance by quantifying the contribution artemisinins make to the overall therapeutic capacity of
156  lumefantrine and mefloquine, and the active artemisinin metabolite dihydroartemisinin.
157 age in first-line falciparum treatments with artemisinin (n=183) versus quinine (n=842; HR 0.78 [95%
158 = 0%, p = 0.228), in the risk of stillbirth (artemisinins, n = 10/654; quinine, n = 11/615; aHR = 0.2
159                                              Artemisinin-NO-donor hybrid compounds show promise as po
160 ining identified 47 genes that mapped to the artemisinin, non-amorphadiene sesquiterpene, monoterpene
161 ls (n = 40) with monotherapy arms containing artemisinin or a derivative (76 arms).
162 the flow of artemisinic aldehyde into either artemisinin or arteannuin B, we determined the content o
163                                   The use of artemisinin or other endoperoxides in combination with o
164 in kelch13 and other loci that contribute to artemisinin or partner drug resistance.
165  of malaria are combination drugs containing artemisinin (or its semisynthetic analogs), known as art
166 um falciparum-infected patients treated with artemisinins, parasitemia declines through so-called pit
167 nal enzymes known to affect flux through the artemisinin pathway.
168 pared with other antimalarial drugs with the artemisinin pharmacophore.
169 nt antimalarial drugs are combinations of an artemisinin plus a 'partner' drug from another class, an
170                                     The high artemisinin producers (HAPs), which includes the '2/39',
171  more artemisinin than arteannuin B; the low artemisinin producers (LAPs), which include the 'Meise',
172 e quinine, extracted from cinchona bark, and artemisinin (qinghao), extracted from Artemisia annua in
173 hole intact plant cells bioencapsulating the artemisinin reduced the parasitemia levels in challenged
174 riod of a rapid increase in the emergence of artemisinin resistance (2001-2014).
175            K13 mutations conferring moderate artemisinin resistance (notably E252Q) predominated init
176             We explored the relation between artemisinin resistance and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquin
177  sensitivity tests and molecular markers for artemisinin resistance and for contextualising the 'day
178 ese data present PI3P as the key mediator of artemisinin resistance and the sole PfPI3K as an importa
179    The underlying mechanisms associated with artemisinin resistance are poorly understood, and the im
180                       Throughout, we examine artemisinin resistance as an example to emphasize challe
181          We investigate the likely impact of artemisinin resistance by quantifying the contribution a
182                                              Artemisinin resistance can be tracked using the K13 mole
183 tantial benefits in reduction of pressure on artemisinin resistance evolution, delaying its emergence
184 ant further investigation for involvement in artemisinin resistance evolution.
185                                              Artemisinin resistance extends across much of Myanmar.
186          The molecular epidemiology of these artemisinin resistance genotypes in African parasite pop
187 smodium falciparum infections worldwide, but artemisinin resistance has risen rapidly in Southeast As
188                        Elevated PI3P induced artemisinin resistance in absence of PfKelch13 mutations
189           Data suggests genetic signature of artemisinin resistance in Africa might be different from
190 efforts to reduce the emergence or spread of artemisinin resistance in African parasite populations.
191      We find PI3P levels to be predictive of artemisinin resistance in both clinical and engineered l
192 sts that the PfKelch13 mutations that confer artemisinin resistance in falciparum malaria have multip
193  declining malaria transmission and emerging artemisinin resistance in northwestern Thailand.
194       Although polymorphisms associated with artemisinin resistance in P. falciparum in Southeast Asi
195 om parasite clinical isolates that displayed artemisinin resistance in patients and in vitro, and use
196                                    Suspected artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum can be e
197                                              Artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum has emer
198  anopheline mosquitoes, and the emergence of artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum in south
199   K13 gene mutations are a primary marker of artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum malaria
200                                              Artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum threaten
201                                              Artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum threaten
202 r failures of monotherapy and is linked with artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum.
203 d by PK4 kinase activity plays a key role in artemisinin resistance in recrudescent malaria infection
204                             The emergence of artemisinin resistance in Southeast Asia imperils effort
205                                 Emergence of artemisinin resistance in southeast Asia poses a serious
206 y been shown to be important determinants of artemisinin resistance in Southeast Asia.
207 arasite populations that are associated with artemisinin resistance in Southeast Asian parasites.
208  large-scale surveillance efforts to contain artemisinin resistance in the Greater Mekong Subregion a
209 s, further suggesting their role in emerging artemisinin resistance in the Greater Mekong Subregion.
210                             The emergence of artemisinin resistance in the malaria parasite Plasmodiu
211                       The high prevalence of artemisinin resistance in this recent malaria outbreak s
212 m patients with acute malaria and found that artemisinin resistance is associated with increased expr
213                       In Preah Vihear, where artemisinin resistance is emerging, ten (16%) of 63 pati
214                             In Pursat, where artemisinin resistance is entrenched, 37 (46%) of 81 pat
215 ransmission and immunity on the emergence of artemisinin resistance is important particularly as incr
216       In the Greater Mekong subregion (GMS), artemisinin resistance is increasingly compounded by par
217                                              Artemisinin resistance is rapidly spreading in Southeast
218 s had recrudescence and in Ratanakiri, where artemisinin resistance is rare, one (2%) of 60 patients
219          PfKelch13 mutations associated with artemisinin resistance lead to decreased abundance of Pf
220                                              Artemisinin resistance observed in Southeast Asia threat
221 ions are that public health surveillance for artemisinin resistance should not rely on kelch13 data a
222     K13 appears to be a major determinant of artemisinin resistance throughout Southeast Asia.
223 and implemented comprehensively if spread of artemisinin resistance to other regions is to be avoided
224                                              Artemisinin resistance to P. falciparum, which is now pr
225                               No evidence of artemisinin resistance was found outside Southeast Asia
226 ain polymorphisms previously associated with artemisinin resistance were not identified.
227          Mutations in the Kelch13 marker for artemisinin resistance were present in 93% of samples, m
228                      K13 mutations linked to artemisinin resistance were uncommon and did not increas
229 rasite clearance distributions in an area of artemisinin resistance with the aim refining the in vivo
230 modium falciparum K13 mutations (a marker of artemisinin resistance) in reducing treatment efficacy r
231                     To monitor the spread of artemisinin resistance, a molecular marker is urgently n
232  transformed approaches to the monitoring of artemisinin resistance, allowing introduction of molecul
233 3 mutations were tested for association with artemisinin resistance, and extended haplotypes on chrom
234  relationship between parasite clearance and artemisinin resistance, as well as the predictive value
235 ain-carrying protein K13 are associated with artemisinin resistance, but the underlying molecular mec
236                     Despite the emergence of artemisinin resistance, few alternative non-ACTs, includ
237 f the kelch protein K13 gene associated with artemisinin resistance, implying mutants in this gene ma
238 ress made in defining the molecular basis of artemisinin resistance, which has identified a primary r
239 h13 propeller gene mutations associated with artemisinin resistance--a non-synonymous Cys580Tyr subst
240 ed prior to 2004, preceding the emergence of artemisinin resistance-associated genotypes and phenotyp
241  both parasite clearance time (PCt(1/2)) and artemisinin resistance-associated kelch13 genotypes over
242 are now tracking the emergence and spread of artemisinin resistance.
243 hromosome 10 that may epistatically modulate artemisinin resistance.
244 cal boundaries and population frequencies of artemisinin resistance.
245 porter) also showed strong associations with artemisinin resistance.
246 rum Kelch13 (PfKelch13), a primary marker of artemisinin resistance.
247  a useful adjunct in tracking and containing artemisinin resistance.
248 vealed parasite genetic loci associated with artemisinin resistance.
249 ller mutations are important determinants of artemisinin resistance.
250 involved in a pathway recently implicated in artemisinin resistance.
251                                              Artemisinin resistant falciparum malaria is an increasin
252 y enhance and restore drug effectiveness" in artemisinin resistant P. falciparum malaria infections.
253 ral artemisinin combination therapy in a pre-artemisinin resistant P. falciparum Thai isolate in this
254                                     However, artemisinin resistant parasites have recently emerged in
255 l in tracking the emergence and/or spread of artemisinin resistant parasites.
256                      The current epidemic of artemisinin resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Southeast
257 hemical differences between PfKelch13-mutant artemisinin-resistant and -sensitive strains of P. falci
258                                              Artemisinin-resistant falciparum malaria has emerged in
259 f-life provided a predicted likelihood of an artemisinin-resistant infection which depends on the pop
260 ue of 10% predicts the potential presence of artemisinin-resistant infections in most but not all sce
261                    We show that contemporary artemisinin-resistant isolates from Cambodia develop and
262    As part of studies on the epidemiology of artemisinin-resistant malaria between Jan 1, 2008, and D
263 ogens into plantation areas, most worryingly artemisinin-resistant malaria parasites.
264 ATION: Our results suggest that the dominant artemisinin-resistant P falciparum C580Y lineage probabl
265             We aimed to assess the spread of artemisinin-resistant P falciparum in Myanmar by determi
266              The emergence and spread of fit artemisinin-resistant P falciparum parasite lineages, wh
267 This mechanism may mitigate the emergence of artemisinin-resistant P. falciparum in Africa.
268 mmunological conditions for the expansion of artemisinin-resistant P. falciparum.
269                                              Artemisinin-resistant parasites also exhibit decelerated
270 outside of the kelch13 locus associated with artemisinin-resistant parasites may yield new molecular
271                  These findings suggest that artemisinin-resistant parasites remain in a state of dec
272                               The ability of artemisinin-resistant parasites to infect such highly di
273 opeller sequencing to identify and eliminate artemisinin-resistant parasites.
274  support a widespread selective sweep for an artemisinin-resistant phenotype, the impact of these mut
275 uence the emergence of Plasmodium falciparum artemisinin-resistant phenotypes and genotypes over time
276                             The emergence of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Southeast
277                         As the prevalence of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria incr
278                                              Artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum parasites ar
279  from hemoglobin (HBalpha and HBbeta) in the artemisinin-resistant strains.
280 uyou Tu for the discovery of avermectins and artemisinin, respectively, therapies that revolutionized
281 ess to important industrial compounds (e.g., artemisinin, resveratrol, vanillin).
282                                    Assessing artemisinin safety requires weighing the risks of malari
283   Of the tested secondary plant metabolites, artemisinin, scoparone, lactucin and esculetin all induc
284 w doses of this beta2-selective inhibitor in artemisinin-sensitive and -resistant parasites.
285  phenotype, the impact of these mutations on artemisinin susceptibility is unknown and will require f
286 ngqing' and 'Anamed' varieties, produce more artemisinin than arteannuin B; the low artemisinin produ
287 study of Plasmodium falciparum resistance to artemisinin, the frontline antimalarial drug.
288                                              Artemisinins, the most effective antimalarials available
289 al burden of malaria, emerging resistance to artemisinin threatens these gains.
290 ia chemotherapy progressing from quinine and artemisinin to ozonide-based compounds.
291 ce and combinatorial stimulation by low-dose artemisinin to photoactivate PPIX to produce cytotoxic r
292 ient and appropriate foods for administering artemisinin to those infected with malaria.
293 ug resistant Plasmodium falciparum including artemisinin-tolerant parasites highlights the need for n
294        No genetic similarities were found to artemisinin-tolerant parasites recently described in Cam
295 relate with parasite clearance half-lives in artemisinin-treated patients.
296                         Compared to quinine, artemisinin treatment in the first trimester was not ass
297 ss the effect of first-trimester malaria and artemisinin treatment on miscarriage and major congenita
298                     The relationship between artemisinin treatments (artesunate, dihydroartemisinin,
299 hibit no or minimal change in sensitivity to artemisinins, when compared with parental strains.
300                                              Artemisinins, which are derived from plants, are subject

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